Chapter 13: A meeting in the woods
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"Of course you're not." I chuckled nervously but then realized what he said. "Wait, what? Really? After all that happened yesterday?" My eyes searched his blue ones for answers.
Obi-Wan laughed, leaning one of his hands against the tree nonchalantly next to my head while the other waved around as he spoke. "I'm not one to hold a grudge, princess."
I sighed in relief but then he suddenly turned grimm, his free hand taking mine and holding it up between us as he examined it. He was probably trying to figure out what I did to his arm and how I did it, maybe he was thinking of some kind of glove.
"Although I really would like to know what it was exactly that made you able todefeat me." Obi-wan continued as he traced the palm of my bare hand with his clothed finger.
Feeling flustered about the way he was touching me, I freed my hand from his hold and held it close to my chest. I looked down from his intense gaze as I held my hand tightly, a blush making its way towards my cheek.
"Why did you want to meet, my darling?" Obi-Wan took a small step back, allowing me some room to breathe.
"I... I came to warn you." I looked back at him after trying to get my shit together. Stop feeling so damn flustered, Lyanna. You're not some teenage girl with raging hormones.
"Warn me?" Obi-Wan smirked as he leaned his head closer. The way he stood he seemed confident and almost relaxed, as if he wasn't face to face with an enemy. "Here I thought you declared war on us not so long ago."
"It's complicated." I narrowed my eyes. That's it, don't let him seduce you. He's the one who invaded your planet and killed some of your people. You need to regain control now. I placed my palm flat on his chest as I defiently looked right at him.
"I'm sure it is." Obi-Wan's eyes widened slightly for just a few seconds but long enough for me to notice his surprise.
"You see, I'm prepared to save you from almost certain death." I said as my fingers played with his armor and then slowly travelled towards his jaw.
"You are?" Obi-Wan tried to seem collected but I could see the hesitation in his eyes and the way he shuffled uncomfortably under my touch. His eyes darted between my hand and eyes. I remembered the fact that jedi weren't supposed to form attachments, let alone sexual relationships. For as far as I knew Obi-Wan he seemed like one who wouldn't ever defy those rules, making it his weak point.
Give him a taste of his own medicine. "Of course." I smiled seducingly. "You see, you pissed us off and we would really like to get our so called weapon back before you do something stupid." My fingers traced his jaw slowly, making him shiver beneath my touch.
"So we're prepared to offer you a deal." My hand rested on his cheek.
"Go on." Obi-Wan frowned but never glanced away from my eyes. He made no attempt whatsoever to stop my hand from touching him, much to my surprise.
"You return our so called weapon and we will give you safe passage to your dear republic. We have some spare ships since yours were blown to pieces." My finger softly traced his cheek. "You can go on saving planets or whatever you do and we can live here peacefully and totally seperated from everything around us."
Obi-Wan shook his head as he chuckled lightly. "I can't do that." He looked back at me. "We won't give you your weapon back until we've figured out what it does and how harmful it can be."
It was like something snapped inside of me. I groaned in frustration and pushed him off of me with my hands on his chest, rushing past him and escaping from his hold. "How stupid are you?!" I turned back towards him. "Do you not see what is happening here?!"
Obi-Wan crossed his arms before his chest and huffed. "I think I made it perfectly clear-"
"They're coming for you!" I yelled at him, my frustration fully coming out as tears clouded my vision. "What you're keeping is not a weapon, it's a damned prison holding the strongest, most powerful Valarjar to ever exist in this goddamned galaxy! He will kill every last living thing he encounters after you set him free."
I looked away from him after seeing his surprised eyes and turned around, hugging myself to try and calm down. "He will stop at nothing." My voice croaked.
Obi-Wan's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, his hand going up to stroke his beard as he narrowed his eyesin thought. "If that is true,"
I turned back towards him and watched how he looked at me with symphaty.
"Then I will make sure that he won't get far." He noticed how I sighed deeply and plumbed down to the ground in defeat. He knelt down before me, his hand touching my knee. "You have to understand my darling, I need to find out what it is myself. I can't just simply trust you no matter how much I want to."
I looked back up at him and examined him with tears rolling down my cheeks. His golden hair, that was glowing orange due to the setting sun was hanging before his gentle eyes and his brows were lifted with symphaty.
"Then you understand that my people have no choice but to try and take it back." I said.
Obi-Wan nodded and sighed. His hand went up to my cheek, placing the lock of hair that was hanging before it back behind my ear before he wiped away a tear with his thumb. "I do." He looked at me as he softly placed his hand on my cheek, holding my face close.
My stomach was doing flips and my palms were sweating beneath his touch. It felt like fire was cracking beneath his fingers, begging to become bigger. My lips quivered as I glanced at his, my hands going up and fidgeting with his armor.
"Lyanna," he whispered, making me glance back up at his eyes. "Come back with me. That way we don't have to fight when your people come."
I suddenly yolted back, standing up after brushing off his hands. "You think I care about my life? You think I worry about fighting you?" I frowned. "The only thing I care about right now is making sure that people don't die for nothing which, surprisingly, you are making almost impossible."
Obi-Wan only sighed in response. I wasn't getting far with this meeting. Besides the fact that nobody back in Eagle's Fall knew about it, Obi-Wan would never budge. Knowing that it was time to leave now, I unwrapped my wings behind my back. He immediatelly glanced at them, taking in their imense size.
"I'm the Val'kyr, jedi." I spread my wings. "Saving people during a battle is what I do. I won't cower behind anyone's back."
"I never believed you would." He got up and took my sword with him, handing it over after he had walked towards me. "Be safe, my darling."
"You too, jedi." I took a few steps back to give myself some more room for the take off. I had already lifted both wings up when I glanced at him again. "When it comes to it and we meet each other in battle, don't try to capture me."
Obi-Wan lifted his eyebrow as he crossed his arms before his chest.
"Just bloody kill me because I sure as hell won't hesitate again."
The next day, when the sun was already setting, I was fiddling with my armor as I walked towards the front of the landing platform. It was already crowded with hundreds of our warriors and our gryphons, all saddled and ready to enter battle.
On the contrary to the simple silver armour that our warriors wore, I had lighter adamantium plates covering my body and instead of a breastplate I had my own tunic. Plus, I had a small bag hanging from my waist with all the med-supplies I needed. My red hair was braided back from my face which had two red stripes on each cheek.
"You look ready for battle." Aidan noted with a big smile when I arrived at the front. Next to him stood Stefan and my uncle, both of them also dressed in silver armour. They both wore a blue tabard over it with the sigil of the royal family on it: the rearing griffin. My uncle though was fully dressed in a black scaled suit made out of iron.
"Maybe on the outside." I scoffed and gave up readjusting my wristplate. "On the inside I'm dying."
"Always so dramatic." Aidan laughed, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be all right, sister."
"Tell that to the women who are about to loose their husbands." I sighed and gazed into the distance. The sun was setting on the lake of Eagle's fall, casting red and orange shadows over the still waters.
"I know, I know." I interrupted my brother before he could say anything. "and I understand, we need to get that cage back. I just wished that all of this could've ended differently."
"You and me both. You did your best, that's all you can do." He smiled at me encouragingly and took me away from the others so we could talk in private. "Listen, I..."
He sighed deeply and then took my hand in his. "I know that sometimes I'm a dick and I know that I screwed up basically half your childhood. But I came to love you through the years Lyanna. even though you may not be my sister theoratically, you are to me now."
"Thanks, Aidan." I smiled back at him. It was when I was 12 that I was accepted into the family. Let's just say that young Aidan didn't like the competition back then.
"What I wanted to say is, I know that this is hard for you right now. You've got a tender heart which doesn't allow you to go to war as easily as I do. But sometimes, you have to let go of your beliefs to achieve something even greater." He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Right now that means going to war with the Republic."
I sighed and looked down. "I don't know Aidan, something just doesn't feel right about this."
"It never does." He patted my shoulder. "Orders are orders though and even though father is sick, I don't want to get on his bad side right now."
I chuckled as he took me back to the small group of commanders. "Where's the defiant rebel I know and what have you done with him?"
Aidan laughed and swung his arm around my shoulders. "He's probably dead."
"Are you ready?" Stefan looked between us two. "Sun is almost down."
I glanced back at the last rays of sunshine from behind the hills. When they were gone, it seemed like my hopes for peace had vanished too. "As ready as I'll ever be."
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