Chapter 16: Something New
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ғᴏʀᴇᴘʟᴀʏ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • 𝟷𝟾+)
Konan's P.O.V
I took a moment to scan the class I was in fully, my eyes shifting from left to right. My training came into play and I immediately started to take notes..
Regular classroom with regular students..
Hm.. No one.. hurt..
I even peeked at Hinata and eyed her body in a matter of seconds, my eyes catching a few bruises here and there which made me nearly curse..
Of course, I peeked at my intended target who was sitting beside the human girl, his eyes plastered on me.
The demon's eyes were narrowed as if he knew.. I would somehow interfere with his bullshit but... Hah, he doesn't even know the half of it.
That's, not the plan I have in mind. Not right away at least.
The teacher sighed and looked around the classroom, all eyes on me. "Um.. You can sit by the young lady in the pink, in the back. She can catch you up quickly." She spoke with a small smile which made me smile as well, my mind practically cheering.
I'm so glad she didn't place me in the front. That.. would be a total bummer.
For me and this goddamn mission.
I nodded and bowed at her, everyone keeping their attention on me which didn't bother me at all.
I was pretty much used to it.
"Oh thank you so much." I said and the teacher smiled brightly, moving her hand forward and allowing me to walk to my new, seat.
I nodded at that and went over to it, my amber eyes spotting a seat beside a blonde haired girl who wasn't even paying attention to the front, her eyes down casted on her work.
Honestly, she looks like one of those popular bitches. I groaned, rolling my eyes..
Oh great..
I sighed but decided not to complain about it and simply took my seat which was on the left of her, my hands pulling off my little book bag to sit down, more comfortably.
Immediately, the teacher went back into her teaching, my eyes every once and a while shooting over to my left, where my targets were located.
Hinata seemed to be doing her work nervously, my eyes picking up the demon now terrorizing her. I sighed at that, slowly taking notes once more..
I'll save you, Hinata.. You may not know it now, but that demon.. will soon, be no more..
Hinata's P.O.V
The last bell of the day rung and I couldn't be more thankful, a sigh passing my lips.
It was weird getting a new student in the middle of the year but, I didn't question it. She might've just moved and it was so sudden.
I eyed everyone as they practically ran out of the class, heading to meet their friends or to just, leave the building.
I reached out for my book bag but gasped when a hand pulled it away, my eyes trailing up the hand to, the face of the person.
I gulped when I saw it was nothing but Naruto, his eyes blinking red at me.
He smirked darkly, showing off his sharp, glistening white teeth. "Ahh.. You didn't forget what I said earlier, have you? Your punishment, is far from over, little one." He spoke with a very deep and threatening tone, my eyes instantly widening by his words. I cringed.
Oh gosh.. I.. totally forgot..
I whimpered and clutched ahold of the desk in front of me tightly, not noticing the new girl's eyes on us, to our right.
I shook my head, trying my best to be brave but... It was hard.
It was hard because, this was a battle I would surely lose. But.. it doesn't mean I won't try.
I gritted my teeth, turning away from him. "Why, do you keep, doing this? What, are you hoping to gain? I can't keep having sex with you. You said it yourself.. I'm human. So something's you can do.. I can't keep doing, okay." I whispered out shakily, slightly giving the demon beside me a piece of my mind.
But, I stared straight ahead while I spoke, my body trembling greatly in my spot.
Not in a million years would I ever be able to look Naruto in the eye and tell him what I really felt.
After my words, silence flooded the room, my breathing increasing. The sound of teeth chattering from me was the only thing heard, the silence very unnerving.
I bit my lip, growing a bit curious as to what Naruto was even doing.. I didn't hear anything, from him which sparked my curiosity.
I hope now that he hears how I feel, he changes his ways. I can't stand them any longer..
He's so selfish.
It's always him, him, him. And if it's not, I get punished for it.
I truly, hate him..
He's needs, to be stopped..
I blew out a deep breath to calm my nerves, my courage slowly coming back.
I'm.. gonna face him.. I'm, gonna do it.
Quickly, to see his reaction to my words, I turned my head to my left but regretted it when I was met with two, flaming red eyes which stared angrily back at me, clearly pissed to the max.
I whimpered and tried to move away but I was grabbed harshly by the throat, his teeth gritted and his body blocking my only way of escapingr.
He leaned in as I just struggled for air, my lungs desperately reaching out for any that was available...
Which.. were none..
Naruto grew, so close, I could hear the low growls that rumbled out of his chest, his body inching further and further into my space which made me slightly move back.
He growled louder, his lips dipping down to get close to my ear.
He growled, once more. "You, shouldn't, have said that, mortal." He whispered out which made me whimper, his voice deep and intimidating which brought tears to my eyes.
My body started to tremble even more, his large hand tightening around my slim, pale throat.
Oh no.. I can't.. breathe.. I can't.. move..
I felt helpless, chained and stuck.
My hands had now moved themselves up, in a helpless attempt to move his hand away from my throat, to escape from his evil clutches.
But every time I scratched at him or tugged at his hand, he would only tighten his hold on me which made me feel like my eyes would just pop out of my head, my pale face slowly turning a light shade of blue.
Naruto grinned long and wide, showing off his dangerously sharp teeth.
He went down to my ear, again. "You have some fucking nerve, little girl. I could end, your life.. I could make you do whatever I wanted to, in a matter of seconds. You're mine. You, belong to me. There's no help that will save you from me. Your soul has been damned from the very start your eyes met mines. So now, little girl.. You have, to-"
He didn't get to finish because a loud, abrupt shuffle stopped him from continuing, my eyes widening when I saw the new girl hop up from her seat and leave in a hurry, walking passed us without at all sparing us a glance which made me extremely worried.
By her body language, she's probably frightened which means, she saw everything.
Oh no..
Naruto's hand instantly dropped from my throat, which made me gasp loudly for breath, relief flooding in instantly.
He growled as he eyed her leave, his head shaking in disbelief. "Tsk.. Nosey humans." He whispered out but then turned to me, his red eyes still glowing menacingly.
Meanwhile, I coughed and gasped frantically, trying my best to regain my breath. It took me quite a while but when I did, I shot a mini glare at him, bypassing how his eyes narrowed. "Y-You knew? You knew she was there the whole time? That means, she, heard.. everything. Aren't you afraid she'll, tell someone?" I whispered out in complete shock, several coughs stopping me in the process.
By my words, the demon snickered, shaking his blonde head and shrugging like the situation didn't bother him. "Of course I knew she was there. But she's new.. So if she would have told anyone..." He leaned in closer to prove his point, his eyes never straying. "No one, would've believed, her." He breathed out, his eyes challenging me.
I looked towards him shakily as I comprehended his words, almost immediately growing tensed by them.
God, how dare he say such a thing? That's so mean.
I shook my head at him, biting the inside of my lip, for comfort. "You're so cruel." I whispered out but he only seemed to grow amused, his mouth pulling wider and wider apart, his sharp teeth revealing once more which seemed to always strike fear into my heart, my breath quickening.
He chuckled, one of his hands moving over to grip the back of my neck, keeping me rooted in place. "Aww.. Don't hate me just yet. The fun, hasn't even, begun.." He purred out while eyeing me hungrily, my body stiffening up greatly and my eyes widening...
Oh my gosh. What, does he mean by that?
I know, whatever he meant, wasn't anything good which made me even more, frightened..
-A Few Minutes Later-
Quickly, and forcefully, I was led through the now empty school hallways to the exit, Naruto's hand placed behind the small of my back, guiding me forward.
My feet had no choice but to comply to his wishes as I work my way back to his car in the parking lot, my mind going back to my friends..
I truly hope, he lets me do this again tomorrow..
I knew I gave him a hard time today but.. He knows how I feel about staying away from school.
I just..
I shook my head, frowning.
No.. He probably doesn't care how I feel anymore. It's just.. isn't fair..
I pursued my lips and decided to remain silent, scared I'll make the demon behind me even more pissed.
Seeing him mad is already bad enough.. But taking a step further and seeing him completely pissed off..
That's, something I don't want to push. So, it was best for me to do as he says.
The whole walk to his car was done in complete and utter silence, the cool wind from outside hitting me making me shudder, my bare legs trembling.
That, only made me curse at myself for picking such an exposing outfit, my low cut shorts clinging to my thighs desperately..
God.. I'm such an idiot..
Soon enough, we made it up to his car and the door to the passenger side was opened and I was pushed in almost immediately, along with my bookbag, my body falling in vulnerably.
I shouted but was interrupted when the door was shoved closed behind me, shutting with a thud.
I groaned and spat numerous of complaints under my breath and sat up slowly, fixing myself properly in my seat.
I immediately silenced myself when the demon opened his side of the car and slid in, his eyes back to normal.
But his face still held a mean look to it, his body moving over to close the door to his Dodge.
I watched him as he then sat there, his eyes staring straight ahead of us where a blue Honda was parked, one of his hands moving to rub his top lip.
I tilted my head at that, a little confused.
What, is he, doing?
A part of me wanted to know what was on his mind and the other part of me didn't. Not after what he just did to me back at that classroom.
I could care less.
So with that, I scoffed and turned my head towards my window and just stared out of it, my book bag held in between my legs now.
Silence again took over the both of us as we just sat rooted in the car, my lavender eyes staring outside at the many teachers that walked to their cars.
But as time went by, I felt myself grow a bit.. bored.
I looked down towards the clock on the radio and groaned when I saw it was almost 4. It's almost been a whole hour.. and we still haven't left. Not that I want to.
I know, what's waiting for me, back at that house.
I shuddered at that which finally, granted the attention of Naruto, his icy blue eyes shooting over to me.
He looked me over creepily slow, my legs warmed up a bit so they weren't trembling as much.
I looked up at him and bit my lip, wanting to break the ice. "U-Um.. Naruto? When are we leaving? I'm.. hungry." I whispered out as a way to get him to move..
To do, something.
His eyes never left me and it was starting to seriously creep me out.
He noticed my discomfort immediately and chuckled to it, his shoulders shrugging. He then leaned over, placing one elbow on the bar that separates us, his eyes gazing into mines. "I don't know, little Hinata. You tell me. Are you, ready, to go?" He asked with a hint of mischief in his voice, his mood now playful which made me sweat drop...
Something, is seriously wrong.. with this demon..
His emotions were almost bipolar. And it was driving me insane.
It seems now he was trying to mess with me. But a minute ago, his hand was wrapped around the place I needed to breathe..
To live.
I thought he was mad at me.
I sighed, bowing my head.
I guess not.
I looked back up at him and nodded, slowly. "Y-Yes, please." I only whispered out and watched as one blonde eyebrow raised up, his head leaning even further into my zone.
He tilted his head, his blonde bangs following. "Fine. But before we go.. I want to set down some of my expectations. They seemed to have changed after what you did today. You've shown me that you can be a very naughty girl. So of course, I can't have that." He spoke with a serious nod, his voice now strict and to the point which caused shockwaves to run up and down my spine.
I bit my lip, not liking that at all.
See.. There it goes.
The mood switch again.
But his words held no place to complain so I nodded, obeying.
He nodded in approval at that and smirked, his eyes slithering downward. He hummed at what he saw.. "Good.. Glad we're finally on the same page. Now, from now on.. If you disobey me.. Not only you'll be punished severely for it.. I'll come after your friends. One by one, I'll slaughter each and every one of them until you've learned. So, choose, little one. You can either obey, and make me happy. Or.. You can disobey and learn the hard way. Either way.. You'll obey, I'll make, sure of it." He declared with a very deadly tone, his blue eyes glowing red to add on to his point.
My body started to shake wildly in the leather seat I sat in, my heart pumping in complete fear.
Fear for me.. and fear for my friends.
I whimpered, feeling myself shed a few tears from his threats..
No.. I, did this. This, is my fault..
If only I had obeyed.. If only I'd let go of stupid pride, I wouldn't be in this mess.
Now, if I mess up, he'll come after my friends. Not only am I, in danger, my friends are as well. I went and made everything worse.
I sat in silence as small whimpers escaped me, my long midnight blue hair doing a good job at covering my face, hurt written all over.
God.. I bet I look so pathetic.
I sniffed a bit to regain control of my emotions, my head raising a bit. I eyed the demon beside me and saw him staring at me, just eating up my misery.
He raised an eyebrow, one of his hands working forward to move my hair from the front of my face, he tucking it away behind my ear.
He sighed, his clawed finger tracing my small jaw line. "Hinata.. Things wouldn't have been, like, the way they are. Honestly, I've been pretty easy on you. But you've been forcing my hand, constantly. And there's only a little amount I can tolerate and then the rest.." He shook his head, blowing out deeply as a way to contain himself. "I can't, keep going easy on you. I just can't, allow it. So I need you to tell me, you understand, Hinata." He explained with a deep sigh, his eyes revealing everything.
All the exhaustion, all the anger, all the disappointment and even the patience, his intense gaze directed all on me.
My eyes widened to the max at the sight of it all, it sorta overwhelming me.
Everything was going so fast.. I had to think.. I know, taking up this offer to obey him would probably be hell but..
What choice do I have?
It's either me or my friends and.. I know, if they were in the same situation, they'll do the same for me.
We love each other too much to see the other one in so much pain.
So.. I looked up at him and held it together from tearing up, my lips trembling.
But, I nodded, taking it up anyway. "Okay.. I, understand, Naruto.."
Konan's P.O.V
First day at Hinata's school and I was seriously left, conflicted.
The situation was worse than I thought. This demon is seriously out of control.
I managed to catch the demon in action to his devious ways and honestly.. I could tell he felt strongly, towards Hinata.
He was possessive, crazy and downright obsessed.
That's a little part as to why she's still alive. Along with her life source.
He needs her..
Wants, her.
But sadly for him, his plans won't succeed. So far, I wrote down a few things regarding Hinata's situation and how the demon acts in public.
He's certainly had a good, human disguise for himself and a nice reputation but alone.. His true colors shows and he lashes out on poor Hinata.
Who.. is starting to snap, I see..
I sense the resistance in their relationship and I gotta say, she's got guts. A normal human being would never be able to carry out, what she said today.
Ha.. She's clearly tired of his shit..
But I'm afraid she'll have to deal with it a little bit longer.
The demon is smart and could easily sniff my plan out if I start it now, so suddenly.
I have to wait.
Days, maybe weeks before I officially start it. And once I do.. there's no, turning back...
Temari's P.O.V
I made it home and I immediately sent a text to the group chat, also letting Hinata in on the good news.
🌼Me- Girls, girls!! You will not believe this. I just met.. the help!!
I sent it immediately and fell onto my bed in a tired heap, my mind swirling with different things.
Conjuring up, different, emotions.
I was happy that I got to see my best friend today.
Sad that our time with Hinata is now limited.
Relieved that our help is indeed in the same area as we are.. But a little scared about the overall thing.
I kept telling myself that the help we called was going to solve everything. We were lead to the help for a reason.
It has, to work.
I sighed but a ding cut it short, following with another ding, my body sitting up immediately.
I only wore a white tank top and black shorts because I was, just at home.
It's better to chill comfortable, ya know?
I smiled faintly and picked up my phone again, eyeing the texts I had gotten from my friends, already knowing Hinata wasn't one of those texts.
🦋 Ino- Really? The demon huntress was here?? At the damn school and you didn't tell us?!?
🌺Sakura- Omg!! I can't believe this!! Hinata's gonna be saved!
I smiled at the two but giggled at Ino's comment, quickly going in and answering back, my fingers typing at the keys rapidly.
🌼Me- Sorry.. It, kinda, well.. maybe.. slipped my mind. But it doesn't matter.. You know now don't ya? She told me she has everything under control right now. So we don't have to worry too much. Surely she had a close eye on Hinata.
I sent the large paragraph to catch the girls up, not without reading over it first.
I fixed any errors or changed up the auto correct and soon, sent it, lying down once more to relax.
Everything has just been going so fast.
Everything changed so suddenly and now.. it seems I just can't keep up.
And surely I know, Hinata feels the same damn way.
I just, hate all of this.
Why were their demons in the human world in the first place?
Why did one have to come after my best friend?
She's done nothing wrong in her life. She's only done good.
She, is a good person.
A frown came upon my slighty tan face, my blonde hair rubbing against the soft fabric of my bed sheets.
I sighed, shaking my head.
It doesn't matter. All bad things will turn out good in the end
I just have to be patient.
Seconds passed and another ding came from my phone and I opened the message immediately, seeing that Sakura was the first to text me back this time, my brown colored eyes squinting to read the small text.
🌺Sakura- I surely hope she does. Hinata.. doesn't deserve this. I wouldn't wish such a thing on my worst enemy. This is just, horrible..
I read her text and frowned, texting back an 'I know', ending the conversation for now.
Sakura was right.
This, was horrible.
But all we had to do now, is have faith in the demon huntress and whatever else she has up her sleeve.
I'm sure, it'll be enough, to deal with this terrible problem.
I smiled, and with that, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, my body calming as sleep, took over, fully..
Hinata's P.O.V
The ride back to Naruto's home took quite a while, silence taking over us fully. But during all that silence, I managed to clear my head and just think, my body becoming a bit exhausted.
Man.. I really could use a nap..
I was hungry, frustrated and tired. I needed to satisfy my needs asap.
We finally arrive up to his oversized mansion and zoomed inside, taking another route and ending up into a huge, grey colored garage which opened once it sensed us near, Naruto parking perfectly inside.
He let out a hum and turned the car off, his attention moving onto me.
He looked me over and then purred, licking his lips. "Well, we're here darling. But before I start on your punishment.. Is there anything you like beforehand?" He asked with a shrug of his shoulders, an amused smirk playing his lips as he caught sight of my tired, hooded eyes.
I inwardly scowled at him.
He knows I'm exhausted and yet.. He refuses to be nice, not even for a second.
Again, things are just not fair.
But without any trouble, I simply answered his question obediently, to not start anything. "U-Um.. I am, hungry. I didn't really eat.. lunch." I whispered out as he listened, his lips tugging upwards.
He nodded slowly and just stared at me as my head hung low, my fingers playing with the other one. He tilted his head. "Hmm.. I'll see what I can do about your hunger. But, I gotta say... I'm truly loving your obedience, dear. Let's see, how long that'll last." He snickered out mockingly but I refused to say anything, his words only making me whimper.
He chuckled and exited the car, rounding it with his keys, in one hand.
I waited patiently as he did, my hand slowly dipping down to grab ahold of my bookbag, jumping slightly when the passenger car door abruptly opened up.
I snapped my head towards my right and saw Naruto now there, his overly tone body slouching on the open car door, the object surprisingly keeping him up..
He smirked, nodding his head to his right, signaling me to exit the car. "Come, sweetheart." He only ordered with the same smug grin on his face, a sigh passing my lips..
God.. I don't, want to go..
But I knew I had to.
So, I grabbed my things and slowly worked myself out, gasping when I was grabbed roughly by the arm, my body landing back on a hard chest.
A loud animalistic growl escaped the creature behind me, his lips moving in to pamper my neck with kisses.
I whimpered at that and reached out and clutched the door to steady myself, his hand rooting me to my spot.
He groaned, completely devouring my skin.
I shuddered at the feeling but he then, carried his lips upward, to my ear. Once he made it, he gave it a slight nip before speaking. "I'm gonna have some much fun with you tonight, Hinata." He purred out darkly which made a rush of fear hit my body with full force, my eyes widening and tearing up immediately.
I shook my head, my body wobbling in his strong hold. "Please.." I pleaded but was silenced by a shush, a hand slithering down to clutch my right butt cheek, a breathless moan spilling from my lips.
Naruto chuckled at that, his other hand still keeping me in place. "Oh don't worry, little one. You'll like everything, I do to you. After all, your body, can't deny me.. I've already made sure, it won't." He whispered hotly against my ear and with that, he grabbed ahold of my shorts and pulled it up, revealing my panties.
He did the same with those, pulling them up to reveal my right butt cheek which bared his mark.
He purred in delight at the sight, my body squirming before him.
I whimpered, standing helplessly as he bent down towards it, eyeing it as it blinked white and then black by his presence, my breathing increasing..
I looked back at him but wanted to cave into the car door in front of me, his lips inching closer and closer to my hot skin, my heart pumping twice as fast.
Oh no.. What is he going to do?
It's been a while since he's even acknowledged his awfully weird mark. And now that I think about it, he never really talked about what it actually does.
I know it feeds him but... That can't be all, can it?
Naruto's smart. I know there's more then what meets the eye.
I gulped, my body tensing up and my belly growling numerous of times which made me feel even more vulnerable..
Ahh.. Please, hurry..
My breath immediately hitched when I felt him plant his lips onto my mark, a gasp spilling from my lips..
He kissed it again and again and again.
But what confused me the most was how gentle he was. His lips touched it delicately, only lightly pressing on it.
Soon after, he fixed my clothing and stood back up again, now satisfied. "Now, that's my obedient girl. But I think it's time we head inside, don't you think?" He hummed by my ear, soon pulling me back from his car, using his free hand to close the door I was leaning on.
I nodded slowly, trying my best to get over my emotions, my legs trembling. I felt like the world was spinning, my body growing super hot..
I gritted my teeth at that.
What's.. wrong with me?
I shook it off, ignoring it the best I can and answered, his previous question. "Yes.. I'm ready.."
It took a bit of a walk but we made it inside of Naruto's mansion, he using his keys to get inside.
But once we stepped inside, Kurama came running up immediately in his small fox form. He jumped on me as if he was a lonely pet waiting for his owner, my hands coming up to hold him tight.
He snuggled into my warmth as I just held his furry, warm body, a small lovely purr coming from him..
Oh how I've missed you, Hinata. Has Naruto been treating you good?
I heard him whisper deeply within my arms, my eyes slowly shooting over to Naruto who had his back turned to us, his arms crossed over his chest.
I bit my lip at that, Kurama raising his head up at my silence.
He eyed the sadness in my eyes, the helplessness and the agony and let out a full fledged growl, his teeth baring into a mean snarl.
He snapped his eyes on Naruto and let out a loud roar.
Kit!! How many times do we have to go through with this? It seems you never learn.
He yelled which this time seem to yank at Naruto's chain, he turning around with a nasty scowl on his face, his eyes beaming red.
He eyed me with narrowed eyes but then turned back to him, shaking his head. He then smirked, darkly. "And what have I been telling you, Kurama? She's mine.. I can do whatever the hell I want with her. Tsk.. I thought I told you to stay out of my way. Seems you, are the one who hasn't learned." He spat which made me whimper, my hands subconsciously gripping Kurama tighter.
He noticed right away, sparing me a worried glance.
He turned to me, moving up so he was now standing in my arms, his black little paws lying on my chest, his red eyes staring into my own. He smiled, at me.
Listen Hinata... I know you'll get through this. Kit just has to learn. He's been through so much and he's scared to lose-
Just when he was about to speak deeper about Naruto and his past, the demon beside us let out a loud roar, hot flaming fire rising up behind him.
He yelled, heating up everything behind him which made me gasp loudly, my eyes eyeing the fire in a panic.
But it left as soon as it came, leaving a panting Naruto, his angered red eyes filled with hatred.
He pointed at me, his teeth clenching. "Hinata.. Put. Him. Down. Now.." He snarled out deadly slow on which I shakily complied, my trembling arms lowering to allow Kurama down.
He frowned but reluctantly hopped out of my hold, a sigh passing his lips.
But he didn't say anything, he looking from Naruto, to me. Naruto sighed long and deep, calming his enraged body. "Now.. Hinata.. What would you like, to eat?" He asked quite slowly, his eyes flickering back, to blue.
That, made me feel a little better.
But Kurama's words ran through my head once more, my eyes holding a new found curiousness in them..
Listen Hinata... I know you'll get through this. Kit just has to learn. He's been through so much and he's scared to lose-
What did Kurama mean by that?
Did something happen to Naruto and the people he cared for?
Something tragic had to happen which made him harden his heart, and become a full fledged, demon.
Has Naruto.. always been, like this?
I lowered my head, using my hair to hide away again..
Maybe not..
But I push all of that aside and instead thought about what I wanted to eat.
At the moment, I was so hungry I didn't really care what I'd get.
I just wanted food..
I bit my lip in thought, nothing coming to mind.
So, I turned to Naruto and smiled faintly, shrugging. "Um.. I'm not really sure. Maybe, you can surprise me.. Like last time.." I whispered out, my voice very small in the huge room.
But both creatures heard it instantly, Naruto chuckling. "Fine." He only spoke and walked forward, not without nodding his head, eyeing me very possessively.
"Follow." He ordered and I nodded, leaving my book bag at the door and following after him, Kurama watching us go with a sigh, his head shaking..
If only.. things were different. If only, you wouldn't have met us.. Your life, Hinata, would be.. better.. More brighter. Now that's, what you, deserve...
And with those words, Kurama transformed into a brown haired male, his body growing taller as to match the size of an adult male, his brown eyes fixated on the book bag that was left at the door.
He hummed, moving to grab it and soon, taking it, to place it.. somewhere safe..
-A Few Minutes Later-
I watched Naruto in awe as he moved in quick speeds around his large kitchen, every once and a while zipping by to place down a finished dish, my eyes widening by it.
So far, he only gave me appetizers and a tall glass of water.
The appetizer consisted of, chips with guacamole dip.
Salad with ranch dressing.
Fries with ketchup.
I ate through the things slow and drunk at my water, satisfying my belly a bit.
But, I didn't drink and eat all of my things..
Of course, Naruto doesn't necessarily know what I like so.. He's going over and beyond and cooking a lot of things for me.
But it doesn't take too long.
An average human would take over 3 to 4 hours cooking the things he did. But.. it only took 10 to 15 minutes for him to, which was overly impressive.
That, was the only thing I liked about him..
And I mean... The only thing..
But, my eyes slowly trailed over his muscular frame as he moved about, his red pupils moving all around, constantly.
My body was placed at a small table in the room, he allowing me to actually get an insight on how he does things. Last time, he didn't give me this privilege..
I wonder why he's doing it now?
Maybe it's because he's trying to butter me up, seeing my punishment is just around the corner. Maybe this, is all a mind game.
I shuddered at my thoughts, fear once again eating at my mind and heart.
No.. I shouldn't think like that. I should just focus on the positive things now.. It'll surely make me feel better.
I blew out a deep breath and just waited patiently, eyeing my small plate with the different appetizers on them.
I only ate the fries, some chip and dip and maybe a hand full of the salad. I didn't want to get full off of appetizers.
But good thing Naruto gave them to me. Now I feel less miserable.
I hummed softly to myself as I heard the sizzling and the bang of the equipment Naruto used to cook with, my lavender eyes taking in the way he did things.
Now, he was grilling chicken, his fingers slowly sprinkling what looks to be salt on top of the pretty brown meat, his other hand working another pan which held a bloody red steak inside, Naruto red eyes turning back to me.
He smirked, sending me a wink. "Sweetheart... How do you like your steak?" He asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows which made me blush, my body tingling.
I smiled, but quickly answered, his question. "Um.. Medium well please." I whispered out on which he chuckled, he turning around and making what I wanted.
A few minutes passed and he finally, finished the final dish.
He expertly cut up the chicken and the steak, even adding shrimp and egg to a delicious rice bowl for me.
He even cooked up vegetables which consisted of, onions, carrots, broccoli and zucchini.
Overall, the meal looked really good.
Once he was done, he carefully walked up to me with a huge plate, of the rice and placed it down, also granting me, soy sauce and another type of sauce.
I read the bottle and smiled.
White sauce or.. Yum Yum sauce..
Wow.. Everything looked so good. I hummed, loving the smell too..
Ooh, it smells good too.
Naruto let out a slight snicker at the sight of the awe in my eyes, he moving to sit down on a chair in front of me. "Heh.. I figured I could get you to try something different. Trust me, little one, this meal is very.. succulent." He said with another wiggle of his eyebrows which actually brought a smile, to my face, my lavender eyes moving back down to eye my steaming, hot meal.
My stomach grumbled on que as I quickly whispered a quick prayer.
Once I was done, I reached out for the new sauce and sprinkled a little bit on my food, watching as the peach colored liquid coated the healthy rice.
I smiled, soon finishing and placing that away. And with that, I finally dug in, using the fork Naruto gave me to eat with.
As soon as I took the first bite, my whole world warmed up completely, my mouth letting out a low hum.
The rice seemed to blossom in my mouth, along with the different flavorful meats that was there. Everything was seasoned so good and the sauce gave off a nice sweet taste which did me wonders.
I moaned, in delight.
Naruto grinned widely as he just watched me eat at the yummy food he made for me, my belly loving everything I gave it.
It didn't take me long to have half of my plate cleared and my glass of water emptied, my belly growing full.
I groaned and laid back into my seat, my body now satisfied. Naruto chuckled at the sight of me happy again and grabbed ahold of my plate, pushing it to the side. "Mmm.. You liked it, little one? I'll just save the rest for later on. Right now, we have bigger things to worry about." He hummed out and grabbed ahold of my plate and my cup, quickly rising from his chair to store my food for later, tossing the cup to the sink to be cleaned, later.
I watched him with hooded eyes, now growing a little tired.
But I gritted my teeth when I thought about what he said, almost forgetting..
Goodness.. I forgot about.. my punishment..
I whimpered but stayed put, my heart escalating as my ears picked up the demon's footsteps creep closer to me, my head lowered.
I clutched my hands in support but that.. didn't seem to be enough.
I was.. scared.
The footsteps stopped right beside me and something inside of me froze, my head snapping up to the demon who's eyes bled red, he sensing me fear immediately.
He tilted his head, a small smirk present.
I whimpered loudly, shaking my head. "Please.. Please. I-I-I can't take anymore." I whispered out pleadingly, already knowing what's in store for me.
I knew, by the way he spoke about this punishment.. I knew this would be the absolute worse. I can't take another punishment like the one in that bathroom earlier..
He'll break me or I'll lose my mind, completely. And I can't, let either one of those, happen.
As I pleaded and whimpered, the demon before me took it in but it only, amused him.
I heard the small snickers from him which didn't at all make me feel good, my stomach twisting into terrible knots.
I felt, like I was going to throw up again
I whimpered once more when I spotted the demon beside me squat down, getting onto my level from where I sat in the chair still. His eyes met mine and I gulped, my body trembling still.
He shushed me, moving one of his hands down to grab ahold of my thigh, he giving it a light squeeze. "Everything, is gonna be okay, little one. It may be punishment but I know you.. I know what you desire.. I know what you yearn for. And I know.. You long to be dominated in bed. To be driven to your limits until you can't get enough. Isn't that, what you've always wanted? To have a man, make you feel so good.. To make you, cum?" He whispered out against my ear, the hand on my thigh rising up, inching up to my crotch.
My breath hitch at his words and I found myself blushing by how true they were.
I, truly did.
It was a major surprise on how he knew that but.. He was right.
Kiba wasn't the man I wanted. He never gave me, what I truly, wanted.
He never pleasured me how I liked. He never brought me to that point..
But Naruto.. He drove me to my limits and broke them every time. He gave me intense pleasure that I will never experience from anyone else. He makes.. me feel good.
Very, good.
And so.. My thoughts were cut short when I felt a large hand cup my area down below, my body jumping from the sudden warmth down there.
I moaned, shakily.. "N-N-Naruto.." I whispered out which caused him to shush me once more, he using his other hand to spread my legs wider.
"Shh, little one. Let me remind you.. Of how it feels to be touched, by a man. By.. me.." He whispered hotly against my ear and sent a lick to my ear lobe, watching me with red glowing eyes as I moaned breathlessly, my body having a need to grind against his hand.
But I didn't.. Cause I know he will never let me live it down if I did.
So I stayed perfectly still.
Naruto noticed my inner battle with myself and used his hand to press on me, a gasp escaping my lips.
A strong tingle rushed up and down my entire body from his touch and I felt my body lean forward a bit, my sensitive area hitting his hand every time.
The demon beside me grinned but then, took a step further.
He began to rub me through my clothing, his fingers curving forward and rubbing my sweet spot over and over again which made my eyes roll, several squeaks passing my mouth.
He only chuckled and soon after, raised the bar again.
Just like the sneaky demon he was, he slowly snuck his way into my shorts, passing my panties and cupping my bare area with his extremely hot hand which almost made me climax right then and there, my eyes closing shut.
Naruto eyed me with devious eyes, his thumb finding my clit which he rubbed, his other fingers moving down to circle my opening.
I moaned, my mind completely cloudy at the moment.
I felt, on top of the world.
Being touched like this felt so good and my fear of the punishment Naruto was supposed to give me.. was thrown out of the window.
The pleasure, was just too good.
I moaned out when he finally entered two thick fingers inside of me, his thumb continuing to rub circles against my clitours.
My toes were curled within my heels as I felt all of these feelings strike me at once, my eyes closed the whole time which added on to the delicious event.
Soon after, his fingers began to pump themselves inside of me, his head lowering down to the bottom of my shirt.
He let out an animalistic growl before grabbing ahold of my shirt with his sharp teeth, he yanking it up slowly to reveal my pale skin.
His fingers never ceased their torture on me, the digits inside of me quickly picking up speed, hitting the sweet spot inside of me over and over again.
I cried out loudly, my body rocking on his hands. "O-O-Oh god.. Oh Naruto." I sobbed out, my body jerking forward.
My hand reached out and grabbed the table in front of me for support as he began to add gentle kisses to my bare side, increasing the tingles I felt ten fold.
His voice rumbled against my sensitive skin, a smirk present on his lips. "Mmm.. You like that? You like when I do this to you, hmm?" He whispered with a growl against me, his chest placed against the side of my chair which kept me rooted, in place.
I breathed heavily in my seat, trying my best to get a grasp of reality but.. It was so hard.
The way he played with my body felt so good, I didn't care, anymore.
I turned to him with hooded eyes, my pale cheeks now glowing a dark red.
I panted, whimpering when I felt his fingers curl inside of me. "Y-Y-Yes.. I love it.. so much. Please, give me more." I whispered out in pure lust, my eyes completely glazed with the emotion.
At the sound of my words, a wide creepy smile came upon Naruto's face which made my heart skip several beats.
Suddenly, he yanked his fingers from inside of me which made me gasp, and with his free hand he pulled his hand up and grabbed my throat, a croak spilling from my lips.
His grip was tight but not too tight, I still was able to breathe which was a good thing.
I looked up slowly at the demon beside me with pleading eyes, my bottom now heightened.
I felt my panties grow extremely wet and I moved about to relieve myself.
But as soon as I started, the hand around my neck tightened and a warning growl was shot at me. "Stand up.. Hinata." He snarled out and let go of my neck which made me sigh in relief, my wobbly body slowly rising to a stand.
Even when I was standing, the demon's body below mines was still big and intimidating, my lavender eyes looking down upon him nervously.
He smiled at the sight of my obedience and went to stand up, his frame towering over mines.
He smiled once more at me and moved one hand up and rubbed my midnight blue hair, rubbing it up and down.
He then moved it and came upon my ear again, blowing hot air into it.
I shuddered at that which made him smirk. "Now.. Let's move this to the bedroom, shall we?" He whispered and slowly moved his fingers forward and grabbed ahold of my small hand, clutching it tightly.
I bit my lip at that, my mind screaming at me to give in.
And, I.. did.
I was too excited to allow fear to let me down.
I want.. to do this.
I need it.
So, I looked up at him and nodded slowly, watching as a huge proud smirk came upon his face which surprisingly, made me feel happy.
I clutched, his hand, tighter. "Yes.. Thank you, Naruto.."
All the lights were shut off in the front of the house as Naruto guided me to his room which was located in the back.
His foot falls were heavy and quick, my steps much more lighter. The closer and closer we got to his room slightly made me understand why I felt so scared earlier.
He's.. gonna punish me..
I totally forgot that one part.
He only said and did all of that earlier to get into my head and make me submit. He's..
Smart.. Very, very, smart..
And it was deeply concerning.
I blew out deep breaths to control my fast beating heart, intense gulps made here and there.
I knew the demon in front of me sensed my fear immediately.. I just knew he did.
He's a demon after all.
Demons like to make other ones fear them..
To make them suffer.
Even if he cares for me.. He still loves to bring me pain.
Because of course, it's his pleasure.
Soon after, two double doors greeted us and Naruto didn't wait a second and pushed me in roughly, my hands pushing the two doors open.
But that didn't stop me from landing on the ground, my knees coming into contact with the floor as well as my hands.
Now, I was on all fours.
Naruto hummed at the sight of me, licking his lips approvingly. "Ooh. What a very nice position, Hinata. How about you be a good little girl and stay just, like that.. I'll be right back, dear." He purred out seductively which sent goosebumps all throughout my body, my head nodding.. reluctantly.
He cooed as a response and soon exit the way he came, leaving the door slightly cracked behind me.
I whimpered as I just listened to the dead silence erupt around me, my body bent over allowing my ass to stick out.. Like I was some kind of slut.
I bit my lip at that, lowering my head in shame..
Why.. did I agree to this?
Oh wait.. I was seduced to give in and allow this.
And I knew, deep down.. This would've happened anyway. With my permission or even, without it..
Naruto gets what he wants after all.
I stayed in the embarrassing position for a long seven minutes, my head switching back constantly to check the door.
But.. I didn't hear anyone or see, anyone..
Oh no.. Where did Naruto run off to? What, is he doing?
Now that I think about it, I was growing a bit frightened on what he was out doing.
What if he's getting embarrassing things to tease me with? Or, the rope again?
He knows how much I hate to be tied down so.. It would make sense to punish me with that.
But then again.. Who knows?
Naruto does what Naruto wants..
Five more minutes passed and I was starting to grow a bit anxious, a long, impatient sigh pasing my lips, my body wobbling on its limbs.
Gosh.. When is he coming back?
Just when I thought of those words, the doors behind me was pushed open slowly which made me turn back, my eyes catching sight of the male I was waiting for, a relieved sigh passing my lips. "Oh.. Thank god." I whispered to myself and looked up, not liking the weird silence the male brought.
Naruto stood behind me like he was in some sort of trance, his red eyes blinking blue, constantly.
His body was completely still as he held the door open, his gaze held straight ahead.
My eyes widen at that and I turned around slowly, breaking out of my position to eye him fully.
Once again, I was growing very, frightened.
What's.. going on? Why is he acting like this?
He was acting strange. And I didn't like it.
I bite my lip nervously, using my hands to hold myself up. "U-U-Um.. Naruto-" but before I could finish, my body suddenly was picked up rather roughly and was thrown violently on the large bed in the room, my world spinning at the moment..
What the heck, is going on?
Everything went so fast.. I couldn't keep up.
The demon was before me immediately, his teeth bared and his eyes showing nothing but lust.
He growled at me, eyeing my body fully as I laid on his bed. "So beautiful. So fucking, delicious. Mmm.. I want you, little girl." He groaned out deeply, his voice dropping an octave which made the situation a whole lot worse.
Now, I was really confused on what happened.
What's up, with the weird change in attitude? I really, wanted to know.
But, I stayed quiet and allowed him to do whatever. I wouldn't want to get him angry. I never saw him, in such a state.
Soon after, his clawed hands grab ahold of my clothes and he shredded everything.
My blouse.
My shorts.
My bra, and my underwear.
I was left completely naked, he yanking my heels off and throwing them across the room, like a savage beast in heat.
I watched him with widen eyes as he soon, begin to remove his clothing as well.
His muscles seem to have grown bigger as his skin grew more and more exposed, his manly body revealed completely.
He got rid of his school outfit, leaving his inhuman body out in the opening, his hungry red eyes directed on me.
His face, was blank at first, he taking in the way my body trembled before him, my eyes showing fear now.
I whimpered, clutching the bedsheets for comfort. "Pl-Please. Please Naruto.. Don't hurt me." I whispered out pleadingly, as to stray his mind.
Whatever he was planning, I hope it wasn't to hurt me.
I absolutely did not, like the way he was looking at me.
He, was looking at me as if I was a piece of meat. A piece of meat he wanted to devour whole.
The hunger in his eyes were raw and too strong for me to handle. I was slowly, backing out.
Would he be mad.. if I made, a run for it..
Things were not going like how they were, back in the kitchen.
Then, everything was hot and heated. Now.. It seems I was just very, unlucky.
Suddenly, a deep dark chuckle was made which seemed to rock my whole body, his demonic voice shaking me.
He purred long and sweet, his body hunched over a bit, his eyes darkening on me. "Hinata... Have you ever wondered why, I wasn't able to show you all, my abilities? Hmm, darling?" He spoke quite darkly, a small shuffling sound made which shook my core even more, my lips trembling badly in fear.
I was so shaken up, I couldn't even answer his question.
But, he allowed it to slide, he soon, showing me, what he meant.
Right, before my eyes, nine orange colored tails sprouted from the lower part of his back, his body leaning over so they could have room to appear.
Immediately, a scream of horror slipped passed my lips as I stared at the terrifying scene before me, Naruto's demon form growing even more scary.
The tails that were now behind him move as if they had a mind of their own, my world slowly growing cloudy as if I'd pass out soon.
Oh no.. I think.. I just might..
I see tails.. Orange tails...
Oh my gosh..
The tails looked oddly similar to..
My eyes widen as I pieced everything together, everything finally adding up.
Oh, my goodness.
Those tails he now has were similar to Kurama's.
He linked himself to Kurama, trapping him inside of his body once more. Oh no.. He's probably stronger than ever now.
My hands moved up to cover my mouth but a furry object stopped it, the feeling similar to when Kurama first met me.
When he, wrapped his tails around me.
My lavender eyes slowly moved down and indeed, I saw one of Naruto's tails wrapped securely around my arm, keeping me rooted in place, his red eyes glowing darkly.
He smirked, sadistically. "Remember when I said I'll have fun, with you? I decided your punishment should make one hell of a night. So, what do you say? Are you up for something new, Hinata?" He whispered out darkly as he slowly descended down upon me, my eyes taking in how large his tails grew, hovering over me intimidatingly which made me feel so.. small..
Tears of helplessness formed in my eyes, just threatening to spill.
This time, I was on my own.
Kurama wasn't here and there was no one in sight to stop him. Which means.. this night, surely will be, one hell of a night.
I gasped at that, a tear finally spilling down my cheek..
Oh gosh.. How, did it come.. to this?
Uh oh.. Hinata's in trouble once more. 😥😥
A lot went on in this chapter.
Konan is now in the presence of Naruto and Hinata.. Kurama was shown once more and kinda spilled a little beans on Naruto's past..
And Naruto.. didn't quite like that.. 😡😱😰
And Naruto.. got a little upgrade...
His power is growing stronger.
Much.. stronger..😬😬🤯🤯
I wonder how Hinata is gonna take it.. 😓😓
But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed!! Don't forget to Comment and Vote! 😘😘
See ya later! 👋👋
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