Chapter 14: The Star Gazer
He was soaking wet. But from what? He wondered. The answer soon came to him as he looked up to find Mote hovering above, holding an empty glass.
"C'mon Eary! It's already 7:20. You're gonna be late. SHEESH!" Mote exclaimed as he flew off.
Eary sprung from the bed and gathered some of the clothing left for him there. They were big, but it has to do. After brushing his teeth and hair, Eary had enough time to snarf down a bagel before heading out the door. Mei was just leaving when Eary popped out.
"Hey! How was your guy's night?" Mei asked cheerfully.
"It was good. Luke made some super hot food that was not so bad." Eary recounted.
"That sounds nice. I made supper last night. Alice can't cook." Eary and Mei giggled at the thought as Calvin popped out as well.
"Good morning, Calvin!" Mei greeted warmly.
"Oh hey! How was your night last night?" Calvin asked as he joined his two classmates.
"Pretty good. Ate some hot food." Replied Eary casually.
"Yeah, and I cooked at our place." Mei boasted. "How was yours?" She asked.
"Uh, fine. We made some food. It was a long night. Lots of talking," Calvin said in an almost trance.
"Is everything ok?" Mei asked, concerned.
"Yeah... it's fine." Calvin whispered.
"If we stay here much longer, we're going to be late, " Eary said, breaking the tension.
Mei nodded in solidarity. The new friends headed down the zig-zagged patterned carpet towards the elevator.
After reaching the lobby, the three youths approached the front desk clerk.
"Excuse me." Eary politely asked.
"Yeah? Can I help you?" The girl behind the desk wore a brown ponytail and eyes to match. She also wore a ripped Jeans jacket and high-waisted pants.
"We are supposed to go see the professor for school. We..." Eary was saying this before the moody teenage girl interrupted him.
"Yeah? Me too!" She said, turning around the desk and out towards the lobby.
"You guys can wait here with me if you want since this is where we all meet, " she said sarcastically as they followed her to the waiting area.
It was a large open room with ceilings that must have been a good seven meters high. Wooden logs rained down the length of the freshly lit vaulted ceilings. The room's centerpiece was a large stone fireplace, warming the cold Colorado climate.
Many old decorative sofas, tables, and chairs were laid out in a living room-style arrangement around the large room. A grand staircase opposite the fire extended up in two different directions. With dark parquet floors and large fancy rugs, the Star Gazer cast an enchanting, cozy spell.
Following the girl to the nearby fireplace sofas, the gang sat around the crackling fire.
"I'm sorry. I thought you worked here." Eary apologized.
"No, it's fine. I work the front desk after school sometimes. I left something there on my shift yesterday, " the girl reported.
"Yesterday? It's Monday morning." Eary thought to himself as Calvin quickly asked.
"What's the date?" The girl smiled a sympathetic smirk. "September 16th."
"What?" Calvin, Mei, and Eary erupted simultaneously.
"Yeah. Lost time? Happened to all of us." The girl responded, a matter of fact. "I'm Hannah, by the way," Hannah explained casually.
"Eary," Earhart replied.
"Mei," Mei said, following Eary.
"I've been gone for four days," Calvin exclaimed to the group.
"He's Calvin." Mei followed up as clearly Calvin needed to pay more attention.
"How long you were asleep depends on you," Hannah stated cooly.
"Asleep?" Mei replied questioningly. Hannah sat back in her chair.
"Yeah! Public enemy number one around here. Johnathan Tiddle. Creepy dude." Hannah explained grimly. "He grabbed most of us. They always send him when the target in question is a bit tougher than usual. He commands you to sleep, and then it's lights out!" She clapped her hands hard, starting the trio. "Next thing you know, you wake up on some concrete floor. How long you were out varies from person to person. At least that's the buzz around here."
Calvin and Mei shot back in their chairs.
"Sound familiar?" Hannah inquired.
All three nodded as two boys and another girl entered from the lobby.
"Hey Hannah, I see you already got some new ones." A dark-skinned girl, neatly dressed in a white button-up and wool skirt, announced from the trio.
"Sure did!" Hannah replied handily, and she continued.
"Hey, everyone! This is Eary, Mei, and Calvin. Eary, Mei, and Calvin, this is everyone." Hannah joked as the group intermingled with theirs.
The neatly dressed girl sat down beside Hannah.
"Hi! It's Maggie. I see you've already met my girlfriend, Hannah," Maggie explained smugly, looking at Hannah.
Eary smiled. He briefly reminisced about Ephraim, but a fleeting memory of Josh and Ephraim kissing pulled him back to the present.
"So these are the other new kids. Have you met?" Maggie inquired, gesturing to the two young men sitting on the couch to Eary's left.
"No, I haven't. Hi, I'm Eary." Eary said, greeting the other newcomers.
"Hey. I'm Decan, and this is Ben." The taller of the two boys introduced them both. The more petite boy quietly nodded in agreement.
Eary recognized the taller boy.
"Decan?" Eary replied, shocked to see the Villa Gómez boy in good health.
Decan locked eyes with him.
"Holy shit! It's Josh's little brother, Eary!" He exclaimed in surprise.
Decan, referring to him as Josh's little brother, bothered Eary.
"We're the same age, Decan. My parents said you had gone missing." Eary informed the young man.
Eary had always kept his supernatural abilities a closely guarded secret. But now, he was face to face with exposure.
"So.... do you have abilities, too?" Decan asked, perplexed.
"Yeah." Replied Eary. Mortified to be put on the spot.
"It's ok." Decan continued.
"I won't tell anyone. I don't want anyone to know about mine." Decan explained. The statement had piqued Eary's curiosity.
"What are yours?" He asked timidly.
Decan smiled. "I'm lucky. I can't seem to lose when I want something." Decan boasted confidently.
Eary couldn't help but notice Decan's striking features as he observed his twin brother's best friend. Decan's dark, wavy hair and soothing, deep brown eyes gave him a handsome allure.
As Decan caught him staring, he smiled and asked, "Were you behind Ephraim's miracle?"
Eary, surprised by the question, nodded in quiet disbelief.
Decan grinned at the confirmation as he replied, "I thought so. I always figured it was you."
Eary, catching himself off guard with a dropped jaw, quickly inquired,
"How did you know?"
Decan smiled and leaned into Eary, whispering in his ear. He stated,
"Mote, I could hear him too."
Eary looked Decan in the eyes. His heartbeat felt like it would explode from his chest. The professor's arrival broke the moment.
"Good morning, children. My name is Professor Maxwell, and I'm here to welcome you all to the Star Gazer Institute," Professor Maxwell announced with a warm smile as he entered the room.
The professor's distinguished look, with salt-and-pepper hair and a tweed jacket that gave him an air of authority, commanded attention. Eary, Mei, Calvin, and the others couldn't help but sit straighter in their seats.
"I see we have a few new faces with us." The professor chimed happily.
"And what are all of your names?" He inquired.
Being Mr. Popular back home, Decan was the first to speak up. "I'm Decan, Decan Villa Gómez."
Next, the more petite, shy boy sitting to his right spoke up,"
"Ben Greaves," the young boy, probably no older than 13, stated.
Next up, Calvin, Eary, and Mei introduced themselves.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you all. I hope our time together proves fruitful for your minds." the professor continued.
"You have met Miss Glass and Miss Walsh already." Gesturing towards Hannah and Maggie, respectively. "I hope you two will take the new kids under your wings."
Maggie smiled back."Of course, we will!" The professor smiled and continued on with the day's lecture.
"Today, you embark on a journey into the unknown," Professor Maxwell continued.
"Here at the Star Gazer Institute, we embrace the extraordinary. You've already met some fellow students and will soon discover you all possess unique talents and abilities. We aim to help you harness and use these gifts to better our world."
Eary exchanged glances with Mei and Calvin. Was this really what 'School' would be about?
"Professor." Eary interrupted. "Won't we be learning, you know, the basics?" Eary asked, hesitant by the professor's speech.
"Yes, you will, Eary. But you will also learn a bit about yourself and your abilities, " the professor explained.
As Professor Maxwell continued to explain the Star Gazer Institute's unique approach, Eary, Mei, and Calvin couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The prospect of discovering more about themselves and their abilities was intriguing, yet they were also uncertain about what lay ahead.
The professor's words resonated with Eary, who had spent years concealing his powers. This was where he might finally learn to embrace and control his abilities. Mei and Calvin were likely considering what this school could offer them.
Eary, Mei, and Calvin felt they had entered a new world. The classes at the Star Gazer Institute proved far more captivating than any traditional school they had known. They explored a range of subjects, from history and science to the mysterious realm of supernatural abilities.
They honed their control through meditation techniques, and practical exercises pushed the boundaries of their powers. Yet, the most intriguing aspect was discovering the potential of their unique colors of light and what each color they emitted could do.
Mei and Decan were taught about red light. Eary also listened, careful not to reveal the existence of four colors under his command.
The professor recounted how red meant you channeled your power from within. Mei held command not only for fire but also for heat itself. She had learned how to increase the heat in things and remove it and was now capable of generating ice in long sheets or sharp icicles. Mei proved to be an exceptional student. Meanwhile, Decan's power took more work to control, with the professor testing his luck with a game of quarters. Although he never lost, he could never control how he won. As circumstances intervened in odd ways each time.
Calvin was taught about green light and its power over the energy around you. After a few exercises, he managed to control his wind long enough to get off the ground, which thrilled the boy.
Ben had revealed he had the power to communicate with animals, a sight that Eary giggled at while watching Ben conversate with a cat. Then, it occurred to him that Mote must make him look the same way.
Eary learned that blue light was the color of infusion. When Eary told the professor about the two lights, he seemed excited. The professor observed Eary's wall of yellow light. He then informed him that yellow was the color of solid energy. He then went on to walk Eary through a guided meditation. In his mind, he had Eary pour blue light into his force field. Thus, the professor taught Eary to channel his blue light into his force fields. Giving them a reflective quality when struck.
As the day ended, the three friends made their way to the café, which, according to Mei, was where Alice had been stationed.
"I can't believe we're actually learning about our abilities," Mei remarked with a sense of wonder.
Calvin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I never thought I'd meet people who can do things like we can. Decan's luck power, for example, is mind-blowing. And I can fly! Maybe." Calvin excitedly exclaimed.
Eary walked along quietly, his mind racing with thoughts of the day. He had finally opened up to someone from home about his abilities, Decan, and it felt liberating. But there was still a sense of unease, a fear of what could happen if their secret got out.
Then there was the professor. Although he was grateful for the assistance. He couldn't help but feel a sense of ulterior motives.
"I'm glad we're here, but we need to be careful," Eary cautioned. "We don't know who we can trust completely."
Mei and Calvin exchanged knowing glances. Although they had enjoyed the lessons, Eary's words did hold weight to them, as they both replied,
When arriving at the café, Alice could see poor waiting tables.
"Too bad she can't wait tables with her mind here. Heh!" Calvin joked, watching the spectacle.
The three sat at a nearby table. After about 10 minutes and several nasty glances, Alice approached. "So you've come to watch, huh?" Alice whined.
"No, we've come to order!" Calvin joked.
Alice smacked him with a menu. "Yeah, with what money?"
"Actually, we wanted to touch base with you," Eary explained.
As they recounted their experiences of the day, Alice listened intently. Clearly, the Star Gazer Institute held many secrets, and they were only beginning to scratch the surface.
"Sounds like quite the adventure," she remarked.
"Yeah, but we have to be careful," Calvin cautioned again. "We don't know who we can trust."
Alice nodded in understanding. "I get it. This place seems... different. Let's stick together and watch each other's backs."
Mei cheerfully chimed in. "We did learn a bit about our powers, though." She explained gleefully.
After recounting the purpose of their colors, Mei remembered to ask of the others. "He said purple was the energy of the mind," Mei stated happily.
Alice smirked. "I could have told ya that." She replied casually.
Eary suddenly remembered the strange dream from last night. Being a matter of the mind, he had wanted to ask Alice but was too nervous.
"What is it, Eary?" Alice asked, quickly locking eyes with the boy.
Surprised by the question, Eary replied, "I didn't say anything."
Alice rolled her eyes."Your thoughts. You got something to say?"
Eary paused momentarily, then began, "I had a dream last night. I dreamt of three guys. One of them was Johnathan!"
Mei asked with concern, "Who were the other two?"
Eary paused for a moment to remember. Then it hit him. "Sasha!" Eary erupted loudly. The whole café took notice, and Eary's friends winced. Eary apologized, and the crowd lost interest.
Alice smiled and said, "Well, the only Sasha I know is that inventor guy. Sasha Mikhailov. So unless our napper dude is hanging out with Russian billionaires, I think it was a nightmare."
"Excuse me, waitress! " a man who had been waiting for an unreasonably long time exclaimed as he waved his hand at Alice.
"Oh my god! Give me a fucking minute!" Alice hissed back. "I gotta get back to work. These rude ass customers don't know how to shut the fuck up. Seriously!" Alice replied, making her way over to the neglected customer's table.
Eary couldn't help but wonder what was so bad about what Luke was doing. It was bad enough to have this girl do something he knew she hated. The thought was unsettling to him.
As the three left and returned home. Eary, after arriving, was soon accosted by Mote.
"And where have you been?!" Mote complained as he flew directly into Eary's face.
"I was out with Calvin and Mei after school," Eary replied excitedly.
"Well, I suppose. But I slaved away all day, and supper has been done for ten minutes!" Mote blathered as he flew around the delicious-looking assortment in an attention-seeking circle.
A second later, Luke walked through the door. Dirty, in military-style clothing.
"What the hell happened to you?" Mote exclaimed in shock.
"Nothin'. I'm fine." He replied exhaustedly. Making his way quickly to the bathroom. Eary and Mote heard the water turn on.
We should wait for him. Eary whispered to Mote.
"Sure! Why not!" Mote grumbled.
As Mote reheated his dishes, flying to and fro around the suite's kitchenette. Luke emerged from the bathroom and proceeded to his bedroom. After a few minutes, he exited his room and greeted the two.
"Hey guys, I'm sorry about earlier. It's just been a long day, " Luke said, looking at the table.
"Did you two cook for me?" He asked, looking at the table with a smile.
"Well...." Eary began but was quickly interrupted by Mote!
"Nah, nah. Mote cooked!" The agitated moteling boasted. "And you're in for the treat of a lifetime! I used to spy on all the fancy restaurants back home. You name it, I can cook it!" Mote cheerily stated.
"Hey! Why haven't you done this before?" Eary asked in a huff as Mote had already begun stuffing his face.
*muffled* supposed to be hiding *muffled* Mote replied, mouth full of food.
Eary rolled his eyes while he and Luke took a seat. There were baby back ribs, large mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and a melody blend of vegetables.
"Holy shit! You're better than a dog." Luke exclaimed in surprise.
"You're damn right I am!" Mote boasted back.
The three laughed as a knock was heard at the door. Eary excused himself.
"Hmm, I'll get it, I guess. It must be the girls." Opening the door, Eary was surprised to see Decan Villagomez's smiling face.
Decan's friendly grin was as charming as ever. Eary couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension about the unexpected visit.
"Decan? What are you doing here?" Eary asked, still processing that Decan was at the door of their suite.
Decan's concern was palpable as he sighed, his brown eyes reflecting genuine worry. "I thought I'd check up on you. Must have been quite an overwhelming day," he remarked.
Eary chuckled, feeling appreciative of the gesture.
"I'm holding up fine. We were just about to sit down for dinner. Care to join us?" Eary asked, stepping aside to welcome Decan into the suite.
Decan's relief was evident as he entered, shyly smiling on the way in.
Decan sniffed the air. "Mmmm, something smells so good."
Mote, who had been hovering nearby, couldn't resist chiming in.
"Well, you're in luck, my friend! You just stumbled into a feast prepared by yours truly. I'm Mote, the culinary genius behind this delicious spread." He boasted, puffing out his tiny chest with pride.
Decan chuckled, clearly amused by Mote's antics.
"Nice to finally meet you, Mote. I've always wondered what you looked like." He replied, taking a seat at the table. Mote took a closer look at the boy,
"Decan? Holy smokes, you got powers, too, kid? No kiddin'! So you could hear me the whole time?" he said in bewilderment.
Decan shook his head in agreement as
Mote continued. "That's a good kid, that is! You never breathed a word, which means we can trust ya!"
Eary interrupted the exchange and introduced him to Luke. "Decan, this is Luke, my brother. Luke, meet Decan Villagomez, a friend from back home."
Luke greeted Decan.
"Hey man!" Luke stated as he graciously went to shake the boy's hand.
Decan asked, "Brother?" Shaking Luke's hand.
"Ah, yeah. It's a long story."
Decan looked at Eary."Holy shit!"
Eary nodded back."I know it."
As Decan joined the meal, Eary looked over suspiciously at the boy.
"So, how long have you known about Mote?" Eary said in suspicion.
Decan gave a soft smile. "I'm your brother's best friend, Eary. I'm always around and can hear him, too."
Eary paused in horror. "So you've always known?"
Decan replied casually. "I wasn't exactly sure, but yeah. I've always known."
Eary was speechless. Decan's revelation about Eary's powers and Mote's existence shocked him. He had kept his abilities hidden from everyone for so long, especially from Josh. The idea that Decan sat there all along, knowing, made him uneasy.
Decan placed his hand on Eary's.
"It's fine. I won't say anything. I never did."
Decan, however, was dealing with the practicalities of living alone in his suite. He had never been much of a cook, and his culinary skills were limited to making simple sandwiches and heating up canned soup.
Decan leaned in with a playful grin, breaking the ice.
"Eary, I've got a confession to make-I'm a total disaster in the kitchen. Living solo has revealed my culinary ineptitude. Is there any chance you and Mote could give me some cooking lessons?" His friendly tone and warm smile conveyed his genuine request.
Eary chuckled, sensing the genuine request and hoping to alleviate the awkwardness in the room.
"Sure, Decan. I'd be happy to show you a few cooking basics. It's the least I can do for an old friend," Eary said.
As the evening continued, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and the atmosphere relaxed. As they finished their meal, Decan departed. Eary and Mote turned in for the evening.
As he lay in bed, Eary reconsidered his recent dreams. There was the all-too-familiar tall figure leading him through the stone building. And now, his dreams showed glimpses of the man who took him. 'Why was this happening?' Eary thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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