Chapter 26: Through Unassuming Eyes
Back in Bright Hope, the team regrouped in their base of operations. The atmosphere was tense as they discussed their next steps.
Eary felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. “First things first," Eary began, "we need to examine this super gem and understand its true potential. Mote, you mentioned that it could be tricky. What do we need to know about it?” Mote floated closer to Eary and the gem, examining it closely. "Well," he started, "this super gem is unlike any other Nocopo gem you've encountered. It has the power to tap into the collective knowledge of the previous Claris', but it's not always easy to control. It can overwhelm your soul if you're not careful."
Calvin, intrigued, asked, "So, what do we do with it? ‘Mote explained, "First, we need to establish a connection with the gem. Eary, hold it in your hand and focus your feelings. Seek out its assistance. The gem will respond to your intent."
As Eary held the gem, a warmth began to travel up his arm. Then, into his heart. As the pull of the gem extended his consciousness, reality fell away.
A maelstrom of light, rainbows, and harmonious voices, singing in unison, surrounded Eary. As he crashed through the barriers of reality, he was caught up in one of the rainbow streams.
He felt himself give into the light, as it transported him across the fathomless stretches of space and time.
As he began to manifest again, his feet began to walk, catching some unseeable surface. As he continued, the world of light faded away until he found himself in a forested meadow.
It was spring, and the trees had only begun to bud. A chilly wind blew through Eary, leading his attention to a young man standing alone. He had frizzy brown hair and rich dark skin. His clothing appeared to be composed of animal hides and vibrant colored cloth binding the hide to form garments.
His back turned, Eary noticed the large scythe clenched in the boy's hand. Its long handle consisted of an iridescent metal, and it seemed to emit a faint rainbow glow as the light embraced it. The long blade was ethereal and appeared to be made of a combination of atmosphere and crystalline rainbows. A blue aura bound the blade.
As Eary stood in wonder, the boy turned, and with a serious voice greeted, "Ah, the new Claris I take it." Eary was dumbstruck. He tried to speak, but the words would not come. The boy, who appeared only a bit older than Eary, smiled. He stated, "Don't worry about it. I know this can all be a lot. But, that's why Ilia and I are here. I'm Myka, the first Claris."
Eary finally managed to muster some words, "Mote spoke of you. Never mentioned your name, but he said you were a great fighter." Myka nodded with a smile. "Ah, Mote, such a noble creature and a dear friend, how is he?"
Eary replied, "Mote? Nobel? Are you sure we're talking about the same Mote? I mean, I've watched him suck long island iced tea out of a rug before." Myka giggled. "Yeah, that would be him. He's rough around the edges, but you can trust him, and you should. He's wiser than he lets on, just flawed."
Eary inquired, "So are you going to teach me to kick some ass?" He giggled, but Myka's expression stayed stoic. "Not exactly. You must train and improve yourself. That is the way the world works. I can, however, give you a helping hand."
He extended his arm, clenched still in his hand, the ethereal scythe. Myka continued, "This was a gift to me from Claris, some twenty-six thousand years ago. And now, I'm giving it to you."
Eary's eyes widened. He took the scythe from the boys' outstretched reach. To his surprise, it was remarkably light weight. Surges of power emanated from the weapon as it passed between owners. He smiled at Myka, honored by the gift. "Thank you! I don't know if I'll be any good with it." Myka smiled. “You haven't figured it out yet, have you?" Eary, puzzled, replied. “What do you mean?"
Myka placed his hand on the top of Eary's head, and he replied, "I KNOW you'll be great with it. It's yours after all, it always has been." Myka sent a wave of light through Earhart. Next, he knew he was back at the Star Gazer.
As he realigned with reality, he was greeted by Calvin, Mei, Alice, and Mote once more.
Mei rushed to his side. "Are you ok?" Eary nodded, and after explaining what he had experienced, Calvin asked. “So where is this scythe of yours?" Eary glanced around. "I was just holding it." Mote chimed in. "The celestial scythe? Myka gave you that, did he? Well, that ain't your traditional weapon. You need to summon it. Call it out with your heart."
Eary extended his arm, and with an outstretched hand, he began to concentrate. He thought about the scythe, he thought about Myka's words. He pulled deep into himself, yet nothing.
Mote chuckled. "Now, what was that? Try again, Earhart, but this time, focus on that gem in your hand there. That's where the scythe was last, right?"
Eary nodded and once again began to focus. This time, he clenched the jewel tightly. As he did, a radiant white light emitted from his hand. There, resting delicately upon his outstretched palm, was the scythe.
Calvin exclaimed, "Whoa, that's cool. Can I hold it?" As Calvin asked, Mote immediately interrupted."You better not! Only a Claris can wield that thing. If you try, it'll suck the life right outta ya! So don't, got it?"
Eary and Calvin looked at Mote in shock as Calvin quickly agreed. Thereafter, he continued to lament his wonder over the weapon.
"I've never seen anything like it." Calvin said, taking a closer look. Alive and Mei also began to inspect the newfound weapon.
Alice inquired to Mote. "So, what can this thing do?" Mote flew in, landing on the handle."It's a weapon of life and death. Even a Scion better watch out!" The little moteling explained."It can launch blades of searing light, cut through darkness like butter, and enhance the power of the Claris immeasurably!"
Alice nodded. "Alright, another big win for the gem stones." Mei continued. "Isn't there the red one too? I wonder what will happen if I hold it?" Mote, his face a mix of amusement and excitement replied. "Go rally up the rest of ya's, and let's find out!"
A few texts from Alice were all it took to get the team rallied back in the library. The team headed down to their destination, eager for the day's developments. As the four teens entered the library, Maxwell and Victoria were already there. Eary approached, filling them in on the events surrounding the white gem and the scythe.
After a bit more, Sakile, Luke, and Denby shuffled in, bearing the red jewel. Decan and Ben were followed in by Hannah and Maggie, and after all had been caught up, everyone took a seat.
Mote, hauling the large red jewel through the air, explained, "Each of yous has an inherent color, BUT, each of yous has the potential for two, like Cal and Sakile over here." He gestured to the two young men. "But the colors gotta choose you, so you all gotta try with each jewel." He smiled, looking to the three soldiers."And I do believe you three never worked with any of 'em."
He flew to Sakile first. "Let's start with you. Hey Alice! Bring the purple jewel." Alice complied with Mote's request, and as soon as the stone touched Sakile's fingers, the swirling purple vortex engulfed him.
As the light dissipated, Sakile stood amongst the group again, his eyes troubled. He explained, "I talked to a man, he told me some shit. He told me to be prepared, for what's to come, and expanded my multiplying power." He quickly created six clones of himself. “Not bad."
Mote smiled and continued, "Alright there, Sakile, hand that red rock to Mei, and let's see some sparkles!" Sakile smiled confidently, handing the stone to Mei, a sparkling red mist enveloped her.
As the group stared for minutes at the spectacle, Mei descended from the light. She explained, "Oh wow! I get a MAJOR boost!" She extended her hand as two rings manifested in them.
Mote erupted. "The chakrams of eternity! Them's a nice gift there, Mei, that is!" Mei smiled and nodded. "I also was enhanced. It'll take a little practice, but I was told I can now control all the elements, save for light and darkness. And that these weapons were once the possession of a powerful sorceress, like myself."
Mote chuckled. "Yep! Just like you. Now, where were we? Ah ya! Hey Alice, why don't ya give it a try? If it worked for one of our witches, why not both?" Alice gave Mote a sarcastic gesture as she made her way to the stone.
As she held it, the same sparkling light enveloped her. As with all the jewels, a few minutes passed, and Alice returned. Her story was similar to Mei's. However, the power she now possessed scared even Mote.
She explained, "I have power over space and time, apparently." She gestured her hands in a quick release. Eary asked, "What are you doing?" Alice chuckled. "Just trying something out. So, Mote, how does this work?"
Mote replied, "Time/space magic is literally divine magic, Alice. Even I don't know how it works. And I've never heard of it being given to a mortal before. Ever." Alice sighed and began to pace around the room. She outstretched her mind, grabbing all things in the room, levitating them slightly. She tried to harness her telepathy and channel it into a whim, nothing. She snapped her fingers, twitched her nose, balled up her hands, and released them quickly. Nada. Mote interrupted her ever increasingly agitated spectacle. "Sorry darlin, it's gonna take even someone like you a while to get the hang of.
Next up, Den, try out the purple stone. Denby smiled. "Alright, hand me that, I'll show you how it's done." He swiped the jewel from Sakile and held it close to his heart, then his head. After a moment, he replied, "You know, I can feel it. It's just taking a bit." Alice chuckled. "I've heard that before." Denby smirked back to Alice and protested. "Hey then, hand over the red one! I bet I'm just getting the feels off that one." Alice rolled her eyes as she handed Denby another jewel.
Now, with two jewels pressed against his face, Denby asked, "Eary love, hand me that pretty white one now too, just place it in my lap." Eary grimaced but complied. Still nothing.
Luke was giggling to himself when Denby exclaimed, "Oh yeah? Give it a try, then." Denby handed Luke the purple stone, and as he rolled his eyes taking the jewel, he erupted in the purple storm.
Denby announced, "Bloody hell! Honestly, it doesn't matter!" The team chuckled as Luke too returned with a new gift. He was told that he had gained the power of technopathy, although he didn't feel any different. Mote chimed in, "Just wait, tell we get around some Nocopo tech, then you'll see!" Victoria excitedly responded. "We have a great deal here at the Star Gazer. Perhaps we should continue this in our lab?"
The group looked at each other perplexed, other than the secret garden outside, no other tech had been seen here. Victoria sprang from her seat. "Follow me!" The group quickly complied as she led the group to a wall in the middle of the Star Gazer's private library. Pressing her hand against the antique cream colored wall, a voice announced, "Greetings, Victoria. Access granted."
The wall opened to reveal a hidden elevator. The group boarded, as Victoria announced, "Laboratory, please." Alice rolled her eyes. "Full disclosure, huh?" Victoria nodded. "There is a wealth of things to inform you all on, this is one of them." The elevator stopped along with the conversation. The group emerged into a large room filled with Nocopian artifacts, jewels, and technology. Strange vats lined the walls, suspicious Eary looked into them, only to find incubating life forms.
Maxwell approached and stated, "The echo system was on the verge of collapse when we found it in the Nocopo ruins. These vats contain cloned creatures on the verge of extinction." Eary nodded as he recognized the creature inside to be a baby horned bear.
As the group continued, it was clear that Luke was growing increasingly more excited. As he examined the many gizmos, his eyes became a light with curiosity. The group surrounded him at one of the benches. He had picked up one of the gizmos and began tinkering with it. After a few moments, it began to emit light once more. Victoria exclaimed, "Amazing! I've never actually seen a technopath in action before." Luke chuckled, me neither.
As Victoria and Luke continued their discussion amongst the technological artifacts, Mote continued on with his lesson. He pointed to Decan. "You're up next. It's the red stone for you!" Mote snatched up and then tossed the stone to Decan. In a flash of red light and the same cool down, Decan emerged.
He held out his hand in a flash of red light, a sword. Made of a shimmering metal, far purer than silver, it cascaded light down its blade, collecting at its tip. The handle was made of what appeared to be one large pearl, while the pummel shined with a crimson glow.
Decan explained, "I was told to keep you safe, protect you from harm. I swore I would, so I was directed to take the white stone as well." Denby tossed it to the boy. On contact, a white iridescent cloud washed over him. The swirls of rainbow-like storms crisscrossed and leaped into the nearby surroundings. Another moment, and Decan had once again returned. He explained, "I can gather light, all light, with this blade." Mote shuffled towards the boy. "You bet your doughnuts you can! That there is the sacred sword 'Vale', I wondered why I hadn't seen it since the fall of the kingdom. Musta magically transported itself into the jewel."
Mote continued after perching himself on Decan's shoulder. "It's a sacred heirloom of the Claris royal family. It was also the blade that put an end to this whole mess the first time 'round." Decan inquired. "How do I use it?" Mote scratched his chin for a moment, then with a perked up quickly, "I remember now! Myka used to catch the light with it. He'd dance around grabbing up beams and shoot 'em back with that thing.... maybe give it a try outside." Decan laughed and agreed.
Next up was Ben, but after all three gems failed to do anything, Mote moved on to Hannah. "Alright there, young lady, hold out your palm!" Hannah cracked back. "Did you just assume my gender?" Mote, not to be out maneuvered retaliated, "I did, and a difficult assumption it was." He quipped as he tossed her the stone. "Here ya go!"
Another red light spectacle and Hannah emerged, brandishing a whip. "Lookie what I got! I'm feeling very leather right now." The group had a chuckle as she then explained that she was told she could create storms!
After she had concluded, she handed the stone to Maggie. "Here you are, my sweet!" Hannah jokingly teased her love. As Maggie took hold of the gem, she too was engulfed in red light. However, something was different. Something was wrong.
Darkness began to fill the red cloud. As Maggie descended, she brandished a new staff and a dark as night set of eyes. She spoke, "Thank you for introducing us to the splendor of the jewels." Johnathan's voice came from Maggie's mouth. "But I'm afraid your usefulness has come to an end." Maggie held up her staff. "Now, you all die!"
Maggie sprung at the group with unnatural speed. Slamming into Eary, she sent the boy flying. Decan drew his sword and swung for the girl, but Hannah's whip and quick jolt of electricity protected Maggie.
Hannah left to her partner's aide, arms outstretched, she begged for the group to stop their onslaught. But cackling behind her was Johnathan. Using Maggie's power, she entrapped Hannah in an orb of water.
Alice summoned her Telekinesis and pulled Hannah free of her watery tomb. Eary and Mei rushed to her side as she coughed up water. Alice stepped forward in an assertive tone. She confronted Johnathan, "Hey douche bag! Why don't you try that shit with me!" She teleported in close to Maggie, grabbing her hair. She spun Johnathan/Maggie, throwing them into the wall.
J/M gripped Maggie's staff, J/M directed it in a swirl of spins, Alice was encased in water. Eary jumped in, sending a bolt directly at J/M, which was quickly diverted by Hannah. "Don't hurt her, please!" She cried out, hand outstretched in defense of Maggie once more.
Eary looked on in despair. He watched as Alice made eye contact with him, unable to do a thing. Just then, a golden streak shot passed them both. The light struck Maggie's staff, knocking her off her feet but not harming her. The light flashed back and was caught in the hands of Mei.
Mei quickly moved to the water sphere and, with a gesture, released it. Alice came crashing down, with Eary breaking her fall, and some coughs and gasps, she appeared fine.
Mei positioned herself in between her friends and Maggie. J/M scowled at her "You stupid little bitch. You don't know who you're dealing with." With chakrams in hand, she launched herself, spinning in flames at J/M. The latter erecting a field of water, to disrupt Mei's flames. However, the girl launched herself higher, and summoning a bolt of lightning, she directed it directly at the water shield.
Hannah tried to subvert the bolt, but Mei overpowered her. On contact, the bolt dissipated the water shield, next, it struck Maggie, sending her flying.
Luke zipped in, catching her as she fell. And with a quick direction change, he returned her to the group.
Eary quickly healed her, while Alice restrained her with her mind. As Maggie opened her eyes, a disgusting grin once again emerged on her face.
Hannah sprung to Maggie's side "Baby, please! Come back to me!" She sobbed as Johnathan laughed in her face. He replied "You fool! It has always been me! I took possession of this girl when they brought her to me in my facility. I entered her mind, hollowed her out. Watched through her eyes. Spoke with her voice."
As Johnathan taunted Hannah, Eary recalled the power Ilia had bestowed upon him. He extended his hand, a cloud of purple mist surrounded Maggie's head. A dark mist came to match, and Eary struggled to push back. Johnathan looked at Eary "Hahaha, you boy? What can you do? You can't even overpower me. The power of the Claris has faded beyond recognition. You're too weak to fight us!"
Alice holding the purple gem in her free hand stated "He's not alone!" She extended her arm, jewel in hand. Eary instinctively clasped it right back. And together, with the power of the gem they began to push Johnathan out.
Maggie's face contorted as Johnathan spoke "You are too late to save her! Just like you will be too late to save your family!" Eary paused. He immediately asked "What do you know about them?" Maggie smiled, "I know that it'll be church soon. Care to join me?" As Johnathan cackled he and Alice once again pushed their efforts.
As Maggie convulsed, eyes twitching. The sound of Johnathan gurgling for her mouth subsided. The purple light now shined without contest, but no movement from Maggie.
Eary erupted his hands in blue light, placing them hard on the girl's chest. Still, no movement. Hannah held her face against Maggie's. She began to cry, a cry of anguish. She pleaded between her sobs "Please, baby! Please! I don't believe it. I know YOU! I know you were in there. Please come back to me."
As she wept, Alice had an idea "Let me try something." She knelt down beside Maggie's head, placing her hands upon her temples. She exclaimed "He said he hollowed her out. You say you know she's in there. I say we find out." Alice closed her eyes. A purple light, softly emitted from her hands as her eyes fluttered. The whole group held their breaths.
She slowly opened her eyes. As Alice moved back, Maggie looked around and asked "Who are all of you?" Hannah stared back at the girl and wept.
Mei and Calvin crouched down and helped Hannah to her feet. They escorted their friend away, consoling her on Mei's shoulder.
Eary looked at Maggie and asked "What is the last thing you remember?" Maggie looked defensive, but replied "There was this guy, he grabbed me by the head, and everything fell away. Next thing I know I'm here." She sighed in confusion "Where is here?"
The group explained the Star Gazer and Bright Hope, powers, and finally Hannah and Johnathan. Maggie looked horrified "I've been here for almost five months, I was dating a woman, and some guy was puppeting me?" Alice nodded "That about sums it up."
Mote approached the girl "Hey, now if ya don't believe us, look at me! You don't see shit like this everyday" she nodded in shock and replied "How do I know I can trust you?" Alice, still sitting next to her, responded "We wouldn't be explaining things like this if we were the bad guys."
Maggie, still clearly overwhelmed by the situation, hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I guess that makes sense," she said with a shaky sigh. "But I need to find Hannah. I can't just leave her like this."
Eary nodded, and helped her to her feet. He called back "Hey Den, can you take her to Hannah? I need to talk to my brother." Denby nodded and escorted Maggie in the direction that Hannah had left.
Eary tuned to Luke is desperation "He's going after Mom and Dad! He said he'll be attending church in a few hours. We need to get there before 6:30. That's when the Bennetts get there!" Decan swooped in "I'm coming with you! Your family and Ephraim's are like my own. We have to stop him!"
Eary looked at Decan with tears in his eyes "Thank you, it'll be dangerous." Decan replied "I'll never leave your side!" The two embraced as a familiar voice announced from the entry way "Don't you dare think about leaving us behind." Alice declared as she Calvin and Mei regrouped with the others.
Luke spoke up "Thank you. It's going to take all of us if we are to stop Tiddle." Sakile chimed in "I got a wholotta me for his bitch ass too!" Luke smiled and patted his long time friend on the back. Denby called out "Ya bloody bunch of wankers thinkin' 'boutique goin' into a brawl without me? Cheeky!" Alice flashed him an approving grin as the team sat to discuss their plan.
Luke, showing a rare smile, addressed the group, "We've faced countless challenges together, and we've always come out on top. This time won't be any different. Let's make a plan.
The group began to strategize, taking into account Johnathan's abilities and their own powers. Eary knew he needed to cover the group the best he could with his psychic shield, also his circle of protection had yet to be tested, but with both in play, the group decided to spring for a pincer attack.
However, they were unfamiliar with the rest of Johnathan's powers, a problem they hoped Mote could fix. He scratched his little ear, a sign that he was thinking. He then stated "If memory serves me correctly, he's a powerful wizard. That is, the Scion with the power over minds. So he'll be slingin' a bunch of magic at ya'll. Mei, you might be needed to deflect his elemental attacks. Mei nodded as Mote continued "He's probably gonna have a few of those ballsack monsters on the ready, so you three boys get to beat those off." Mote chuckled as he gestured towards Luke, Sakile, and Denby.
Sakile protested "I ain't here for his minions, I'm here for the main event!" Mote replied "You're also a bunch of brawlers. He'll fry ya before ya even get close! Best leave wizards to wizards."
Sakile shrugged "Fine. But once we smack his goons around, we're coming for him if he's still up." Mote shook his head, and in a tone unlike Eary had ever heard scolded Sakile "YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME! This is no small threat. This is a Fucking Scion! They are capable of truly awful things. He is targeting Eary, and if Eary goes, we're all done." Mote continued, recollecting himself "If we can't beat Tiddle, then I need you three to drag him away while we fend him off. Got it?" Sakile nodded.
Mote grabbed a tissue box and placed it on the coffee table. "This here is the church." He zipped around wildly for a moment, and soon returned to the tissues. Mote continued "Alice. Luke, Denby and Sakile will enter from the front." He placed down four coins. He tossed Eary, Mei, Calvin and Decan will enter for the back." He tossed down four more coins. "I will escort the front entrance team, while you three will all follow Eary forward. Rescue any civilian you find. This is gonna be a messy fight." Mote zipped over to Benjamin "Benny my boy! I have a special mission for you."
As the group made their final preparations, they all gather in a circle hands clasped. Alice instructed "Eary, I need you to think about this church really hard. I'm going to use you to get us there." Eary nodded and images of church, the smell, the music of the organ. As he thought a cold wind blew harsh past him. As he opened his eyes, he was back in Toronto.
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