Secret love?
Shiro looked at me, shocked, "I-I... What?" Was all he could manage before he ran into the bathroom in my room and locked the door. I wasn't surprised by his actions, what I was surprised with, was whose name was on that tattoo "Allura" I always knew that they had been smitten with each other. But how long had that tattoo been there? If it was new why did it take so long to appear? I had so many questions running through my brain. I didn't even notice the bell ring for orientation. I just sat there in thought.
After about twenty minutes, Shiro came out, obviously thinking no one was there. When he saw me there, he was a tad shocked, because I was a rule follower. "Y-your skipping orientation?" He asked me, clear worry and disappointment was heard in his voice. "Why should I?" I said. I hadn't even realized I had teared up until I spoke. "I will never find love, and eventually, everyone around me will die," I said with venom dripping in my voice. I got up to leave only to feel to arms wrap around my chest. I couldn't take it, I turned around and cried while hugging him back. "Why can't life just be easy? Why can't we all just be free to live our own lives? Why do I have to lose you?" I sobbed out. Not caring if other could hear. Shiro gently shushed me and calmed me down before pulling away, "Pidge, I don't care what happens. I won't leave you here. Not alone."
We stood there for a few minutes. Before hearing a loud 'ding!' meaning the orientation was over. I let out a long sigh, not realizing that I had even been holding my breath, I stood up, grabbed my green hoodie, and left, without saying a word.
As I was walking, I heard grumbling coming from the kitchen. 'I guess I am pretty hungry, shame, I should have had some of that cake.' I thought as I headed that way. I walked through the dull grey hallways and into the pale yellow kitchen. There I saw none other than Keith, grumbling as he was making a sandwich. I walk in, putting my hands in my pockets before realizing he hadn't noticed me. How I love these situations, I lived for the few times I could actually scare Keith.
I sneaked up behind him, and was just about to scare him, when "I know your there, Pidge, it won't work." I groaned, "UGHHHH, your no fun Keith." He sighed. "I'm already peeved enough without you messing around." I frowned, not pleased with what he said, didn't he know it was my birthday???? But first thing is first. "Why are you peeved? Did you eat some disgusting food or something?" He looked ready to burst out of his skin and go kill someone, "N-No, it was one of the new recruits, Lance, he just arrived today and is already getting on my nerves. I don't know how long we will both stay sane living in this sector"
I probably should have been worried that someone had just arrived and already gotten on Keith's bad side, but I was more thrilled that more than one person had arrived this month, I probably should have been sad for them but I really didn't care right now. "How many people arrived today?!" I asked excitedly. He let out a small smile, clearly being amused by my childish excitement. "Three." He answered "Two guys and a girl," he said, stiffening his words when he said 'guys' and softening them when he said 'girl.' I wiggled my eyebrows "Oh~ so then you got yourself a little crush?~" I said to tease him. I'd hate to admit it, but when I first got here I actually liked Keith, he was so strong, such a good leader, and he was kind to me, but most of all, he was a bad boy. It all seemed to hold him up to a higher standard than me. After a while I realized that 1) nothing had happened between us, when we first shook hands we started to pulse (Where you could hear each other's heartbeat in sync with your own) but it only pulsed four times, showing that we would just be good friends, and 2) after a while I realized that, he was kind of a jerk. He always was cocky, and I liked that, but he was a hot head as well, and would more often than not turn to violence to solve even a simple dispute. ("I TOLD YOU THAT I WANTED THE BIGGEST SLICE OF CAKE!" Keith said while punching the wall directly next to the head of another jerk student, lucky for us, unlucky for the student, the student got an equally mean girl as his soulmate, and they were let out. )
I was snapped out of being lost in a time when Keith pinned me, I knew I had struck a nerve. "I DON"T LIKE HER OKAY?" He yelled really loudly, a guard would come and check on them soon enough, "Better be careful, Keith. A guard might come and think you were getting a little inappropriate with this position we are in right not.~" I teased again, laughing when he quickly jumped up and let me go. Just in time, a guard walked in and looked over at us, "are you okay? I heard a yell." I sighed, and let out a wide smile "Don't worry sir! I was only teasing him over a girl~" He eyed me suspiciously, and then let out a chuckle and left, saying "Kids these days..."
I turned back to Keith to continue teasing him when Allura came into the room, she was blushing madly. She turned to us, attempting at regaining her composer, "We are having a group meeting, now" She said, snapping back into her mega space- chief mom. "It is going to be at Pidge's place." "WHY MY PLACE? I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD USE IT!" I shout. Causing a smile to appear on both Allura and Keith's faces. "Because your place has snacks, now come on!" She demanded. We followed her begrudgingly.
We walked into my room to find Shiro, Hunk and our other friend, Romelle, was there. Romelle looked up from the book she was reading on her phone, at least, I think it was a book, she was blushing pretty badly. I couldn't read anything on the screen except for 'x reader LEMONS' I started laughing, and she turned her phone off to greet us.
"Hey, guys!" She said in her normal, happy tone. "Hey, what's up?" I respond casually, not really that interested in talking to her about anything other than what she was reading, but since everyone else was here, I decided to wait until later when we were alone.
Everyone chatted for a few minutes until Shiro's voice rang out over everyone else's. "Guys listen up, we are getting this emergency announcement and meeting started now." We all were quiet in an instant. Giving him and Allura our full attention. "Me and Allura...." Shiro started, but he couldn't seem to finish his statement, instead, he pulled up his sleeve on his left arm, revealing the word "Allura" and Allura rolled up her sleeve revealing the words "Hi! I'm Shiro!" We all stared at them in shock, at least, everyone except for me. "I should explain what I got, I got Allura's name tattooed on my arm for some strange reason, I think it must have just been delayed." He said, he then let Allura speak "My arm has the first sentence Shiro ever said to me." She said matter of factually. We all looked down, sadden, we knew that they would be forever happy together but the thing was that they would be able to leave and we would all miss them very much. Then Allura said something that shocked us all.
"But we are keeping our love a secret."
Hey guys! I hope you have liked the story so far! I am a slow writer so this book will take me a while! but I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I will writing it!
word count: 1380
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