Chapter 12: On our way
As they made their way down the road. Once again, the clamor of distant conversations could be heard in the distance. "Hey, Eary." Luke whispered, "So when we get to Bright Hope, I'm gonna be responsible for ya." Luke said nervously. "So I'm gonna need you to listen, alright, man?" Luke added, Eary nodded in compliance. Luke pulled out a filled piece of paper from his pocket. "Our last name is going to be Winters." Luke said, reading from the document. "And our parents died in a car crash, I'm taking care of you. While I was trying to support you, I found a program at the Star Gazer for at-risk youths. Hmm. So I guess that's our story." Luke stated as if he expected more. Mote still hidden on Eary's should chimed in. "Could be fun, ya know. Kinda like that one time, we went to summer camp. And it sounds like all we gotta do is find that Johnathan creep, and we'll be home free." Mote cheerily exclaimed. "He was always trying to turn lemons into lemonade." Eary thought, glancing at his empty shoulder.
"Absolutely not!" Luke sternly interjected. "I expect you two to lie low and be on your best behavior. I want you to leave worrying about Johnathan to NATO. Got it?" Luke's concern lit Eary up. "This whole mess wasn't so bad," he thought. "I get to know Luke before anyone else. I don't have to watch Josh and Ephraim be in love. AND I don't have to worry about Captain Creepy!? BEST SUMMER CAMP EVER! SOLD!" Eary exclaimed in his head before he burst out."Will do, boss!" Eary grinned largely as Luke chuckled to himself. Luke's face turned to concern. "Facing that mess at home doesn't sound too appealing, does it?" Luke whispered gently to Eary. "No, it does NOT!" Eary exclaimed softly back. Luke sighed. "I know you're probably hurt and embarrassed. But I think you should take this time to move past all that. Get invested in some other people." Luke guided as Eary gently giggled. "You sound like Mom." Eary lamented
"Ha! Do I? Well, she's right. And she probably knew about Josh and Ephraim. She just didn't want you getting hurt. So she probably had it hidden. Which is why you didn't know." Luke counseled his little brother. "Yeah, but none of this would have happened if Dad hadn't pulled Ephraim into hockey. He didn't even want to go! Dad made his dad." Eary pouted. "Look, buddy. Shit happens sometimes. And there are a few rules to things like this." Luke continued. "What kind of rules? I liked him for years!" Eary continued his childish rant. "Well... if Josh and Ephraim ever... well, you know." Luke awkwardly made gestures with his hands. "AH!" Eary quickly disrupted the gesture. "So if that happened, Eary, It's over. Forever." Luke explained, his eyes grieved for Eary in solidarity. Eary nodded, his eyes filling with tears.
"You might wanna try cleaning up the crybaby act while you're at it." A voice sounded from Eary's left. Looking over was Alice, who had been eves dropping. "It's super unsexy, gay or straight!" Alice smiled coolly. "I mean, how old are you? You need to butch it up a whole bunch at your height." Alice remarked with the same cool smirk. "Hey now, he's had a long night. So, just back off!" Luke interjected. "I'm just trying to help!" Alice laughed. "It's fine, Luke. I guess she's not wrong." Eary lamented, looking down at his shoes. Alice continued, "We just need to fix you up and get you a new guy." Alice counseled the inexperienced Earhart. "First, let's get you a fella. Pick one!" Alice cheerily directed. Eary was shocked. "Here? On this bus?" He nervously exclaimed. "Absolutely! It's just a starter, dude. We need a new one for you." Alice smiled wisely. "Good grief..." Luke whispered under his breath from the next seat. "Excuse me?" Alice interrogated. Luke giggled and turned to look out the window. "Mmhmm! Thought so!" Alice said, rolling her eyes. "Ok! Now look out there and pick one." She stated, pointing down the aisle.
Eary stared down at the roster of choices. There were two boys in his age group. One with dark, chestnut hair, and a taller build. He was with an older gentleman. Eary knew he was older due to his graying hair. A few seats ahead sat a boy in a white button-up. He had dark hair and looked to be a couple of years younger than himself. "Wow! Based on the backs of heads..." Eary lamented. None were Ephraim. None made him sparkle inside. Eary stared down the aisle defeated. The reality of his situation was setting in. Just then, a man with sandy blonde hair bent into the aisle.
His face was chiseled, but his rounded, full cheeks told of his youth. "Is that the guard from before?" Eary thought to himself. Smiling at the absurdity of the possibility, Eary said, "That one!" Pointing down the aisle at the possible Denby. "Who? Oh no, baby girl! That is too much man for you!" Alice chuckled as she continued. "Try that boy in the white shirt." She said, pointing. "I like that one..." Eary stated as he pointed down the aisle. Grinning ear to ear. "Well, okay!" Alice got up from her seat and headed down the aisle. Eary panicked at the sight. "Alice! Alice! What are you doing?!?" Eary yelled down the aisle in a loud whisper. Alice turned around and exclaimed, "Helping you!" Turning back around, she continued down the aisle. Eary fell back in his seat. Heat rushed over his body. "I tried to warn you." Luke giggled, still looking out the window. Eary gasped. "Did you know this was gonna happen?" Eary questioned tensed. "Not this per se. But yeah." Luke continued chuckling to himself. "How?" Eary asked once more. "She's overly confident. It's not usually a great thing." Luke whispered as Alice made her way back. Braids bobbing back and forth with her movements.
"What did you say?!" Eary exclaimed to Alice as she took her seat again. "I told him that you think he's the hottest guy on the bus," Alice responded with a smirk. Eary fell back to his seat again. He could feel the warmth rise to the surface of his face. As much to Eary's horror, the young man got up and made his way down to Eary.
"E'llo again!" The man's accent giving away his identity. "Denby, right?" Eary nervously responded. "That's right. Eary, correct? I mean, you don't forget a name like that." Denby exclaimed in cool excitement. "It is. And likewise, Denby." Eary giggled, staring the guard in the eyes. "Ummm... so... are you staying in Bright Hope?" Eary asked, trying to think of anything to say. "Actually, I am. They finally found a team for me to belong to." Denby retorted. "Is that so? I guess we're gonna be working together. Luke Preston, ugh, Winters!" Luke extended his hand to shake Denby's. "Denby Kingston!" Denby took and shook Luke's hand. "This is my 16-year-old brother, Eary." Luke informed the young man. "Hey, you're 16? I'm 18! When's your birthday?" Denby inquired of Eary, fixating his attention on him. "July 10th!" Eary cheerily responded. "Hey, I'm May 16th," Denby stated, leaning in closer. "You know we're soul mates, right?" Denby flirted, smiling at Eary. Eary giggled as Luke interrupted the moment. "Thanks, Den!" Luke stated firmly as he shoed the boy off. "Alright, love. We'll talk later." Denby remarked as he returned to his seat.
"He's so cute!" Mei exclaimed, popping up from her seat. Eary sat still for a moment longer until erupting. "OH MY GOD, I KNOW RIGHT!" He yelled. Still walking down the aisle, Denby turned and smiled. "Oh geeze!" Luke exclaimed under his breath as Mei chimed in again. "How did you do that?" Alice smiled confidently."I'm Alice. That's how!" She smugly postured in her seat. "Oh, come on! That was amazing!" Eary exclaimed in wonderment.
"Hey, Calvin! What's up? You're not talking." Mei stated, shifting her attention. Calvin sat up and turned around. "Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind." He calmly explained. "I'm happy for you, Eary." Calvin laughed. "What's on your mind?" Eary inquisitive as ever asked the million-dollar question. "I... uh..." Calvin stuttered. "Can we just talk about this Sakile?" Calvin exclaimed in bewilderment. "Calvin. I need to talk to you in private before we have this conversation. For your sake." Sakile said cold and sternly. Eary whispered to Luke, "Can Sakile be a jerk?" Luke whispered back. "I know what this is about, Sakile is right. Don't ask anymore." Eary's heart ached for Calvin. The boy's confusion spoke of the hurt the situation was causing him. "Just sit down. We'll talk about it later." Sakile firmly instructed. Calvin is uproarious. "When is later?" Sakile still cold, stated "When we get to Bright Hope." Calvin slumped in his seat. Alice slowly guided Mei, back down to hers as Eary looked on. The next several hours fell silent. Even as the crew ate their lunch, no one dared break the tension. Alice and Mei quietly whispered to themselves. Luke leaned back in his chair. Eary turned to the young man, something that had been on his mind since the security room in the facility. Eary, sensing an opportunity, decided to ask Luke about his past.
"Luke," Eary began hesitantly, "You mentioned that you and Sakile used to be car thieves. What was that like?"
Luke shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes glancing at Sakile briefly before he sighed and nodded. "Yeah, it's true. Sakile and I were partners in the business. We started when we were just kids, around 15 years old. It was a way to survive on the streets, you know? We made a name for ourselves, but it wasn't something I'm proud of."
Sakile, overhearing, chimed in, "We did what we had to do to get by back then. But as I got older, I realized it wasn't the life I wanted for myself."
Eary nodded, understanding the difficult circumstances they must have faced. "And what made you decide to change?"
Sakile's face softened as he replied, "My girl, Kali. We met in high school. She saw the potential in me and encouraged me to clean up my act. I started taking school more seriously. and started making plans for a better future."
Luke added, "And after Sakile turned his life around, he's been after me to make the change too."
Eary could sense the regret in Luke's voice, but he didn't press further. Instead, he turned to Sakile. "And now you're starting college for programming?"
Sakile nodded with a proud smile. "Yeah, I decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in programming. It's a fresh start, and Kali has been my biggest supporter." Alice, overhearing, chimed in "That's, actually, nice to hear. Not too many good men out there, these days." Eary looked over at Alice anxiously. Seeing the panic on the boy's face, she quickly recanted "I'm sure Denby is perfectly fine. He's English for God's sake!" Luke snarked back from his seat "More sage advice, Alice?" Alice, hearing this, shot Luke a nasty glare as she struck back "Shut the fuck up! Everyone knows English guys are gentlemen. You wouldn't know anything about that, now would ya, sticky fingers?" Luke paused, caught off by the comment, stared bitterly at the girl. Sakile erupted "Enough! We don't need to be in-fighting right now. The situation we are heading to is still a place we are being taken to against our wills. We can only trust each other, so let's work on that. Got it everyone?" As Sakile finished speaking, Alice and Luke stood down. After the group agreed to the order, the group grew silent once more.
As the bus rumbled down the road, its interior dimly lit by the fading daylight outside. Eary was nodding off when the faint sound of the girls quietly whispering, caught his attention.
He could hear the whimpering of Mei. Alice embraced the girl as she quietly sobbed "I'm my parents' eldest child," she wept softly, "and there's so much pressure on me to do well, to succeed. I always worry about who will take care of them someday."
Calvin, turning around in his seat, felt compelled to insert himself into their conversation "I can relate," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "After my dad passed away, my mom has been struggling financially. I worry about how my abduction will affect her." Alice leaned forward, her eyes reflecting a depth of experience beyond her years. "Listen, guys," she began, "we've all been through tough times, and we're in this together now." She looked at Mei, who was still softly crying in her lap. "Mei, you're strong, and your parents will always be proud of you. As for you, Calvin, your mom will appreciate your strength through this, I'm sure of it." Calvin managed a small smile, appreciating Alice's reassurance. Calvin studied the girl, as he asked. "You seem like you've seen a lot too. What's your story?"
Alice took a deep breath, her gaze distant for a moment. "My powers activated when I was just 14," she began, her voice tinged with the weight of her memories. "It happened on a remote road in a small jungle torn by war. A truck was about to crush a girl, and I used my telekinesis to stop it."
She paused, her eyes meeting those of her new friends. "My mother, she's a reporter, who never says no to a job. Probably why she's so famous." Alice lightly chuckled as she continued, "I've traveled with her to many conflict zones. I've seen the horrors of war up close, and had to use my powers to defend myself a few times."
Eary, Mei, and Calvin exchanged glances, realizing that each of them had their own struggles and secrets. But in that moment, on the bus hurtling toward an uncertain future, they found solace in their new connections. As the twilight gave way to night, Eary's eye began to grow heavy, as he drifted off to sleep.
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