Chapter 1
Quinn POV
"What the?!" I said when I woke uo and I was floating in the freaking air!
"Oh you're awake." I looked to the side to see a guy with red hair and golden eyes.. I blinked looking at him. Are those contacts or are those his eyes?
"Is everything ok?" He asked causing me to blink yet again.
"Who are you?" I asked and he gave me a smile. Well damn he had a cute smile!
"My name's Everett Reed and I was just here to escort you." He said helping me off the thing that was keeping me floating in the air.
"Escort me where?" I asked him.
"To your father who is with the king." He answered me opening the door for me as I followed. I looked at my cloth and noticed that they weren't the same I had on before. What I had on now was in a dress, the top part is black and the bottom is white.
"Right this way." He said before knocking on a huge door.
"Come in." We heard from inside and when Everett opened the door I stepped in to see my father bowing to a man who was sitting on a throne. The man had silver hair with cristal blue eyes he looked to be maybe 2 years older than me.
"Ah, you must be Quinn." Said the man and my father looked at me before nodding.
"I have to say you have a beautiful daughter soldier." Said the man as my father stud up.
"Thank you your majesty." My father answered as the man stud up and walked to me.
"The name is Steven Alaric." He said to me extending his hand for me to take and I did as he took it to his lips and kissed it.
"Such silky skin." He said causing me to blush wanting to rip my hand off of his.
"Th-thank you." I said as he gave me a smile.
"It's nice to finally meet you Quinn. Unfortunately we don't have much time before your powers awaken. For that reason I have two people that will train you." He said and I blinked.
"Train me?" I asked and he nodded when there was another knock on the door.
"Come in." Two people came in the huge room. One was a girl with short electric blue hair and eyes. The other was a man with dark blue hair and eyes. They looked a bit alike as well.
"Did you summon us your highness?" Said the man as they both bowed to the king.
"Yes I did. I have a special mission for you two. You need to train this girl." They both looked up and looked at me.
"Her name is Quinn Rayna Diamond. Quinn they will be your trainers. As for Everett he will be your teacher and assistant." The king said causing me to blink as I watched the three people that were looking at me.
"As you wish your highness." All three of them said before bowing.
"Now you may start with your training." The king said.. wait right now?!
"Sir!" Said the blue haired people with a salute before looking at me.
"Follow us." They said leaving no option as to follow them.
"My name is Electra Linus and this is my older brother Xavier." Said the girl causing me to nod.
"I can't believe the king gave you two this assignment." I heard and turn my head to see Everett.
"Well we are good at what we do." Said Xavier with a smirk... I swear I'm surrounded by sexy guys all around!
"But you're reckless while doing it. Anyway Quinn let's get you to your room and in a more suitable outfit for training." Everett said causing me to slowly nod and we made it to my room and he gave me something that looked like a grey and black diamond..
"Um what is this?" I asked him and he smiled at me.
"That is a crisiant. Right now is grey because you have still to awaken your powers. Still that crisiant is very important, it gives you a suite and enhances your powers. Now if you may repeat after me." He said causing me to nod.
"Crisiant on." He said and I said it to just for a bright light to appear and when it disappeared I was wearing a black tight suite with white details here and there. It hugged my body and I felt as if I was completely naked. I walked to the mirror and my eyes widen..
"Wh-what the hell happened to me?!" I yelled and Everett looked at me over the mirror.
"Amazing." He said as I blinked looking at myself in the mirror.
"Why is my hair this color and my eyes?" I almost couldn't talk. My hair was a light grey color but it was as if it had other colors on it but they were so light it was almost as if I didn't had them.. and my eyes, my eyes were silver. Yes silver! They even shine and all!
"It seems we're having a glimpse of your power Quinn. You look a lot like Katherine now." He said and I looked at him.
"But I've always looked like my mother and I'm pretty sure she didn't look like this." I said looking in the mirror again.
"Your mother left Enoch to protect you from evil and so she had to change both hers and your appearances. You see that ring your wearing?" He said and I looked at the silver ring with a colorful diamond in the middle my mother left behind just before she died and I nodded at him.
"That is a diamond known as Jubilee Diamond. That ring was infused with magic to protect your mother while having you. Your mother was one of the most powerful people in the whole universe." He said and I looked at him strangely.
"Then how did she die if she was so powerful?" I asked glaring a bit at him and he gave a long sigh.
"Because of you."
"Because of.. me? How?" I asked him not understanding.
"Your mother passed down all of her power to you the moment you were born and she handed that ring to you some time after to maintain your powers at bay and protect you. Because of you and your power she died." He said and I was paralyzed.
"We should go. Those two must be getting impatient." He said and started to walk out of the room.
How can he expect me to just go after what he told me?! That big sexy jerk! Wait no! Don't call him sexy!
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