Chapter 2: Moteling Mayhem
In the morning, Eary got up and got ready for the day.
Looking in the mirror, at his disheveled appearance, he decided to step it up a notch for Ephraim.
After getting dressed and combing his hair. He remembered Mote had suggested putting on a bit of the after shave he got for Christmas for 'flavor'.
He quickly splashed on two large handfuls.
Downstairs, Eary sat down and began to serve himself up some eggs and bacon when he noticed something a miss.
His brother had poured himself a bowl of raisin oatmeal, but the big dish of it was without raisins.
Eary thought harshly.
Mote was not fond of Josh and would often play pranks on him. He had once super glued Josh's hands to his head while he slept, much to Eary's dismay. He got blamed, and Josh had to cut his long hair.
In quick form, Eary 'accidentally' dumped his glass of O.J. into Josh's poopmeal.
"Oops, sorry! Clumsy me!" exclaimed Eary in a ditsy tone. Josh was noticeably annoyed.
"Dammit." Josh swiftly got up from his seat to avoid the spilling O.J..
Ephraim laughed at the sight. "Whoa!" He exclaimed as Delia Quickly interjected.
"It's ok, I'll get a towel." She swiftly bolted from the room.
Eary sopped up the mess with some napkins, while Josh took his remaining food into the kitchen, beckoning Ephraim to follow as he left.
Ephraim looked over to Eary. "You ok?" He asked in a sigh, getting up from his seat in compliance.
Eary nodded. "Yeah, I got it. Thanks!" Eary replied with haste, embarrassed by the scene.
Ephraim nodded and proceeded to follow Josh into the kitchen.
Delia returned with the towel, and after the cleanup, Eary made a quick pit stop to the bathroom. As he entered the cramped soft pink and tan quarters, he announced,
"Where are you?!"
In a flash of blue light, Mote Manifested on the counter of the closet sized bathroom.
Mote replied, "I'm sorry, so I shouldn't shit in his oatmeal? " Eary slammed his hands on the counter."Why are you doing this to me?" He exclaimed in exhaustion. Mote cocked his head to the side. "I didn't shit in your oatmeal, Did I? My suggestion, kid, is that next time, let him enjoy the raisins."
Grumbled Mote as his fur became puffed out to look intimidating. Eary grimaced at the thought "Mote that's so gross! I don't want my brother eating your crap." Eary sighed, reluctant to deal with any of Mote's antics, he begged."Just be good today. Please!" Mote flashed a faint smirk."Yeah, no problem, boss." Eary naively smiled and gestured for the critter to get on his shoulder. "EARY, LET'S GO!" Yelled Josh. Hearing his call, Eary quickly made his way out of the house and to his brothers' backseat.
Josh and Ephraim had already been waiting, When Eary got into the maroon, four door sedan. Eary couldn't help, but remember the day Josh had gotten this car. It was their 16th birthday. And for some reason, Josh got the families old car. While Eary had gotten a video game system, he would never play. When he asked his parents why, they kept giving him the slip. It annoyed and hurt, Eary. But the idea of expressing those feelings terrified him to the bone.
Josh started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "We gotta head to Ephraim's house first. He forgot his math book." Josh explained as he turned down the wrong direction to the Bennett's house. "Geeze, Eph! You're so forgetful." Eary lamented,"I remember back when we hung out, how I always had an 'Ephraim checklist' before leaving the house." Eary joked as the three proceeded down the street. "Oh, I'm not that bad!" Ephraim joked back to Eary. Before Eary could issue his rebuttal. Josh let out a loud sigh and a quick glare at Ephraim. Ephraim glanced back to the annoyed young man. Leaning in, Ephraim whispered back what Eary thought was, "Sorry."
Shortly after, the boys arrived at Ephraim's house. A two story colonial styled home, it was white, with blue trimmings. With a large front yard that Eary and Ephraim used to play in as children. Ephraim excused himself for a moment and proceeded to head inside.
Ephraim's family, the Bennetts, were financially no better off than Eary's family, the Olson's. However, working for God did have its advantages for Pastor Brian Bennett. Like a free house to live in, owned by your church.
Eary had spent so much time there throughout his life. Seeing it every day now had been getting harder with the passing of time.
Mote, concealed by his magic and only able to communicate with Eary, spoke, "Hey, kid! Yous needs to make ups with that boy soon. I got a stash in that house, and not the legal kind, if ya get my drift." Eary looked over at Mote with shock. But the opening of the door distracted him as he glanced over.
He was just in time, too. Just as Ephraim's eyes were seeable, they were staring directly into Earhart's . "Hi, Eary!" Grinned Ephraim "Hi, Eph!" Eary quickly replied, turning red and resolving to stare at his shoes.
Mote's voice taunted him from the empty adjacent seat. "Fuck, that was funny! He totally caught you! Ya gotta be smoother than that, kid." Eary, glared back to the empty seat, he whispered "Shut up!"
Josh's voice interrupted the feud, "What?!", looking back in the rear-view mirror, brow furled.
Eary, quickly ducking his brother's question, replied "Nothing. It's... nothing."
After a brief silence, Ephraim continued on with his story, the thrilling recap of their last hockey game.
Josh, interrupted Ephraim again, inquiring "Do you smell that?" As Eary and Ephraim begin to sniff around, in a tone of confusion, Ephraim replied "Aftershave?" A brief chuckle from Ephraim, was quickly corrected by a glare from Josh.
Mote erupted "Do you see that kid, I was right! He's totally speechless right now!" Eary, trying to alleviate the tension, spoke up "I'm just trying something new today."
After a moment Ephraim broke the silence "Good smell for you." Eary smiled wide as he replied "Thanks, I got it for Christmas". Soon after the four door sedan and its passengers, arrived at school.
Exiting the car, Josh and Ephraim coolly walked away without a word. Eary could hear the two boys erupt into laughter in the distance. Strangely, this comforted Eary. "He must be secretly touched" He thought, gleefully making his way to homeroom.
As he passed through the halls to his locker, he grumbled in annoyance as he was repeatedly bombarded by bodies. As he finally reached his locker, he opened it, a small note danced to the floor below. Eary sighed as he picked it up and began its examination.
It was a drawing of him and Mote. Mote chuckled "That's the best one of us yet! They almost got what I look like too." Eary griped "You think this would have gotten old by now." Mote replied as Eary stashed the note in his locker "It's captain asshole, and his goons!" Eary Rolled his eyes and replied "Josh and his friends are dicks. Just yesterday, Decan would not stop staring at me. Was he trying to intimidate me?" removing his books and placing them in his locker. Mote replied "That's just plain creepy! What an asshole!" As the two made their way to class.
Eary eagerly set up his books and awaited Mrs. Hanson his homeroom teacher. In the big empty classroom, Mote's voice once again rang out from nowhere "You know, kid, if you spent a little more time socializin' you might make yourself more attractive to Eph, you know." Eary, grimaced. Although he and Ephraim had been close, Eary never seemed to fit in with kids his own age. Always a trial, if he wasn't being picked on for his height, it was for Mote. He replied "I have more important things to do." Mote exclaimed "Like what?! All I ever see ya do is study, and practice, and of course, slaughter the occasional ghoulie." Eary chimed back "Of course." Mote continued on "I just hope to see ya make some friends your own age."
Mrs. Hanson arrived, politely greeted Eary, and interrupted the pair.
It was a typical homeroom. Attendance, announcements, the odd wadded up ball of paper tossed at him, then it was on for the day.
Heading down the hall, a swim with bodies, Eary maneuvered his way through the crowd to band class.
Inside he made his way to his seat, pulled out the sheet music from the night before and his violin. He fidgeted, eagerly awaiting his mother, the music teacher.
Upon arrival, Delia greeted her class "Hey, are you ready to play your hearts out today?" She erupted cheerfully. "Yeeesss!" The class unanimously responded. After instructing her students to open their sheet music. She raised her conductor's baton. With a flick of her wrist, the room exploded in melodic harmony.
As his bow danced across the strings of his instrument, he pondered "Everyone liked my parents" Eary thought, as he following along. "Everyone liked Josh." He continued, pulling his bow tightly against it's strings. "I've never been mean or nasty to anyone. I've never turned someone away. So why am I the one who is the outcast?" as the thought dissipated in his head, Eary's ears were treated to the screeching sound of a violin string breaking. 'Snap' Permeated the room as the music came to a sudden halt.
Delia approaching her child. looking down in compassion, she stated "Aw sweetie, don't worry. We'll get it fixed. Why don't you just sit this one out today." Eary paused. His music was his one release! Without it, he felt like he might drown. Nodding in agreement with his mother, Eary packed up his Violin and supplies. Fighting back tears for the rest of the hour.
As Eary made his way from band, he wondered, if Ephraim and he might ever be close again. The thought left Eary feeling quiet lonely. As he recalled the travesty that the last two years has been like since Ephraim seemingly ghosted him.
Eary's mind raced, as it drew conclusions "He's been acting odd since I told him how I feel. And he didn't even hang out at all last summer. Now he's being super nice. I wonder if Mote is right. What if this whole thing was due to Ephraim secretly liking me?" Eary thought to himself gleefully as he walked through the crowd to science.
Once in class, Eary took his seat. He hadn't had a lab partner this year after his last had moved away. And with Ephraim sitting next to Decan Vila Gomez instead, Science had become something of a dreadful thing for him. But today was Eary's lucky day. Decan was sick, and Mr. Reeves assigned Ephraim to sit next to Eary for the days project.
Ephraim nodded, and he quickly made his way over to Eary's station. "Hey, Eary. Looks like we're partners again." Ephraim joked awkwardly, brows raised in optimistic reproach. "Yeah, I see that. It's been a while since we did a project together." Replied Eary, as he hastily cleared room for the boy. Ephraim chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that. You know how things can get for kids on sports teams." Exclaimed Ephraim, in a consoling manner. Eary smiled, grateful for the moment. "It's ok. I've always been really happy you did it. You've always loved hockey. And you're really good." The two stared back at one another, and for a moment, the distance that had separated them disappeared. They were quickly interrupted by Mr. Reaves.
"Alright, class. Today, we will be continuing on with our lesson in genetics. Today, I have a fun experiment for you all. You and your partner will write out each other's genetic features: height, eye color, hair color, complexion, etc. Then I want you to roll dice. High roll winners claim the dominant genes. While the low rollers make up the recessive genes of your child.". Eary's heart sank. Glancing over at Eph, who was also glancing back. His face was noticeably paler. Mr. Reaves continued, "At the end of the project, just for fun, I want you to illustrate and name your child. Alright, that's it, begin.". A few students objected to the pairings, but Mr. Reeves declined, "It's for Science."
Ephraim did not decline but was noticeably shaken. After a brief silence, he stated, "Alright, I guess I'll be the father, and you can be the mother." Eary smiled and blushed in bewildered amazement."Could this really be happening right now?!" He thought. "That's fine by me." He replied quickly to divert from the awkwardness.
The two quickly wrote up their traits and then began to roll. Height went to Ephraim at 6'1, as did build, eyes, nose, mouth, and personality. Hair, complexion, and 'other' went to Eary.
After a quick sketch, the two boys named their child Alexander. "He'd look like a reskin of you," joked Eary. Ephraim stared at the paper for a second. "Yeah, yeah, I guess."
Another interruption from the teacher, and it was time to turn over their child. Although Eary did his best not to show it, he had wanted to keep the picture. After class, the two parted ways with a friendly goodbye. As Ephraim disappeared into the crowd of kids, Eary felt the cold of the distance between them once more.
Eary headed down the hall to his least favorite of class of all, Gym. Along the way a familiar voice emerged from nowhere. "I told ya! See!" Mote laughed from the empty space around Eary's head.
Eary quickly ducked into an uninhabited corridor. "You saw that, right?! Holy cow!" replied Eary excitedly. He continued, "If he likes me, then why has he been acting so strange for so long?" Mote replied."Peer pressure, my boy. Josh is using his friend group to put the heat on Ephraim for his own sibling rivalry fulfillment! I tell ya! I don't know why you put up with that dickhead brother of yours!" The foul-mouthed fairy had a point, perhaps it was time to act, pondered Eary. Mote continued blathering "I say we put on a light show!" Continued Mote in his rant. "Show 'em your powers! Let him know who's behind his miracle!"
Eary didn't like to think about his powers. They weren't like Mote, he was a troublemaker, but generally harmless. "my abilities" he thought "Why do I even have abilities? They were just what he needed to save Ephraim as a kid. But between the late night spooky, spirit hunts. And the empty life he now had. The weight of his situation and its possible meaning made Eary shutter.
No one knew about them, besides Mote. And even though Ephraim caught him using them once, he never put two and two together. 'So that was good' he thought. Because this was a secret he'd take to his grave.
"EARY! GET TO CLASS!" His father shouted to him down the corridor. He had been so in his head so long, that he hadn't heard the bell. With great hustle he made his way to the locker room and changed for gym.
Racing through the double metal doors, Eary made it just in time to get picked last for dodgeball that day. Josh fought with the other team captain about who's team he was on, much to Eary's chagrin. Mr. Olson, the boy's father, broke it up and placed his sons on opposing teams.
As he made his way to the other side of the gym, Mote's voice chimed from the void "Hey, let's have a little fun. Wildly flail your arms around and I'll knock those balls right back at that jerk!" Eary smiled, and against better judgement the now pumped teenager replied under his breath "Let's do it!"
And with that the whistle blew. Eary stood in place as other's went for the balls. He wouldn't need them. Mote didn't pack a very big punch, but he could generate a small force field, and was as fast as a blur when he wanted to be. Mote whispered "Go Eary!" As per the little Moteling's request, he wildly began to flail in unnatural ways.
As the balls hurtled toward Earhart, Mote sprang into action with lightning speed, his movements a whirlwind of defense. A hushed tension settled over Earhart's teammates as Mote unleashed a relentless volley of balls, each one ricocheting back with such ferocity that it sent one girl tumbling to the ground and left another with a bloodied nose. Just as the chaos reached its peak, the shrill blast of the whistle pierced the air, bringing an abrupt end to the thrilling showdown.
Mr. Olson quickly attended to the injured students. Sending them to the nurse's office, Mr. Olson returned to the game "Eary, sit it out, and I will see you after class.'Ooooo' Called out the other students. With another blow of the whistle the game resumed. Eary felt the warmth of his skin as he blushed all the way to the bleachers.
As he sat down, all too familiar thoughts began to flood his mind. When Eary's abilities came to be, Mote came soon after. And although the cryptozoological marvel always had the best intentions, he rarely demonstrated restraint. A fact that Eary found both endearing and nerve wracking about him. Mote had been a great friend. But it was times like these that he deeply regretted going along with risky scams such as this one.
"Anyone could have figured it out." He thought. Sure, it wasn't his abilities, but it was supernatural. And that could never get out. "Did my dad notice?" Eary wondered in suspicion and panic as he looked at his father. Then an even darker thought emerged, "What if the other kids had noticed? It wasn't my powers, so no light, so no one can link it back to me, right? Can they?" Eary reposed in his mind.
At the end of the hour, Mr. Olson spoke to his students and sent them on their way. Eary couldn't make out what had been said, but the sinking in his stomach left little else to interest. More whispered to Eary "What could your dad be mad at us for any way? We slayed it out there!". Eary chuckled, with that brief moment of confidence and the sight of his father's approach, Eary quickly recoiled in uncertainty. "Eary buddy, what's going on?" Calmly asked his father. Eary nervously replied. "Nothing, I just got lucky out there I guess." Eary stared blankly at his father, knowing full well his explanation was inadequate. "Ok." Responded Mitchell, pausing to find the words, he continued "I am worried about you. Lotta left field stuff lately. Feels like I don't know you, feels like you're hiding things Half-pint. You can talk to me, or your mom about anything. You know that right?" Eary timidly whispered. "Yea." After a brief pause Mr. Olson sent his son along his way.
As the final school bell rang, Josh and Eary and Ephraim arrived by Josh's car in the school parking lot.
Oddly, his parents and the Bennetts were standing guard over the vehicle.
"Boys, come here. We need to talk to you." Mitchell stated with concerned wave of his hand, beckoning them near.
What's up, Dad?" Josh asked concerned.
"Brian is going to take your car home, Josh. You're gonna ride with us. There is something we need to talk to you about." Mitchell replied.
"Eph, you're going to ride with me. Lisa, Ephraim's mother included.
Driving home, Eary couldn't shake the question that had been on his and Josh's mind since they approached the car.
"Mom, Dad, what is it you want to talk to us about?" he leaned in closer, eager for their response.
"Oh, boys," Delia began with a hint of regret in her voice, "we need to have a talk."
Mitchell interjected, "Josh, I need you to brace yourself."
Josh looked confused and nervous. "Why?" he questioned cautiously.
Delia sighed heavily, her voice weighed down by the impending revelation.
"Because Decan is missing." she said, her voice resonating with tragedy.
"What!?" Josh erupted, quickly concealing his tears.
The car fell silent as Delia began to educate her children on what to do in such a situation.
Eary watched his softly sobbing brother, and despite the awkwardness, he placed a reassuring hand on Josh's backAs the four silent Olson's emerged from their vehicle, an all-too-familiar pain echoed in their hearts. This was the kind of pain that cuts deep into a family's soul. One they already knew.
"Hey buddy, you okay?" Mitchell nudged Josh, genuine concern in his eyes.
Josh looked up, eyes filled with tears, he asked.
"Are you sure?"
"He hasn't been home for two days. That's not like Decan at all." Mitchell replied.
Delia turned to her child, her motherly instinct kicking in.
"I want you home before dark everyday. Understand?"
The boys nodded as the family pulled into the driveway.
The grief dominated the night as Eary and Mote retired to their room. Ready to figure out what happened to Decan.
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