Chapter 18: Echoes of the Past
The echoes of their time in Antarctica still lingered in the hearts of Eary and his friends. As they left the Nocopo ruins behind, their aircraft soared through the Antarctic skies, carrying them back to the tranquil town of Bright Hope.
The journey had been eye-opening, revealing the connection between their unique abilities and the ancient Nocopo civilization. It was a connection that left them with more questions than answers but also a renewed sense of purpose.
Back in Bright Hope, the group gathered at their cozy mountain lodge, nestled among the snow-covered peaks. The warmth of the lodge's interior was a stark contrast to the icy winds of Antarctica, but it couldn't thaw the frosty silence that had settled among them.
Eary, still wrestling with the loss of Mote, felt a void in his heart. He stared out of the lodge's frost-covered window, his thoughts drifting to the moteling who had been his constant companion and friend. He knew it was Mote needed to stay with Anu and his own kind, but the ache of his absence remained.
Decan, knowing of his loves heartache, joined Eary by the window. He placed a comforting hand on Eary's shoulder. "I miss Mote too, Eary. But he's with his own kind now, learning about his past. It's what he needed." Eary nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I know, Decan. It's just hard to let go." Decan pulled Eary closer to him. "It's gonna be ok." Decan reassured. "Remember when I lost Noodle? That dog left a hole in my soul when he died." Eary sighed. "Yeah. You loved that dog." Decan nodded. "You don't ever 'get over it', you learn to live without them." Decan's words comforted Eary as they continued to stare together.
Days turned into weeks, and the group embarked on a rigorous training regimen. Mei honed her heat-manipulating abilities, creating firestorms with precision, and she could create elaborate ice structures with ease. Calvin harnessed the winds with greater mastery, enabling him to soar through the skies and create powerful tornadoes. Luke had become able to maintain his breakneck speeds indefinitely. While Alice delved deeper into her telekinetic powers, moving objects with unparalleled finesse, her telepathy also began to exceed expectations. Effortlessly reading minds. While Denby's strength and durability seemed to have doubled. Sakile, on the other hand, had gained a new light, purple. His light purple light manifested similarly to his blue. However, with his new ability, he could create 2 sentient copies of himself. A useful trick, considering Sakile, was placed as the head of the Star Gazer Institute security detail.
In the quiet moments between training, Eary found himself growing closer to Decan. Their date in Bright Hope had opened a door to a new chapter in their relationship, one filled with both possibilities and uncertainties. Decan's endless-brown eyes, always warm and inviting, now held a promise of something more profound.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, Eary and Decan stood on a cliff overlooking the picturesque town. The snow-covered landscape stretched out before them, a canvas of tranquility.
Decan turned to Eary, his voice soft but resolute. "Eary, there's something I need to tell you."
Eary met Decan's gaze, his heart pounding in his chest. "What is it, Decan?"
With a deep breath, Decan confessed, "I care about you, a lot, Eary. More than just as a friend. I've been carrying these feelings for a long time, and I can't keep them hidden any longer."
Eary's heart skipped a beat, a swirl of emotions filling his chest. He had sensed the unspoken attraction between them, but hearing it spoken aloud was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. He smiled, his blue eyes reflecting the twilight hues. "Decan, I've felt the same way."
In the fading light of day, they drew closer, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It was a moment of clarity embracing the complexities of their past and the possibilities of their future.
Their newfound connection, they were no longer just friends and comrades; they were partners, bound by their shared destiny and their blossoming love.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Eary and Decan held each other, their hearts filled with hope and the promise of what lay ahead. The echoes of the ancients whispered in the wind, guiding them on their path of discovery and self-discovery.
The next day was Saturday. And in the morning, Eary rose in the most chipper of moods. Dancing around his room, getting ready for the day. Eary played a multitude of upbeat love songs, as he pranced around the suite.
As he entered the room, his brother Luke, who was home as well, asked, "Hey, little man! Why are you in such a good mood?" His question reflected actual interest. And seeing how Luke approved of Decan, unlike Denby. He felt no discomfort sharing his experience with his brother. "Decan and I made it official last night." Eary replied excitedly. "Excuse me?" He replied in a huff. Eary giggled. "Not like that. We did kiss, though." He replied, pleased as punch. Luke chuckled back. "Oh, well... I thought you two were already official." He stated, looking at Eary. Eary replied defensively. "Well, we kinda just told each other how we feel. And decided to be boyfriends!" Eary squealed in excitement.
A knock on the suit door saw Eary answer it. On the other side was Calvin and Sakile. Calvin and Eary had become the best of friends during the past few months. And now that Mote had been gone for nearly a month, it was a sorely needed relationship for Eary.
"Hey, Eary! Hey Luke!" Calvin said as he walked through the door. Luke, who was enjoying his coffee, responded, "Hey, Cal!" As the boys made their way to the tiny living room. "Hey man! How's the morning?" Sakile greeted Luke as he poured himself a cup of coffee and joined his friend at the table. "So what you boys got planned for the day?" Sakile called over the Eary and Calvin, who had just turned on the television. "Just chill." Calvin responded with a big smile. "Uh-uh! You both need to get out and do some shit. It's a beautiful day!" Sakile nagged the two boys. Calvin's chimed back. "Alright, we'll go see if Mei wants to do something." Sakile nodded. "Oh, you know that's a good girl, right there, you know. Calvin giggled and looked nervously at Eary. "Yeah, heh, heh." Eary smiled and headed for the door. "We should get outta here then." Eary said with a smile pointing at the door.
It had become no secret amongst the group of Calvin and Mei's growing feelings. Well, almost to no one. Calvin and Mei remained in the dark, and after Alice made Eary swear to keep his mouth shut, he knew too.
Emerging from the suit, the two boys made their way down the hall. "Sakile is pretty cool, Cal. You got lucky to have such a cool mentor. But sometimes it seems more like your family." Eary stated casually as they strolled. After a second or two, he noticed Calvin was no longer there. Turning around, the boy had stopped in his tracks. "Can I talk to you about something?" Calvin asked, his voice almost trembling. It was unusual for Calvin to say anything personal. Heck, it was unusual for Calvin to say much at all. So, as Eary's expression shifted to concern, he replied. "Sure." Calvin took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. "It's like with you. He IS my brother." Calvin said in a flat tone. Eary was shocked! As much as it may have seemed so. He never anticipated Calvin and Sakile to be brothers. Eary asked. "Did Sakile go missing, too?" Calvin laughed. "No, man." His face shifted back to a more somber look. "My dad," Calvin paused, staring down. "He had a few affairs." Tears ran down Calvin's cheeks. "Sakile is the oldest of us, he thinks. All together... about eight." Eary stood in shock. "I'm sorry, Cal." Eary paused, trying to find the words. Calvin smiled, cheeks still tear stained. "It's ok now, man. Really. Sakile is a great brother. I'm gonna have him for the rest of my life. I'm happy about that. It's the lying. That's what gets me." Calvin said as he hung his head low.
Eary stood next to his friend in solidarity. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he said, "My dad never really took an interest in me. But I know it's not because he didn't love me. It's because our parents are people. And like everyone, they are bound to have some flaws." Calvin chuckled in agreement."Yeah." Eary's face lit up with another thought. "And since you and Sakile are brothers, and Luke and I are brothers. Then I guess we kinda are too, huh?" Eary smiled as the thought of a brother he could be close to danced around his mind. Calvin looked back at Eary and, with an uplifted tone, replied, "Thank you, man. And yeah. We kinda are." Calvin and Eary continued down the hall. With a newfound brotherhood in one another, the Colorado cold was a bit less bitter.
The two boys boarded the elevator and left the third floor. Reaching the lobby, they quickly found Mei, having a laugh with Maggie and Hannah. As they approached, the three girls greeted them. "Hey guys." Mei, always so warm and open, greeted them kindly.
"Hey, Mei," Eary replied with a friendly smile, feeling at ease around her. "What's the plan for today?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation light.
Maggie, ever the enthusiastic one, piped up, "We were just talking about exploring the town. It's such a beautiful day outside, and there's a local festival happening in the park later."
Eary exchanged a quick glance with Calvin, both silently agreeing that it sounded like a great way to spend the day. "That sounds fantastic," Eary said. "Count us in."
Mei's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded. "Great! It's going to be so much fun. Let's go grab some breakfast and then head out."
As they made their way to the nearby café for breakfast, the group chatted animatedly about their plans for the day. The sun shone brightly, and the crisp mountain air invigorated their spirits. It was a perfect day for adventure and exploration.
Over breakfast, Calvin and Mei seemed to be in exceptionally good spirits, their playful banter and laughter filling the air. Eary couldn't help but notice the chemistry between them, and he exchanged a knowing look with Maggie and Hannah. It was clear to everyone that something special was brewing between Calvin and Mei.
Alice and Denby, who had been relatively quiet during the morning, sat across from each other at another table. Their silence was palpable, and an air of tension hung between them. It wasn't lost on the group, and Maggie decided to address it.
"Hey, Alice, Denby," Maggie began, her voice gentle but firm, "is everything okay with you two? You seem... off."
Alice sighed, her telekinetic powers causing her spoon to stir her coffee absentmindedly. "It's nothing. Really!" Alice exclaimed as her face turned into an expression of clear annoyance and frustration.
Denby, his brows furrowed, countered, "It really isn't, love, I swear it. It happens to people all the time! I'm not going to be turned off." Alice's face shifted into one of pure rage, as she quickly made her exit, sticking Denby with the bill.
Their argument unresolved. Eary could see the frustration in Alice's eyes, and he wished he could find a way to bridge the gap between his two friends. Getting up from his seat, Eary pursued her.
Reaching her by the lobby elevator, Eary exclaimed, "Alice? Is everything ok?" Alice shrugged. And with a big exhale approached Earhart. "Hey. Remember when you told me you cured your friend's cancer with your powers?" Eary recalled the incident in the lab after first meeting Alice. "Yeah!" He replied in confusion. Alice squirmed as she begrudgingly asked, "Can you heal anything?" Eary unsure of the question replied. "I'm not sure. Mote knew how my powers worked better than I did. But he's in Antarctica now. Why?" Alice began to tap her foot. "I guess we need to get to Antarctica again! And that's ok. I have an idea!" She replied in a panic. She paced in front of the elevators, explaining, "I need one of those magic rock thingies the professor gave you guys." Eary was bewildered. "Alice! You have me totally confused! Why do you need a Nocopian jewel?" Alice turned to Eary." She approached him, letting her size and expression tower over the boy. As Eary loomed up at the enraged teenage girl, he realized he had better just do as she asked. "Oh... ok. Ok." Eary rebutted as he led Alice to the training room with the gem stones.
He took out his phone to shoot Calvin a message explaining his situation and that he would meet him at the festival. The reply text told Eary it was fine, and the Decan would be waiting for him at the festival. Eary sighed a breath of relief, as one problem was solved, and now the next was underway.
Arriving in the training room, a place Alice had been to a few times herself since the ruins, the two searched for the jewels. As they rummaged around the usual locations for the gems, the two were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the professor.
"Can I help you two?" He asked suspiciously. Alice quickly piped up. "Hi! Yeah! I was looking for those jewel things that make you stronger. I got a totally cool idea for a new power. I mean, I feel it, comin' man." Alice was quick on her toes, Eary had to give her that. The professor flashed an interesting look at Alice. "Follow me."
As the two were led back to the Star Gazer's elevators, Alice, ever inquisitive, decided to strike up a conversation with the professor. "So... what brings you to the Star Gazer?" She asked as Professor Maxwell pushed the up button. "I live here." He exclaimed. "My family built the Star Gazer over 150 years ago. It has a long history. It was built during the gold rush Era and was used as a lodge by the miners of the day." Maxwell continued as the doors opened, and they boarded the elevator. "I was the only child of my parents, you see. As such, taking responsibility for the Star Gazer was mandatory." Eary who had been quietly observing asked. "What got you into archeology and the Nocopo professor?" The doors opened to the fifth floor. A floor that up until now had been forbidden to enter. The professor gestured for them to follow, "Please, follow me."
As the group ventured down the long zigzagged carpeted halls of the Star Gazer, they arrived at room 536. The professor turned to his two young companions "Home sweet, home." Upon entry, Maxwell continued. "And about your question earlier, Eary. Growing up in this desolate place, books were my best friend. Over the years, I developed a particular love of the past. Through years of research, deciphering texts, and examining artifacts, I discovered the true identity of the Nocopo civilization." The professor, impassioned, continued his speech. "So when NATO came knocking, my research was finally recognized. I became the world's leading expert on Nocopo." Alice, now in a more defensive posture, inquired. "You're new?"
Professor Maxwell was already pacing around the suite when he emerged with an ornate case. "I knew when I saw you in action in the ruins that this was the jewel for you." He opened the case to reveal a shimmering amethyst. However, this one was different. For starters, it swirled inside, almost like a lava lamp. Secondly, strange red storms of light seemed to dance around its surface. Alice looked surprised for a bit and replied, "Don't mind if I do." She snatched the jewel out of its case and held it closely to her face. "I don't think it's working." She hissed as she shook the jewel violently.
Just the thick mass of purple clouds and mist enveloped Alice. Red thunderstorms and hurricanes swirl through the atmosphere that had enveloped the girl. Eary screamed at the sight. "What's happening?" Professor Maxwell announced, staring at the cocoon of swirling purple clouds. "The stone I gave your friend is intended for someone of extraordinary abilities. I believe Alice to be of the stock." Eary gasped in horror. "Are you insane? You could kill her!" With that, Eary jumped into the vortex after his friend.
Inside, Eary fell helplessly through an endless sky of purple storms over an unending sea. Righting himself and observing his surroundings. He called out, "Alice! Alice! Where are you?" Helplessly as he smashed into the purple sea. However, the other side proved to be another surprise at Eary was shot from a small pool into a cave filled with purple mist. Landing with a hard thud, Eary quickly healed off any injuries and made his way down a dark path. "Alice!" He cried once more. "Eary!?" an echoed voice rang out from the depths of the darkness. "Alice!" He called back as he raced down the cave. Only to step and once more fall. This time into nothingness. He spun and twisted violently until an unseen force righted him. He could feel himself slow. As he looked around, he called out, "Who are you?" A voices emerged from the darkness. "Who is he?" "A human?" "A Claris?" The voices spoke all at once. The noise felt like it was drowning out Eary's existence. Until one, firm but soft voice reached out to him. "We are the Nocopo. Who are you?" The question seemed to puzzle Eary. "I am Earhart Olson." The voice replied. "I feel a kinship inside of you. I am Ilia, and the light that once burned inside of you once burned inside of me." Eary didn't know what to say. He gathered up what courage he had and pressed on again. "Where is my friend, Alice?" The voice replied softly. "She has been enhanced, as you have been. Go, find the other seven grand jewels. You will need their power for what lies ahead." The atmosphere around Eary shifted, he called out to the voice again, but in vain. As the world shifted around him, he found himself again, standing in the professor's suite with Maxwell and Alice. "Shit! Did you get a talking lady, too?" Alice asked as Eary got back to his feet. "I did." Eary exclaimed in exhaustion. Maxwell, who had been watching nearby, interjected "Marvelous Alice, however, young Earhart, I don't understand why you had an interaction.
Eary heard Alice's voice in his head. "Just tell them she let you go. That's all. I don't trust this weirdo." He glanced over at Alice, who flashed him back a knowing look. Eary replied to Maxwell, "I didn't really, she just sent me on my way. He told me to look out for my friend. That's all." Eary lied as Maxwell examined the boy. "Alright then. Well, young lady, I'm curious to see your new powers after connecting to the stone. I see no reason you couldn't assist me during the day, say, as a teacher's aide?" Alice tilted her head in interest. "Well, professor, you just got yourself a ginger." She said proudly as she swept her braids to the side. The two wrapped up their conversation with the professor. And proceeded to the festival. On the way, Eary inquired what Alice needed the stone for. She responded with one word, "Teleportation!"
Eary and Alice made haste from the Star Gazer. The whole encounter with the professor and the voice 'Ilia' had both of them with a feeling of unease. As if they had crossed some line of no turning back.
As they made their way down the long drive road that led to the Star Gazer, the two continued their conversation from before. "So how is that crystal going to help you teleport?" Eary asked, his curiosity peaked. Alice smiled a cocktail grin. "Well, my dear, it seems to me that everyone got a magic crystal." Eary glanced back at Alice in confusion. "Yeah, and?" Alice scoffed. "I've been having dreams and shit. In them, I can travel anywhere on the planet, with a thought." Alice recounted as the bus arrived, slowing in front of them. Eary rolled his eyes. "Well, that would be useful, seeing as we would save a fortune on bus fair." Alice giggled back as she boarded the bus. "I know, right?"
As the two boarded the bus, they took their seats in the back and continued their conversation, As she sat down, Alice continue "And what the fuck was the Professor's deal. I mean really, has he been watching me the whole time?" Alice stated as the bus pulled away from the small, frozen bus stop. Eary glanced back and continued "He's odd. I know. But he has been researching a rather off brand topic his whole life. I've never even heard of the Nocopo before him. So I assume he must have been called a crack pot." Alice rolled her eyes "It's not like they are wrong. I mean, I can tear someone apart with my mind, and that guy gives me the creeps." Alice said with confidence. However, Eary wasn't sure. He felt a strange kinship with the professor, he too knew what it meant to live alone. "I'm not sure, Alice." Eary replied "Maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt." Alice straightened her posture and took a more serious tone with Earhart. "He took a bunch of children, into a dangerous environment, for his own benefit." Alice seemed to grow more angry as she spoke "And what about that Ben kid? What a fucking useless power he has, no offense to him or anything like that. But that kid hid and cried during that whole thing. And while you were off with your boyfriend, I was consoling that kid!" She said as she slammed her fist on the vacant seat next to her. "I held that kid, while he sobbed and begged to go home. The good professor, who was an earshot away, did not bat an eye. All that fucker could do was stare at his trinkets!" Alice's posture loosened at the sight of Eary's intimidated expression. "Look, I know you don't have the best radar. Ok? So just promise me you won't be alone with him. Because, honestly, I kinda took the teacher's aide position, to keep an eye on him."
Eary promised her. And as the bus neared their destination, Eary couldn't help but wonder about Alice's fire. What invoked such passion for others in this girl? Maybe in time he would ask her. But for now, the bus arrived at their stop. The Bright Hope Festival of Lights.
As the bus stopped, almost everyone unboarded. As the two friends also vacated, they quickly spotted Eary's group from before. Calvin spotting them, waved from the crowd. His tall frame, towering over the festival goers. "Hey Eary!" Calvin called out. Eary and Alice greeted them back and joined their friends.
As the two reunited with their friends. They disclosed the event surrounding the Purple crystal. Alice revealed it to the others, and as they gazed upon it, Calvin said "It feels like it's speaking right to me. Like a ladies voice." Alice chimed in "Oh, that's just Ilia. She's my magic jewel home girl." Mei put her ear close to the stone. "I don't hear anything." Calvin raised his eyebrow and replied "What?! Why can we all hear her and you can't?"
Alice looked around at the group, and recollecting her own experience with the crystal, decided it best to put it away for now.
"I don't know. But, apparently there are 7 of these things in the world. Probably one for each color." Alice, now considering the possible true purpose of her dream stated "I've been having dreams about, well, teleporting. I think I know why now." Her voice and presence commanded the younger brood as she continued. "I think our next objective, kiddos, is to round these bad boys up." Calvin's brow furled as he asked "Maybe we should talk to the professor about this?" Alice flashed him a quick glance "Don't you dare. For now, the only ones who know about ANY of this is us." She glanced at Hannah and Maggie, who had witnessed the professor's apathy for their lives as well. They looked back and shook their heads in firm agreement. Then to Mei and Calvin. Mei replied to the look "I've been feeling something isn't right here. Ok, I'm in!" Mei looked up to Calvin, who quickly agreed as well.
Eary stepped forward, unsure of the decision, but with his trust in his friends, he replied "Me too." Alice nodded ""Alright, first things first, we need access to Mote!" Alice said as she paced before the group, a habit. He had noticed. "Mote's different. And so are you, Eary. So he's gotta know more. And now that he's had some time to catch up, we need info!" As she paced she continued "I will work on this whole, porting, thing. In the meantime, Eary, lay low. I especially don't want you alone with Maxwell. So you four stick close to him, got it?" The four teenagers unanimously answered "Yes, Ma'am!" As they giggled, Alice calmed them down "We need to work together to get home. And we need to look out for our weaker members, like Ben." Alice glanced around "Where is Ben, anyways?" Mei responded "Decan brought him to the bathroom a few minutes ago. Are we going to include them on this?" Alice paused and thought for a second before she responded "Eary, fill Decan in. But let's leave Ben in the dark. He's only 13, and I don't want to add more to his plate."
Eary looked over at Alice half proud and half annoyed. "Hey! Where was all this concern when you rescued me in my cell?" Alice flashed Eary an annoyed glance "You can take care of yourself. That was mostly boy troubles, anyways, and you know it!" Eary quickly remembering Alice telepathy, giggled under his breath. Alice quickly responded "Uh-huh."
As the six friends discussed the goings-on, Decan and Ben returned. Ben, with a big cup of cocoa, walked in stride with the dashing Decan. A sight that gave Eary the sensation of a warm summer rain inside his heart. As Decan approached, he embraced Eary and tenderly said "Glad you made it." As he whispered, the warmth of their embrace made the world fall away for Earhart. Eary breathed in deep, locked in Decan's embrace. Even under these frigid conditions, it always had the hint of dandelions. Something Eary had been aware of for most of his life, yet had never uttered a word. A fact now, that soothed him so.
Eary looked up and said "I need to talk to you about something. Maybe we can go for a walk together?" Decan nodded as the two headed off together through the festivities. The sights of the season at hand, put a firm anchor of mourning around Eary's heart. "What was mom doing? And dad, Josh, and Ephraim of course." His mind focused on the assured devastation his abduction no doubt caused.
Decan put his arm around Eary and inquired "What's on your mind?" Eary sighed as if his heart was a teapot ready to boil over. "I'm just thinking about my family. I'm worried about all the pain I've caused." Decan pulled Eary close "None of this was your fault. And when, not only you, but Luke and I come back too? I'm sure, since no one is hurt, that this probably won't be that big of a deal after you get home." Decan stopped the pair and continued "I also know your family well enough to know that they're tough." Decan smiled, the stars of distant galaxies swirled around his silhouette "Just look at you." Decan exclaimed, leaning down, to once again to kiss Eary.
After the embrace, Decan asked "Was that what you wanted to talk to me about?" Eary paused in confusion for a bit, staring at Decan's face as it hit him. "Decan!" Eary exclaimed, causing Decan to jump back startled. Eary then filled Decan in on the plan for the 7 grand crystals, and to keep Ben and the professor out of the loop.
"Ok. Yeah, I wanna get home. Let's do this." Decon exclaimed as the two continued along the festivities. They rejoined the group, who had already been joined by Luke, Sakile and Denby. As they all huddled together, the sense of family filled Eary. With Decan's arm firmly around him, and his brother at his other side, Eary looked around at his new found family. It looks like Calvin and Mei were growing closer, evident by Calvin's arm around Mei, her cat-eared white cap peaking out from his big, jacketed, green arm.
Alice and Denby seemed to be patching things up as Alice didn't look so murderous anymore. She had been tending to Ben with Hannah and Maggie, the two girls' hands firmly locked. Eary smiled at the sight as he turned his attention to his brother and Sakile. The two enjoyed a jolly conversation as they too sipped cocoa. Eary looked up at the boy he had always known. But I never knew before now. The stars still danced around the boy, his features dimly lit by the twilight. Eary smiled, a sense of contentment washed over him. For the first time, he had completely belonged.
After the evening's events, the group returned to the Star Gazer. As he and his brother turned down for the night, Eary received an emergency text from Alice. Sneaking out of his suite, he made his way next door.
Mei opened the door as the two stood in their small living room, the same as Eary's "You're not gonna believe this! Look what Alice can do!" Eary turned his attention to his friend, she waved cockily to him, then the next second, she was beside him. "Hey! What's up?" She joked as Eary nearly hit the roof. He looked at her perplexed and stated "There is no light!" Alive chuckled "Nope! Pretty shanazy, huh?" Eary smiled "Yeah, so how far can you get?" He asked, his voice piqued with curiosity.
Alice sighed deep "Only a few feet so far. But this was one day!" Alice exclaimed. Eary knew this was an important step, so trying not to seem to disappointed he replied "Yeah, it's pretty cool." Alice rolled her eyes "What?" Eary, the tears welling up in his eye betrayed his cool exterior, said, voice cracking with emotion "I, I just sort of thought, when you teleported, we would go see Mote now." Alice expression shifted to that of concern "I get it, I do. I actually grew pretty accustomed to him too. But we're not there yet. Ok?" Eary nodded "I know. This is good! Progress."
Alice and Mei embraced Eary in a group hug. Thoughts of Mote rattled through Eary's head. From the first time they met, they said they said goodbye. Under the frigid Antarctic ice sheet. His heart ached to be picked on or stolen from again. "Oh, Mote! I miss you!" Eary erupted, as the loss finally had set in. As the three friends held each other, a brisk icy embrace enveloped the trio. Lifting their heads, they were back in the Nocopo ruins.
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