Artemis Fowl - CHAPTER 1: The Book
Let's hope that this new series of mine is something that I actually end up completing-
So, essentially, I've decided to make a new chapter in this book for every chapter that I read! Hopefully.
So, the story starts off in Ho Chi Minh City, which I knew was a significant(?) setting in the books, but I didn't expect to start the entire dang series there.
And like right off the bat, it is very clearly established that Artemis Fowl the Second is a creature known as a vampire.
He cannot handle the sweltering heat (although that is not a trait distinct to a vampire).
And the page (p. 3) described Artemis as and I quote, "Sun did not suit Artemis. He did not look well in it. Long hours indoors in front of the monitor had bleached the glow from his skin. He was white as a vampire and almost as testy in the light of day."
It's official that Arty's a vampire.
Also, Arty's mannerisms remind me very much of me?
Like the way he talks to Nguyen in a way where he sounds very polite, but he's also very much threatening him by saying things in regards to how he can be taken down by Butler.
Which is something I do (albeit without having a Butler).
The main thing that happened in this chapter was meeting the sprite. I remember this scene, because it was a deleted scene from the Artemis Fowl movie (which I honestly don't know why they deleted it, because like, it's one of the more accurate scenes, you know)?
But anywho...
It's been a long time since I've seen the term "Halloween" be spelled as "Hallowe'en."
I find the whole exchange between the sprite and Artemis to be rather impressive because the 12-year olds I've known absolutely suck at deals for some reason. More specifically, deals which include you getting the more favorable terms.
It's explained that Butlers have been serving Fowls for literal centuries, and I just wanted to put that down here in this chapter despite already knowing the fact. Reason? Because I find that to be fascinating. All those generations, and the surname still survives. Pretty cool, no?
I also already knew what the relationship between Artemis and Butler was like, however, reading it in the actual series is a very nice phenomenon.
I think my favorite lines from this chapter are when Butler thinks(?) to himself, "Always two steps ahead, that was Master Artemis. People said he was a chip off the old block. They were wrong. Master Artemis was a brand new block, the likes of which had never been seen before."
That's gotta be the coolest description of a 12-year old that I've ever come across. Like I sort of mentioned before, the 12-year olds that I've known can barely think half a step ahead, much less two steps.
Also, Butler reads Guns and Ammo?
That's pretty cool!
If you don't know what it is, it's basically like a fashion magazine, but for firearms and everything related to it.
Fun fact: This month's Guns and Ammo magazine talks about the Ruger MAX-9 (a pistol). The basic summary of the pistol said that it is a 12-Round and 9mm Optic-Ready Micro Compact. The Ruger MAX-9 is a pretty good handgun, based off the advertisement for it at least.
Now, I mentioned in the last chapter that each page (front and back) had codes at the bottom, written in Gnommish.
Of course, I took the time to decipher all of them. Within a couple pages, I got a relatively good hang of Gnommish, and now I just have a few letters left to memorize. (I haven't memorized them yet because they haven't come up yet).
Here's the list of what I have been able to derive:
(Important note: I'll be using periods to signify that a sentence has ended. Also, I will be using proper capitalization when typing this down, simply because I can and I wish to.)
Pg. 3 - The reference to
Pg. 4 - Artemis Fowl in the hu
Pg. 5 - man media is in a newspaper
Pg. 6 - article from the Dublin
Pg. 7 - Chronicle. Artemis made
Pg. 8 - the paper by solving the
Pg. 9 - riddle of the mayor of
Pg. 10 - Dublin's chains. The
Pg. 11 - mayor held a press con
Pg. 12 - ference to appeal for help
Pg. 13 - after the city's price
Pg. 14 - less chains of off
Pg. 15 - ice were stolen. Artemis
Pg. 16 - managed to persuade his
Pg. 17 - bodyguard to bring
Here is the decoded bit together:
The reference to Artemis Fowl in the human media is in a newspaper article from the Dublin Chronicle. Artemis made the paper by solving the riddle of the mayor of Dublin's chains. The mayor held a press conference to appeal for help after the city's priceless chains of office were stolen. Artemis managed to persuade his bodyguard to bring
I'm afraid that's all I have to decode right now. But I'll be back soon with the next chapter!
And with that, I close the 1st chapter of the book, as well as the first chapter of this new series in my Fowldom!
See you all very soon!
- Vera Lisle
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