History of the building
Ryan and Shane did the standard research of the building but discovered some other stuff as well. Ryan had the all to familiar look of shock on his face as he realized what he just read. "It's an on going investigation." Ryan said. "What do you mean? its an ongoing investigation?" Shane had said. "Its not just haunted there were murders there!" Ryan practically screamed at Shane. "Okay. Calm down Ryan its not like we haven't covered these cases before." Ryan replied to the statement calmer than he had been. I know this is something different though we aren't just sitting in our office we are traveling to the location. We will be on site. Shane nodded this time. "Look I understand the overall concern but we will be okay, I promise" Shane had reassured Ryan. With that started the episode.
Ryan: Hello everyone today we cover a strange case with a lot of twists and turns. We received an email from a company called Freddy Fazbears Pizza.This family restaurant is claimed to be haunted the animatronics move around during the night after they have been turned off they have claimed to hear children laughing and or crying . Today we investigate Freddy Fazbears pizza restaurant on our on going investigation in to the question are ghosts real.
Shane: *shakes his head no* I have to say I don't believe its haunted I think its just the dayshift employees pranking the nightshift and the new guys.
Ryan: You just think that way. My only question into this is if that's the case why would the owner reach out to us ?
Shane: Maybe just maybe he is unaware that this is happening. If I was messing with the new guy I wouldn't tell the boss. Would you?
Ryan: Well no I guess not but before it went to far I think I would confess.
Shane: So Just be like Hey I'm pranking you ya nerd.
Ryan: *wheeze* Anyway moving on..... Freddy Fazbears opened in 1984 and has been open for a long time before shutting down and rebranding its self. It didn't change its name until after 1987 it was originally called Fred Bears Family Diner. They changed because of the bizarre disappearance of a little girl. The company shut down and moved buildings but kept the same animatronics. The next incident happened in 1987 and that was the bite of a young boy it bit his head and crushed the frontal part of his head putting him in a coma later dying due to his injuries. The last thing to happen in the location we are in today 5 children have mysteriously disappeared. All suspected to be murder.
Shane: Wow all of that happened here. What a fun looking place.
The boys met up with the owner who let them into the building. Be careful try to be safe as I said in my email the animatronics get antsy at night so lock the office doors and watch the camera system. Ryan looked at Shane and nodded his head. The boys entered the building and got to look around a bit. "Shane over here" Ryan had called out to Shane. Shane followed Ryan. "Any plans for how we do this" Shane had asked. "He said try to navigate the way around and stay out of the sight of the animatronics." You know what I'm gonna do? Shane giggled as he said it. "The exact opposite I guess" Ryan said almost scared for his friend. "What can they do Ryan bite me not if I run quick enough." I'm gonna go taunt the spirits I'm gonna annoy the hell out of what ever is here. Shane said with confidence . Ryan just mouthed "He's probably gonna die" to the camera.
Shane: Oh look a stupid bear and a bunny and a duck whatcha gonna do duckie and you gonna quack.
Ryan: SHANE!
Shane: What's that over there ?
Shane walked over oh look a fox animatronic he's cool.
Shane: Start up your annoying spirit box thing
Ryan: Okay I'm going to start up the spirit box but since you are animatronics I don't know if it will interfere or not.
Shane: You are going to hate it!
Spirit box: *channel scan* hi
Ryan: Hello
Shane: Did it just say hi?
Spirit box: Yes
Ryan: Who are you?
Spirit box: In here
Shane: what ?
Ryan: I think it said in here?
Shane: In where?
Spirit box: Chicken
Ryan: Chicken?
Spirit box:*noise*
Shane: I think they are done.
Ryan: Okay, I'm gonna turn this off in 3
Ryan and Shane:2
Spirit box: No!
Ryan: what else do you have to say?
Spirit box: Y/N
Ryan and Shane: Y/N is that your name?
Spirit box: Yes
Ryan: Can you tell me what happened?
Spirit box: *unintelligible* man
Shane: What?
spirit box: Run!
Ryan and Shane both start running from the animatronics. They make it to the office safely and start discussing what the have so far.
Ryan: So we have a few things figured out but not what happened.
Shane: it could be interference from the animatronics.
Ryan: But how do you explain the name?
Shane: Ryan we have actually caught it saying spaghetti and apple tater it could be a coincidence.
Ryan: Okay what ever you believe
There's bangs on the floor the animatronics are getting closer. Hurry Shane you get that door.
Shane: Okay *door closes*
*door closes*
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