Chapter 16: Changing Fate
As Saturday dawned, so did new possibilities for Eary. Today was the day of his and Decan's 'Date'.
Although he wasn't positive, it was. It did nothing from Eary telling himself that.
As he got ready for the day, he stared at himself in the mirror. He and Mote had gone through almost all his outfits to find the perfect choice. A black sweater with a white button-up underneath. He looked great but felt he needed something extra. Searching around the suite, he was delighted to find a bottle of unopened aftershave. Giving himself a generous dose and one last glance. He got his coat and headed out the door.
Decan lived on the second floor. Eary pressed the (2), he was taken aback when the doors opened to reveal Decan standing there. The two smiled as he boarded. Making their way to the lobby, Eary and Decan shyly exchanged glances. Arriving in the lobby, they two made their way out of the Star Gazer and down to the bus stop.
Decan complimented Eary on the way. "You smell really nice."
Bright Hope, a charming mountain town near the institute, had become their new sanctuary. Its picturesque streets, blanketed in a fresh layer of snow, provided a serene backdrop for their day of exploration. Eary, his blonde hair now dusted with frost, walked alongside Decan through the glistening streets, feeling a mix of emotions.
Decan, with his warm smile and dark brown eyes, glanced at Eary as they walked along the frosty downtown. Their interest was piqued by a cozy, dimly lit café. Its interior exuded warmth and charm. Decan held the door open for Eary as they entered. the scent of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft murmur of patrons filled the air.
"Decan," Eary began, his voice carrying a touch of curiosity and vulnerability, "I appreciate you inviting me to hang out. It means a lot. I didn't really have any friends back home."
Decan smiled warmly. "Eary, I know school was rough for you because of Josh telling people stuff." The boy glanced down at his coffee. He continued. "I used to tell the other kids to back off you." He smiled shyly at the reveal.
Eary's heartbeat began to speed up. He replied, "Thank you."
Decan cautiously smiled back, his eyes sparkling in the café light.
The moment was interrupted by the arrival of Calvin and Mei to the café. As they entered, Mei's attention was caught by Eary and Decan.
"Hey!" She exclaimed as the two made their way over to the boys. Taking a seat at their table, Mei continued, "What are you two up to today?" She asked curiously.
Eary and Decan flashed each other an awkward glance as Decan replied, "Just out, seeing the sights."
Eary smiled nervously as he nodded along.
Mei grinned cheerily. "We are too! I need a break from being cooped up! Then yesterday, Calvin asked me if I'd like to explore the town. "
Eary suspiciously glanced in Calvin's direction. He wore a faint smile, aimed towards Decan. Eary looked down in his lap. His eyes lit up, and a large smile danced across his face. Composing himself, he replied, "What a coincidence, Decan asked me the same thing."
Mei cheerfully exclaimed, her hands clasped over her mouth. "Maybe we should all go around together?!"
The silent Calvin immediately spoke up. "I thought you said you two were going to go do a thing." Calvin stared intensely at Decan.
He quickly responded, "Oh, right. That thing."
Eary smirked and inquired. "What thing are we doing today, Decan?"
Decan nervously replied. "It's a surprise."
Mei chimed in. "I like surprises," She stated naively.
Eary, feeling Decan's unease, exclaimed. "Oh, yeah! That thing we have." He turned towards Mei and mournfully stated. "I'd love to hang out today, but it is a private thing for us, Toronto boys."
Mei looked noticeably disappointed, she sighed and replied. "Alright, I guess. But we all have to get together later. Ok?"
Eary smiled and replied. "It's a date!" After which, Eary and Decan departed, back out into the snowy streets.
The coffees warmed the hands of the boys as they walked along the winter wonderland. Eary noticed a tall building in the distance. As they strolled, it revealed itself to be the Bright Hope library. Eary beamed. "Let's head in their!"
Decan smiled, knowing Eary's love of books, headed inside.
It was a quaint, two story building. It was clad in faded gray carpeting. Old, blonde, desks congregated in the center of the stacks. The two boys greeted the elderly old librarian. After signing up for cards, they made their way through the stacks.
Stopping in front of a collection of urban fantasy books, Decan stated,
"You always did love your books."
Eary peeked up his brows as he replied, "I do. You noticed?"
Decan nodded with a shy smile, "Of course, it was hard not to. When you weren't with Ephraim, you were reading."
Eary chuckled softly to himself. He glanced towards Decan and replied, "I guess I stayed to myself a lot. Except for Ephraim, he always made me feel safe to be around."
Eary sighed as he grabbed a book from the shelves, "Look where it got me. Friendless and teased."
Decan placed his hand on Eary's shoulder. "Look at you now. You're making all kinds of friends and having crazy adventures."
His grip tightened slightly on Eary's shoulder as he continued. "I'd like to think you and I are becoming closer."
The two held each other's gaze, as Eary was about to reply, a familiar voice caught them off guard.
"Hey, guys!" Maggie rounded the corner. Her white button-up and prim demeanor blended her seamlessly with the library.
Decan and Eary both awkwardly pulled away and exclaimed, "Hey!"
She continued. "What brings two of the institute's students here on a Saturday?"
Eary replied. "I like books, and Decan and I were out strolling and noticed the library."
Decan looked perplexed at the girl. He asked. "What are you doing here on a Saturday? Shouldn't you be out with Hannah?"
Maggie smirked. "I volunteer here. I love old books, I'm a collector of sorts."
Eary lit up excitedly as he inquired. "Really? I love books too! What's your favorite genre?"
Maggie, still smiling, calmly replied. "I have a taste for the classics."
Eary pressed further. "What kinds do you collect?"
Maggie paused for a moment, then explained, "I enjoy the strange and unusual. So only the rarest are allowed into my collection." She seemed to quiver in delight as she continued. "The thrill of hunting them down. Bringing them back home with me. Painstakingly stitching the pieces back together. Until I own a new masterpiece."
Decan inquired standoffishly. "Where did you learn to do that?"
Maggie sighed as she explained. "My father was a surgeon. I always wanted to be. But look.." she raised her hands, and they trembled slightly in place. Maggie lamented, "I have an essential tremor. No matter what I do, it stays with me." She smiled softly as she dropped her hands and continued, "So no surgery for me." She chuckled.
Decan placed his arm around Eary. He was in the process of wrapping the conversation when Maggie inquired,
"Oh? Love is in the air?"
Decan nervously replied. "Actually, we were just exploring."
She smiled deviously. "It's okay, I like boys too, from time to time."
Eary groaned, "Thanks, Maggie."
Maggie quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry. I just figured since you two grew up together. Well, don't let me hold you up."
The two nodded and headed back out into the frozen streets.
After leaving the library, the two headed back to the hotel. As they entered the lobby, they proceeded over to the café of the Star Gazer.
Picking a booth and taking their seats. Decan lamented, "With everyone out in Bright Hope, maybe we won't have people barging in on us constantly."
Eary was about to agree when Alice arrived at their table. She greeted them and handed them their menus. Then, she inquired, "How was the town?"
Decan smiled nervously and replied, "Crowded."
Alice flashed Eary a cool glance and a smirk before excusing herself. They glanced over the Star Gazer's lofty menu. The prices were steep, and Eary cringed in his seat. He only had ten dollars Luke had given him for the day, but this was a ski resort after all he thought.
As he glanced nervously for cheaper options, Decan exclaimed, "Order whatever you want. I've been doing odd jobs around the hotel for the professor. I got this."
Eary blushed, he shyly accepted the offer. After they made up their minds and set the menus down. The two continued their intimate conversation.
"There is something I need to tell you." Decan said abruptly. Eary looked at him perplexed as he continued, "Back home, at the end of school last year. Josh came out to me and confessed his feelings."
Eary was taken aback by the news, and he inquired. "Did you say yes?" Decan shook his head." I didn't. I knew if I said yes to Josh, there could never be anything with you." Eary's heart skipped a beat. He whispered, "Decan..." A smile spread across Eary's face as he exclaimed." I always wondered why you stared at me!" The two boys giggled. After a bit, Decan's gaze fixated on Eary. He asked, "Would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?" Eary beamed as he nodded." I would like that very much." Decan rose from his side of the booth. He quickly made his way over to Eary's. As he scooted in, the two boys shyly moved in closer. Decan placed his arm around him, pulling him close. Eary closed his eyes and leaned in. Decan's lips embraced Eary's in a soft, deep kiss. Pulling back, Eary was giddy. It was his first kiss.
The two boys stared blissfully into each other's eyes. Until their date was once again interrupted. "E'llo love!" Eary's blood ran cold at the sound. "Shit," Eary whispered under his breath as Denby occupied the opposite side of the booth.
Denby, making himself at home, grinned a mischievous smirk. "Now, what do we have here? I thought I meant something to ya love!" Eary squirmed in his seat, glancing nervously at Decan. He nervously stammered back a reply. "Denby, I... I..." Denby burst into laughter. The boys flashed each other a quick glance, as Denby announced, "I was only given ya the bants." Eary sighed. He didn't know what bants was, but he thought it meant teasing. Eary smile and politely replied, "How are you doing tonight, Denby?" Denby shook his head in masculine confidence as he replied. "Aces mate!" Decan exclaimed in annoyance. "What are you doing tonight, Den?" Denby extended his arms across the booth as he replied, "Just waitin' on Alice. How 'bout you boys?" Decan replied exhaustedly. "We're on a date." Denby grinned. As he was about to reply, Alice returned.
"What are you doing bothering them?" She announced in agitation. Denby hastily shot back. "Oi! I'm just knockin' about with me mates, love, honestly." Alice rolled her eyes as she informed him. "Yes, but read the room. It's a first date." She turned back towards Eary. "That reminds me. We have a stage and a whole bunch of instruments, Eary. Interested?" He shook his head in nervous revulsion as Decan announced. "That sounds fun." Looking toward Eary, "What do you think?" Eary exclaimed." I don't think I'm ready for that. Also, I don't sing." Decan smiled, as he replied. "I can sing a bit. Come on, I'll sing if you play." Eary felt a numbing tingle as Decan and his friends scooted him out of the booth and urged him on stage.
Behind the curtain, Eary nervously gravitated towards the piano, while Decan took the mic. He glanced back towards Eary. In a consoling voice, he whispered, "Don't be nervous, you're great!" Decan's words warmed Eary's heart, as he replied. "Thank you, Decan." As their short conversation came to a close, the curtain to the café opened.
Alice announced over the microphone, "Hey everyone, today we have a little treat for you. So please give it up for the musical styling of Eary and Decan."
Eary's fingers moved, almost against his will, striking the keys to the song. The melodies rang through his soul, and he began to ease a bit. Decan's voice filled the room in synchronized harmony. As the words to 'Sweet Child Of Mine' filled the room, Eary glanced over to Decan. Taking a long, hard look at the young man, Eary began to see possibilities. The two played on through the evening, completing multiple songs.
The two returned to the café, with applause from their friends, who had all amassed during the little concert. The group praised the boys for their talents as the group conveyed. After the night of festivities, Eary and Luke returned to their small suite. Upon entry, however, they were greeted by a very different scene.
A cold spread lay on the table, appearing to be hours old. "Mote?" In an ethereal burst of blue light, the frustrated little Moteling appeared. "Yeah, what do you twos want?" Mote huffed. Luke sighed as he replied, "Buddy, I'm sorry. Eary had his big date and I went out with my friends." Mote shot back. "Must be nice." Luke inquired. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mote quickly darted into Eary's room and slammed the door as Luke called out to him.
Eary and Luke looked at each other concerned as they cleaned up the meal. After the dishes, Eary returned to his room to search for Mote.
The Moteling was hammered and slurring his words when he announced to Eary "Well look who it is. Mr. Popular!" Eary sighed as he exclaimed, "Mote." Mote continued. "No, no, no. Don't worry about it, kid. I've seen where you come from. This is normal for you's people." Eary scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mote shot back. "It means you're just like Ephraim! As soon as you had new friends, BAM, done with me!" Eary consoled Mote "It's just new, and you still need to hide. I love you, Mote. I could never abandon you!" Mote looked back to Eary in desperation. "I'm all alone in this world, squirt. You don't know what that's like." Eary picked up Mote and held him close as he replied "Yes I do."
Eary agreed to let Mote follow him around the hotel, but he needed to hide from the officials that ran the place. Mote agreed in excitement as the two old friends settled in for the night.
As Saturday dawned, so did new possibilities for Eary. Today was the day of his and Decan's 'Date'. Although he wasn't positive, it was. It did nothing from Eary telling himself that. As he got ready for the day, he stared at himself in the mirror. He and Mote had gone through almost all his outfits to find the perfect choice. A black sweater with a white button-up underneath. He looked great but felt he needed something extra. Searching around the suite, he was delighted to find a bottle of unopened aftershave. Giving himself a generous dose and one last glance. He got his coat and headed out the door.
Decan lived on the second floor. Eary pressed the (2), he was taken aback when the doors opened to reveal Decan standing there. The two smiled as he boarded. Making their way to the lobby, Eary and Decan shyly exchanged glances. Arriving in the lobby, they two made their way out of the Star Gazer and down to the bus stop. Decan complimented Eary on the way. "You smell really nice."
Bright Hope, a charming mountain town near the institute, had become their new sanctuary. Its picturesque streets, blanketed in a fresh layer of snow, provided a serene backdrop for their day of exploration. Eary, his blonde hair now dusted with frost, walked alongside Decan through the glistening streets, feeling a mix of emotions.
Decan, with his warm smile and dark brown eyes, glanced at Eary as they walked along the frosty downtown. Their interest was piqued by a cozy, dimly lit café. Its interior exuded warmth and charm. Decan held the door open for Eary as they entered. the scent of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft murmur of patrons filled the air.
"Decan," Eary began, his voice carrying a touch of curiosity and vulnerability, "I appreciate you inviting me to hang out. It means a lot. I didn't really have any friends back home."
Decan smiled warmly. "Eary, I know school was rough for you because of Josh telling people stuff." The boy glanced down at his coffee. He continued. "I used to tell the other kids to back off you." He smiled shyly at the reveal. Eary's heartbeat began to speed up. He replied, "Thank you." Decan cautiously smiled back, his eyes sparkling in the café light.
The moment was interrupted by the arrival of Calvin and Mei to the café. As they entered, Mei's attention was caught by Eary and Decan. "Hey!" She exclaimed as the two made their way over to the boys. Taking a seat at their table, Mei continued, "What are you two up to today?" Eary and Decan flashed each other an awkward glance as Decan replied, "Just out, seeing the sights." Eary smiled nervously as he nodded along. Mei grinned cheerily. "We are too! I need a break from being cooped up! Then yesterday, Calvin asked me if I'd like to explore the town. " Eary suspiciously glanced in Calvin's direction. He wore a faint smile, aimed towards Decan. Eary looked down in his lap. His eyes lit up, and a large smile danced across his face. Composing himself, he replied, "What a coincidence, Decan asked me the same thing." Mei cheerfully exclaimed, her hands clasped over her mouth. "Maybe we should all go around together?!" The silent Calvin immediately spoke up. "I thought you said you two were going to go do a thing." Calvin stared intensely at Decan. He quickly responded, "Oh, right. That thing." Eary smirked and inquired. "What thing are we doing today, Decan?" Decan nervously replied. "It's a surprise." Mei chimed in."I like surprises," She stated naively. Eary, feeling Decan's unease, exclaimed. "Oh, yeah! That thing we have." He turned towards Mei and mournfully stated. "I'd love to hang out today, but it is a private thing for us, Toronto boys." Mei looked noticeably disappointed, she sighed and replied. "Alright, I guess. But we all have to get together later. Ok?" Eary smiled and replied. "It's a date!" After which, Eary and Decan departed, back out into the snowy streets.
The coffees warmed the hands of the boys as they walked along the winter wonderland. Eary noticed a tall building in the distance. As they strolled, it revealed itself to be the Bright Hope library. Eary beamed. "Let's head in their!" Decan smiled, knowing Eary's love of books, headed inside.
It was a quaint, two story building. It was clad in faded gray carpeting. Old, blonde, desks congregated in the center of the stacks. The two boys greeted the elderly old librarian. After signing up for cards, they made their way through the stacks. Stopping in front of a collection of urban fantasy books, Decan stated, "You always did love your books." Eary peeked up his brows as he replied, "I do. You noticed?" Decan nodded with a shy smile, "Of course, it was hard not to. When you weren't with Ephraim, you were reading." Eary chuckled softly to himself. He glanced towards Decan and replied, "I guess I stayed to myself a lot. Except for Ephraim, he always made me feel safe to be around." Eary sighed as he grabbed a book from the shelves, "Look where it got me. Friendless and teased." Decan placed his hand on Eary's shoulder. "Look at you now. You're making all kinds of friends and having crazy adventures." His grip tightened slightly on Eary's shoulder as he continued. "I'd like to think you and I are becoming closer." The two held each other's gaze, as Eary was about to reply, a familiar voice caught them off guard.
"Hey, guys!" Maggie rounded the corner. Her white button-up and prim demeanor blended her seamlessly with the library. Decan and Eary both awkwardly pulled away and exclaimed, "Hey!" She continued. "What brings two of the institute's students here on a Saturday?" Eary replied. "I like books, and Decan and I were out strolling and noticed the library." Decan looked perplexed at the girl. He asked. "What are you doing here on a Saturday? Shouldn't you be out with Hannah?" Maggie smirked. "I volunteer here. I love old books, I'm a collector of sorts." Eary lit up, excitedly he inquired. "Really? I love books too! What's your favorite genre?" Maggie, still smiling, calmly replied. "I have a taste for the classics." Eary pressed further. "What kinds do you collect?" Maggie paused for a moment, then explained, "I enjoy the strange and unusual. So only the rarest are allowed into my collection." She seemed to quiver in delight as she continued. "The thrill of hunting them down. Bringing them back home with me. Painstakingly stitching the pieces back together. Until I own a new masterpiece." Decan inquired standoffishly. "Where did you learn to do that?" Maggie sighed as she explained. "My father was a surgeon. I always wanted to be. But look.." she raised her hands, and they trembled slightly in place. Maggie lamented, "I have an essential tremor. No matter what I do, it stays with me." She smiled softly as she dropped her hands and continued, "So no surgery for me." She chuckled. Decan placed his arm around Eary. He was in the process of wrapping the conversation when Maggie inquired, "Oh? Love is in the air?" Decan nervously replied. "Actually, we were just exploring." She smiled deviously. "It's okay, I like boys too, from time to time." Eary groaned, "Thanks, Maggie." Maggie quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry. I just figured since you two grew up together. Well, don't let me hold you up." The two nodded and headed back out into the frozen streets.
After leaving the library, the two headed back to the hotel. As they entered the lobby, they were drawn over the café of the Star Gazer. Picking a booth and taking their seats. Decan lamented, "With everyone out in Bright Hope, maybe we won't have people barging in on us constantly. Eary was about to agree when Alice arrived at their table. She greeted them, giving them menus. She inquired, "How was the town?" Decan smiled nervously and replied, "Crowded." Alice flashed Eary a cool glance and a smirk before excusing herself. They glanced over the Star Gazer's lofty menu. The prices were steep, and Eary cringed in his seat. He only ten dollars Luke had given him for the day, but this was a ski resort after all he thought. As he glanced nervously for cheaper options, Decan exclaimed, "Order whatever you want. I've been doing odd jobs around the hotel for the professor. I got this." Eary blushed, he shyly accepted the offer. After they made up their minds and set the menus down. The two continued their intimate conversation. "There is something I need to tell you." Decan said abruptly. Eary looked at him perplexed as he continued, "Back home, at the end of school last year. Josh came out to me and confessed his feelings." Eary was taken aback by the news," he inquired. "Did you say yes?" Decan shook his head. "I didn't. I knew if I said yes to Josh, there could never be anything with you." Eary's heart skipped a beat. He whispered, "Decan..." A smile spread across Eary's face as he exclaimed. "I always wondered why you stared at me!" The two boys giggled. After a bit, Decan's gaze fixated on Eary. He asked, "Would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?" Eary beamed as he nodded. "I would like that very much." Decan rose from his side of the booth. He quickly made his way over to Eary's. As he scooted in, the two boys shyly moved in closer. Decan placed his arm around him, pulling him close. Eary closed his eyes and leaned in. Decan's lips embraced Eary's in a soft, deep kiss. Pulling back, Eary was giddy. It was his first kiss.
The two boys stared blissfully into each other's eyes. Until their date was once again interrupted. "E'llo love!" Eary's blood ran cold at the sound. "Shit," Eary whispered under his breath as Denby occupied the opposite side of the booth.
Denby, making himself at home, grinned a mischievous smirk. "Now, what do we have here? I thought I meant something to ya love!" Eary squirmed in his seat, glancing nervously at Decan. He nervously stammered back a reply. "Denby, I... I..." Denby burst into laughter. The boys flashed each other a quick glance, as Denby announced, "I was only given ya the bants." Eary sighed. He didn't know what bants was, but he thought it meant teasing. Eary smile and politely replied, "How are you doing tonight, Denby?" Denby shook his head in masculine confidence as he replied. "Aces mate!" Decan exclaimed in annoyance. "What are you doing tonight, Den?" Denby extended his arms across the booth as he replied, "Just waitin'' on Alice. How 'bout you boys?" Decan replied exhaustedly. "We're on a date." Denby grinned. As he was about to reply, Alice returned.
"What are you doing bothering them?" She announced in agitation. Denby hastily shot back. "Oi! I'm just knockin' about with me mates, love, honestly." Alice rolled her eyes as she informed him. "Yes, but read the room. It's a first date." She turned back towards Eary. "That reminds me. We have a stage and a whole bunch of instruments, Eary. Interested?" He shook his head in nervous revulsion as Decan announced. "That sounds fun." Looking toward Eary, "What do you think?" Eary exclaimed. "I don't think I'm ready for that. Also, I don't sing." Decan smiled, as he replied. "I can sing a bit. Come on, I'll sing if you play." Eary felt a numbing tingle as Decan and his friends scooted him out of the booth and urged him on stage.
Behind the curtain, Eary nervously gravitated towards the piano, while Decan took the mic. He glanced back towards Eary. In a consoling voice, he whispered, "Don't be nervous, you're great!" Decan's words warmed Eary's heart, as he replied. "Thank you, Decan." As their short conversation came to a close, the curtain to the café opened.
Alice announced over the microphone, "Hey everyone, today we have a little treat for you. So please give it up for the musical styling of Eary and Decan."
Eary's fingers moved, almost against his will, striking the keys to the song. The melodies rang through his soul, and he began to ease a bit. Decan's voice filled the room in synchronized harmony. As the words to 'Sweet Child Of Mine' filled the room, Eary glanced over to Decan. Taking a long, hard look at the young man, Eary began to see possibilities. The two played on through the evening, completing multiple songs.
The two returned to the café, with applause from their friends, who had all amassed during the little concert. The group praised the boys for their talents as the group conveyed. After the night of festivities, Eary and Luke returned to their small suite. Upon entry, however, they were greeted by a very different scene.
A cold spread lay on the table, appearing to be hours old. "Mote?" In an ethereal burst of blue light, the frustrated little Moteling appeared. "Yeah, what do you twos want?" Mote huffed. Luke sighed as he replied, "Buddy, I'm sorry. Eary had his big date and I went out with my friends." Mote shot back. "Must be nice." Luke inquired. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mote quickly darted into Eary's room and slammed the door as Luke called out to him.
Eary and Luke looked at each other concerned as they cleaned up the meal. After the dishes, Eary returned to his room to search for Mote.
The Moteling was hammered and slurring his words when he announced to Eary "Well look who it is. Mr. Popular!" Eary sighed as he exclaimed, "Mote." Mote continued. "No, no, no. Don't worry about it, kid. I've seen where you come from. This is normal for you's people." Eary scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mote shot back. "It means you're just like Ephraim! As soon as you have new friends, BAM, done with me!" Eary consoled Mote "It's just new, and you still need to hide. I love you, Mote. I could never abandon you!" Mote looked back to Eary in desperation. "I'm all alone in this world, squirt. You don't know what that's like." Eary picked up Mote and held him close as he replied "Yes I do."
Eary agreed to let Mote follow him around the hotel, but he needed to hide from the officials that ran the place. Mote agreed in excitement as the two old friends settled in for the night.
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