Chapter 22: The Hidden Garden
The next day at school, Alice became the teacher's aide, always keeping an ever-watchful eye on the 'good' professor.
The day began like any other, with Professor Maxwell delivering a grand, theatrical speech. Today's lesson focused on protective abilities, a subject of great importance given the recent events.
Maxwell looked toward Eary and asked for his assistance. Eary nodded in agreement and stepped forward, ready to contribute to the lesson.
Maxwell announced, "Today, we delve into protective abilities. These powers are not only essential for your own safety but also for the protection of others. In a world where unseen threats can lurk, knowing how to defend yourself and those you care about is paramount."
With that introduction, the class embarked on a journey into the world of protective abilities, a subject that would become increasingly significant as they delved deeper into the mysteries surrounding the Scions and the super gems.
As the lesson on protective abilities progressed, Eary found himself drawn into the topic. He could feel the magic within him, a response to the recent events and the looming threat of the Scions. As Professor Maxwell explained various protective techniques, Eary couldn't help but experiment with his powers.
With a focused mind and a subtle gesture, Eary conjured a shimmering yellow magic circle that enveloped him and his classmates. It was a newfound ability he hadn't even realized he possessed until now. The circle emitted a warm, comforting glow and exuded an aura of safety that everyone inside could feel.
Initially engrossed in his lecture, Professor Maxwell was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Eary's magic circle. He paused, his eyes widening in astonishment. The class fell silent, and all eyes were on Eary.
After silence, Maxwell stepped closer to the magic circle, carefully examining it.
He muttered to himself, "This is remarkable. It's a protective barrier unlike any I've seen before."
Eager to learn more, Maxwell gestured for the students to remain inside the circle as he conducted various tests. He summoned small magical projectiles and sent them towards the circle. They harmlessly dissipated upon contact with the barrier.
Maxwell's astonishment grew as he continued his experiments.
He finally concluded, "This is indeed a unique ability, Eary. I believe you have awakened what is known as the Circle of Protection.'"
Still somewhat surprised by his newfound power, Eary looked at Maxwell and asked, "Professor, do you know anything about Technopathy?"
Maxwell's expression shifted from astonishment to one of deep concern.
He hesitated momentarily before replying, "Technopathy is a highly specialized and dangerous power, Earhart. It allows individuals to manipulate and control technology with their minds. It's a power that can be easily misused."
Alice, who had been quietly observing, felt a pang of unease at Eary's question. She knew the significance of Technopathy in the current situation, but she also understood the potential risks.
As the school day drew to a close, Alice approached Eary with a serious expression. "What part of 'Don't tell Maxwell anything, don't you understand?" she scolded, her frustration evident.
Eary, feeling regretful and confused, immediately apologized and sought clarification. Alice sighed, her frustration mixing with concern.
"Dude," she said, "he knows we know about Technopathy. That's going to raise questions. Shit!"
Eary's discomfort deepened, and he said, "I didn't think. I was just curious, I guess."
Alice, trying to find a solution to the problem, groaned but came up with an idea. "Alright," she said, "I've got an idea. First, I will tell him I read someone's mind and heard the word 'Technopathy,' and we discussed it. That should be good enough."
Eary, grateful for Alice's quick thinking, nodded and said, "Thanks, Alice. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
Alice patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Just remember, some things are better kept secret for now. We don't know who we can trust."
With a plan in place, they hoped to keep their knowledge about Technopathy hidden a little longer.
Alice, Eary, and the rest of the Star Gazer Institute's students went to the resort's café after class.
After taking their seats, Alice told them what had happened the previous night.
Hannah replied to the news, "Holy shit, so we're all like soldiers in some supernatural war for our world?"
Alice nodded."At least that's how Mote and the other motelings put it."
Maggie piped in, "So this 13,000-year cycle has started again? And last time, the world ended?"
Eary gave an awkward smile as he replied, "Yep! That about sums it up."
Decan, whose concern had washed over him, asked, "What's the plan then?" He continued as he put his arm around Earhart. "I can't lose Eary, so whatever it takes, I'll do it!"
Eary's eyes misted up at Decan's declaration.
Alice sighed. "I get it. And no, we're not gonna lose Eary. We can't, actually. It sounds like if we do, we all lose our powers."
Alice added, "I also promise you I won't let anything happen to him. But we're going to have to take the fight to them."
Decan replied nervously."What do you mean?"
Alice pulled out the sizeable purple gemstone. "Remember this? Finding these is crucial right now. They are the remnants of the powers of the first group that saved our world from the Scions. Denby and the guys are getting us a list of potential areas. There might be more of these, but it'll be dangerous."
Decan nodded. "Then I'm coming with you every time. I'm lucky, give me a gun, and I don't even need to aim."
Alice smiled. "Good to hear, ladies?"
Hannah and Maggie looked at each other, their gazes exchanging a knowing exchange as they replied in unison. "We're in,"
Hannah announced, "You already know we'd be down."
Maggie continued. And it doesn't sound like we have a choice either."
Alice smiled. "It's Good to have you on board." Alice glanced around. "Where's Ben?"
Maggie replied. "I don't know. He seems to spend a lot of time alone."
Alice closed her eyes and, a moment later, exclaimed, "He's with Maxwell. Let's move."
As the group followed Alice through the Star Gazer, she escorted them through the halls to the back exit. Marching through the snow, they made their way to an amassing of shipping containers.
Once on the scene, Alice bee-lined to the nearby mountainside. The group, trudging through the snow after her, finally caught up.
Mei, shivering and huddled with the rest of the group, called out, "Alice! I don't think Ben is out here!"
Alice once again closed her eyes. As the group stood and watched in frozen anticipation, Alice walked several meters to the right. With an extended, and walked straight into the wall and disappeared from sight.
The group stood in awe at the sight. After a quick collaboration, they decided to follow Alice inside.
Passing through the cliffside proved effortless, as the rock was merely a hologram. Eary turned to observe the many blinking lights and strange technological structures surrounding the cave's entrance.
Once inside, the group was met with unreasonable warmth. Making haste to find Alice, they entered a large oasis, a vast garden dug straight into the cliff. Large trees, plants, and flowers of an extensive, mysterious variety were etched into the cavernous landscape. The cave ceiling stretched forever, as only darkness was visible. The flowers emitted a strange light, enough to see three figures standing in the center of the foreboding paradise.
Reaching the trio, the students found themselves in the presence of Alice once more. She was speaking with Maxwell and Ben.
Maxwell smiled as they approached, and an uneasy feeling graced them as he spoke, "Ah, students. It looks like you've all found young Benjamin and me's secret."
Ben, his eyes wide with enthusiasm, turned to Alice. "So, you wanna see what we've got in here?"
Alice, attempting to mask her curiosity and unease, nodded in agreement.
Ben hesitantly called out into the lush forest surrounding them within the cavern. Unusual creatures, unlike any the students had ever seen, began to emerge. Among them was an elephant-sized creature with long, droopy ears and an extended tongue from beneath its trunk, a large aquatic bird with iridescent plumage and a formidable raptor's beak, and a group of turnip-shaped creatures that emerged from the ground, their tiny bodies bobbing.
"There are so many of them. There are too many to count." Eary thought as the large heard approached.
Ben cheerily stated, "These are all my friends. I help the professor take care of them."
Sensing their curiosity, Maxwell finally spoke, "These creatures are part of the unique ecosystem that thrives within this hidden world. It's a sanctuary, carefully preserved and protected by Benjamin and myself."
Alice, unable to contain her wonder any longer, added, "It's astonishing, but it raises even more questions. Why is it so warm here? Where did these creatures come from? And how are you hiding this place?"
Maxwell nodded. "I can see that you are a curious one, Ms. Pickering. These animals came from expeditions into the Nocopo ruins. The ecosystem there was once run by these generators."
Maxwell explained, pointing to large devices, as tall as trees, that littered the landscape.
Mei, brow furled, asked, "So you took them all? Why?" Maxwell reassured the girl. It's fine, Mei. We transported the entire ecosystem to this cave, with the help of a few other supers, namely a technopath and one who could control nature."
Alice looked at the professor. "A technopath?"
Maxwell nodded.
"Yes, our organization has several. And as it was, the generators were dying in the ruins. When we brought them here, we saved the entire ecosystem." Maxwell proudly boasted.
Taking Alice's hand, Ben brought her to one of his 'pets.' He proudly exclaimed, "This one is a cockatrice. They can turn things into stone. But don't worry, he's pretty nice."
Ben smiled as he pulled the frazzled girl to the next creature. "This is a Nocopoian Cave Elephant!" he gestured to the small creature."Watch out for the tongue. They eat anything."
Alice smiled and asked about the small, winged reptile following along at Ben's feet.
The boy excitedly replied, "Oh, that's just my dragon, Riyoley!"
Alice, stunned, replied, "A real dragon?"
Ben nodded ecstatically. "Yep, I hatched him and everything!"
Still trying to regain her composure from meeting a real-life dragon, Alice asked, "Where did you come up with a name like 'Riyoley' anyway?"
Ben smiled. "It's a portmanteau. I combined two names that mean dragon."
Alice praised the boy. "Well, that's pretty good, buddy. Super smart!"
Ben nodded back."Thanks! I read a lot!"
Alice pushed further. "So, how long are you here usually?"
Ben replied, "Almost always." He giggled as he answered.
Alice nodded but insisted on Ben returning with them. After a few minutes of Alice's requests, the boy agreed and followed the group back to Eary's suite.
Opening the door, the group was met by a familiar scent. The much-missed Mote had been busy preparing a meal. Luke, Sakile, and Denby were already seated when the party entered.
Alice stared at Luke momentarily, then said, "Hey, sorry we're late. Got held up. What's cooking, Mote?"
In a flurry of blue lights, Mote zipped out of the kitchen. In a dazzling display, the moteling replied, "Nothing too fancy. Just some mouth-waterin' ribs and a succulent roast duck made by yours truly!"
As Mote spoke, Ben couldn't contain himself. "Hi! Who are you? Don't be surprised. I can talk to animals."
Mote, with a tinge of sarcasm, replied. "Yeah, me too, kid! I can talk to Nocopo descendants like you, too! Names Mote, I'm a moteling, and you are?"
Ben, in shock, replied. "I'm Ben." He looked over to Alice. "How long have you had him here?"
She smiled and replied, "Ask Eary. He's the one Mote follows around."
Eary looked at Ben and stated, "12, I've had him since I was 12."
Ben needed clarification on the news. "But how is that possible?" Eary explained his past to Ben and how he came to know Mote.
Ben then replied, "We gotta tell the professor about this!"
Alice placed her hand on Ben's shoulder. She told him she didn't trust the professor and would like it if he kept Mote a secret. She also insisted that he stay close to them from now on. Ben agreed that if he was going to the cave, he should bring at least another member of their group with him.
The makeshift family enjoyed another meal full of conversations and laughter. Once the meal was over, they all settled down for a film.
After Ben and most of the group had fallen asleep, Alice asked Luke, "Did you get the list?"
Luke slowly nodded. "I did. I'm just not feeling the greatest about it. Kinda nervous."
Alice replied. "I get it." She sighed. "I don't really talk about it, but I used to have a little brother."
Luke inquired, "What happened to him?" Alice let out another deep sigh and explained, "We were at the beach one day, and he wanted to play by the water. We played in the sand and got our feet wet. I was 13, and he was 6."
Luke stared back as the girl unpacked her heart.
Alice continued. "I looked away for a second. That was it. Tide took him. I ran after him but needed to be saved, too." Alice stared off until she finally concluded."He drowned, and I let that happen. So now my brother is gone. I'm not going to let anything happen to yours or Ben."
Luke looked over at Eary, who was nestled up to Decan. "Thank you, and I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault, though."
Alice groaned. "I've heard it, but thanks." After a pause, she continued, "So tomorrow, after you guys return, we hit one of these labs. Right?" Luke nodded. It looks like it.
The two lamented their choices, then, after a bit, joined their comrades in slumber.
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