Moving around
I woke up to something warm. It felt like a small human. I rolled over to see Blaze holding on to me for dear life. "Blaze?" I asked, realizing she was crying as she dug her head into my stomach. "Will he remember me?" She asked as if I would know the answer. "Who?" I said, utterly confused. "My brother." She said. "He should be here somewhere in this sector. We found all the questions for placing us in each sector and decided to meet up here." She choked on her words and was silent. Deciding not to speak anymore. I grabbed onto her and hugged her tightly. I rocked us back and forth gently, listening to the sweet silence until my eyes began to feel heavy, and I drifted back off into light slumber.
Lance's Pov
I woke up with a groan, feeling something on the end of my bed. I had the bottom bunk so I wouldn't be too surprised if it were Hunk, but to my surprise, it wasn't. A young man, probably around 19 was sitting on my bed crying softly. The guy had bright orange hair and a small mustache, he was wearing a simple baby blue and white sweater and some cream colored pajama pants to match.
"Hey man, you okay?" I asked, trying to sound gentle but my voice cracking a bit from the fact that I had just woken up. The teen looked startled and jumped as he looked at me before relaxing a bit seeing I was just waking up. "I'm o-okay, I just miss my sister is all, I heard she came into the sector here recently. Actually, about the time you and Hunk moved in." He wiped his eyes and smiled at me. He looked like he had been crying all night. I stood up confidentially and looked at him, " come on, let's go to breakfast and find your sister" I said as I started marching off to the cafeteria, not even thinking about the fact that I just left the room in boxer shorts and a baggy blue T-shirt. Coran, the boy, followed confidentiality after him, puffing up his chest and walking alongside me, ready to find his sister.
Pidges POV
I woke up to some movement by me. Hearing some slight groaning, I open my eyes to see Blaze getting out of bed. I remembered everything from last night, from talking with Lance to his flirty pickup line, to waking up and holding Blaze like my child.
I gasped coming back to reality seeing Blaze waving her hand in my face "helloooooo anyone home? The food Bell just rang" she said and then let out a cheerful giggle, making me smile. "Ah, sorry Blaze must have zoned out. We can go in a minute, let me get changed first" I said as I headed over to to the Changing room.
Something cool about the changing room is it picks out your clothes out depending on your mood. I walked in, feeling in a bit of a daze as I thought about last night 'Goodnight princess, and thanks for the color.' The words rang in my ears over and over again. When I heard the clothes dispense I opened up the cupboard I saw a flowy pastel blue, green, and white dress. It was sleeveless and tied at the neck, I also realized it had a scrunch at the waistline, hugging to my small stomach and showing off what little curves I had. It hung down close to the ground covering my thin, pale legs. The bot had paired it with some pastel green slip-on shoes and a baby blue headband. I slipped them on and headed out, seeing Blaze had already changed in her changing room. She was wearing a light purple oversized sweater, paired with some pastel yellow leggings and black loafers. her hair was tied back in a high ponytail but her long hair still fell down to her waistline. We were happily skipping down to the cafeteria, as we entered the large room and headed off to find food. I stopped in my tracks and flung around when I heard a whistle.
Lance's Pov
I was grumpily sitting and listening to the others tease me for forgetting to change as I tried eating my blueberry pancakes. It didn't work. "Awe, hey dude, don't be so gloomy, you might look horrible, but dang! Look at Pidge!" A jerkwad, Peter said as he whistled. Peter was the type of guy you would see in an alleyway, he had milk chocolate brown hair and a pale complexion. He also had bright green eyes. I didn't know why, but when I saw Pidge turn around and look at me, I couldn't help but feel like a million butterflies were trying to escape my stomach. My breath hitched as I heard Peter catcall her " hey baby, looking good! Want to come over to my room later? I'm having a sale! It's clothing 100% off " my blood boiled. I stood up, leaving my tray at the table and strolled over to her, watching as she gazed at me curiously. I noticed the cafeteria had gone silent while I was walking. once I got to her I draped my arm around her shoulder and turn to him "Sorry, this is a place for Soulmates, you are clearly not hers." I said quite casually "This is my friend, and I don't think she should be talked to that way, come on Pidge." I continued, quite aggravated as I turned on my heels, leading Pidge to an empty table.
A young girl followed us to the table and sat down very close to Pidge. I noted that she could possibly be her sister but for some reason, I doubt that. I then realized "Hey, where is Coran?" The little girl's ears perked up "W-Who?" She said in a quiet, but shaky voice. "My roommate, Coran. I told him I would help him find his long-lost little sister and I was hoping he could tell me more about it." I replied with a sigh. Why in the world would he suddenly run off? "Mm-maybe I could help. S-seeing how I-I'm his s-sister" She stated, stuttering allot. It was honestly adorable.
Wait. This is his sister?
Suddenly it all hit me. The same shyness. The same blue eyes. Their face shape. Yes, this was definitely her.
I stared at her in shock for a minute before I saw Coran in the corner of the room staring. I pointed him out to Blaze and she looked back, noticed him, and went running. "Big brother!" She called out to him crying as she reached him and hugged him tightly. It took him a minute, but he started to cry and hugged back.
They got really talkative really fast. We were all sitting at a table for four as Blaze was catching Coran up on all that happened. "-and now we have a kitten! His name is Fuku and he is really cuddly!" She just wouldn't stop, eventually, I looked across the table to Pidge. She looked so intrigued and amused at her friend being so happy. After a minute, it went silent so I took this chance to speak, "So I was wondering. If you guys are finally reunited, are. you going to move in together? Because I could switch out wi-" Pidge cut me off "I'll trade with Coran. Hunk has been my rock since we were little and I was a wreck when we were torn apart. This could- no will help me." She said the last part so confidentially I believed her. "Right" I start "but we need to know if you guys are going to move." I looked over and saw blaze give Pidge a 'look', you know, the look when your friend knows something and is trying to hint, but they are not subtle. It utterly confused me. Was this innocent looking child trying to tell Pidge something dirty? I looked over and saw Pidge hiding her face.
Wait. Cute?
I look away for a moment to think on my next few words. After a bit, I looked back and said: "What, got a problem sleeping with me?" With a wink. She punched my arm "No! It's just... Nothing." "Oh, I am okay with moving," Coran said, completely ignoring what was happening at the current moment. "Yeah! I'll have to give you guys your alone time~" Blaze added, the comment unwelcomed into the chat "Blaze, quit it. We just met yesterday, just like I had just met you. you've gotten cozy right where you are but Lance hasn't. So please drop it." Pidge said with a light rosy pink tint on her cheekbones.
It was silent for a bit before Pidge spoke up once again "If we're going to move around we should go contact head counselor. Or else she will be mad and put us in different sectors for a week. She normally puts you in the one you would be least likely to get according to your test." "But isn't there seven sectors?" Blaze asked as we all got up and started down the halls. "Yeah. Uprain, Newtown, Wishingstar, Anderstone, Nicklack, Two-time, Everdale, and Deltatron." I answered.
"We are all in Deltatron. The one you are least likely to find love in. We are all 'Unlucky' but we are the only true unlucky ones here. people even develop a relationship even though they are not soul mates." Pidge finished for me. We stopped at a big, oak wood door with frosted glass. There were big words that read 'Head counselor, Tracy Scott' on the glass.
I was about to push open the door when Blaze pushed past me. Grabbing Coran's hand and went into the brightly lit room. The door opened with a bang and a pale, blonde girl that looked about in her late 20's looked up with a monotone Expression. "Hey, can I help you?" She said, her voice, while being very high pitched, matching her expression perfectly. She looked like when she was younger she was very popular in high school and tried hard to look good, but the years had worn her down to what we saw before us. "Yeah. These two are siblings and they would like to live together, so Pidge and Coran are going to switch. That's okay right?" I said, gesturing to the person I was talking about as I said it. She eyed me suspiciously and then looked back and forth between me and Pidge. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked down at a paper in front of her and scribbled something on it before look at it. "Yes, I suppose that is okay." She said, her voice never once changing into even the slightest bit of happiness. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I sighed. I turned and walked out. Saying a small "Thank you!" As I left. The others followed me out. We dropped Pidge and Blaze off at there room so Pidge could pack as Coran and I went back to our room for the time being. We had decided that they would move in around three hours to give them time. Not a lot of time, but we were only allowed to bring two suitcases worth, so it shouldn't take long. Coran was packed within 30 minutes, seeing how he had been moved into that room after being in a single bedded room for so long. So we just sat there and talked. He told me about how he and Allura were friends because she was the first person to be nice to him. And how he had found the questions online and what answers would get you into which sector. They wanted to be in the one least likely to find love so that they could find each other, because who needs a romantic relationship with someone when the only one you truly care about is your sibling.
After talking for a while I heard a noise and looked up. I saw Pidge had changed again. She had changed into Jean booty shorts that were ripped at the bottom and a long pale pink colored top, paired with some pink loafers to match. She was holding a large suitcase. "Wow Pidge, how did you get so much stuff?" I questioned. I saw her stiffen "most of it is from my brother. I don't wanna talk about it" she said in a low voice, almost like a whisper. "Alright, this one is your bunk," I said, showing her the full sized bed that was embedded into the wall. She gaped at it. "This whole thing? For me?" "I mean we could always sleep toget-" she whacked me with a pillow she had grabbed. "I'm joking. Coran got here first so he got first dibs, no one really argued, I mean, Hunk did because he was forced with top bunk but after getting to know him, that's kinda just his personality." I replied with a chuckle. It was kinda nice, having someone to tease. Finally, someone to actually talk to.
I looked around to see Coran had left and Hunk was walking in. "Uh, guys someone must have changed the name stuff because it has- oh! Hey, Pidge" he said as he came over and give her a fist pump. I smiled "Yeah, her and Coran swapped because he found his sister, who happens to be her ex-roommate. Hunk turned and looked at her. "That girl from before?" He asked and she responded with a simple nod.
We talked and hung out until I looked at the time "Hey guys it's getting late, we should probably go to bed." We all nodded and headed to get changed I was given a pair of boxers and shorts. I put it on and go out, seeing Pidge in an oversized green T-shirt and some blue long shorts. I looked and saw her blushing a bit as she stared at me. It took me a moment to realize it was because I wasn't wearing a shirt. "What? Uncomfortable?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh. "N-no, not really." "So then you like what you see?~" She attempted to hit me, but I was too far away. "It's not that. Just not used to it is all..." She said slowly, carefully picking out her words.
I was about to go to bed when I turned to her "also, if I'm out of bed or do something weird at night, just know that I sleep-walk." That comment seemed to scare her a bit, but she smiled and nodded. "Goodnight, pidgen." I said, casually teasing her to my surprise, she responded, "goodnight, lover boy Lance" and with that, I drifted to sleep. Something about that last sentence made me dream of her, her warm, small body, me being hugged tightly by her... I hugged back.
I opened my eyes to see it's morning and I was in her bed? She was holding me like the world depends on it, and she was crying so hard she was shaking, she was still sleeping but she was awake enough to speak.
"Don't leave me, as he did."
Hey guys, sorry it's been a while but I've been busy with school. I hope this extra long chapter helps. I've been working on it for forever. Anyway comment what you think about it and enjoy reading! Stay sweet, stay safe, and don't forget to smile! Bye, my beauties!
Word count: 2620
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