The Architect of Destruction: Chen Shen
May 31st, 2013
The mysterious figure walked towards the sleeping persons, his feet lightly grazing the ground, little to no sound emitting from him. He wore a loose fitting sweater that was a red color on the torso and all white upon the sleeves, with white dots that had black outlines scattered all over it. Around his waist he had some kind of fur pelt. He wore orange and white dress pants with a complex mural pattern, similar to that of a fine oriental rug. His voice was the most remarkable of his traits, for alongside his long, effeminate hair and eyes, one could not discern his gender until he spoke.
He placed his palms upon both of the unconscious individuals. Johnny, with his left, and Wen with his right. They had a course and rough feeling to them, as if his palms had never been moisturized before. " Terra Touch. " He muttered.
A large psychic ripple appeared on the two individuals, and while simple waves moving about their bodies without feeling or presence, he, Chen Shen could read them the same way one reads a page of text.
" Interesting...the boy can create doors from all across space-time...while the woman continues to manifest..."
His words were soft and quiet, as not to give himself away. Speaking in a very soothing, dreamlike manner. He got up from his crouched position and went back through the door that he came through, lightly closing it.
- - -
June 1st, 2013
Yan had returned the house, and was about to walk to his room until he caught a glance at Declan who was also walking by, setting down a phone on a nightstand after having finished using it. As he took a turn, so did Yan, and before he knew it, the two were in a room together. " I was actually hoping to show you this later..." Declan replied, taking notice of Yan.
He grabbed hold of a box which had a glimmering light within it. Yan looked at it with some degree of intrigue, not long before meeting the gaze of the box. " This is G Energy. The Wilson Family has pioneered the future for generations...and now, we have it at our fingertips. Once the technology has caught up to use it for everyday applications, I won't stop there. I'll find new ways to benefit the human race. "
He placed a hand on the box, gently caressing it. " Have you ever read Christmas Carol or one of the movies based on it? It talks about forging the chains you wear in death while you still draw breath. I'd like to think that a man's good deeds are the same...when I enter the next life, my family and I shall have a palace that exceeds even the greatest of kings for how far we have come in advancement. "
Yan's face became rather blunt, and he stared at Declan for a moment. " And you need the Gems to accomplish this goal? "
Declan set the box down, he was not too upset, contrary to what Yan might have thought. It was almost terrifying, his calm. He walked on over to his vast treasure trove of technology that cluttered the room he was in. " It is quintessential that I recover all the Gems...he who gathers all five and adorns themself in all of them shall gain the power of immortality. I do not care who or when, but the penultimate gift to humanity will come by the hands of the Wilsons. I commend you, son, for defending my daughter against that intruder. Invaders are inevitable, and I require as much time as I can buy. "
" Which I assume is a lot of time? " Yan asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He placed a hand on Yan's shoulder, smiling brightly at him. " Time is one of the few luxuries that I cannot afford. "
The atmosphere that Declan created was both inviting as much as it was concerning. He was not like his other enemies, he couldn't simply kill him, nor could they reach some mutual understanding. All Yan could do was simply wait, and even then it might be too late.
" My family suffers from the same condition that Akihito's wife's only with our immense wealth that we manage to stay afloat from some of the more minor symptoms. It's like a cancer, lying dormant and growing, until one day it emerges violently and we end up like that poor husk of a woman...minds like water...flesh like paper...the rings will cure this affliction...I know it in my heart..." Declan said, shaking his head as he was immensely distraught, the first time that Yan ever seem a glimmer of weakness within him.
The two walked out of the crowded room to find some semblance of serenity outside. Death was something that Declan did not like thinking about, and as for Yan, he only felt more confused about his own destiny before he even knew what exactly it was. As they began to pass by the front entrance, Declan placed a hand on Yan's chest. " Stop. Look out of the corner of you eye and don't turn you head, not even an inch. "
Yan did as he was told, seeing only corpses where the security guards had once stood. A series of strange dot-shaped discs suddenly fired towards the two, Declan instinctively dodged, however, Yan was not able to react fast enough, and instead simply placed his arms in a defensive position. The dots burned through his robes and etched themselves onto his skin, creating a horrendous burning sensation on the area of effect. He fell to the ground, groaning in the injury he had just sustained.
Another stream of discs was headed straight towards Yan, however, Declan managed to pull him out of the trajectory of the attack at the last minute. " Where the devil is he firing from! Where's the vantage point?! " Declan shouted, as a swarm of discs now approached them from the distance.
He grabbed hold of Yan once again. " There's a hatch that leads to the basement...that's our best bet of buying some time. "
The youth nodded and began to run with Declan, glancing every now and then at the approaching swarm of dots. As they approached the door, Declan tried to open it, but it was stuck due to how underused it was. " I'll buy you some time for a change. " Yan replied, holding out his hands as he fired a volley of energy bullets towards the dots.
The dots proceeded to wrap around the spheres of energy with little fail, and turned into glowing balls of multicolored light. While Yan failed to destroy or harm the swarm, the wrapping process gave Declan enough time to open up the door.
The two soon dove down into the basement, and slammed the door hard to make sure it was down. A small explosion could be heard outside that bent the door, the impact causing both of them to fall down the small flight of stairs that led to the basement.
Johnny immediately fled to Declan, hugging him tightly. Although, he quickly shook him off. " I'm scared, grandpa..."
Declan shook his head and looked Johnny right in the eye. " You can't rely on me right now. You need to man up now more than ever. One day, my fortunes will be yours..." He said, getting up as he leaned against a nearby wall.
" How are you holding up, Yan? "
Yan got up, grunting as he shook his head. " Not well...whatever these ' dots ' are made of, they've etched themselves into my skin and only stop burrowing deeper after a few minutes. "
Declan turned on over to Johnny, before his eyes suddenly widened. " Johnny. There's more than one way into the basement through here...make sure all the entrances are secured..."
Johnny nodded, and Yan promptly followed, so that he didn't wind up in the crosshairs of some big attack. As they walked forwards, the boy gasped. Yan was a bit confused, and raised an eyebrow. " What's wrong kid? " Yan asked, quite worried considering the amount of fear on the boy's face had somehow exceeded that of which he had before.
" The girl in the flower skirt...she's gone! " Johnny shouted, to which Yan immediately burst into action, breaking into a sprint towards the nearest exit of the basement and finding an open door, walking right back into the front yard he had just hoped to escape from in pursuit of Wen.
Yan panted for a bit, glancing over at the statue of a Ancient Chinese soldier where Wen's body had been slung beside. Blood was dripping from her head, more than likely some blunt force that his enemy used to knock her unconscious. He walked cautiously towards the statue, trying to find any source of the attacker but finding nothing. When at the feet of the statue, he held Wen in his arms, and shortly after proceeded to embrace her, glad that she was okay.
Their reunion was interrupted as the statue kicked Yan in the face, sending him falling to the ground before the statue reformed into the visage of his attacker. " It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Wilson Yan. I am Shen Chen...or I guess I would be called Chen Shen here...I never understood your curious naming conventions..."
Yan got up, looking angrily at Chen. " What the hell is your aim!? "
" I'm after the same thing that my human subordinate, Mo Yahui was after. I must recover the Gems for the most fit descendant of the Emperor. That is my mission. "
Yan's mind drifted back to the visage of the man in the red cap and golden robes once again, so distractingly that he could not think of much else, even the way that he used the term human as if he was separate from them.
Instinctively, he fired a series of energy bullets towards Chen, who created a large disc in front of him, which spun around rapidly, however, he pulled it away as the last one was about to strike him, allowing it to strike a part of his head. He did not bleed, however, instead, a piece of painted chipped off of his body, which he quickly concealed with his hair. " You're not human at all..." Yan muttered, to which Chen smiled.
" And neither are you. "
The disc was launched towards Yan now, and immediately spun right into his already damaged chest. However, instead of imprinting itself onto him, it cut deeply into his skin like a saw blade. Yan managed to muster up the strength to blow the disc up with a concentrated blast of energy from his hands, although, he was quite winded from his injuries. " I will reclaim the Gem of Wisdom that Wilson Declan has stolen from its rightful inheritors. You will be a task for another day...unless you continue to persist..."
Chen began to walk right past Yan, and towards the busted up basement door slowly. From the distance, however, he could hear a myriad of sirens blared out into the distance, it seemed like the police were on their way. " I'm not a fan of attention..."
" Before I leave, I'll give you this bit of ' wisdom '. The Wilsons will betray you, Yan. You are only a fool to not flock by my side and punish Declan for his crime. "
He materialized a dot upon the ground, growing in size to create a small circle underneath him. The dot rose up from the ground and flew like a flying saucer, dashing into the skies...
- - -
June 2nd, 2013
Things with the police had been settled, Declan gave them a general description of the man, but knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything against such a formidable opponent. Immediately afterwards, he sent Wen home, in compliance with his previous belief that he did not want her anywhere near his house. Johnny helped explain the situation to him, but his disposition on her did not change.
The two found themselves walking towards a local Centurian facility. Yan quizzically turned l really to face Declan. " Those cops came by mighty there something you're not telling me?
" You're not entitled to know anything beyond what I let you know. Just know that I played I hand in saving your life, whether you'd like to believe it or not "
Declan quickly found himself mesmerized as they passed by a glass display of a G-Energy Generator. He paused as he looked at it in wonder. " It started out as a bulky prototype that was as large as one of these buildings, now it can fit in a room, one will be small enough to fit inside of a phone and power it much faster than anything we currently possess. That's the beauty of progression. That's why we need to indefinitely advance, no matter our opponents. "
A young man came walking directly towards them, Yan looked at him strangely, however, Declan smiled. " Father, I have returned from my trip to Japan. It's so good to see you again..." He replied, embracing him in a hug.
Declan chuckled. " It's nice to see you, son. "
He pulled away shortly afterwards, and placed a hand on Yan's shoulder. " I forgot to introduce you two. This is Cain, the eldest of my sons. Cain, this is Yan, he's the newest member of our household. "
Cain was a tall, young man who wore a stylized camouflage long sleeve top with black sweatpants. He wore a pair of multicolored sneakers with florescent purple and dark green hues. His hair was short and spiky, with a section of it moved over to the right side of his face.
" You sure came out the womb fast. " Cain replied, chuckling.
" I'm adopted. "
He smiled at him brightly. " It was a joke you dolt. "
" I'm feeling a bit of a divide between us. Why don't we take this somewhere more private? " Cain asked, to which his father nodded, going off on his own merry way as he walked on over to a room far from the rest of the facility.
Yan felt a bit uneasy due to the familiarity of the experience, and kept his guard up. They entered a small room. The floor was black with white lines forming a grid beneath it, while the rest of the walls were painted to resemble a forest background. A series of posters from movies that were made in the last decade or so were plastered on his wall. There was a work computer and desk at the very end, and a shelf with various action figures on display. Upon the pedestal stood figurines of Jean Grey, Danielle Moonstar, and Anna Marie respectively. There was also a suitcase underneath his work desk, which he waltzed on over to.
At the very center of the room there was a large black table, stylized to look like it was emerging from the ground. Cain would emerge and set the case down on the ground. " I think men like you and me bond best over games...a lot of people say that games destroy friendships, but I don't buy into only strengthens bonds and brings out the innate instincts we all have underneath our false skins..."
He brought out a board from his hands and set it to the table. It portrayed a large field with some water beside it. Afterwards, Cain took several green cubes and set them horizontally on both sides of the board, distributing them evenly. Afterwards, he took out two decks of cards, and set them on the table. " This game is pretty intuitive. The goal is to eliminate the life energy of the opponent represented by cubes. You'll learn the rules soon enough, think of our first match as a bit of a walkthrough on things. "
Yan looked at the cards he was given and drew five of them. Each one contained a unique illustration upon them, unlike anything he had seen before. " I made all of the illustrations when I was twelve years old. "
Yan nodded and looked at the cards carefully. " First, we must choose our avatars. "
The cards suddenly flew out of their decks and went on display to both players. Yan's eyes immediately lit up. " You have an ability as well..."
Cain grinned. " Someday technology is going to make this power obsolete. But yes, I have an ability. I can manipulate inanimate objects to my will, it has its limits...but it is a power that gives me more enjoyment than anything I currently possess. I frankly don't care much about all that's surfaced here. Let's play our game. "
He touched a card and it floated beside him before flipping over flatly. From the card art, a being arose. A man with grey skin, clothed in silver robes, wearing a crown of jewels upon his head. " I choose Mountain King to be my avatar. Avatars are separate from the field until they are brought onto it. They are directly linked to our life cubes. Each avatar possesses a distinct ability that they can activate regardless of their field placement. "
Yan scratched his head a bit, taking in the rules. He looked upon a card resembling a small boy carrying a ring in his palms and tapped it. " That is Nibelung Bearer. He possesses a great treasure, but adversely, it is a treasure that attracts only danger to him. "
- - -
The events of this conflict are lost to time. Yan emerges the victor through force of will.
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