Prologue: A Miracle And A Moteling
The sun melted into the horizon as Eary stared out the window of his childhood friends' room. It has been about four years now since Ephraim got sick. Eary spent most of his free time by his friends' side. Through doctor visits and treatments. But now, it seemed that time was closing the book on this part of Eary's life. His parents had sat him down the other day. They had explained that although Eary was a great friend and did all he could. God was getting ready to take Ephraim home.
Eary sat alongside his friend's broken and sick body. It seemed like forever ago that the two played at the park and in the yard. Now, he doesn't speak. A tube now supplies the meals he and Ephraim used to goof around during.
Eary placed his hand on Eph's forehead. His smooth scalp, a reminder of the things that have been lost. Eary sobbed a soft, deep agony. He was told that Ephraim could still hear him. In a soft voice between sobs, Eary reassured,
"Hey Eph! It's me, it's Eary."
As he spoke, the cracking of pain in his voice overwhelmed the boy, as a deep cry came after.
Lisa, Ephraim's mother, entered the room.
Mrs. Bennett sat next to the small boy of twelve. Placing her arm around the boy, she explained, "You've done so much for him and have been such a good friend. I can't thank you enough."
With tears streaming down his face, he replied, "I... I... think... I.... wanna stay here tonight with him." Lisa nodded in understanding as the two sat and watched Ephraim's labored breathing.
The hours passed like days as Eary's entire world slipped away before his eyes. The dim light from the window gave way to enshrouding darkness as Eary sat quietly by his friend's side. Mr. And Mrs. Bennett came into the room. They brought Eary his pajamas and sleeping bag and insisted on him getting some rest. The kindly couple helped the preteen unroll his sleeping bag and settle in for the night.
Eary lay there. His closed eyes could not shield him from the reality of Ephraim's heavy, irregular breaths. Rising from his usual resting spot. Eary crawled to his friend's side. Tears filled his eyes as he stared down at the friend he had cherished so deeply. In his desperation, he began to pray. It wasn't uncommon for Eary or anyone to pray over a sick friend. Eary, however, had a purpose. In his bones, he could feel it. He knew if he prayed hard enough, he could make a difference. He had tried many times before. Sometimes, Ephraim would get better. Sometimes nothing. Eary began to fear there was, in fact, nothing he could do at all.
Taking a deep breath, he extended his hands. Pressing them to the boy's heart, he prayed. "Please, God. I'll do anything for Ephraim to live! Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."
A moment later, Eary's hands erupted in a dazzling display of blue shimmering lights. The luminous marvel began to spread from Eary's hands, spreading through Ephraim's body. As he became completely filled with light, a great explosion of the luminous beams shot forth from the sick young man.
Eary in a panic leaped from the bed and hid in his sleeping bag. He clenched his eyes. Too afraid to move or speak. "Airbear?" A familiar voice called out to him. Turning his head in the now fully lit up room. Ephraim was standing, perfectly healthy, by the light switch.
"A-are you seeing this?" He stammered, his eyes wide in disbelief. The two stared at each other. Speechless by the revelation.
A moment later, Ephraim's parents burst in. Staring at their son, they immediately embraced him. "It's a miracle!" Brian, his father, exclaimed, sobbing between each word. Eary watched on in disbelief as the Bennett family was restored .
A few days later, Eary couldn't be happier. He and Ephraim had picked up seemingly where they had left off.
Not only that, but he was the talk of the town. News reporters, people from their church and strangers alike would come from far and wide to talk to the 'Miracle Kid'. Eary couldn't be more pleased.
Because of all the attention Ephraim was getting, he had decided not to reveal the events of that night to anyone.
After a day of playing with his newly restored friend. Eary retired to his room for the evening.
"Good night, Mom! Good night, Dad! I love you!" Eary called out his door before closing the door of his room. He was getting comfy under his covers. His mind raced with new possibilities of all the times he and Ephraim could enjoy.
The moment was disturbed by the distinct sound of wrapper crinkling.
"What is that?!" He thought as he urgently turned on his bedroom light. Grabbing a street hockey stick propped up on the wall, he approached the source of the noise; His wastebasket.
"A rat?" He thought as he extended the stick, quickly tipping the contents of the bucket to the floor. As the basket hit the floor, a blue luminous blur of light and fur came rolling out.
"Hey, what's the big idea!?" A small blue creature groaned in a heavy Boston accent. Eary screamed in surprise. The little creature screamed in response.
Eary's bedroom door flew open, and his father Mitchell burst into the room. "What is it half-pint?" He asked in haste.
Eary stammered to collect himself. As he caught his breath, he managed to spit out. "There's a little blue man in my waste basket."
Mitchell looked at his son. His mouth moved into a faint grin. "Ok, let's have a look around for this blue man."
Eary nodded in nervous agreement as his father proceeded to examine the dark corners of Eary's bedroom.
"Nothing here, half-pint." Mitchell retorted, waving up his hands. As he did, the blue creature manifested behind him.
Taking its fingers and pulling at its mouth, it stuck its long tongue out at the young boy.
"See! He's right there!" Eary exclaimed, pointing directly over his father's shoulder.
"Ok, I think someone is overly tired." Mitchell stated as he guided his youngest to bed. Tucking the reluctant Eary in, Mitchell assured his son it was just his imagination. Eary nodded in hopeful compliance as his father shut off the light and closed the door.
Eary didn't get much sleep that night. The constant sound of a bag of chips being eaten filled the hours.
In the groggy early morning, Eary arose and searched his room for the mysterious culprit. In a pile of his dirty clothes, he found the instigator.
The little blue man lay motionless in the pile of clothing. Tapping it didn't seem to help. Small bottles that smelled of his parents' party drinks lay strewn about. Along with the wrappers of Eary's secret snack stash.
Eary tapped the unusual creature, "What are you?" he exclaimed. A few more taps and Eary began to become concerned. "Are you dead, little man?" He whispered as he hesitantly examined the creature. It seemed to be breathing but would not wake from his mysterious slumber. Eary gathered a shoe box and scooped the unusual creature up with a shirt. "Better keep you safe while I'm at school." He muttered to himself as he stashed the box in his closet for safe keeping.
This day was a special day for Eary. It was Ephraim's first day back at school since he got sick. The two clung to each other like always. But when the bell rang, Ephraim couldn't play later, as his grandparents were visiting. Eary sighed and nodded as he exited the bus.
Entering his home, Eary quickly headed to his room to complete his daily homework. As he unpacked his supplies. He was hit in the back of the head by a book.
He grabbed his head, holding it in pain. "Hey you, fuck face! Who do you's think you's are?" A thick accented voice rang out from behind.
Eary turned just in time to dodge his hockey stick. As he examined the situation, his eyes widened in awe.
His hockey stick was floating in mid air, wielded by the small creature from the night before. Radiating from what appeared to be the creatures buttocks, was the miraculous blue light that had saved Ephraim.
"Wait!" Eary called out as the tiny critter wound up for another swing.
"And why should I? Huh? You's was gonna bury me alive!" The little creature angrily protested.
Eary waved his hands defensively as he exclaimed "No, no, no! I was just putting you somewhere safe because I thought you were sick."
The small creature took his swing, despite the protests. "Liar! I've seen those coffins used on all manner of small adorable creatures like myself. You're disgusting!" He swung again.
This time Eary caught the stick in his hands. "I'm not gonna hurt you!" He uttered under the small creatures impressive might.
"Then prove it!" The tiny glowing blue man grunted back.
Eary exclaimed in dismay still holding the stick "How? What do you want?"
The creature quickly blurted out, "Pickle juice, and plenty of it!" Eary looked on perplexed "Pickle juice? Is that what you eat?" "Hmph, more than I'd like."
Eary nodded "Alright, if I let go and you don't hit me, I think we have pickles in the fridge." The glowing blue creature agreed to the truce as Eary left to go fetch the pickles.
Returning to his room, Eary brought a wide variety of snack and goodies along with the Pickle juice.
"Hey! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" The creature exclaimed as he hovered over to Eary.
"I thought you might be hungry. And I know you like snacks." He proudly stated, beaming from ear to ear.
"Well that's certainly kind of ya. What's your name, kid?" The long eared blue gremlin asked as he peeled open a pack of cookies.
"Eary! What's yours?" He replied in inquisitive wonder.
"Name's Mote." The creature replied as he downed the whole bottle of pickles. "Ah, that's better. Say Eary, be a pal and go grab Mote some water would ya?" Eary nodded in enthusiastic compliance as he took the creatures commands.
After Mote's meal, he began to look around, "Pretty nice set up ya got here."
Eary stared on in wonderment "You like it?"
Mote nodded casually "Well it ain't the Ritz but it ain't half bad. Got great room service too! A moteling could get used to a place like this!"
Eary inquired in awe "Is that what you are?"
Mote who had made a nest on Eary's pillow replied "Sure am. At least I think so. Feels right."
Eary replied in disbelief "Are there more of you?"
Mote shook his head "Not that I've seen in a long time. Pretty much been on my own for awhile, yet."
Eary smiled in childish enthusiasm "You could stay here with me!"
Mote glanced around, "Yeah sure, why not. Just until I find my own kind, got it?" Eary nodded in excitement. The small moteling covered himself up in Eary's bed and announced "Alright then, you's can be a sport a turn off the light."
Eary's jaw dropped in shock, "Wait, what?! You're going to bed? In my bed?! Where will I sleep?"
Mote yawned as he rolled over "Not my problem, kid. Now make yourself scarce. Mote needs his shut eye!"
Eary protested "I don't think so buddy!" Storming off he returned a few minutes later. Dragging a large trunk behind him.
"What's that?" Mote called out from his little nest.
Eary was fast away setting up a small bed and a dish of water. "It's your new house!" Eary proudly proclaimed.
Mote examined the chest. "Fuck you!" The small flying moteling protested in a burst of blue.
Eary stuttered in recoil "I-I'm sorry. But you're small and need less space. This is your bed now." Eary gestured towards the small trunk.
Mote shook his head smugly "Nope! I'm pretty sure you could fit in there. I think that's your bed. Not mine."
Eary sighed "Please! My parents are going to wonder why I sleep in a trunk now."
Mote scoffed "Fine! But don't say I never did anything for ya. This is sinful, this is." As he flew into the large chest, the lid slammed shut.
Eary sat in disbelief at the events that had overtaken his life. He felt blessed beyond words. First Ephraim got better. Now he had a magic pet that his brother Josh couldn't say he's allergic to.
After the events of the day, Eary eagerly awaited to see if his new friend was awake or not yet. As Eary entered his room after supper, he was surprised to see the moteling playing on his computer.
"What are you up to Mote?" He inquired, eager for a response.
"Just been catching up with some online friends of mine." Mote explained casually.
Examining the screen Eary stated "Are you playing cards?"
Mote shrugged off the question "Nah, nah. So you're like the rest of the human larva. You go to bed early?"
Eary nodded and smiled as he got comfy in his bed.
Turning off the screen and hitting the light, Mote exclaimed "Sheesh! I'm gonna have to change up my whole schedule!" Eary smiled as the two cuddled up for a night's rest.
Eary was awoken hours later. A great pressure was weighing him down. "Mote!" The youngster called out in a panic.
The furry blue creature awoke from his slumber. Scratching his Long bat ears, he exclaimed. "What is it, kid?" I'm tryin' to get some shut eye here."
Eary replied in urgent panic. "Something is happening to me!" He sprung from his bed. Too irritated by his own skin to stay motionless. "Help!" He whispered in an edgy plea.
The fairy-like creature rose from its resting place. Examining the boy, the moteling exclaimed. "You seem to be sparking with light, small fry."
Eary's expression shifted as anxiety filled him "What!?" He exclaimed.
Mote gestured for the young boy to calm himself. Eary, however, could not stand himself. Fleeing his room, and heading nervously down his family's narrow steps. He paced the living room, hoping for a resolution.
As Mote returned to his side, suggesting the two get some fresh air. Reluctantly, Eary agreed. But much to his surprise, the feeling began to alleviate. The two decided a late night stroll might just be what Eary needed. And with Mote by his side, he felt a sense of security.
As the two maneuvered the dark sidewalks of Toronto, Eary began to feel a pull. Slight at first, then stronger and stronger. Until he was in full blown sprint.
Mote called out after the boy, "Where ya headed? Wait up!" As he darted after the preteen.
The two finally came to a destination, however, Eary had no idea where. "It's an old brickyard!" He muttered to himself.
Mote caught up. In agitation, he said, "Now what do ya think your doin'?
Eary replied, "I feel something here, Mote. It's like an itchy feeling."
Mote scoffed, "Fine! Let's take a peek at this place then." The little moteling paused for a moment and then began to rub his hands together, "Maybe you're a treasure hunter. Quick, kid! Where do ya feel it strongest?"
The two began to search around. A great light erupted from behind them. The two turned in surprise, their faces met with a terrifying sight. A large ghostly wraith was levitating before them. It extended its hand. A large burst of some mysterious energy erupted from the entity. Eary and Mote quickly dodged and hid behind a large rock.
"It's after us!" Eary exclaimed in a terrified panic, back pressed firm against the rock.
"Us!?" Mote hollered back. "I ain't gettin' no sensation. It's after you, not me, and I'm gettin' outta here!" Eary watched helplessly as the fairy floated away.
A bright flash and explosion followed, as a terrified Mote returned. "Eary, It's after us! Ya gotta hide me!" The small creature hid in Eary's shirt as despair began to set in.
"Don't you know what to do?" Eary asked, barely catching his breath.
Mote scoffed "Why the fuck should I know what to do?"
Eary Replied, with fear in his voice. "Because you healed Ephraim."
Another bright flash made the pair jump from their skins. Regaining his composure, Mote informed the youngster "Look Kid, I didn't heal nobody."
Another blast and the rock they hid behind now lay in rubble. Eary rose to his feet. He faced the horror dead on. As it charged up for another blast Eary instinctively raised his hands in recoil, awaiting the impact. Yet, nothing. Opening his eyes, he saw the creature. However, a shimmering field of amber now lay between it and the pair.
Mote called out to Eary from his shirt "Nice work, Kid! Keep it up!"
Eary responded in shock, "I didn't do anything! That wasn't me!"
Mote replied "Bullshit! Saw it come outta your hands and everything."
Eary and Mote watched as the being tried to destroy the barrier, but to no avail.
Mote continued "I think ya gotta knock it out!"
Eary erupted in uncertainty, "What? How?"
Mote gruffed "Try waving your hands around, or some shit like that. I don't know."
Eary nodded in fearful compliance and ran at the entity, arm flailing wildly. As he approached the barrier, he stopped.
He was defeated in his efforts. "It's not working, Mote!" He cried out.
To his shock, the amber light of the barrier began to fade. Eary stared on in horror as the creature charged up again.
This time, the creature met Eary's resolve. "The miracle," he thought, "I'm the one who did it! I can do this!"
He raised his hand in defiance of his fear. Pulling deep, a tremendous white light shot forth and enveloped the specter.
Filling with light, the foul entity writhed in pain as Eary and Mote watched in suspended awe. As the wraith turned to dust. In its place a floating specter of hollow light.
Eary examined closer. It seemed to pull his attention irrevocably.
As he opened his mouth a quick *shoop*, and into Eary's mouth the specter flew.
"You must be one of 'em." Mote stated matter of fact.
"Huh?" Eary exclaimed.
Mote continued, his demeanor returning to normal. "I've seen a few folks like you before."
Eary replied in shock, "Like me?"
Mote nodded. "Yeah, but I didn't have the best experiences with them." he landed on the boy's shoulder. With a big grin, he exclaimed, "Maybe we should stick together. You could use backup. And I'm wondering why there are magic humans about. Maybe it'll lead me home."
Eary nodded as he and Mote headed back to the comfort of his bed, "Can I meet the other fairies when we find them?" Eary inquired innocently.
Mote scoffed, "Kid, I ain't no fairy. I'm a moteling!"
The two continued on home, bantering the entire way. Unsuspecting of the great adventure that was about to unfold.
4 years later...
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