Chapter 31: Confrontation
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴏᴘᴏᴘʜᴀɢʏ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴀɴɢsᴛ • 𝟷𝟾+)
Naruto's P.O.V
It was late, in the day.
So late, even the stars couldn't be seen.
It was as if the darkness of the sky swallowed them whole, leaving the earth in a complete darkness. But it wasn't entirely dark..
The lights from the buildings still held their glow which granted the humans their precious light.
I let out a long frustrated sigh as I rode full speed out of the city, and towards another. I didn't know where I was going. But all I knew was..
Hinata wasn't, in the city behind me.
So therefore, I have to find her.
I have to.
Kurama sat in the passenger seat beside me, his eyes looking out the window he sat in.
He had long taken the form of a human. But it wasn't just any human form.
It was one of a young woman. One that was a little older than Hinata.
Kurama had long curly blonde hair with a womanly look that could crush any male's restraint. The form he took was the definition of temptation.
I snuck a peek down at his form's sexy clothing and rolled my eyes once more, his eyes catching me.
The young lady beside me shot a glare my way, which screamed Kurama. The glare looked just like him in a way. The young lady then, smacked her lips. "What's with the look, kit?" He spoke but with a voice of a very intelligent young woman, a groan passing my lips at the sound of it.
I pulled up one hand and gripped the very top of my nose, trying my hardest not to lash out. Kurama knew I wasn't in my right mind right now. And to take on a woman only made me think more of..
Maybe this is, his revenge..
Suddenly he spoke, as if he could read my mind still. His womanly form went over and nudged my elbow causing me to growl. "Control it, Naruto. You have to learn some self control. And I figured taking on this form, will help you achieve that. Everything I do, is to help you, not harm you. Always, remember that." He explained calmly with a nod, still using that same womanly voice. But his words weren't at all reassuring though, my troubled mind not accepting it at all.
In response, I snapped my angry eyes towards him for a split second, the blonde woman watching my eyes as they flashed a bright red. "But why, Kurama?" I roared which made the woman shake her head, her eyes moving away from me.
Kurama stared out the window for a second but then sighed. "I'm doing this so you won't end up going back on your word." Was all that came out of the gorgeous woman beside me, just leaving it at that.
I glanced over at her with widened eyes, already knowing what Kurama was getting at. My shoulders slumped at his words.
I pursued my lips and looked out into the open road ahead of me, my eyes changing back into their normal blue. I blew out a deep breath, lowering my head a bit.
"I'm not.. gonna hurt her." I whispered out after a couple of minutes of silence, reigning Kurama's attention.
The young lady turned towards me and put up a small smile, her hand moving over to pat my shoulder, my body immediately reacting.
I tensed up but Kurama shushed me softly. "I know. I'm just making sure." The woman version of Kurama said softly with a small smile on her face, a reassuring one. "Remember, Naruto.. That girl, is tied to you. That girl is the one you love. You have to be good for her. Remember that she's human and that she's young.. She ran away because she was scared. And once we see her, we have to make her feel more comfortable." The young lady explained with a nod, Kurama's words sinking deeply within my two ears.
I sighed at that, my anger simmering down. Even though I so badly, want to punish, little one... I know, deep down, that isn't the way to go. She'll grow even more scared of me and probably do something else..
Something much worse...
Something similar to what's been happening in my dreams lately. So..
I have to stay sane.
I nodded at my thoughts which caused Kurama to smile, his newly form averting her eyes towards the open road ahead of us. It's been a while, with me driving and all. About an hour, almost two now. I could feel myself growing tired and also..
I'll have to stop soon.
And once again, Kurama seemed to read my mind, his form's slender fingers moving over to pat my shoulder. "Hey, let's take a break soon, okay. Maybe stop at a bar in the upcoming town. We both can use a drink after all." He suggested calmly on which I shrugged.
I don't see why not..
Not only am I going to get the cool down I need.. I also can hunt.
For food..
I licked my lips, liking that plan very much. I turned to Kurama and smiled, watching a smile appear on the blonde woman as well.
"Good idea, Kurama.. Good, idea..."
A Few Minutes Later
A few more minutes of driving passed and we now have arrived in another city, just like we first wanted. It looked quite different than the city I've always known. But it'll do.
Maybe if we're lucky, we can find Hinata.
But first, I made my way downtown while eyeing the different stores that littered the place, Kurama's eyes searching just as I was.
I gritted my teeth. "Ugh.. Where's the bar?" I mumbled out in annoyance, just ready to get there. My patience hasn't been all there nowadays. And all of this driving and traffic, isn't helping.
But Kurama, as my loyal friend, swooped in and saved the day. His form's finger flew up and pointed at something in the distance, my blue eyes cutting over at it. "Go. Turn here." The young lady only said on which I nodded, my eyes picking up a road coming up that turned right.
So, I took it which led me down another strip of stores. But the only difference is, this road, held just what we were looking for. And..
I grinned at that, looking over at Kurama. I sent his beautiful form a thankful wink. "Thanks, Kurama." I announced kindly, just deeply appreciating all the support he's giving me.
It really means a lot.
The young woman beside me let off a giggle but then waved one perfectly crafted hand at me. "Oh you don't have to thank me, Naruto. I will help you no matter what." He responded with a very feminine smile which had me laughing to..
Ahh.. What would I do without him..
I smirked but quickly grew back focused again, now working my dodge into a parking spot in front of the small bar. The bar looked quite homey. Not too big and noisy but..
Which was perfect for the two of us. I didn't want anyone getting any funny ideas about us anyway.
Speaking of which...
I decided to take a page out of Kurama's book, and change up my look. I didn't want anyone catching the sight of my usual form since demon hunters are still lurking. And since I'm a demon, I can change into anyone I desired.
I grinned but went about doing just that in the now stationary car, Kurama eyeing me with a small smirk.
My body changed drastically in my seat, my mind commanding me to do so. My hair changed into a dark brown, along with my eyes which changed into that color as well.
My features changed a bit more so I could look more rugged and older than, young and sexy.
Right now, I wore a large blue and white plaid T-shirt with white shorts and tennis, which went well with my new look.
Once I was done, I gave myself a look in the rear view mirror, just checking out my changed appearance.
Kurama smirked. "Ahh.. Copying me, eh?" His form asked with an amused filled laugh which made me look over, revealing my newly brown colored eyes.
I chuckled at his rather amusing question. "Hah, you know I copy no one, Kurama. I just saw a good idea, and took it as my very own." I chuckled out which caused the young lady beside me to shake her head, a smirk still present on her porcelain face.
She then turned to me, nodding her head towards the bar outside. "Well.. Shall we go then? The more we waste time here, the more out of reach Hinata gets..." Kurama reminds, which made my eyes widen, my hand quickly shooting over to grab a hold of my door.
I shot a glare back at Kurama, now ready to leave. "Well, what are we waiting for? Come on." I gritted out before leaving the car altogether, taking my keys with me.
Kurama's form rolled its eyes at my rather harsh command but left the car to soon follow close, behind me..
Inside The Bar
Quietly, me and Kurama stepped foot inside the small, towny bar, my brown colored eyes looking around quickly. And just as I suspected, it was quite peaceful.
There were a few men sitting at the bar drinking and talking while a few other people sat in booths eating a small meal for the night.
I smiled at that and turned to Kurama, sending his form a thankful smile. "Well, you were right, Kurama. This place is, quite peaceful." I whispered out as we stood in front of the entryway, a few eyes flashing our way.
Kurama nodded in agreement, his form's blue eyes scouting out the place. "Yeah it is. Let's get a closer look." He whispered back over to me which I nodded to, our feet pushing forward to walk over to the bar where a few people were sitting already.
At the sight of us approaching, the older bartender male looked up and smiled, waving us over. "Come, come. Sit. I'll be right with you." He acknowledged politely, a huge grin on his pale face.
We both simply nodded and quickly found us a stool to sit on which was further down from everyone.
The stares were constant but, we didn't say a word to anyone. We didn't want to make ourselves known.
So, me and Kurama stayed perfectly quiet and just waited until the bartender left the other men he was attending to walk over to us, a bottle of gin held in his hand.
He moved his hand down into his pocket and pulled out a towel, moving it so he could wipe his sweaty brow.
He blew out a breath before smiling wide. "Alright, love birds. What can I get you two today?" He asked with a grin but what he said made the both of us growl, our eyes narrowing dangerously.
My anger slowly grew out of control from just, his stupid comment, his words replaying in my mind..
Who the fuck does he think he is, spitting out such nonsense?
I'll tear him apart..
Kurama glanced over at me but then placed his hand on my thigh, patting it reassuringly. His form then turned to the bartender, not at all wasting time.
He cleared his throat following a delightful hum. "Mister, it's really not good to assume. We're not, together." Kurama quickly corrected which caused the male to gasp and sweat drop, his eyes widening in total embarrassment.
One, for seeking out his mistake and two, how calm Kurama was. And not to mention how beautiful his form was. He took the look of a complete angel which for some reason always made me think of Hinata.
To me.. She, was my angel. And I intend to get her back. After all..
Even demons need a guardian angel..
I smirked at that but sat and watched as Kurama then ordered our alcoholic drinks, which was two glasses of Tequila. The bartender nodded at that and scurried off to make our drinks, our eyes tracking him, the entire time.
A Few Minutes Later
Kurama's P.O.V
So far.. So good..
Everything seemed to be working out quite nicely. Not only isn't kit tensed anymore, he seems pretty calm and satisfied now.
I watched through my changed blue eyes to see him sipping at his glass cup slowly, just looking around the place.
Ever since he's gotten his alcoholic drink, he's been so, quiet. I smiled at that..
Ahh, good thing we came here..
It could help us think more about our troubled situation.
I sighed at that and went to take a sip of my own drink, just taking a look at the many TV's that littered the place.
I watched them as they showed nothing but human sport games on each one, Naruto suddenly chuckling at them. "Heh, it's amusing to watch humans run after a small thing, such as a ball. They all look like mice." He spoke lowly, so the other humans in the place couldn't hear us. But they shouldn't.
Everyone was engaged in their own little world. No one seemed to take notice to us. So that, was good.
I smiled at that and was just about to comment on what he said but was interrupted when a drunk male passed behind Naruto from where he sat hunched over on his stool.
I kept watching him, even when he suddenly stumbled over and spilled his drink on to Naruto's back, causing the demon male to twitch.
I gulped nervously at that, turning to the male who gasped in surprise. "Oh sorry, dude. I really gotta watch where I'm going." The male slurred out with a light drunken chuckle, my eyes narrowing in nothing but disgust and anger.
How dare he...
I turned back to Naruto who looked to be seething in his spot, his clothing completely soaked in the strong fluids the stranger was just previously drinking.
I gulped once more, moving over to pat Naruto's arm. "Hey, Naruto. It's okay. It was just an accident." I spoke quietly, trying to calm him down some. But I knew I couldn't do that. By the look of the strong bloodlust in his eyes, I can't do a damn thing.
The only person that could calm Naruto down in this state was..
So I sat back and just allowed him as he suddenly whipped up and grabbed the drunk male by the throat, pulling him off of the floor with ease causing him to gasp loudly.
I sighed and just turned around in my seat, allowing Naruto permission to get his anger out, just, this once.
Naruto growled at the male, bringing him close to his face, allowing him to see his red beaming eyes. He hissed, granting other people's attention.
"You.. will pay for that, mortal."
And soon after those words, I heard nothing but screams, growls and flesh tearing, my eyes steady watching the Tv above me.
Horrified screams from many different people came about in the building as they watched Naruto slaughter the male completely. But I didn't do anything to stop him.
Maybe he needs this...
He's been holding in too much guilt, too much built up anger over these three days... I think deep down he needed something to, let it all out. So..
I'll let him have his fun, for now..
I was only letting him run amuck because I didn't want this side of him to show once we find, Hinata. I know, once he sees the girl, talk to the girl, everything she did will come back to haunt and torture him. I didn't want him to hurt the girl..
And by this way, he won't..
The screams over time grew even louder as Naruto ran about the whole building, tearing apart every human he laid eyes on, my ears flooded with different loud sounds..
After some time passed by, I decided to turn around and take a peek. But I groaned to see Naruto now, eating away at a helpless girl on one of the bar table's, her screams quickly growing silent as she, grew lifeless, her eyes rolling back.
But what was really messed up about the situation was the color of her hair. Her hair color, was the same color as..
I cursed at that.
What the fuck?
Quickly, I moved to stand up and I ran forward, stepping over the many, dead innocent people that littered the floor.
"Naruto!" I called out, still in my womanly form. But I'm sure to change forms after this..
This one's gotten a little old..
My blue eyes kept watch as Naruto steadily chomped at her neck, bypassing the fact that the young girl was already dead.
His eyes were raw and filled with hatred as he stared down at the girl, his bloody hand falling down to grope her left breast tightly.
My eyes shot wide open at that and I quickly ran over to him, this time, taking some action.
This, has gone way too far..
Not only has he killed everyone in the bar, he's growing out of hand.
This isn't good.
So quickly, I grabbed his arm and yanked him off of the limp girl as hard as I could, successfully prying him off.
And once I did that, he went falling off of the table to land swiftly on the ground, his demon instincts kicking in causing him to catch himself.
He snarled and snapped his head up, towards me, my eyes quickly picking up some major differences.. He was no longer the brown haired male he changed into a couple of minutes ago, he was now his usual self.
Blonde, tan, red eyes.
But he looked pissed.
Super, super pissed. But I had no idea why.
He breathed deeply, moving to stand up quickly. I watched him closely, his clothing completely covered in blood and alcohol.
I sighed and looked around slowly, just taking in the many bodies that littered the building, soft music playing in the background. Even the bartender laid dead on the bar he served, his intestines spilling out of his torn stomach.
I shook my head at that and turned my attention back onto the twitching demon before me. But when I looked up at his tan face again, I saw now, that he was smiling widely, his red glowing eyes looking back down at the now dead girl on the table.
He hummed, licking his lips. "Mmm... What a rush! Ooh, when I get my hands on Hinata, I swear, I'll give her a punishment, straight, from hell!" He yelled out, following a series of crazed cackles, my eyes narrowing upon him.
This, is bad...
Very, very bad...
But this, has only shown me that I still, have some work.. to do..
Flashback Ended
A Day Later
Hinata's P.O.V
"Oh no! Where is it, where is it!!"
I screeched out in a panic as I scrambled around on top of my dresser, in a desperate search for the letter Konan gave me.
My friends stood in the opening of my door, eyeing me worriedly as I scrambled around my room. But, the letter was nowhere to be found.
I could've sworn I placed it right on my dresser yesterday morning..
Usually every morning I would read it, just to give myself a little spark of hope. But now that it's gone, my hope is running thin.
I was growing scared.
I moved my hands up to grip my head, my breathing growing out of control. I was almost hyperventilating. "Oh no.. I-I can't find it. It shouldn't have left." I whispered out in pure fear, Ino's eyes saddening upon me.
She, was the first to step into the room to comfort me. Gently, she placed her hand on the lower end of my back, soon moving me back so I could sit on my freshly made bed.
She then shushed me. "Oh, Hinata. You have to stay calm. Let's just think for a moment on where it could be, okay?" She spoke softly, as to help calm me down. Which, was working.
I blew in and out to help with the whole process, my mind slowly growing more clearer again. Once everything was easier to make out, I looked back down at her, my heart now pumping regularly.
I sighed. "I'm.. calm now." I whispered out which Ino nodded approvingly at, her body crouched before me.
Her hands were holding mine which helped me greatly. I just felt so scared, so alone in all of this. I know I shouldn't be worried or frightened anymore but..
I am...
Something keeps telling me that, Naruto's alive. There's these signs that's been happening.. All week, I've caught every single one of them and I have no choice but to resort, to that.
What if he, took the letter?
What if he was here? My eyes widened tremendously..
What if he, was in my room?
At that thought, I grew right back, panicked, my breathing growing out of hand. At the sight of that, Sakura and Temari stepped into the room fully, to comfort me more as well.
But Sakura stopped to close the door behind her, she soon joining me on the bed as well as Temari.
More hands moved to pat by shoulders and back, as an effort to calm me down. But...
I couldn't seem to calm down at this point..
I bit my lip, looking up at them who sent me saddened looks. I whimpered. "I-I'm so sorry, you girls have to put up with me. I-I just.. don't know, what to do anymore. I feel so, scared still. I-"
I stopped when a croak clogged my throat, my voice growing mute. Ino frowned and just settled with rubbing my knuckles. "No, you're not a burden to us, Hinata. We understand your pain and we're trying to do our best to help you through it. Now, where do you think the letter may be?" She asked once again softly which caused my brain to think a little.
But there was only one answer that came to my mind. And it flew straight out of my mouth once I thought of it.
"N-Naruto.." I simply whispered out which made all of their eyes widen. Ino looked over towards Temari and Sakura for help, a gulp sliding down their throat.
Temari moved over and grabbed my arm, turning my body towards her. I pouted once I saw the disbelief in her face.
She shook her head as expected. "Hinata.. Naruto, is dead and gone. He couldn't have come here for just a letter. Maybe your father has it." She said with a nod but I shook my head, turning away from her.
"No.. My father never comes into my room." I whispered out, my voice very low. But by them being so close, they could hear me easily.
Temari frowned at my response but Sakura gasped, turning towards me with a different answer. "Ooh! Maybe Hanabi has it." She said with a little hope in her eyes but, I shook my head once more.
No, that couldn't be it either..
I sniffed. "No that can't be. Hanabi hasn't entered my room since, I've woken up last week." I whispered out also, turning down Sakura's answer who frowned as well. Everyone let out a sigh at that, tears forming in my eyes at my predicament.
There was nothing that could answer, to this. And I've looked everywhere.
Behind my pillow, behind my dresser, inside my dresser, in the trash, everywhere. But it's just not here at all. I even saw it before I went asleep last night. It's gotta be all...
It has to be.
It just has, to be..
Ino sighed and patted my leg reassuringly, her eyes straying away from me for a split second. "It's okay, Hinata. You're safe, alright. The medicine that Kohan has pumped inside your body is still in effect. You're no longer bonded to that demon. He can't see you nor get to you. So let's just all calm down, alright. I'm sure the letter will turn up eventually." She explained with a small smile which slightly reassured me.
I blew out a soft sigh but nodded, just desperately wanting to change this subject.
For this, is a total, nightmare..
A nightmare, I so desperately, want, to wake up from..
The day went by, super fast.
Father decided for us to stay in the house today. He just didn't think I was comfortable going out. And which..
I wasn't..
But the day was pretty calm, a great contrast to this morning. I didn't know what came over me then. I just felt this overwhelming fear that I couldn't shake.
It was too much..
But.. it's gone away now. And I feel better.
Well.. much better..
Now, I stood in the warm shower in my home, just letting the water run onto my bare body entirely.
The door to the bathroom was closed and locked for my safety, of course.
But inside the shower, my eyes were closed in total bliss and my hair was completely drenched with water, turning the color to an almost black, water droplets covering every inch of skin I had.
The temperature of the water felt so nice to my achy body, my hands moving over to grab the wall in front of me.
I laid my hands flat against the hard surface and just stood silently in the water, letting my thoughts just wash away.
A smile pulled at my lips at the wonderful feeling. And not only did the water feel good.. The silence sounds wonderful as well.
Not gonna lie, I was still a little shaken up from what happened a week ago. So, every luxury I had before this all happened, I've started to appreciate.
My father and sister, my friends, my freedom, my sleep and even, the quiet.
I love every single thing that I have now and kept wishing it would go on forever.
My smile widened at that but suddenly my ears picked up a small thump outside the shower curtain, my eyes snapping open at that.
I quickly stepped back, out of the rush of water and reached out to pull the curtain back. "H-Hello.." I called out shakily, my eyes peeking out into the empty bathroom around me.
I looked around quickly, just noticing that everything seemed to look normal. But if I'm not mistaken, I heard something just now.
What, was that?
I held the shower curtain to my chest so I wasn't exposing myself, my long midnight hair sticking to my back.. I looked around a bit more but sighed, moving back to my paradise.
Maybe it was just the wind.
I smiled and resumed my shower, the peace from just minutes ago returning.
But just as I was retrieving my body wash, I heard the thump again. But it was much louder this time and suddenly, I felt as though someone was right outside the shower, a dark chill creeping over me.
My eyes widened and I accidentally dropped my soap bottle, causing it to collide with the shower floor where my feet resided.
I gulped but slowly built up the needed courage to move the curtain back again, but much quicker this time, a whimper flying out of my mouth. "St-Stop it!" I cried out, revealing the other side of the curtain to me once again.
I looked out into the bathroom again and dragged my eyes around, taking in everything.
But I almost immediately noticed that something was indeed wrong.
The towels I neatly folded earlier were now strolled out onto the floor, my work completely messed up. I whimpered at that, my body beginning to tremble.
How is this happening?
What's going on?
My teeth began to chatter against one another at the odd events before me but, I closed the curtain back again, just deciding to resume my bath, for now..
I can clean that up afterwards..
I let out a sigh as I finally left the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around my entire body, covering up everything I had.
My hands, were busy wiping down my drenched hair, squeezing out the water to get it to dry faster.
It took a while but I managed to fold up all the towels that surprisingly fell from the basket they were held in.
And now, I was feeling a little parched.
Everyone in the house seemed to be sleeping so, I walked the halls alone, soon down the stairs.
I made sure I was quiet while doing so since I wasn't fully dressed and, I didn't want to interrupt anyone's sleep.
So, I made soft steps and soon made it off of the stairs to go to the kitchen. The living room was dark which refrained me from even looking in that direction. I was only focused on the kitchen.
But suddenly, that dark chill came back again. But this time, it felt ten times as strong which stopped me dead in my tracks. The feeling had me trembling, my feet stuck in my spot.
Now I was still standing in the living room, my eyes searching around for an explanation. "What, is going on?" I whispered out, completely clueless on the situation. I was tired of feeling so helpless and confused.
I want, answers!
But suddenly, just like the dark feeling, the quiet room was replaced with a deep, dark chuckle.
A voice I knew all too well.
Immediately when I heard it, I broke down in nothing but raw emotion, fear consuming me completely.
I whipped my head around to look over at the living room and indeed saw the person there, that let off such a chuckle, red glowing eyes beaming back at me in the darkness.
I cried loudly at the sight of them, already knowing who possessed them..
Naruto sat, in all of his demon glory on one of the couches that was positioned in the living room, the darkness engulfing his body fully causing me to not see him well.
I only saw his eyes, and partially his face. But just from looking at him, alive, breathing, I knew now that..
Konan failed...
Naruto is indeed alive and what I've been going through was all..
And just as I thought that, I watched as the demon male grinned largely in the darkness, overwhelming joy and excitement shining brightly in those terrifying eyes of his.
"Why, hello, my little one. You look absolutely beautiful in your... Mmm, towel." He finally spoke to me, the first time in days.
His voice seemed deeper to me, a strong emotion coating his words. I only whimpered, not at all bringing myself to speak. I couldn't.. I was just...
The towel that I held for my hair dropped to the floor out of fear, my eyes rooted on Naruto who was now standing up.
But even that, shocked my core causing me to shake my head frantically, desperately. "No! No! Please stay back!" I screamed and quickly ran away, back towards my room, just desperately trying to get the hell away from him.
But I couldn't get far because I ran into a hard chest, hands immediately moving down to grab my wrists.
I gasped by that and snapped my head up to be greeted with brown orbs, an orange haired male presented before me.
And by the sincere look in his eyes, I knew just who it was. My eyes widened at that, my body growing still. "K-Kurama?" I whispered out which made him smile a bit, his hands gripping mine tighter causing me to gasp once more.
He let off a sigh, shaking his head. "Sorry, little one. But there's no, escaping, from us." He declared but then let my arms free, confusing me.
But soon, more hands were added onto my body from behind, grabbing a hold of my shoulders tightly, bringing me back to another broad chest.
I whimpered but was only shushed, fingers moving my hair back to reveal my ear making me shudder.
And once my ear was visible, warm lips moved to press onto it, giving the sensitive flesh a deep kiss making me whine. Naruto hummed, from behind me, his eyes staring down at me in deep longing.
"You missed me, Hinata? Because I sure as hell, missed, you.."
Okayyy!! 😆😆
So Naruto has finally made himself known to Hinata!
This chapter was a little intense though...
What do you think about it..
How do you feel? 🤔🤔
What do you think Naruto is going to do now that he has Hinata?
Hmm.. Guess we'll find out later.
I really hope you enjoyed! 😁😘
Vote, Comment, Leave feedback!
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