Chapter 27: Happy Moments
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: +𝟷𝟾)
Hinata's P.O.V
"So can anyone explain to me, what's really going on here?"
My father asked as we all made our breakfast plate to eat for the morning, my hand holding on tightly to my fork.
My plate was gladly made by Hanabi who kept a smile on her face, her eyes never straying away from me.
It seems like she was internally wishing that I was here and that I'm not some dream her brain made up. But.. I always reassured her with a smile.
I was indeed, real…
And I was surely happy for that..
For this moment…
I turned back to my father as he stared at me and my friends from where we sat across from him at the long dining room table.
Father and Hanabi sat on one side while me, Temari, Ino and Sakura sat on the other side, facing them.
Temari lowered her head a bit, slowly stuffing a strip of bacon into her mouth. I did the same, just eating very slowly.
I had a hard time not to stop and grimace. It seemed as I continued to eat my sister and father's cooking, I could taste all the…
It was good, don't get me wrong but, this food was garbage compared to Naruto's cooking which made me all the more sad and also…
I tried hard not to think of him but...
He just kept coming back..
Like he's alive… and coming, for me!
My father's loud, boisterous voice filled my head and knocked me straight out of my haunting thoughts, my eyes widening.
I snapped my head up in surprise, quickly throwing up my hands to wipe away the many tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.
I sniffed. "Y-Yes, father? I'm so sorry for me being so distant. I-It was all, out of my, control." I only whimpered out which made everyone at the table frown, my father's eyes saddening at the sound of my excuse.
His shoulders fell and he pursued his lips. He glanced over at my friends before speaking once more. "I know, my child. And that, is what I want to talk about. If you would like." He spoke but I quickly shook my head, declining immediately.
It felt like the more I spoke about Naruto, the more connected I feel to him. But I have to remind myself that he's…
Or gone..
I have to use this time to get my life back, to fix it.
I breathed deeply, my hand slowly placing my fork down. My father still held a frown on his lips, a pause settled in his actions.
He sighed. "Listen, I don't know what's going on or what happened to you, daughter. You have, to tell me. I told you once before you can speak to me-" A hand quickly rose from beside me which stopped his speaking, my head slowly turning to see Temari rising from her seat.
She smiled down at me and reached out to lightly rub my shoulder, comforting me. But she then looked back at my father. "Mr Hyuga.. Hinata isn't feeling too well, at the moment. So I'll be more than happy to tell you what's going on." She explained which instantly peaked my father's interest, his body soon rising from his seat as well.
He only wore a long bulky blue robe which covered just about everything, his long dark hair brought back into a low ponytail.
He grunted in approval but then his eyes fell back onto me, a small smile appearing. My eyes met his and I caught his smile, my own little smile spreading across my lips as well.
He gently reached over the table and grabbed my hand, his thumb rubbing the top of it soothingly.
He nodded. "Daughter.. You will get through this. I promise." He only said, soon bringing the same hand up so he could kiss the top of it, his affection lighting the mood. My smile widened which lightened everyone's mood as well.
I nodded but before I could say anything else, he left with Temari who then both, disappeared to the back of the house, my eyes soon falling down to my plate of breakfast food again. I blew out yet another deep breath, steadying myself..
Take it slow, Hinata…
You got this..
I know, you do...
Hanabi's P.O.V
It was surely a blessing to be in the presence of my big sister again but…
Something, was off, about her..
And I know it had to do with the incident that happened at her cheer competition. But my question is…
What is it?
Amongst the crowd all we heard was gunshots and we immediately took off. I never saw any weird activity involving Hinata though.
But her friends, says otherwise.
I bit down on my lip in worry, my eyes continuously shooting back at my midnight blue haired sister who was slowly eating away at her food, her plate growing more and more empty. Everyone was quiet at the moment as we just took in the peace and enjoyed the meal I helped make for everyone, my hand diving my own fork into the eggs on the plate in front of me.
Ino hummed in delight, her hand fetching herself a napkin. She used it to wipe away at the crumbs on her lips. "Oh Hanabi, hun. The food is delicious as always. Good job." She complimented, her light blue orbs directed towards me.
At her words, I couldn't help the huge smile that came upon my lips, my hand placing down my fork.
I glanced over at Hinata once more and saw her looking at me too, a small smile on her face. She nodded. "Yes, sister… The food is great." She spoke too, agreeing with Ino.
Sakura agreed too with a nod which made me happy, my lips spreading wide.."Oh thank you, girls. That means a lot." I responded back nicely which made everyone giggle, the mood lighting up some. I smiled at that…
Yes that's… what we need, to unite again..
Breakfast was now all eaten and done with but father and Temari had not returned to eat. Figured they're too busy right now.
I sighed, slowly cleaning up the table with the help of Sakura, my hands scooping up all the dirty plates.
Ino left and helped Hinata grow more situated with the place, and, with herself.
I looked over at the living room to see Hinata watching TV, Ino busy braiding her hair for her.
For where I stood, I could hear the small talk between the too, giggles also heard. I couldn't help but find joy in that.
At least Hinata's happy..
I didn't know what was going on but, I know it has to be something big if, sweet, talkative Hinata, is acting so distant.
And sad…
It's bothering me greatly. Maybe, I can get some answers from Sakura.
A joyous grin stretched across my face at that and I took a pause on my actions, slowly raising my head to peek over at the young pink haired girl who was gathering up dirty dishes just like I was. But I then, cleared my throat, successfully getting her attention.
She looked up at me and immediately smiled, her pale features lightened. "Hey Hanabi. What's up?" She said cheerfully which made me smile, my hands slowly dropping the dishes I held.
She tilted her head at that, but kept her smile. She then eyed my face as it slowly grew into a worried one, my head lowering deeply.
My long brown hair fell over my shoulders as I clutched my hands together, using them for comfort. "Um, Sakura? I know it isn't a good time to ask this but… I really, want to know." I explained quietly, keeping my head down the whole while.
There was silence between us, until a loud cling was made, my eyes spotting Sakura placing down her plates as well.
A frown was now present on her face, she probably sensing what I was getting at. And by the shake of her head, I knew she wasn't going to answer what I wanted.
I whimpered at that. And just like I thought, she shot me down, her hand waving to stop me. "No.. Hanabi. Things are a little too crazy right now.. And the last thing that we need.. That, Hinata needs, is for you to get involved. I'm, sorry.. But I can't tell you." She explained deeply and soon grabbed up the plates in front of her and left me to drop them in the kitchen sink, my shoulders dropping by her words.
I felt even more worried by them and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry.
I was so sad, for my sister..
I bit my trembling lip, holding back my emotions but I couldn't hold them for long.
All I wanted right now, was answers. Is that too much to ask?
I have to know, what's going on..
For, Hinata…
Sakura's P.O.V
I sighed sadly as I gently dropped down the dirty glass plates I once held into the sink, soon reaching over to cut on the faucet, the warm water soon rushing down onto them with a small thump.
I lowered my head, my green orbs steady fixated on the rush of water that rushed out.
I just felt, a little bad..
Hanabi's so worried about her sister's situation but…
She's just so..
She doesn't need to be exposed to such evil. Things like this need to be kept from her, no matter what. It's not her battle to fight anyway.
I nodded at that, my eyes peeking over at the dining room table to see her sadly cleaning up, her eyes teary. I frowned, but turnt away, soon standing back up straight.
Hopefully she'll just, let it go..
We all aren't in a great place right now but, our sole mission, is to tend to Hinata. Our goal, is to make her happy and most importantly, comfortable again..
And that's, all that matters…
I smiled at that thought and soon began to wash dishes, my mind quickly straying to more positive, things…
Temari's P.O.V
"Dear lord…"
Was the first thing Mr Hyuga said after I was done explaining everything.
I told him about Naruto and what he was, how Hinata met him, the truth about the party in the beginning and what he's put her through all this time..
I also told him what happened two nights ago and why.
I told him, everything..
Even about the demon hunters we called.
And all the while, Hiashi's eyes were wider than two golf balls, his body very stiff before me.
He left out a gulp, his hand flying up to clutch his head. He then shook it. "I-I.. can't believe it. M-My.. daughter, she…" He started but I launched out and grabbed his shoulders, trying to be as calm as I could.
I know it was a hard topic to understand..
Hell, it was hard for us.. But.. It happened, so therefore, we have no choice but to expect it.
Hiashi's words died down at my touch and he moved so our eyes met, a thin smile spreading across my lips for reassurance.
I sighed. "I know how hard this must be to take in but… It's true. We don't know how this all is possible but Hinata, was with a ruthless demon all this time. Not a boyfriend. I'm sorry we.. lied to you before." I said and lowered my hands, they soon coming up to cross over the other in front of my chest.
It took Hiashi a moment to process it all before he spoke again, his eyes moving to stare at the floor.
He blinked rapidly, my eyes saddening at the sight of him this way.
It hurts.. It really does. To see my best friend's father so broken was something that really made the shoulders heavy.
Just looking at him now, I could tell he was inwardly beating himself up about all of this. He was blaming himself for Hinata's torture.
It isn't his fault..
It's no one's fault..
Not even Hinata's.
Hinata had no clue as well as we that demons were roaming this planet. It was just bad luck that's all. But now..
Everything is better…
And it's only going to get better from here on out. We haven't heard from the demon yet so we figured Kohan and the others have dealt with him. But I then paused..
Come to think of it, Kohan hasn't spoken to us either.
There was a letter that was sent to us though. But that was for Hinata.
But, we don't know for sure if the demon is dead.. Or if the demon hunters made it out alive. I gulped at that..
Oh no…
But I quickly shook it off, putting those worried thoughts away..
No.. The demon is dead..
He has to be…
He hasn't found us yet and he hasn't tampered with Hinata either. So..
There's nothing to worry about.
Soon a deep sigh from Hiashi was made which brought me out of my thoughts, my head turning to look up at him.
He held a solemn look on his face, his mind noe somewhat content. He nodded slowly, looking up at me.
He gave me a grim smile. "As much as I want to scream and yell at my daughter for keeping such a wicked thing, a secret… Inwardly, I don't blame her. Something evil like that should be put away with accordingly. So.. I take it, by my daughter's return.. This evil has been done away with, yes?" He asked with all seriousness, a strong glint held in his eyes which froze me to my spot completely..
His question was something I was not sure of.. Something I didn't know the answer to but.. My mouth flew open anyway.
I gave off a small nod and swallowed, gripping my pajama pants tightly. "Yes, Mr. Hyuga.. This evil, is no more…"
-Much Later-
Hinata's P.O.V
Lots of time passed and all has calmed down, even my worried thoughts. I had so much fun hanging out individually with my friends and family.
Hanabi was awfully worried about me but, I constantly told her that I was fine.
Father had grown overly protective which I am not angry with. After all..
I need all the protection I can get..
Who knows, with my luck, I might attract an alien next.
I giggled at that, my eyes falling on my friends who stood around me in my room, a game of twister laid out on the floor.
Sakura screeched excitedly as she held the colorful spinner board, her eyes moving to look at all of us stand before the different colored dots the white mat possessed.
Ino rolled her eyes, putting one hand on her hip. "Of course you're cherry. You're not the one on the hot seat." She declared with a shake of her head, Temari bursting out a loud giggle at her comment.
But I quickly shushed her, a small smile on my face. "Girls, lower your voice.. Hanabi is sleeping." I only whispered which they immediately, did what I asked which only made me happier.
I felt so happy to finally be reunited with my friends again.
When I was with Naruto, he forbade me from seeing them. He hated them, with a passion. His paranoia of them taking me away from him was so strong, he didn't want me associating with them which hurt me greatly.
He was just…
And yet…
I couldn't help but fall for his craziness. He was a darkness that consumed me. But, it didn't hurt.. It felt oddly..
He, made me feel good..
Every fleeting moment, when our bodies touched, when his fingers traced my skin leaving me begging for more, I grew used to his ways.
But that all changed two nights ago.
He reminded me that he was a monster.. A dangerous monster that could end me easily, if the circumstances were different. If we weren't…
So that, was a major wake up call..
A wake up call I needed…
Suddenly though, I was knocked out of my thoughts when, my name was called.
"Alright Hinata, you're up. Left hand on blue!"
My eyes blinked rapidly as I slowly came back to realization, the world around me growing clearer.
Ino and Temari, in their pretty pajamas, were already on their spot on the mat, Sakura's excited eyes falling onto me.
She smiled at me and nodded, urging me to play the game. "Come on, Hinata. Don't you want to play?" She asked softly on which I nodded immediately, quickly going about doing her request.
But then I smiled at her. "Yes, Sakura. Of course I'll play.." I responded back while bending down to place my left hand on the third circle of blue's, Temari's left leg on red and Ino's right hand on yellow.
They both smiled at me and nodded, Temari's smile a little bigger.
She giggled softly. "I'm so glad, you're back with us, Hinata. It really feels like, old times." She said thankfully which Sakura and Ino nodded too, quickly agreeing.
I giggled as well and reached out to them, placing my right hand on Temari's shoulder and removed my left hand to grab Ino's hand, clutching the two tight.
I knew I broke the game's rules but we all didn't care, Sakura moving up too to place a hand on my own shoulder, everyone holding smiles on their face.
I smiled back at them, showing them my love and devotion.
I hummed in delight, holding them close. "And I'm glad, to be back.. My most wonderful and loving, friends… Thank, you.."
So, how was this chapter?
It was pretty chill since it was dealing with Hinata arriving back home and stuff...
So, tell me what you think. And also, tell me what you think will happen.. 🤔🤔
As always, Vote and Comment! ❤❤
And Stay Safe!
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