Chapter 17: Risky Business
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴋɪɴᴋʏ • ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ • ʙᴏɴᴅᴀɢᴇ • ғᴏx ᴛᴀɪʟs • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • 𝟷𝟾+)
Hinata's P.O.V
Fear... was all I felt.
Pure fear that froze my whole entire body and even, my thoughts, my chest heaving in and out as if begging for air.
Tears slowly spilled down my cheeks from the intense feeling of helplessness, my right arm held high up by my face, an orange furry tail wrapped around it.
No words was exchanged as I stared back into the eyes of the crazy demon before me, eight more tails whooshing wildly behind him.
He let out an amused cackle, he liking the fear I produced. "Mmm.. Scared, are we? Oh, don't be, little one. All I'm going to do to that sweet body of yours, is push the buttons it craves. These.." He started off, using one of his pointer fingers to point back to his large tails, a smirk present on his face. "Well.. are just tools to help me, satisfy you, my dear. But remember, this is, a punishment. So just know, sweetheart, you'll be walking away from this with a lesson learned. Got it?" He spoke with a very dirty grin which made my eyes widen, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach.
I suddenly felt.. sick. I didn't feel any arousement at all. I just felt plain fear.
I don't, want, this..
I shook my head at him, watching as his eyebrows furrow at me, his eyes hardening. "N-No.. Please just, forgive me, please. I can't take anymore punishment. Not like this. I'll obey. I promise." I cried out pleadingly, tears streaming down my face rapidly now, my hands coming up to clamp together, in a pleading manner.
I knew.. with those tails of his, he'll completely tamper with our usual sexual encounter.
He'll ruin me. I just know it..
He's sick after all.
I shook my hands pleadingly still, watching as the demon before me groan in pure annoyance, his eyes closing for a split second.
But, that didn't stop my pleading. "Please Naruto. Please.. I'm sc-scared-" But I was silence by a loud shush, one that made my eyes widen.
I swallowed hard as the demon before me, stared back into my eyes with calm anger, my body trembling on the bed.
He smirked at me, eyeing my tears, but in amusement.
Suddenly, he raised one finger up, my glossy eyes trialing it slowly. I sniffed softly and watched as he gave his finger a twirl in a circular motion, my eyebrows furrowing.
He smirked, licking his lips. "Turn, around, Hinata. On your hands and knees." He only ordered which made my world come to a complete stop, my body trembling even more.
No.. My pleads didn't work..
I never knew why I beg anyway. I know, deep down, it won't work. It never works because when I do it, it only turns the sadistic demon on even more.
I'm only dooming myself further..
My body still sat frozen, facing him, my long midnight blue hair lying flatly against my back, slightly ticking me.
But that, was the least of my worries.
I gulped, the demon before me narrowing his eyes at the sight of my frozen body. He tilted his head, his tails starting to move more wilder now. "Did you not hear me, little one? I precisely told you to turn around, and get on all fours. You're not being very obedient. I think you've been lying to me, Hinata." He responded back but his voice was much deeper and a little more authority was added which scared me into obeying.
I whimpered and quickly turned around as he ordered, getting onto my hands and knees.
My bare ass was stuck out just like before, the cool air of the room hitting my private areas and slightly stimulating them.
I shuddered a bit from the feel of the cool air but suddenly, I was attacked by something, else... It seemed as soon as I complied, the demon behind me started, right away.
He moved up quickly and suddenly had both of my buttcheeks in his hands, he kneading the skin roughly which made me squeal.
But as soon as my squeak was made, his face came forward and buried itself against my nether regions, lapping up everything in sight.
I moaned from the feeling of his hot tongue on my sensitive lower area, my hands trembling from where they were propped up on the bed.
Pleasure like before slowly rose back and I was reminded how good it felt, my eyes rolling.
My ass shook in his hold but he delivered a slap to my bottom, worsening my tremor. "Mmm.. You love this, don't you? You like when I eat you out like this, hmm? How about.. I do something a bit, different." He purred out deviously from behind my trembling body, my head turning to eye him, to see what he meant.
But as I looked at him, my eyes spotted his orange tails descending forward, a gasp spilling from my lips.
And right before my eyes, my arms were pinned together by one of his tails, two more moving down to pin my legs, apart.
I gasped at that but screamed when I felt a furry tail begin to caress at my left breast, teasing me. The same was done to my other breast which drove me, completely insane.
His tails felt so hot, he working them so they can tease me like he, would tease me.
I spasmed and looked down and eyed two orange tails in the shape of hands, the fingers picking and twisting at my nipples roughly.
I whined at that, the demon behind me never stopping his torture. He held my butt cheeks apart harshly and dug his tongue inside of my opening, using it to lap at my insides.
My eyes constantly rolled and my body spasmed greatly, my climax rising..
Oh god.. Already?
The pleasure he was giving me was too good, I couldn't quite contain myself.
Once again I felt chained down by his hand, my body liking what he was doing to it.
It felt really, nice.
I groaned but let out a surprise scream when he suddenly added two fingers inside of me, he using them to pump them without mercy.
And with that, I came for the first time tonight, my body jerking wildly. "O-O-Oh my god!" I screamed, he keeping up the thrusting of his fingers as I spilled my essence wildly, he letting me ride my climax to the very end, my body spasming crazily.
I groaned at that, my body falling over, my arms still held up by one of Naruto's tails. I breathed heavily, sweat pouring down my forehead to meet my red rosy cheeks, my eyes closing in exhaustion..
I shook my head. "No more.. Please. You've, made your point." I whispered out in pure desperation, knowing full well he wasn't going to stop with just that..
I know just that, won't satisfy his mighty appetite.
And right on cue, I felt the tails that were wrapped around my limbs grip me even tighter. So tight, it made me wince.
I heard the low growls from the demon behind me and suddenly, something extremely long and hard was placed on my bottom, a blush slowly coming to stain my cheeks.
The demon behind me then, laughed. "Oh stop that, my little one. You and I both know, that when you plead like that it just makes me.." A growl stopped his words and he leaned down, grabbing ahold of my neck roughly so his lips could meet my ear. I whimpered, at that but he only shushed me. "It makes me, want you even more.. And deep down, you like, this. And I will keep giving it to you until you admit it." He whispered deviously into my ear, completely breaking my soul.
Even though he was right.. I can't..
Not like this.
This, is wrong. Naruto shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't even be here. And this punishment could get a hell of a lot worse and that, could put my human body at risk.
But.. There was no point in pleading. He just told me he get off to that. So, I kept my lips shut and instead turned away from him, ignoring his presence all together..
Maybe this way, he'll get the memo.
Naruto raised an eyebrow at my silence but grabbed his cock, directing it to where he wanted it which made me stiffen up, my eyes closing shut.
He let out a chuckle at that. "Heh.. Ignore me all you want. It won't, last." He spoke deviously and with that he entered inside of me harshly which made me let out a loud squeak, my body trembling from the sudden fullness.
And not only was he hard and hot.. He was so long.. I still can't seem to adjust to him.
I gripped the blanket in front of me and clenched my teeth to ignore the intense feeling of him, he quickly getting into work on making us both, feel good..
But.. I can't give him what he wants.
I won't..
I can't.. let him, win..
So with the best of my ability, I held back my moans and resisted him, with all, of my, might...
Konan's P.O.V
With two serious eyes I stared down at my mobile phone, eyeing a picture with a license plate on them.
Earlier, I managed to snag a picture of the back of the demon's car as he was inside. At the time, it seemed the human girl and Naruto was having a deep conversation...
The car wasn't moving at all.
So, I took that as my opportunity.
Now, I knew his car information. Seems he didn't actually pay for it. Probably killed or ate someone to get it.
I shook my head at that, tapping my finger on the steering wheel of the car I rented. I decided to fully dedicate myself, to this case..
So, therefore, I have, to expand. So, I rented a car and secretly, followed Naruto to his home.
It wasn't my first time following a demon so.. I made sure to stay out of his sight. Because if he even gets a slightest suspension.. He'll act on it..
No matter what.
He wants things his way and therefore, I can't let him know that there's someone after him to ruin, his plan.
Someone.. as in me..
I blew out a deep breath and sat back into the leather seat of the car I was in, one of my hands moving up slowly tap my ear piece..
Itachi: Konan.. You there?
Hidan: Fuck, things have gone too quiet. I knew it Itachi.. Naruto's too smart!!
Itachi: Shut up, you fool. Konan's not dead...
I rolled my eyes as the two men eho battled over my condition, worry clearly present between the two.
Hidan doesn't believe I can do this..
I don't understand.
I'm a huntress that's killed and sealed away hundreds.. No.. Thousands, of demons, who ranked from just being a little newbie, to...
Top rank.
Like Naruto's bloodline.
His ancestors were all top rank and caused havoc to all sorts of humans but we.. and our ancestors killed off every one of them, leaving only... Naruto left. And not too long ago, we even put him, away.
But it just seems, he won't stay put. So now.. I have a trick up my sleeve to do away with him, officially.
I leaned over slowly and tapped the storage compartment located on the passenger side of the car, my eyes watching it pop open to reveal a large gun which looked identical to a shrink ray.
But, it was far more, dangerous.
Receiving one blow with that thing and it'll would explode anything, to smithereens.
And.. anyone.
And, it's made out of demon bones.. So this, is a sacred weapon. Used specifically for demon, slaying.. And for safety, I had a medium sized gun which looked like an average sized pistol inside of the pockets of my clothes, which held tranquillizers, that would slow a demon right in their tracks.
It was best to have that with me since I'm literally around the demon a lot.
Speaking of being around the demon..
I looked up slowly and eyed the large mansion in the distance, my car parked in an abandoned store parking lot across from the cozy home.
The place seemed quiet and the parking lot to the house was empty, my amber eyes spotting a garage on the left hand side of the lot.
I squinted my eyes a bit but immediately spotted the car, that lead me here parked, inside...
Naruto's here..
And that meant, Hinata was here with him as well. I sighed at that, my body slumping...
Hang on for just a while longer, Hinata.
I bit my lip but suddenly, my ear was burst with sound from none other than, Hidan, my body jumping in fright.
Hidan: Konan!! Fucking answer!!! Are ya dead yet? If so.. Can't say I didn't warn you..
His voice was so fucking loud I had to turn down the volume in my ear piece. But what he said was the part, that really, triggered me.
I definitely, didn't take a liking to what he said. He's.. seriously doubting me.. And it's starting to piss me off.
I cleared my throat, clenching my teeth..
Me- Hidan.. Fuck off would ya? This mission isn't some sort of game. I need peace and quiet. If you cause me to screw this up and get Hinata hurt in all of this.. I'll really fuck you up.
I was pissed now. And the situation I was facing wasn't helping at all. I literally couldn't do a thing.
Not now, at least..
I only have one chance to kill Naruto, without being caught. But it's so hard to have to hold back, knowing an innocent human is getting tortured everyday. To actually see it as well..
It hurts me and crushes my heart. And all the hate and doubt from Hidan isn't working either.
I groaned, sulking in my seat..
Everything's going to hell....
I have to get control of the wheel.
Silence fell over on the other side of my ear piece which I nodded at, taking that as a good sign.
Good riddance...
I sighed, relaxing again and focusing on the house once more, getting back on my task..
Now.. I can finally, get back to work...
Hinata's P.O.V
"Mmm.. You like that? You like what I'm doing to you? Say it, Hinata. Say that you do. I wanna hear it come out of those pretty little lips of yours."
My brain was melted completely as I climaxed over and over again, hours and hours passing which was filled with nothing but sex.
Pleasure like never before racked my being which turned me into a jelly mess, my resistance totally broken.
I couldn't think, talk or scream anymore.
My moans were breathless and my eyes were left rolled..
I... I can't.. breathe..
My limit was long time met and now, everything started to become a blurr. I laid on my back now, with my legs pushed apart by two orange tails, another one pinning my arms up, above my head to keep me from moving them, restricting my body from doing anything, his arms pinned on either side of my head.
Naruto's long and thick shaft drove through me constantly, knocking the pure life out of me, steady scraping away my soul.
My toes curled against the bed and tears poured down my red rosy cheeks at the intense feeling I felt..
Oh god! This.. feels so, good!
I couldn't control my feelings. I couldn't think anymore.
So my answer, flew out of my mouth and entered, into the arrogant demon's ears above me, letting him know something I never wanted him to know...
"Oh yes!! It feels so good. You're.. d-doing so good. Oh please don't stop. Please, Naruto! I love it!!"
My sin, was out.
It was revealed.
My sex drunken mind was far too gone to even think about what I had just done.
But regardless of my worries, the demon heard it.. And would always, remember it.
The demon above me gave me a malicious grin, a wide grin that expressed everything.
Mostly.. How proud he was of my confession.
In that one smile, I could tell he loved the way he made me feel.
Craved it.
Obsessed, over it.
Something deep within him was driven.. to tear me apart. To conquer me. To dominate my soul. And he wasn't, at all hesitant about it.
It was slowly, driving me insane.
His shaft pumped deep inside of me, stirring my insides causing me to squirm uncontrollably, my limbs held tightly, within his grasp.
My body spasmed constantly on the bed before him, my head moving side to side from the intense feeling. "O-O-Oh. M-My.." I cried out shakily which caused the horny demon above me to laugh, his hands slowly moving down to my legs which he rubbed, back and forth.
I hummed at the feeling, my breasts flopping wildly against my upper frame. Our hips smacked along as well, the noise loud and repetitive which made the experience even more unbearable.
Naruto grinned, keeping his rubbing going. "Ahh, such a good girl you are. You've finally spoken the truth. You should be happy, darling. Keeping that in must've been eating away at you." He purred and went down and pulled a strand of hair from my face, his fingers lingering to caress my cheek.
I bit my lip at that, keeping my moans intact. I shook my head, whimpering. "N-N-Noo! Y-You, made me!" I screamed out in desperation which made Naruto growl, he shaking his blonde head, disagreeing.
He leaned forward a bit, his shaft still pumping itself inside of me, my walls clenching him tightly. He then clicked his tongue, teasingly. "Oh no. This is all, you. You and your body loves my touch, Hinata. You just admitted it. And for that.. You deserve a nice reward, sweetheart." He spoke deviously, and after his words, he began to drive his cock even faster inside of me, his nails digging into my thighs which made me scream.
My body rose in bliss as he pounded my insides, faster and faster, my screams growing louder and louder.
"Ahhh! Noo! I'm.. gonna cum!" I sobbed out with full blown cries, tears slowly falling out of my eyes again.
The pleasure was too much and I just couldn't keep up. Naruto smirked at that but groaned himself, his high rising. "Mmm.. Fuck." He hissed and suddenly started to move, a certain way, changing his direction but keeping, his pace.
Now his tip was pounding directly against my G-spot which really, did it for me.
As soon as his shaft hit my sweet stop, my world.. went, blank.
I woke up with a jolt as I felt something warm being placed over my cool body, my exhausted lavender eyes blinking open..
I groaned, taking in my blurry surroundings. "Wh-What happened?" I whispered in confusion on which in that moment, I heard a dark chuckle erupt, from my right which made me gasp, my head whipping towards that direction..
I whimpered when I saw Naruto there in only grey boxers, a mug with something hot inside of it, held tightly in his large hands.
He surprisingly shot a normal, bright little smile my way and sat down gently on the bed, my eyes picking up that his orange tails were now, out of sight and, there were brand new sheets upon the bed, my eyes spotting the all brown blankets on top of me.
I flushed red at that, remembering all the mess I made on the other comforter...
Oh, that's.. Why...
I felt so embarrassed.
So exposed.
So.. dirty...
I lowered my head even more and curled into myself which earned me a laugh from the demon beside me.
He smirked and moved over, giving me the cup of tea in his hand. I shakily took it, from him.
"Well, I think you know, what happened, little one. I think you've learned.. your lesson. And I surely, learned some things from you. After what you.. said." He chuckled out but then paused, correcting himself. He shook his hand, putting up one finger and waving it, back and forth. "No.. What you screamed.. out, my darling." He purred out, his words impacting hard to my heart.
I curled into my self in complete and utter shame, my hands holding onto the cup of tea Naruto gave me.
God.. Why does he have to say that?
His teasing was always so straightforward and, I hated it.
It made me feel terrible..
I pouted at him which made him laugh, my attention turning towards the tea I held.
I was a little scared to drink it, my trust in him completely gone..
My eyes slowly shot over to the demon who sat beside me, who stared at me with a huge grin on his face, his blonde head nodding slowly.
He looked down at my drink and then back at me, nodding his head encouragingly. "Go on. I know you're parched, little one." He urged, his voice coming off a little weird.
Like he was trying to hide, something. But the way he looked at me so intently was something I did not enjoy, my hands shakily resting the mug up to my lips.
That look, could make any human squirm.
A demon's stare..
I blew in and out and looked down at the warm tea, just taking the risk..
Whatever he's planning.. I have no choice but to obey and fall, into his trap.
I'm powerless.. after all..
I closed my eyes and with that, I took a sip of the tea, warming up my throat.
I sighed at the yummy taste, my worries going away..
Hmm.. Tastes like regular tea.
I ended up drinking half of the drink, soon Naruto grabbing it from me. "Alright, alright. That's enough, sweetheart." He laughed, his chest rumbling deliciously as my lavender eyes watched him, my hand falling down from where they were held up.
I laughed nervously along with him to not feel awkward, the blanket falling off of my body some.
I went to grab at it, to cover myself but a hand pull it down and off of me making me gasp.
I snapped my head towards Naruto and pouted, my body a little cold from the room. "H-Hey. What are you-" But a shush cut me off, two hands slowly moving down to clutch my ankles, gripping them tight.
I winced but looked up at his almost naked form, his blue eyes staring back at me deviously.
He grinned. "Ah, ah, ahh.. Don't get comfortable just yet. The night's still young after all, little one. I have something, to show you. Something I know you'll die.. for." He spoke deviously, his blue eyes switching to a fiery red which had me scrambling off of the bed instantly, he letting me go with a chuckle.
Amusement etched his features entirely as he stood up slowly from the bed, he eyeing me over his shoulder.
He grinned. "Ahh.. That's what's I love, to see. You, squirming in fear and.. in pleasure, sweetheart." He purred which made me shudder, my body shakily lowering to the floor to retrieve my clothing.
I sighed when I spotted it completely shredded, a huge hole which looked to be the size of my head engraved into my shirt, from Naruto's sharp claws.
I pouted at that, raising it up so the demon could see what he done. But I glared when he only chuckled at the sight of it, his shoulders shrugging.
"What? Just go without clothing, little one. I've already seen all of you. I know, all of you Inside.. and out." He spoke once again lustfully, his blonde eyebrows wiggling at me.
I shuddered at his words and shook my head, sighing deeply. "Please.. No more dirty comments. And.. I want, clothes." I whimpered out pleadingly, my eyes watching him as he turned around to face me fully, his red eyes fixated on me.
His eyes trailed my body slowly as I huddled on the ground on my knees, a blush slowly staining my cheeks.
I didn't even bother to cover myself because...
He was right.
There was no reason to when he's already seen, me before.
He already knew, the story of my body.
I whimpered at the realization of things and looked away from him, just waiting for him to either respond or fetch me new clothes.
I wasn't getting up if I don't get either one of those.
But that went all out the window when the demon smirked, raising his head. "Get up, Hinata." He barked which made me squeak in response, my feet quickly rising up to bring my body to a stand.
I looked over at him and watched as he vanished from his position to appear right in front of me, my body jumping from that.
And out of fear, I went falling away from him, my feet tangling up underneath me.
Oh no..
But the demon before me was quick and grabbed my arm and scooped one hand under my waist to keep me from falling, my hands grabbing at him for safety.
I gasped by that, a relieved sigh escaping my lips.
Oh thank goodness..
With that little accident I know, that would've ended up bad.
I don't, want to feel anymore pain.
I sighed and gave the warmth before me a small squeeze, hugging it to ease my panicky thoughts.
But suddenly, the object before me let out a purr which made me gasp, my body shooting away from the person.
But I didn't get far because my body landed right into a strong arm which laid protectively under me, my eyes shooting up to see the demon staring amusingly down at me, a huge blush creeping on my face.
Oh god.. I did not, just do that..
I pulled my hands up and tried to shove his body away but all I came into contact with, was muscle and bone, muscle that felt like a wall to my hands.
There was no escaping his clutches. Not with my strength.
But that didn't stop me from trying.
I slapped my hands against his chest and pushed back against his strong arm but, it was no use.
I was only pulled in closer, my breasts rubbing against the denon's broad chest.
He chuckled by my ear and gave it a lick, making me shudder. "Ahh.. Where are you going off too so fast, hmm? You know, wherever you go.. I'll just, follow." He purred hotly which made my skin crawl, my body continuing to squirm.
Naruto rolled his eyes at that but suddenly pulled his free hand up and snapped his fingers, my body suddenly covered with something.
He let me go once that happened and I stepped away to only find a purple, silky robe covering my whole entire being.
I looked up and saw that Naruto had one on too. The fabric looked just about like mine on his, was black.
Also, he wore ripped jeans on his lower half, which dipped down low, revealing his define V line.
I blushed at that.
Oh my..
Not gonna lie, the demon's body before me looked truly remarkable. Everything about him was so perfect. It made me inwardly melt.
This would've been a blessing, considering the circumstances.
He's not, human.
He's a demon.
A powerful demon who's keeping me hostage and does terrible things to my body..
I bite my lip at that..
Okay maybe not terrible but..
Oh shoot!
Curse my mind..
I was just about to continue with my train of thought but a chuckle stopped me, a hand raised up for me to take.
I brought myself out of my trance and looked down at it, almost forgetting that Naruto wanted to, show me something.
I groaned at that, my shoulders slumping in disappointment.
Whatever it is.. This better be good.
I was too exhausted to do anything.
To be extremely honest, I would rather lay in the bed the rest of the evening. But no.. Naruto just has to keep ruining things.
But, I had no choice so.. I grumbled under my breath but grabbed his hand, watching as he tightened his hold on mines instantly.
I looked back up at him to see him grinning widely. He nodded approvingly, his thumb secretly rubbing the back of my hand enticingly. "Good.. Now, let's get going, little one..."
Slowly, I was led out of Naruto's room and down the hallway, we turning a right this time.
Which.. Naruto never allowed before.
He never, lets me go this way. I couldn't help but grow curious at that...
Where... are we going?
I didn't say anything only looked, my lavender eyes spotting many more rooms on the way which peaked, my curiosity even more..
Why are there so many rooms here?
There were so... many.
It was unbelievable.
I looked up at Naruro's back as he walked sternly forward, his broad body moving heavily across the floor.
His robe swayed from the wind as he walked, slightly revealing his tight tan skin every now and then.
And every time my eyes spotted his glistening skin, a hot blush would form on my cheeks, soon spreading and spreading..
Almost growing uncontrollably.
I bit my bottom lip.
Why.. Oh why does he have to be so sexy?
He was a monster. But to have such flawless skin, an a incredible body shaped as a human male threw me off.
But.. I mustn't grow distracted, by that little detail. It's what's inside, that counts. He might be pretty on the outside.. But he's truly ugly, on the inside..
I have.. to remember that...
I blew out a deep breath and kept waking forward, just taking a break from my thoughts for now.
That'll help with the stress I have.
We continued to walk down the long, narrow hallway until we entered into a big room filled with nothing but books, my lavender eyes immediately shooting wide open at the sight.
Oh... My.. Gosh..
I've never seen so many books in one place before. Not even the local library has so many books.
There were two stories of them, stairs on both sides of the room leading up to the second floor of books which were all hung up on large bookshelves.
Round tables were placed at the front of the room with comfy chairs, the walls colored a dark black, chandeliers hanging up top which gave us plenty, of light.
Naruto turned around, he standing off, a few feet ahead of me. He looked at me as I stared around in awe, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Now.. I've been thinking for a bit. But not only that. I've been watching you.. Listening, to you and I think.. You're ready, to know the truth, about demons, and well... me, eh?" He trailed off with an amused chuckle, his blue eyes rooted on me as I stood and just processed his words.
My mind couldn't seem to understand them..
He.. trusts me, again?
But why? Why so quickly?
There he was again, confusing me.
I thought he didn't trust me.
But.. I didn't question him on it. I was too interested in the new topic that was just, about to arise. I didn't want to mess it up.
So, I nodded slowly, smiling faintly. "O-Oh.. really?" I stuttered out which caused the blonde demon to snicker at me, his hand moving outward and signaling me to a table to his left, which held a few chairs up to it.
He nodded. "Yes, darling. Come now.. Let's sit and get this all started, shall we? I'm excited." He purred, his lips pulled up into a smirk, his eyes soly on me.. and only me.
I stared at him in deep curiosity now, questions among questions coming up in my mind..
I have so, many questions..
But, I just stuck to doing as he said, for now. When there's an opportunity for my questions to be answered, I'll surely.. take it.
So slowly, I moved my feet forward, moving passed Naruto who stared down at me hungrily, his blue eyes flashing red at the sight of me so close.
But as soon as they changed, they returned back to normal, my back turnt to him, completely missing the battle he was having with himself.
The battle of tearing me.. into shreds...
Naruto's P.O.V
Oddly enough, It seems I couldn't stay mad at the little mortal before me.
No matter how hard I try, something inside of me holds me back, everytime.
The little girl was something special, that's for sure. And I could tell she was starting to change me.
Tsk.. Only a bit of course. No damn human, will do no such thing.
No one, can change me.
Not I, Naruto..
Demon, Naruto.
My blue eyes watched as the slightly clothed young girl made her way to one of the circular tables in my library room, her bare cheeks sliding onto the cold seat that was held there.
She shuddered in response, my blue eyes soaking it in..
Damn it.. There it goes...
That feeling... was there again. It almost seem as though I was obsessed with, the precious Hinata.
Everything she did, my immortal body reacted to it immediately, making me feel..
It was a truly remarkable feeling, a grin coming upon my face.
Heh.. You should be proud of yourself, little one. I have never felt this way with anyone before.
I sighed, deciding to give my thoughts a rest. Besides.. I was ready to get on with my plans.. The plans to tell Hinata, about my past.
But, I had a hidden agenda behind it all. I always does.. after all.
This, is mere a test for her.
I smirked and with that, I began to make way towards her, watching with calm blue eyes at the midnight blue haired girl who stared around the place, taking it in slowly, but surely.
I couldn't help the warmth that flooded my chest, my pride shooting through the roof.
Yeah.. Take it all in, little one. I hope you're impressed with my work...
My feet took me over to her in no time and I placed my hands onto the table, my body bending down to get on her level.
I took note immediately how her heart began to beat faster, my keen ears picking it up instantly.
My eyes also took in the blush that spread across her cheeks, my nose picking up a familiar scent which smelt so damn good.
I cracked a dirty grin..
Excited, aren't me?
What a naughty girl she is.
But she and I both know, she's my, naughty girl.
I smirked but examined her, licking my lips while doing so. "Now... before we start this. I have let you know a few things. Some things.. are considered classified, little one. Meaning.. There's things, I can't tell you. Heh, with you being human and all. While other things.. I can, just because I can do whatever the hell I want. And you're mines.. And that also means, this is secret, information. Not another breathing soul knows what you do. So I'll know.. If you'll tell someone else.. Understand?" I explained, my stone cold eyes rooted on her the whole time, her blush growing and growing which inwardly made me laugh but.. It didn't show on face.
Not even, in the slightest..
It was time to get serious...
I needed to hear her say she understood.
Communication was a big key, in my opinion. And besides, I loved to hear her cute little voice.
I couldn't get enough of it all.
And just like I wanted, Hinata nodded her head, her hands moving upon the table before her. "Yes. I-I.. understand, Naruto." She whispered and I smirked, moving over to a bookshelf closer to her, my eyes moving from her for a second..
But only, for a second.
I grinned, grabbing two large books, soon taking them into my clutches and placing one, in hers..
"Heh.. Good girl. Now.. Let's begin.."
So... Naruto's getting a bit ooeyy gooey with the feelings.. And Hinata doesn't end have a clue!! 😅😅
Now Naruto is going as far as to tell his past to her and boy.. That's gonna be something.. 😬😬👿😈
And Konan seems to be struggling a bit..
I guess.. We'll find out more about her and she'll hopefully have her crap together?? 🤷🤷
Maybe?? 😲😲
But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! 😁😁
Don't forget to comment and vote!! 💕💕
I'll see ya next time!! 👋👋
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