Chapter 15: The Nocopo
The following day at the Star Gazer Institute was marked by a palpable sense of anticipation. Eary, Mei, and Calvin, along with their fellow students, gathered in the grand hall for another day of learning about their supernatural abilities. The mystery surrounding the institute and its true purpose hung in the air like an unspoken question.
"Hey, Eary!" Decan exclaimed as Eary and his friends entered the room. "Come sit next to me." Eary smiled faintly as to not alert Decan to his interest.
As they took their seats, Decan leaned back to place his arm on the sofa above Eary's small frame. Eary's blood rushed at the possible double meaning.
"Hey Dec, how'd you sleep last night?" Eary asked, trying to play it cool.
"Just fine. How about yourself?" Decan asked, eyes locked with Eary's.
"Just fine." Eary replied, eyes sparkling.
Decan smiled as his arm fell onto Eary's shoulders. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Earhart. His eyes grew wide as he glanced back at the boy he thought he knew.
Professor Maxwell entered the room, his presence once again commanding their attention. Today, he appeared more animated, as if he were about to reveal long-held secrets.
The grand hall was filled with students, but Eary and Decan seemed to exist in their own quiet bubble. As Professor Maxwell began his lecture, their hushed conversation continued.
"Good morning, students," Professor Maxwell began with a twinkle in his eyes. "Today, we delve deeper into the mysteries of your abilities. You've learned about the colors of light and their corresponding powers. But there is more to discover."
Decan leaned over to Eary, and in a hushed whisper, he asked, "Have you been enjoying your time here, Eary?" his warm breath sending shivers down Eary's spine.
Eary couldn't help but blush slightly at the attention. "Yeah, it's been... different," he replied, avoiding Decan's gaze as his heart raced.
Decan's fingers lightly brushed against Eary's shoulder. "Different can be good."
Eary's cheeks flushed even deeper, and he stole a glance at Decan. The intensity in Decan's eyes left no room for doubt about his feelings. Eary felt a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration. It was the first time he had experienced a romantic interest so openly.
Their conversation was punctuated by the professor's explanation of supernatural abilities, but Eary's attention was primarily focused on Decan. He couldn't deny the fluttering in his chest or the way his own eyes lingered on Decan's lips as he spoke.
"So, I was wondering, seeing as tomorrow is Saturday. That you might want to go explore the town together?" Decan asked as his eyes searched Eary's face longingly. Eary felt lightheaded as he replied,
"Yeah, that sounds like fun."
"Excuse me, boys." The professor addressed the spectacle before him. "Is there something so important you'd like to share it with the rest of the class?"
Decan quickly removed his arm from Eary."Uh, no, sir." Decan replied as Eary giggled nervously. The professor gave the boys a knowing look. "Alright then!"
Maxwell continued, "You've all seen the world through your own unique lens of colors and abilities, but have you ever wondered why? Why do certain colors resonate with you more than others? It's time to unveil a hidden layer of understanding."
He motioned for them to follow him as they moved to a large room adjacent to the grand hall. Inside, they found a chamber filled with small prismatic crystals, each radiating a specific color of light.
"These crystals," the professor explained, "are attuned to the core of your being, to the essence of your supernatural abilities. Each of you will be drawn to a crystal that matches the color of your aura, the manifestation of your inner self."
Eary, Mei, and Calvin gazed at the array of colorful crystals, feeling a sense of connection that transcended the physical. It was as if the crystals held a piece of their souls.
"Now," Professor Maxwell continued, "I want each of you to approach the crystals and let your instincts guide you. Trust your inner self to choose the crystal that resonates with your unique power."
With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, the students approached the crystals, their hands outstretched toward the radiant colors. Eary's gaze was drawn to a brilliant sapphire crystal, while Mei found herself inexplicably drawn to a vibrant crimson one. Calvin hesitated for a moment before reaching for a shimmering emerald crystal.
As their fingertips made contact with the crystals, a surge of energy coursed through them. It was as if they were forging a deeper connection to their powers, understanding them on a profound level. The colors enveloped them, wrapping them in a cocoon of light and revelation.
Eary felt a newfound sense of control over his blue light, as if the crystal had unlocked the door to a hidden reservoir of potential. Mei's control over her red light expanded, allowing her to manipulate heat with greater finesse. Calvin's connection to his green light deepened, granting him a heightened sense of the energy that surrounded him.
The room filled with a kaleidoscope of colors, as each student experienced their own transformation. It was a moment of profound realization, a step closer to mastering their supernatural abilities.
Once the connection had been forged, the students returned to the grand hall, their faces filled with wonder and excitement. Professor Maxwell smiled, clearly pleased with their progress.
"You've taken the first step in unlocking the true potential of your powers," he declared. "But there is much more to learn and discover. The world is filled with mysteries, and it is our duty to unravel them."
"Professor." Eary calmly asked. "Where do these crystals come from?" Eary continued holding the small sapphire crystal in his hand. As it radiated a cool and empowering feeling throughout his body.
"That is an excellent question, Earhart! These crystals, in fact, come from a very special mine in Antarctica." The professor informed. "They're from the mines of a nearby ruin."
Eary looked perplexed. "In Antarctica? It's too cold for anyone to have lived there." Eary replied.
The professor smiled. "Yet people did. They were called the Nocopo. They were an advanced civilization. With marvels, you could hardly imagine. They were divided into three separate civilizations, all of whom were considered Nocopo, regardless."
As the professor spoke, he quickly pulled out a map of the south pole. Pointing to each region, he explained,
"There was the technologically advanced Rathok in the north. While the magically inclined Leoht were in the southern region. The third people of the Nocopo were the Aedish. They lived in a small lost kingdom, somewhere in the center."
As the professor continued, Eary folded his arms."So, are you guys just pilfering some long dead people's inventions?"
The professor shook his head yet flashed an approving glance."It's not the technology that intrigues me. It's their use of light. The same way we use light."
Eary gasped at the revelation. "Are we related somehow?"
The professor nodded. "Indeed! We suspect the current situation is reflective of latent dna. You and your brother are a good example of this. The people who have abilities are very few and far between. However, two appear in your family. Granting credence to my theory of a genetic link."
As the professor finished his explanation, Eary felt excitement and uncertainty. Could his miraculous powers truly be the remnant of some lost civilization?
After school, the three returned to Eary's apartment. Mote, once again, greeted him.
"Hey! What's shakin' short stuff? How was that weird school you're goin' to?" Mote inquired as he darted to and fro, preparing yet another large meal.
Eary stood in place. Transfixed, still, by the goings on of the day. And the mysterious sapphire gemstone in his pocket.
Eary blurted out. "Have you ever heard of the Nocopo?"
Mote paused, stopping dead in his tracks as if dazed. "What did you say?" Mote replied, his voice full of confusion and excitement. "The Nocopo. They were an ancient civilization in Antarctica."
"The Nocopo," Mote mused, "Now there's a name I haven't heard in ages."
Eary leaned forward, eager to learn more. "What do you know, Mote?" he asked.
Mei and Calvin listened intently, equally captivated by the revelation.
Mote continued, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and reverence.
"The Nocopo were said to have built incredible cities beneath the ice." Mote hovered in mid-air, scratching his chin. "I know they's had lots of sophisticated gadgets and the like. Before they got wiped out by some big explosion!"
Calvin's eyes widened with excitement. "Like flying cars and spaceships?"
Mote nodded, confirming Calvin's suspicion. "Precisely."
Mei chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "What kind of explosion? Why haven't we heard more about them?"
Mote's form flickered, and for a moment, he seemed lost in thought. "That's the mystery, isn't it? I don't recall too much, now."
Eary raised his eyebrow. "Say, Mote. How do you know all this?"
Mote scoffed. "It's one of my earliest memories! Before I escaped the crate and made a break for it, I was in some sort of lab. They used to talk about this crap a lot."
Mei followed up."If you knew these things, why not go visit Antarctica?"
Mote responded with a small smirk. "Because! Mote doesn't teleport. I can fly, sure. But for longer distance, I usually stow away on a plane."
As Mote finished speaking, a knock on Eary's door disrupted the discussion. Looking through the peep hole, Alice stood on the other side. Opening the door, Eary welcomed the girl in and quickly caught her up on the happenings at the Star Gazer.
"Ok. So there is a big room full of magic rocks. And we are all distant cousins. Got it." Alice joked as she looked over the moteling's ever increasing spread.
"Are you and Luke going to eat all of that?" Alice inquired, as Mote had prepared a small buffet.
Eary felt a bit put on the spot. "Umm... probably not. Hey, Mote? Where are you getting all this food anyway?"
Mote chimed back."There is this great big room downstairs full of different goodies. No sign of num nums but you should see this bitches freezer!"
Eary smiled knowingly at his new friends "Ah! Mote's stealing again."
Alice pushed Eary aside. "Who cares! Hand me a plate blue man!"
As Alice enthusiastically filled her plate with an assortment of dishes, Eary couldn't help but chuckle. The moteling's penchant for "borrowing" things had become a running joke between Eary and Mote.
"Alright, Mote," Eary said with a grin,
"You're officially our culinary expert. Just promise you won't teleport into anyone's kitchen in the middle of the night."
Mote shimmered with amusement. "Cross my ethereal heart, I'll stick to our friendly neighborhood pantry."
As they enjoyed the feast, Alice couldn't resist one last quip, her mouth full of food.
"Who knew attending a school for supernatural abilities would come with an all-you-can-eat buffet? Best school ever!"
As the five companions ate, the door opened. In walked Luke, followed then by Sakile and Denby.
As the small battalion entered the room, they were met with the delightful sight of a well-laid table filled with an array of dishes. Mote, who had returned to his physical form for this gathering, greeted them with a mischievous grin.
"Welcome to the feast!" Mote exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "We's got food aplenty, and we's discussing ancient civilizations and magic crystals. Pull up a chair!"
"E'llo love!" Denby's British voice distinguishing him from the trio. "So what do we have here?" Denby smiled, putting his arm around Eary and observing the spread. "You cooked?" Denby asked curiously.
Eary sighed. "Ah, no. That would be Mote."
Mote glimmered to catch the soldier's attention.
"What is that?" Denby responded in astonishment.
Eary turned his head, almost face to face with Denby. "That's Mote. He's my friend slash pet. He's one of a kind."
Denby turned his head, locking eyes with Eary. The electricity between them sent new sensations through Eary.
"Hey! Denby! Grab a plate." Luke interrupted the moment.
Eary and Denby slowly pulled away. As he did, the swirl of endorphins in Eary's head left Eary a bit goofy.
Alice quickly sat next to Eary. In a hushed whisper, she stated. "You don't wanna fuck Denby."
Her voice ached of reasoning Eary didn't like.
"Why?" Eary said firmly, turning to his friend.
"Well, it turns out... he's bi. And a bit of a fuck boy at that." Alice chipperly informed Earhart.
Eary's brow furled "What's a fuck boy?" The innocent church boy asked.
Alice composed her posture and explained. "A fuck boy is a guy who has sex with anyone. You, me, the mailman, the bank teller girl. You name it."
Eary looked at Alice. "You?"
Alice sighed. "Don't look at me like that. It was late last night... We hung out for a bit. Honestly, he's not looking for a relationship, so I just kinda thought..."
Eary looked over at Denby, who then flashed him a quick wink. Grimacing at the notion, Eary exclaimed, "No. It's fine. Have fun."
Alice bounced in enthusiasm "Thanks boo, you're the best!"
Eary smirked in uneasy disgust
"It's cool, Alice. I actually already have a date with someone else." Eary proudly boasted.
Alice piqued interest expressed genuine interest and a sense of relief. "That awesome! So, who's the lucky guy?"
Eary smiled proudly as he replied. "It just so happens that my twin brother Josh's best friend is here too. And he likes me! So we're gonna go out on a date!"
Alice's brow furled "Oh hunny. You a messy bitch, aren't you?"
Eary looked back in confusion "What do you mean?"
Alice explained "Look, your brother had no right going after Epraim. But it's kind of a two way street. That's his best friend. He won't be too happy when he finds out. And he may have had a thing for him, too. You don't know."
Eary scoffed. "Yeah? So what!" Eary exclaimed in proud agitation. "My brother did God knows what with Ephraim! I get the same privilege!" Eary protested as he folded his arms.
Alice rolled her eyes. "Ok. It's not like I'm saying you can't. But just make sure you don't get hurt. Ok?"
Eary smiled and nodded in agreement.
As the group settled in, Sakile approached Calvin. Strangely, the former tension seemed to have disappeared. Sakile and Calvin now reminded him a bit of Luke and himself.
Sakile extended his arm, placing it upon Calvin's shoulder. "School went good today?" Asked Sakile, giving off strong mentor vibes. Calvin smiled and replied.
"Pretty good, pretty good." Sakile smiled and nodded, then proceeded to gather his meal.
"Hey Cal." Mei inquired, touching Calvin's arm.
"Things are going good then?" She asked in optimistic concern.
"Yeah." Calvin replied with a soft smile, looking back at the girl. "They are. Thanks for always checking in on me, Mei. It means a lot."
Mei smiled back as the group of seven and their moteling mascot sat around the small suite. Laughter and conversation flowed freely. It was a rare moment of relaxation and camaraderie in the midst of their intense training and the mysteries that surrounded them.
Denby, who had quickly become known for his hearty appetite, dived into the meal with gusto, occasionally sharing amusing anecdotes from his experiences as a soldier. His British charm and sense of humor added a unique flavor to the gathering.
Sakile, never one to shy away from the spotlight, regaled the group with stories from their day at the institute. His animated storytelling had everyone in stitches, and even the typically reserved Calvin couldn't help but chuckle.
Luke, ever the mentor, had taken Earhart under his wing. Their interaction was marked by a sense of camaraderie and support. Mei, too, joined in, feeling a growing sense of connection with her newfound friends. Alice, not one to be left out, added her own witty remarks and observations, earning laughter and admiration from the group. She seemed to have a knack for lightening the mood and keeping everyone entertained.
Amid the laughter and stories, the night wore on until exhaustion had the group take their leave.
Eary and Mote headed off to their quaint bedroom suit.
Turning the covers and crawling in. Eary was about to doze off when a familiar feeling crept inside him.
"Mote." Eary whispered.
The small moteling lay in a glowing ball on the pillow beside the boy.
"Mote, we got trouble." Eary nudged the pillow.
"Wha? Why yes, I would like the happy endin'." Mote blurted out from his slumber.
Annoyed, Eary hastily sprung from his bed, got dressed, got a glass of water, and headed back to the moteling.
Mote flew into the sky.
"What the fuck did ya do that for, ya little psycho?" Mote exploded in anger.
"You do that to me all the time." Eary responded in confusion.
Mote looked away in ponderence.
"Well, ya. It's okay if I do it. But not you! Got it, squirt?" Mote stated dismissively.
"Screw you, you little demon! I treat others how they treat me. Deal with it!" Eary retorted in defense.
Mote folded his arms and closed his eyes. "Well, now we're talkin'! He announced slowly nodding wisely.
"What?" Eary asked in slumburous irritation.
"You've toughened up. My training regimen is payin' off." Mote boasted.
"You really think so?" Eary asked, perking up a bit.
"Absolutely! Mote continued as he flew to the boy's shoulder.
Eary smiled in appreciation while Mote awkwardly smiled back as he shook himself dry.
Eary wiped the water off his face.
"You couldn't have done that somewhere else?" He asked in disgust.
"And miss the opportunity for more trainin'? I don't think so!" Mote exclaimed.
Eary headed out the door of his room. Sneaking through the living room, he reached the front door.
He carefully opened the large metal door and quietly shut it behind him.
He made his way down the hall to the elevator. Pressing the button. Eary was positively tingling from the pull of whatever lay outside.
"Why don't ya ask for some help, squirt?" Mote inquired.
"Luke's my brother. When we get back home, if he knows about this, then so will my parents." Eary replied earnestly.
The elevator opened. The two boarded and amongst the tingling and anticipation, eary mildly jogged in place.
"Ya got your ol' pal Mote through thick and thin. Mote exclaimed as the two rode down to the lobby.
"Thanks, Mote." Eary replied amidst his nervous movements.
The door opened. Eary immediately made a mad dash to the front door of the Star Gazer.
As he dashed through the lobby, he was surprised to find it entirely abandoned.
Not dwelling too long, he flung open the door and bolted out into the night.
"Back here!" Eary called out as he was pulled toward the back of the hotel.
Making haste past the large grand building. It's perched rooftops ominously bobbed across the full moon as Eary arrived at his destination.
"Ok... where... is... it?" Eary asked out of breath.
"Give the children to Moloch!" A dark voice as deep as the earth, called out from the darkness.
Two red, burning eyes herald the emergence of a giant minotaur-like creature. It's hands brandished an oily black war hammer. Dark brown fur covered the beast. While it's enormous birth quaked the ground with each step.
"You was sayin' about not needin' help?" Mote asked as the two stared on in horror.
"Give the children to Moloch!" The beast cried as it swung its hammer at Eary.
He quickly erected a field of light, parrying the blow.
"I'm guessing he must be Moloch." Eary stated, holding the hammer at bay.
"I'm thinkin' so." Mote replied gruffly.
Eary watched in shock as Moloch swung his hammer once more. It ricochet off his shield, this time shattering it's amber protection.
Eary and Moloch stumbled back. Mote quickly got behind one of Moloch's legs. Shimmering with light, he knocked it hard to his front with his forcefield.
"Hell ya, Mote!" Eary cried out as the demon collapsed onto its back.
"Batters up, kid!" Mote called out as he zipped back to Eary's shoulder.
Eary pressed his hands together firmly. He extended them out, casting a dazzling display of white iridescent light.
Moloch erupted in a swirling ball of sacred light, then collapsed in a swirl of dust, with his hammer landing neatly in the center.
"Time to hit the snooze button. I need some shut eye." Mote whispered, unimpressed by the spectacle.
"Agreed." Eary replied shrewdly as the two wondered back to the hotel.
However, a strange sound of eerily shambling dust and deep moaning, erupted from behind the pair.
Turning back, they witnessed Moloch's hammer, erupted in flame, with Moloch's remnants swirling about.
They pressed hard together. A molten minotaur now walked forward.
"Give the children to Moloch!" The demon ordered once more.
"Ya gotta be kiddin' me with this guy." Mote angrily asked, puffing out his chest.
"Give the children to Moloch!" The demon bellowed.
"Not much of a conversationalist, huh?" Mote asked as his zipped up to the Gazer's snowy peeks.
"How 'bout singin'? Yoda-la-he-hoo!" Mote snarked as he slammed hard into the Gazer's blanketed roof.
A giant avalanche of December snow engulfed Moloch. Solidifying him.
"Bitch!" Mote cried as he slammed into the demon's arm.
He quickly extended his toung, catching the hammer. Swirling in place, the hammer swung menacingly through the air.
Mote slowly lowered into the hardening demon. Moloch's hammer swirled through its master, decimating the monster.
Mote than released it, flinging it high into the abandoned Colorado Rockys.
"Holy crap, Mote! That was wild!" Eary exclaimed in giddy enthusiasm.
"Consider that another lesson." Mote snarked.
Eary nodded in impressed amazement as he gobbled up Moloch's essence. What was his little friend, after all?
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