Chapter 3: Early Morning Investigation
Saturday heralds the start of the weekend for all kids, all except Eary.
As the teenage boy woke, he was immediately accosted by Mote
"Hey small fry, get up! We need to go investigate Decan's disappearance. And that creepy crawly from the night before. Something doesn't feel right 'bout it." Mote said throwing a pile of clothes at Eary.
He groaned, "Mote, I know, but I wanna sleep in."
Mote landed hard on Eary's bed, launching him on impact.
Mote replied, "Them baddies don't sleep in! I told ya we needed to look around more the other night, but no! Now I'm dragging ya there, kickin' and screamin', if ya like!"
Mote flew off to his treasure chest home before he slammed the lid he ordered. "Now get ready!"
Eary reluctantly dragged himself out of bed, still tired from the late-night escapade. He knew that when Mote had a gut feeling about something, it usually paid to listen. With a sigh, he got dressed in the clothes Mote had thrown at him.
As Eary made his way downstairs, he found his parents in the kitchen, sipping coffee and chatting about their plans for the weekend. He waved a quick greeting but didn't want to explain his early morning excursion to them. They had enough to worry about with his brother, Josh, and his hockey game.
"Morning, sweetie," his mother said with a smile, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "What are your plans for today?"
Eary replied casually, "Oh, just thought I'd head to the park for a bit. Maybe get some fresh air."
His father looked up from his newspaper and nodded. "Now, Eary. We dont want you staying out too late until we know more about Decan. " He said sternly.
The memories of Decan began to fill his head. "Yeah, I know. I wont be out too long." He said sombely.
Eary quickly finished his breakfast and headed outside, where Mote was waiting impatiently. The little Moteling hovered in the air, his fur bristling with anticipation.
"Finally! Let's go!" Mote exclaimed, zipping off toward the park.
Eary followed Mote's lead and soon arrived at the park where they had encountered the strange creature the previous night. The morning sun had begun to cast long shadows, and the park appeared peaceful and ordinary. Eary scanned the area, trying to recall where the creature had been when it exploded.
Mote, who had been circling around the park, landed on Eary's shoulder.
"Over there, by that old tree. That's where it happened."
Eary cautiously approached the spot and looked around. He didn't see any remnants of the creature, but then his eyes fell on something unusual. There, partially buried in the ground, was a small, shimmering gemstone.
He knelt down and picked it up, examining it closely. The gemstone was unlike any he had ever seen. It glowed softly with an eerie, otherworldly light. It shined a brilliant blue, much like Mote's light.
Mote's voice buzzed with curiosity. "What's that, Eary? Is that the thing that creature left behind?"
Eary nodded, still captivated by the gem. "Yeah, it looks like it. This is definitely not normal."
As he held the gemstone, a strange sensation washed over him. It was as if the gem was communicating with him, whispering secrets and mysteries that he couldn't quite grasp.
Mote chimed in, "You should probably put that thing away, kid. It gives me the creeps."
Eary hesitated but carefully placed the gemstone in his pocket. "You're right, Mote. Let's move on to Decan's disappearance for now and figure out what to do with this.
Mote agreed as the two made their way over to the local bus stop.
Boarding the public transit, Eary stared out the window while Mote refilled for change in people's belongings.
The two embarked towards the Vila Gomez home. Quaint houses, lined in a row decorated the landscape.
Eary tugged the cord.
"Here we are." Mote whispered.
Eary rose from his seat and made his way from the bus to Decan's front door.
He breathed in deeply before knocking.
"Won't this seem odd?" He asked, glancing back to the moteling.
"I dunno, maybe." Mite replied dismissively.
Rolling his eyes and giving three hard knocks. A moment later, DeeDee Vila Gomez was at the door.
"Eary!" She stated in suprise.
"Oh, hi Mrs. Vila Gomez." Eary replied awkwardly.
"You must be here about Decan." She asked mournfully.
"Uh, yes. I was just wondering if anything odd was going on with him before. You know, stuff out of the ordinary." Eary asked, the words falling like leaves from a tree.
"I can't think of anything. Would you like to come in?" She asked, masking her pain.
"Sure. I could." He replied stepping into the Vila Gomez home.
It was a small home, but filled with color and light. The family had always been close. A fact Eary was envious of.
"Would you like to see his room?" DeeDee asked curiously.
"Yeah, it might help." Eary replied.
Entering Decan's room, he was surprised to find it smelling so fresh.
"Not like Josh at all." He thought as Mrs. Vila Gomez took her leave.
Glancing through the closets and drawers. He found numerous items.
"What are we looking for, Mote?" He asked in annoyance.
"Evidence, kid. You don't watch enough television." He stated as he darted to and fro around the boys room.
"What's this?" He asked, pulling out a leather clad journal.
"Mote, that's not okay." Eary said firmly.
"Why not? I read yours all the time." Mote replied flipping through the forbidden tome.
Eary sat irritatedly on the bed.
"Fine! Then what does it say?" He asked.
"Umm, I dunno. Just some mublings about your brother, you, Ephraim and a girl named Laura. Don't concern yourself with it.
Eary a rose. Leaving the bedroom, he approached Mrs. Vila Gomez.
"When was the last time he was seen?" Eary asked bluntly.
"Hockey practice, two days ago." She replied, fighting back tears.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Vila Gomez." He replied as he took his leave of the home.
Catching the bus, Eary and Mote swiftly made their way back to the Olson's house.
Eary couldn't stop thinking about the strange gemstone he had found. It sat on his desk, emitting its mesmerizing color.
Mote perched nearby, still a bit uneasy about the discovery.
"Eary, you've gotta be careful with that thing," Mote warned, his tiny face showing genuine concern. "I've seen my fair share of magical stuff, but this, this is different."
Eary nodded, his brow furrowed in thought.
"I know, Mote. It feels... powerful. And it's like it's trying to tell me something, but I can't quite figure it out."
The two of them spent the morning researching gemstones, magic, and anything that might provide a clue about the mysterious artifact. But their efforts yielded little information. It seemed this gemstone was truly unique.
As the golden hues of afternoon transformed into the dusky embrace of evening, Eary gathered with his family for their nightly ritual of supper. With each careful step down the worn wooden staircase of their cozy home, he could feel the comforting embrace of tradition beckoning him.
Turning the corner, he entered the heart of their home-a living room and dining room intertwined in a harmonious dance. Eary settled into his customary spot, right beside his twin brother, Josh. His mother, the nurturing Delia, always occupied the chair to his left, while his father, Mitchell, found solace in the seat to Eary's right.
Yet, a poignant presence lingered across the table-a conspicuously vacant place setting. It was the void that once cradled his eldest brother, Luke. A decade had passed since the day Luke was snatched away from their lives, leaving an indelible void in their family's heart. The empty chair and untouched plate were a perpetual reminder, a wound that never quite healed, as Eary found himself struggling to meet its sorrowful gaze.
As the family ate. A sense of urgency lay in the air. Tonight was one of Josh's many hockey games. And each week during hockey season the family would pack up after their meal and head to whatever destination. And tonight would be no different.
At the game Eary couldn't help but ponder on the mystery of the stone and the unusual creature he had fought the previous day. "What could it all mean?" Eary reminisced as his brother, Ephraim and his friends played against the rival school's team.
Eary was pulled from his mind at the hastened game that was playing before him. Eary watched as his father's favorite, obtained the puck and quickly made a goal. "Figures."
Eary sighed under his breath as he watched his brother make yet another goal.
A familiar voice called out to him. Peering through the glass, right behind the bench.
Eary saw Ephraim's face, from behind his helmet.
"What's up?" He responded in kind to the gear equipped young man.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to do something some time. I've been thinking about what you said, and I think it would be nice to hang out again. Just the two of us."
Eary's heart fluttered at the notion.
"You bet I do!" He eagerly responded.
With a nod and a smile, Ephraim returned to the bench.
After the game, the family loaded up while Ephraim and Josh talked to their friends. Eary was undaunted by this, and blissfully helped pack up. On the ride home, he stared out the window. Excited for the possibilities that were to come.
As the family exited the vehicle, Josh announced to his parents "Later."
Puzzled, Eary inquired "Where you off to?"
Josh grinned "Ah, just heading out with the guys for the night. Dad said its fine since its a whole group of us."
Eary reflected upon what Eph said earlier. "Oh, have fun." He exclaimed, voice tinged by confusion.
In his room, he found Mote exploring the internet. He made his way to his bed. Collapsing on the red and white spread, Mote inquired "How was the game? Did ya bring back and hot dogs? It's not like I'm sittin' here starvin' or nothin'!" Eary groaned back "Sorry, I'll go get you something from the kitchen later, I promise." Mote replied "Nah, don't bother. I'm orderin' up me some door dash!" Eary inquired "Where do you even get money for something like that?" Mote chuckled "Texas hold 'em! I'm a wizard with bluffs." Eary relaxed in his bed, the sound of the mouse clicking, hypnotized him. A moment later, Mote nudged his head. The moteling urged "Eary, hey Eary. My door dash is here, and you need to go get it." Eary let out a loud groan as he got up to retrieve the motelings order.
Making his way downstairs, he dodged the inquiries of his parents and stepped outside. On the front step sat no small order. A large box, filled with fast food, goodies, booze, and prepaid credit cards, stood imposing in Eary's path.
He picked up the box, hurrying its contents off to his bedroom window. Tossing a few stones up, Mote poked his head out. He called down "I thought it would be too big to sneak past your parents." Eary replied in an annoyed whisper "What do you mean think? What am I supposed to do with this?" Mote tossed a rope out of the window. He exclaimed "Tie it around the box ya got there." Eary nodded, securing his knot," he replied "Now what?" Mote called back "Now get up here and pull it up." Eary huffed back inside, past his parents, and back to his room. Pulling up the box, Mote quickly made a b-line for the vodka.
Eary shook his head at Mote's indulgence in the goodies and booze. He stashed the food and drinks in a corner of his room, hoping his parents wouldn't notice. With the gemstone still on his mind, he sat down at his desk and began to research it further online. He combed through forums, articles, and even reached out to a few experts in gemology and magical artifacts. Despite his efforts, the gemstone remained a mystery. Hours passed, and the night grew darker. Eary's room was bathed in the soft glow of his computer screen, and the occasional click of his mouse was the only sound in the room. Mote, now slightly tipsy from the vodka, was dozing off on the window sill. His search yielded nothing, Eary he decided to retire for the night.
As Eary drifted off to sleep, a familiar dream crept into his mind. The smell of fire, screams, and a tall figure leading him down a long stone passageway. Just as he was about to see the figure, he woke in a cold sweat.
"Just a dream." He said as he drifted back to sleep.
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