Quinn POV
"Quinn can you take table 5?!" Yelled Elena as she was kinda far and busy as I nodded taking my note pad ready to take an order. I walked to the table to see two guys there and I gave them a smile as I stud next to their table.
"Hello my name is Quinn and I will be your waitress for the day, may I take your order?" I asked as the guys looked at me curiously before giving me their orders as I nodded writing it down.
"Your orders will be right up." I said taking the menus in my hand before walking away and placing the order for them to give it to me when it was ready.
The day went by quickly and right now I was on my way home when I felt someone following me and turned around.. there was no one there.
"You're being delusional Quinn." I said to myself when I heard something like loud wind zoom by me and something that looked human but had no eyes stud in front of me.
"Boo." It said with a smirk as my eyes widen and he tried hitting me but I dodge and start running.. what the hell is going on?! I heard a sound like the once the movies use when their shooting lazers and then I saw the human like thing fall to the floor when I looked behind me.
I stud there not understanding anything when I saw a man. He had hazel green eyes that looked kinda like mine minus the little grey color mine had from my mother's part. He had blond hair and looked to be in his late 40's. Though looking at his very built body time seemed to be kind with him. He was wearing a black tight suit that didn't seem to be that light, and I had no idea how he had put it on, and he had a belt that had weapons on it.
"Are you ok?" He asked me and I nodded hesitant making him sigh.
"That's good. We need to go see your aunt right now." The man said and I stared at him.
"How do you know I live with my aunt?" I said freaking out the man gave yet another sigh before looking at me.
"When we get you to safety I promise I'll explain everything.. but for now we need to go." The man said and I took a deep breath but nodded slowly. This man had just saved me the least I could do was shut up and go home. He didn't give me a bad vibe so I decided to go along with him.
Once we got to my house I opened the door and saw my aunt in the living room and when she raised her head her eyes widen.
"Hello Katherine." Said the man as I looked between him and my aunt.
"Ballard." My aunt said and I looked at her.
"You know who he is?" I asked and my aunt nodded before looking at me with a sad smile.
"I'm gonna miss you." She said and I looked at her strange.
"What do you mean?" I asked her confused and looked at the man.
"What's going on?!" I asked him and he sighed before giving me a small smile.
"My name is Ballard, I'm a royal guard at Enoch, Enoch is the world where your mother was born.. where I was born and where you were gonna be born. But plans changed and you had to come live here on planet earth for security reasons." He said and I raised a brow.
"How do you knew my mother?" I asked him and he sighed.
"Your mother was my wife, the one and only love of my life until you came to my life." He said with a sad smile..
"What are you saying..?" I asked carefully.. he couldn't be saying what I think he's saying right?
"I'm your father Quinn." He said and I blinked looking at my aunt for reassurance and she nodded.
"What?" I whispered not believing it taking a seat on the sofa.
This can't be happening can it? This has to be some kind of prank or something this can't be happening.. my dad? An other world outside of earth? No I can't believe that... but then again it would be stupid to believe that there is no other life in the whole universe..
"Are you ok?" The man that saved me now known as Ballard and as my father asked but I just zipped him as I thought for a little more and then looked at him.
"Why now? Why tell me all of this now? After all this years you finally make an appearance and it's like this.. so why?" I asked him.
"Your power is soon to awaken and other people in the galaxy want that power. You need to come back to Enoch with me so that we can protect you from this evil." He said and I looked at him as if he was crazy.
"I don't have any powers, and even if I did what can they be?" I asked and he sighed.
"I wouldn't know how to explain it. It would be better for you to use and understand it on your own." He said and I looked at him with the same expression as before making him sigh yet again.
"You need to come with me and you'll understand much better." He said and I shook my head.
"I can't just leave." I said and he looked at me.
"Why not?" He asked and my aunt gave me a small smile.
"You need to go." She said.
"But aunt I can't just leave you." I said and she smiled.
"I knew this day would come sooner or later so I'm ready to let you go.. I'm glad I got to spend this time with you." She said with a smile as she kissed my cheek.
"Now go." She said and pushed me to Ballard before all was black.
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