Chapter 14: Plan In Motion
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • 𝟷𝟾+)
Hinata's P.O.V
After English class ended, it was finally time for lunch..
I felt relieved when Naruto had to leave me to feel his stomach again. But before.. all he was saying was chilling remarks which made my skin crawl, my heart escalating at his words.
Mmm, what flawless skin you have..
I wonder, how you'd feel, under my teeth, Hinata..
Mmm.. Little girl.. May I taste you?
Are you hungry, little one? Because I surely am..
Come here so I can get a taste.. It won't take long..
He was so needy and clingy when he grew hungry.
He just, wouldn't leave me alone.
He didn't seem mad at me anymore just.. super, annoying. I knew he wasn't talking about anything sexual which made the situation more unbearable.
I'm just glad I can get some time away. But.. even though I'm with my friends.. I know he's still watching me.
And besides.. I have to go and do what Naruto said.
I have to find out, what the girls, are planning.
I whimpered and walked down the crowded hall by myself, a few people eyeing my down mood in worry, a few whispers breaking out.
What's up with Hinata today?
Ah shit.. Don't tell me she's pregnant..
I glared at the person who said that, my heels clicking the ground as I walked onward.
My lavender eyes were on a constant search for a blonde haired blue eyed male.. Just in case he tries to pull something.
I never know what he's planning now.
Now that he doesn't trust me like, before.. I bowed my head low at that, my mind not at all liking it.
Its already bad enough he's keeping my hostage.. But the thought of him also not trusting me, made the situation even more uncomfortable.
I really.. need help.
I shook my head at my thoughts and just focused on getting to lunch, the halls crowded with people now.
I was completely surrounded by them which made me tense up. After everything that's happened, I feel my body on high alert for the worse.
I was so used to getting it which was so bad.
I kept walking until I heard a familiar voice call ouy my name, my head whipping back into the crowd of people behind me.
The voice was manly and quite familiar which surprisingly brought.. tears to my eyes.
I quickly made rounds down an empty hall, my heels clicking loudly along with me.
I held my bookbag closely to my body as I moved out of dodge and just stood on the sidelines, my lavender eyes shooting over the crowd of people that walked by.
The voice went away at my movement which worried me.
Oh no.. Where'd it go?
I stood still and just listened, heavy footsteps of the crowd passing by only heard at the moment.
Suddenly, I started to see brown hair run over to the side I was on, his brown eyes meeting mines in happiness.
He smiled, big. "Hinata! There you are. I was wondering when you'll come back!" Kiba shouted out through pants which made my eyes water up, my hands coming up to cover my mouth.
Oh gosh.. Kiba's alive.
He's, well.
Oh thank goodness..
I couldn't help but run up to him and hug him tightly around his neck, a chuckle passing his lips.
He raised an eyebrow at my deep concern for him but hugged me back anyway, snuggling into my neck.
He soon grinned. "Wow.. I wonder what the special occasion is. You're never this happy to see me Hinata.. Not that I mind." He declared quickly, huge amounts of chatter coming from his mouth as always which bothered me.
I shook my head, hugging him tighter. "J-Just shut up and let me hug you. You have no idea what I've been through." I whispered out, remembering way back then which actually, wasn't too long ago.
It was only a couple of days but still... It was horrible.
Naruto was going to kill Kiba and.. I was so scared. I somehow convinced Naruto otherwise and he reconsidered, sparing Kiba's life.
I was so happy.. But because of all that, Kiba's memories of Naruto, is erased.
He doesn't even know what really went down.
So it's back to being an asshole for him.
I whimpered in his chest but soon backed away, breaking the deep hug we shared.
Kiba stared back at me in complete confusion but with desire in his brown orbs, his eyes racking over my whole entire body.
He blinked his eyes, he really liking what he saw. "Hinata.. Is there, something you're not telling me? Since when do you wear such exposing clothing? Again... Not that I mind or anything. It's kinda.." He trailed off while purring at the sight of me, his feet taking him closer.
His eyes shown that familiar look again. Nothing but lust coating them.
A look I was getting tired of.
I growled, moving back.
Damn it Kiba. Not this again. Why does he always have to go and ruin everything?
I wanted to know if he was alright... I see now, that he was but.. He's his usual self.
Nothing but a pain in the ass.
I still can't believe I dated him.
He crept forward towards me, completely getting in my space which made me more than uncomfortable.
The halls were starting to grow empty which made the situation feel even worse.
I shook my head, moving my hands out to halt him.
He stopped...
I glared. "Kiba.. There's some things, that's going on.. that you don't, know, okay. It's not your fault but... for that, I don't think, we will work anymore. I think we should go our separate ways now." I declared with a nod, standing my ground.
He always played the asshole card in these times. He would always switch my words up and have me taking them back but.. I was sure, this time.
I was completely sure about this.
It was for his sake, and mines.
Naruto would no doubt actually kill him if he even sees me near him.
I have to be careful.
His life hangs in my hands now.
I blew out a deep breath and looked up and saw him staring wide eyed at me, his mouth gaping.
The lust in his eyes were no more and now he was just left heartbroken and confused, his brown hair falling over his eyes.
He shook his head, pulling his arms up. "Wh-What? You can't be serious. You're breaking up with me? Why?" He asked with squinted eyes, his voice holding a large amount of hurt which made me bite my tongue.
I hate to hear him this way but.. I can't give in to it.
It's for the best.
I shook my head once more and sighed, gripping my book bag tighter. "I'm sorry, Kiba.. I just, can't do it anymore. I just need some, space.." I said with a serious nod, my lavender eyes rooted on him.
He stood there in shock at my words, his eyes blinking. "B-But.." He started once again but I shook my head, a frown coming upon his face
"No buts, Kiba. I'm through. We can still talk as friends but.. We have to keep some distance. Please take care of yourself and stay off of your feet. It's.. better that way." I explained softly, knowing full well he didn't know why I was saying the things I was saying but..
Hopefully, he listens.
He nodded dully and dropped his hands, his expression now sad, his heart broken.
He sighed deeply. "Fine. Whatever you say." He grumbled out on which I nodded, my body turning around to walk away.
To be truly honest, I felt terrible that I broke ties with him.
He's been hurt and this, is the first time I've seen him since that horrible time and.. I just, broke everything off.
But as I said numerous times before... It's for the best.
Kiba stood and watched me sadly from behind as I hurriedly made my way to the crowded lunchroom just up ahead, we both, missing the red glowing eyes that were preying on us, from, behind..
In The Cafeteria
I finally made it into the loud and packed cafeteria, my heels clicking the floor as I walked.
Many people started to stare and whisper as I made my way passed them, my eyes searching the crowded room for my friends.
I looked toward the usual spot we sat in and smiled when I saw them all there, talking softly.
They even saved a seat for me, which made me coo.
But I stopped myself.
I have to remember my task.
I have to get them to talk about, their plan.
I sighed deeply, regretting it all.
I absolutely did not, want to do this. Because if I do, I'll be stuck. Help won't be coming and help will never come for me.
This, is our only chance, I just know it. And for my friends to conceal their plan so well, it must be very secretive and, helpful.
So it was very hard, for me at the moment.
But.. I have to do it.
I groaned and trotted my way over to them, still holding my bag close. I wasn't hungry at the moment just, jittery and regretful.
I really didn't want to go through with this.
I walked on over to our usual rounded table and smiled once all three women spotted me, their faces lighting up.
Sakura cheered, Ino smiled, Temari gasped. "Hinata! Thank god! You're alright!" Ino screeched and quickly moved her bag away from the seat beside her, uncovering it, for me.
I smiled thinly at them and rounded the table, soon sitting down beside Ino.
I nodded, at every one of them, trying my best to keep my nerves down..
But it was so hard.
"H-Hi girls. What were you all talking about just now?" I said softly, keeping my voice down to a minimum.
I felt.. uneasy all of a sudden, I wanted to keep the conversation light.
Temari shook her head and pointed to Sakura, sighing. "Oh just about Sakura's little boy crush. Which is getting out of control, by the way. But, enough of that.. Are you okay hun? You just, up and left, without telling anyone. You remember, the last time we were with you? We couldn't find you or anything. It, worried us all." She commented with sadden eyes, the other girls nodding in agreement.
Sakura turned towards me and frowned, her eyes straying my clothing with a sigh. "We know, you're going through a tough time and I know you may feel helpless at the moment but, help is coming. Slowly but, surely. But in the meantime, you need to stay with us, always. That demon could be anywhere, girl. I want you to be safe, with us.' She insisted with a nod on which Ino nodded, she moving to hug me tightly.
She groaned. "Please, Hinata. We have to do something about this. It's getting, out of hand. We know, you're suffering.. So let us, help you." She whispered against me which made my eyes start to tear up, my chest heaving extremely.
Oh no.. They're right.
But what can they do?
What can they do that I, can't?
Naruto won't go easy on them if they even try, to get in his way. He'll rip them to shreds.
I've seen it.. before.
I've heard it.. before.
I've been with him long enough to know to not get on his bad side.
If he wants something.. He wants it. And there's nothing that could stop him.
That's why.. I need the help.
For I'm just, trapped.
I whimpered and lowered my head, growing silent. The girls all frowned at that and just resumed eating, Ino moving to comfort me more.
She sighed, we all staying quiet for a moment, just taking in the harsh noise of the cafe.
I bit my lip at that, eyeing them worriedly.
I didn't like the silence very much from them.. It made me feel even more uneasy.
It made my brain start to think.
I need a distraction.
I was just about to go in for it but a small tap was applied to my backside stopped me, my eyes widening.
Oh no..
I whimpered quietly to myself and slowly built up the courage and turned around to see another round table, but a male was sitting on the chair behind mines, his back facing me.
But as soon as I turned around, he snapped his head back at me, revealing himself.
Angry red clashed with frightened lavender, the demon from before growling at me. His lips moved and formed four words.
Four words that I found very chilling.
Do it now, Hinata...
Those four words frightened me so much. I couldn't, believe it.
He called me by, my name..
He didn't joke about it, like he would usually do.
He was, serious, which made it all the more frightening.
I shuddered and snapped my head forward again, my body growing a bit tense.
Ino caught on to this and removed her arms from my body, her eyebrows furrowing. "Hinata.. What's up, hun? You, okay?" She asked worriedly while looking around, her face filled with concern.
Temari stared at me intently, she putting a stop to stuffing her face.
I shook my head quickly, reining them all back in. "N-N-No.. I'm fine.. I just would like.. to talk, about something." I whispered out, biting the bullet and just doing it.
Naruto won't leave me alone if I don't ask.
He'll make my life even worse until I do it...
So.. why not?
The girls gave me questionable looks, turning to eye one another.
Sakura nodded. "Oh.. You can talk to us anytime, Hinata. That's what friends are for right?" She said sincerly, comforting me.
Which successfully did the trick.
I smiled at her and nodded, my violent hair following.. I twiddled my thumbs, working up the courage and strength to ask them but..
I really didn't, want to.
My heart was holding me back. I just.. couldn't bring myself, to say.. it..
Oh gosh... Why must.. I do this...
Sakura's P.O.V
We all just sat and stared as Hinata stumbled over her words not really coming out to tell us what she wanted.
It seems she was just.. stalling.
I sighed, shaking my head.
I hate that she's going through all of this. It's affecting her, clearly.
That demon..
He will be brought to justice soon.
We'll make, sure of it.
Our hidden plan.. will make sure of it.
Suddenly, Hinata sighed deeply, pursing her lips, her cheeks growing a tad bit from deep embarrassment.
Ino and Temari tilted their heads by the action.
But the next thing she said, had our eyes widening.
She bit her lip, sighing once more. "Um.. Girls... I know this might sound weird but.. I need to know, in detail, what this plan is. What help did you really call? It can't be the police... so what is it? I've just been.. really, curious." She informed quietly, her head lowering at the end.
We all just sat there, gulps made every now and then.
Oh, my lord..
We were always told by the demon hunters to never speak about them to anyone.
Not even, to Hinata.
What they do should be kept in secret. They told us.. they absolutely do not want word to spread about them.
Because, the word, can eventually go back to, a demon.
And that, is dangerous business.
So we did what we were told.
We stayed quiet.
And now.. Hinata's asking us about it. Out of nowhere.
I squinted my eyes at her, watching as she cowered away.
Someone's, not right..
We all eyed her as if she ate the last cookie from the cookie jar, our eyes sizing her up, just begging for answers...
What did that demon put you up to, Hinata..
I knew this had to be all the demon's fault.
Hinata never once asked us before.. She never even questioned about our plan..
She trusts us.
So we knew.. It was so, damn obvious.
Hinata was just about to say something once more but the loud sound of the bell cut her off, her eyes widening by it..
She stood up quickly as we slowly brought ourselves to a stand as well, our eyes squinting at her in concern.
She whimpered, clutching her hands pleadingly, her eyes eyeing something behind us..
She gasped but then snapped her eyes back on us, Temari narrowing her eyes at that. "Please.. Please tell me. You have, to tell me.. Please." Hinata pleaded with a hopeful nod, fear suddenly flashing before her eyes which made us reconsider it all.
Oh no.. Our poor, poor best friend..
She was suffering majorly.
But I just can't.. tell her.
We, can't...
We'll have to try this a different way.
I shook my head, Ino moving in to comfort her. She hugged her tightly around the shoulders and sniggled her in, many people rushing out of the cafeteria, leaving it bare, bland and.. dirty.
We watched the scene before us in deep sadness and concern, Hinata moving up to hug her back.
But when she looked up again, her eyes widened and she quickly moved out of the hug she was in, her eyes moving towards us.
She looked between us now with a small scowl, her petite body trembling. "You girls, have no idea what I've been through and for you to ignore my question.. My one question towards the thing I need most, proves... You don't give a crap about me. What if there's no help, huh? Is that what you're hiding from me? Ya know what.. Don't even answer that. I just, need to get away from here. I can't stand it anymore." She spat out in pure emotion, our eyes widening by it.
But we didn't say anything.
We didn't give her any word back because.. She's, hurting.
She doesn't mean these words.
She scowled by our silence and started to make her way passed us but Temari was quick, her hand moving to grab ahold of hers, halting her.
Hinata immediately gasped by the sudden action but changed her expression into a mean glare, her body jerking out of her hold a bit.
But Temari, held on..
Hinata growled, still fighting. "Temari stop it. Let go!" She yelled out in pure irritation as Ino and me watched with frowns, Temari grunting a bit.
She did a good job with holding her in pace, her brown eyes narrowing. "Hinata.. Snap out of it. I don't know what that demon has been telling you but.. We will do anything to help you. Everything we're doing, is to protect you. We only want what's best for you.. and if you walk away now.. That demon, will get ahold of you again. We won't.. be able to protect you then." She exclaimed with a small nod, a warm smile creeping on her face.
Her words made Hinata instantly stop struggling, her arms growing limp in Temari's hold..
She whimpered and lowered her head down the ground, the lunchroom now completely empty.
Noone was in sight but us, our eyes held all on Hinata.
Suddenly, she growled and snatched her hand away forcefully from Temari making her gasp and back away, our eyes widening by her sudden action.
Temari whimpered and rubbed her aching arm, the force Hinata previously used taking her by major surprise.
I gulped at that..
What's.. up with her?
She shook her head, baring her teeth at us. "Protect me? From, a demon? You've got to be kidding. If you were protecting me.. Why did I see him all lunch period then? He was right here.. haunting me.. And you fools didn't even know it.. You can't, protect anyone. You're only, human." She gritted out with a scary look in her eye, we all gawking at the sight.
What, the hell is wrong with Hinata?
She was acting strange.
And it was deeply scaring all of us.
Ino shook her head and went in, grabbing ahold of her friend's hands who only shot a nasty scowl at her.
She simply ignored it and smiled. "You want, to know.. about the help right? What we did, to help you?" She said softly with a nod, her long blonde hair following her movement.
At the sound of that, Hinata instantly perked up and she nodded right away, her hands gripping Ino's tighter.
She grinned. "Yes, absolutely." She exclaimed quickly, without any hesitation.
My eyes shot wide open and I stepped forward, patting Ino quickly.
She turned to me, missing the scowl that crossed Hinata's face.
Ino turned to me and frowned, eyeing my warning look.
I shook my head but she only sighed, still holding Hinata's hands. "Sakura.. I know what you're going to say but.. Hinata deserves to know. She's right. We can't protect her so therefore.. She deserves to know who can.. protect her." Ino informed softly while nodding reassuringly at the two of us, our eyes holding a bit of doubt still..
I took a glance at Temari and saw her eyeing me as well, her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip.
She sighed and shrugged, turning back to the two troubled young women in front of us.
I sighed as well and just gave in, my light green eyes falling on Hinata who was waiting patiently, her eyes rooted on Ino's..
I narrowed my eyes, my pink colored hair flopping over as I tilted my head.
Something... was really off about her.
I just, couldn't explain it.
I quickly shook the feeling off and nodded, Ino sparing us a glance. "Just tell her.. And get it over with. We're wasting time." I spat quickly, my eyes looking around to see another group of kids start to enter the cafe and well, Ino nodding.
She turned back to Hinata, keeping her hold on her hands still.
She smiled, nodding. "Well.. Here goes." She breathed out which brought a huge smile on Hinata's face.
But the smile was a little.. creepy..
We discarded with a shudder and Ino continued, sighing deeply.
She searched her words before starting..
"Well.. The help we found for you, are a team, of-"
Just when she was about to say it, Hinata suddenly gasped and gripped her head, her body moving away from us.
She whimpered loudly and shook her head, her head clawing at her brain. "A-A-Ah.. Wh-What is this? What am I doing?" She whispered out insanely but then looked up at us, her eyes all watery.
We stood there in complete and utter confusion and, concern, Ino moving to comfort her again.
She pouted, getting a terrible inside. "Hinata hun.. You don't look so well. How about we just skip school, so you can get some rest. School isn't important right now in your case. We'll leave and do everything we can to make you feel better. How does that sound?" She suggested softly with a nod, we nodded as well.
But as we looked, we saw that Hinata, wasn't even listening, her eyes downcast to the floor.
She still held her head tightly, her fingers steady massaging at her temples.
We bit our lips at that, very helpless at the moment..
What, can we do..
We were really, stuck on the whole entire situation.
The only thing I was grateful for is, that the demon hasn't killed Hinata yet.
He actually needs her for something or even wants her..
And that's, good.. But the circumstances, are not, so good.
But we were told to wait and that's.. unfortunately what we're doing.
We don't know anything about a plan.
We only wait.. for the phone call..
Suddenly, Hinata shook her head and moved forward, barging passed Ino and Temari, we all watching as she walked away.
"I-I, have to go."
We heard her whimper out through ragged pants, her body growing more and more closer to the door.
I bite my lip harshly at the overwhelming circumstances we found ourselves in, the worry for Hinata only building each day.
It seems like were just holding our all until the demon hunters figure everything out.
I just wish.. they would just, hurry..
Hinata's P.O.V
I quickly walked out of the school's cafeteria very wobbly, my vision completely blurred..
I felt like.. I blanked out or something.
I absolutely have no clue what just happened and I was only left highly confused..
What's... wrong with me?
The walls around me felt like they were closing in, my feet stumbling through the now empty hallways, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
When.. Did the bell ring, for class? I haven't heard a thing..
I was so lost at the moment, I didn't even know what was up and down anymore, my whole entire world spinning.
I felt.. like a spinning top, that just wouldn't stop.
It was, insane.
I slowly built up the needed strength and took a look behind me, my eyes only spotting an empty hallway, no one in sight.
I cheered in relief, in my head at that. Oh thank god, my friends didn't decide to follow me.
Because I know, once I'm alone.. That monster, will show his face... And I don't want them to get anymore involved than they already are.
Naruto hates them, so they're on his radar. I have, to protect them..
That's all that matters.
I groaned and held my stomach, the world spinning rapidly still.
I clutched my head with my other hand, my other one was still clutching on my abdomen, to keep from vomiting..
This is bad.. When does this end..
Suddenly, as if my wishes were heard, the spinning stopped making me gasp, a silent joy uplifting.
Oh thank god..
I shot my hands outward as if I was holding onto something, balancing myself, my lavender eyes darting back and forth, trying to test the situation fully..
Is it.. over?
My thoughts were rolling and the slight nausea I once felt was slowly going away which I was so thankful for, my violent hair now matted to my sweaty pale face which worsen the uncomfortable state I was in.
I groaned softly, shaking my head in disbelief. "I'm.. going crazy.. I just know it. " whispered to myself, feeling uneasy in all of this.
What's, going on.. with me?
And right one cue, I heard a deep, dark chuckle, my violent head whipping quickly toward the noise.
Which was right in front of me..
The noise connected with a muscular, blonde haired demon, red eyes sparkling ominously at the sight of my suffering.
Naruto grinned, his body lying back on a set of green lockers, that my school possesed, a shudder running through my body.
He hummed at that, my fear fueling him.
God.. I hate him.. and those stupid red eyes of his.
Every time they look upon me, I always feel so.. helpless.
I feel scared and I mentally break down.
I feel it.
I know.. I can't stop him. My friends can't stop him..
So.. who can?
This unknown help that my friends have called could be anyone. Who is there to say they could kill, such a creature as Naruto?
What if they fail?
What if they're killed in the process?
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happens..
I'll be devastated.
Because all of this.. is my fault. It all stems down to me..
I gulped, my body very shaky in his dark presence, his eyes never straying away from me.
He tilted his head upward, his ruffled blonde hair following. "Heh.. You're not, crazy. You're completely, sane, little one." He purred out amusingly, still keeping his position against the wall.
I gulped once more at the sound of his deep and alluring voice, my body tingling from it.
But, I quickly ignored those womanly urges that were uprising and instead focused on the fear I felt, his eyes narrowing.
I bite my lip. "Th-Then... You.." I started out shakily, a croak of deep emotion stopping me.
One blonde eyebrow raised at the sound of my croak, a chuckle soon escaping the heartless demon's mouth.
He grinned, his sharp canines revealing themselves which sent a chill through my body, increasing the fear I felt.
He tilted his head, amusement no longer found on his face. "I'm very, disappointed, Hinata. You, disappoint me. It seems you just love to get on my bad side, little one." He declared sternly, his voice no longer holding any kind of amusement in it like before.
He was completely, serious which only made the fear I felt increase.
I felt my throat closing in on itself making it hard to swallow, and breathe for the matter.
Goosebumps started to ride up and down my skin which caused unwanted chills and shudders to ride down my back and feet, freezing them still.
I whimpered, shaking my head. "N-No.. I don't. I just.. don't." I stammered out which only received me a dry chuckle, disbelief tainting it terribly.
The demon shook his head, sighing long and deeply.
It seems he was really growing exhausted of me..
My body tensed greatly at that..
Oh no..
He cleared his throat and dropped his folded arms to instead pick one hand up, he pulling it close to his face.
Two of his fingers were closing in on each other, his thumb and pointer finger, his red glowing eyes hardening.
He growled, shaking his head aggressively. "Don't play coy with me, Hinata. You know exactly what I'm fucking talking about. I was so close. So damn close and then you, want to show back up and ruin it all, for me. I almost achieved my goal, human!" He yelled in a blood rage, his red eyes sparkling brighter which made me gasp.
I quickly took a step back and whimpered, my mouth falling open at his anger filled words.
My hand came up and clutched my head, his words repeating in my mind, over and over again..
I started to go into a state of hyperventilation, the whole situation coming down to crush on me entirely..
That's why, I was feeling the way I did. It was all.. his fault..
I don't know what he did or what he was trying to accomplish but.. My body, wasn't my own.
He made me say things and I almost convinced my friends to spill the beans.
I can't.
I absolutely can't have let that's happen.
I looked up at him and saw him dropping his raised hand down, a scoff passing his lips.
I sighed long and shaky, standing my ground.
I slowly raised one finger up at him and shook my head, my eyes narrowing. "It.. was you. You.. did something, didn't you? I thought.. I was going... crazy." I muttered out as he listened, a small smirk forming on those delicious lips of his.
He nodded, chuckling softly. "It sure was. I.. was inside you, Hinata. I, was you. Your body.. was mine and I loved ever second of it." He purred out darkly, finally spilling the truth on the carnage he's done..
I immediately shuddered in fright, his choice of words striking me deeply.
What? He.. took over, my body? That's why.. I blanked out..
How is that even, possible?
I know he's a demon but.. He can do so much already.
He's gets his full demon power from a fox, can create fire with his hands, can make life a whole lot easier with just a snap of his fingers and now, he can.. take over human bodies?
What else can he do?
I gulped, now officially frightened of the creature in front of me.
What the hell.. has my life come to?
I shook my head, clenching my fists for comfort. "S-S-So.. I was.. possessed.. by you? B-But, how?" I whispered out shakily, the hallway before us nice and quiet which was very odd.
I've never known it to be this quiet in the hallways...
Naruto lowered his head and chuckled deeply, his chest trembling. "Yes.. and no, darling. I can do a lot of things you can only dream of. How about you stick around some more to figure out what those things, are all, about." He said while wiggling his eyebrows at me, his moods once again changing.
God.. I can never understand him.
A blush crept across my cheeks at his sly offer and I shook my head, backing up more. "N-No.. I rather not." I whispered out and backed up one more time but ran into a hard stone like body, my eyes widening.
How the?
I looked back to the position Naruto once was to see it was empty, hands suddenly finding themselves on my body.
They gripped me tight, a lustful purr coming from the creature that now resided behind me.
Naruto grinned, one of his hands moving to cup my throat, he pulling me back against his chest.
I whimpered but he shushed me, his other hand rubbing my side slowly. "Oh you've been mistaken. You're stuck with me. And you'll forever be stuck with me once I find out what your pathetic friends are hiding. I'll destroy anyone that gets in the way of my plans. Who gets, in between, you, and me." He whispered harshly by my ear, keeping his hands rooted on my body which made me the tense up
Once again, I felt trapped.
If this situation was more normal, I'll feel flattered but no.. That's not the case..
I looked away, growing extremely emotional.
Things haven't gone my way from the very beginning. I whimpered at that, blowing out nunerous of quick breaths.
Why did this happen.. to me?
Why, did I date Kiba?
Why did I listen, to Kiba?
This all stems down to that one day.. When I first saw Naruto in the hallway.
Our eyes met and he.. grew a liking to me instantly.
Why couldn't I have been elsewhere?
This all wouldn't be happening. Everything will be normal.
I whimpered once more and bit my lip, my body starting to tremble in his hold, a huge wide grin pulling at his lips..
His sharp nails were caressing my bare arms, up and down, sending mass amount of tingles throughout my body, leaving my trembling body in a state of want.
He leaned in and breathed in my scent, his nose buried in my long midnight blue hair.
He groaned, in delight. "Mmm.. Hinata. You're just so, beautiful to be, so, human. Everything about you I seem to be drawn to...Mmm.. Like your body." He trailed off and started to rub me more deeply with his hands, my body trembling even more.
Oh gosh.. What is he doing?
His hands felt like they touched everything at once.
My stomach, my chest, my hips...
It was so, overwhelming but also.. pleasant..
I bite my lips fron moaning out and closed my eyes, redirecting my attention to the ceiling above me.
At the moment, I didn't really care if anyone comes in and sees us.
I didn't care if I were to get into trouble.
I just, didn't care.
My eyes shot wide open at that, my body melting.
Oh gosh.. What is he doing to me?
He was making me feel so good right now and I was supposed to hate him.
Despise him even..
Naruto chuckled as he caught sight of how shaky my body was, his head leaning in once more.
He sniffed in deeply, also smelling my arousal which made him chuckle. "And let's not forget your delicious smelling scent. Everything about you.. I yearn, for it. I love it. And you won't ever, leave me.. Never. Now say it." He declared through gritted teeth, an emotion of some kind entering his words which made them even more, impactful.
Never.. Leave him..
Oh god..
But, I didn't have any choice.
If I didn't do what he says I could risk someone getting hurt.
I don't want that to happen so..
I swallowed down my pride and all of my pleads, my chest heaving constantly.
But.. I finally built up the courage.
The courage to give him what he wants.
I lowered my head and bit my lip, nodding my head. "Yes.. I won't, ever.. leave you. I promise." I whispered out shakily, my lavender eyes glossing over by the tears that wanted to desperately escape.
Naruto grinned widely and purred, his hand tightening on my throat, raising my head up once more which made me gasp.
He shushed me, leaning down more. "And what is it that you have to do, little one?" He growled out darkly, his red eyes glowing brighter.
My eyes closed shut and I sighed longer and deep, just submitting.
There's no use.
Until the help come.. I'm just his little pet.
There's nothing a human like me can do, against him.
I breathed out once more, getting my emotions together.
Once I was ready I nodded, Naruto groaning at that. "Yes Naruto.. I'll find out everything, for, you.."
Two black pickup trucks came rolling down the road at high speed, a huge highschool coming into view up ahead.
One lavender haired woman sighed upon it from where she sat inside, she remembering her reason to why.. she was here.
Her task wasn't going to be easy and she had to carry out the plan discreetly cause if not..
She could risk getting not only hurt but the victim hurt as well.
She can't have that.
Her amber colored eyes stared sternly out of the window beside her head, the cars growling closer and closer to the packed school.
School was in session and that means.. everyone was distracted.
They could just swoop in without anyone noticing.
Without that demon, noticing.
That, was their target.
To destroy, Naruto Uzumaki.
The lavender haired woman grinned upon that thought, her eyes narrowing as if she could see the scene already.
The scene when the final, Uzumaki demon is brought down and sealed away.
He was a serious curse to the land and now.. a curse to that young woman.
To Hinata..
They had to act fast.
They already, wasted too much time.
The girl needs their help, right away.
The lavender haired woman nodded, her eyes at the school.
She smirked, moving to pull something out of her pocket.
She pulled the heavy weapon up and eyed it closely, the metal holding up strongly in her hands.
She eyed the SciFi gun in anticipation, a blue substance stashed away in it as the bullets..
Those special darts, were the only thing that could bring down a strong demon such as Naruto, my chest heaving..
This, is my only shot.. Naruto he's, to go down..
And with that thiught I nodding, my eyes narrowing. "We'll save you, Hinata... And we'll destroy that monster, while, we're at it. I'll make sure, of it.. Promise.." I whispered with one final cock, of the gun, successfully locking and loading it...
Well, how was that? 😏😏
This story is finally moving along and next time, the action will start..
And boy.. will there be action. 🙀🙀
I figured I'll update this story and soon Enemies and Lovers since I haven't updated them in a while..
I hope this chapter was well and I hope you enjoyed!!
I'll be sure to update this more.. I guess..
No promises.. 🙏🙏
Don't forget to Vote and Comment!! ❤❤
And love you guys!! 💗💗🥰🥰
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