Chapter 1.1: {Sun and Sky}: The Family of the Sun
The sun of the universe was roaming around his room. When did he wake up? At 5:30. When was the sun supposed to wake up anyways?
Akk was known as the sun of the universe. He usually was calm and everyone revolved around him but even the sun was not perfect, when it burnt, it would throw out its hot light everywhere, which even though many enjoyed, got annoying after happening for a long time.
What about then? Did he turn calm? No!
Akk got up to be walking and slamming things loudly around the house early in the morning. He walked to the kitchen because he was hungry but found nothing at all. He angrily slammed a few boxes from the fridge to the floor and walked his way back to his room.
Akk was behaving like a monster, hungry for food. Hearing the annoying sounds of dishes getting thrown, his dad had woken up. Kao, his dad, knew it was him who was doing it. He had gotten quite used to the grumpy Akk in the morning. After all, he probably got it from Pete.
Kao walked outside his room to see what was going on. As expected, he saw Akk sitting on his bed with his arms crossed with a pitiful expression on his face, as if pouting.
Kao made his way to Akk's room. He sighed, not being able to believe how childish his son was even though he was almost an adult. "Akk, what's the noise? Why are you up so early?" He asked, while still rubbing his eyes from lack of sleep.
"I'm hungry..." Akk almost yelled but seeing Kao's face, he immediately regretted it. His gaze shifted down to his legs as if he got embarrassed.
"I'll make you something. Why are you making such a mess?" Kao complained and crossed his arms, slightly leaning against the door frame.
"Sorry..." Akk apologized, uncrossing his arms. Kao knew how to discipline Akk, very greatly. The thing Akk was most afraid of was disappointing people, especially his loved ones and Kao always used that to his favor.
"Hmm... Sit here quietly. I'll make you something and don't wake your father up. He had been working till late last night," Kao requested as if commanding. But that was totally fine. Akk didn't want to wake Pete up anyways. He would have scolded him badly when he found out about the mess Akk had made.
Akk did as Kao said and sat there silently. He always felt like his life was boring. In fact, he felt like he was boring. What was he always supposed to do? Be an obedient child and follow everyone's order, like a tamed dog.
That's why he had recently started messing around but even to be honest to his own self, he didn't really like that side of himself. The side that was trying to be funny, trying to catch up with other people. He liked his stern personality more.
Thinking about it, Akk sighed. His expression changed into more realistic. How long was he supposed to be like that? Act like he was fine? Fine being the so called perfect person? Maybe that was the reason why Akk had changed. From his calm, obedient personality to stubborn and raging.
Akk's eyes roamed around the room. He was still a teenager but he was always busy pleasing others unlike the other students his age. He never really tried to enjoy his life and do what he wanted to do and it always stirred up his mood. Because no matter how hard he tried, he could never be able to satisfy everyone.
In a moment, Kao had finished making what he liked to eat and called for him. Congee. One of Akk's favorite foods. Though to many people, it seemed utterly disgusting, he liked it very much.
Akk stood up, steadily making his way to the dining table and sat there silently, back to his stern personality.
It was honestly strange how Akk would practice being stern, not going easy on people. He was the school president and the head of the student prefects that year and even though the pressure drove him crazy, he wanted people to take him seriously, especially after what happened earlier that led his entire reputation to drown in the drain.
Akk quietly stirred the food and started to eat, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore as if his appetite was gone with just one thought. Kao looked at him, concerned. Kao was about to ask Akk about something before he heard small footsteps. Pete had woken up.
Pete was never that loud, inside his stern and tough looking personality lied a shy teenager. But the slippers he wore made him seem like a large person. Even though Pete hated those slippers, Kao had made it mandatory for them to wear slippers inside the house so that the house wouldn't be too dirty.
"Good morning," Pete stared to Kao and muttered. After getting woken up forcefully at 6 in the morning, he seemed awfully calm.
"...Good morning," Kao replied back. He was confused as well. He was expecting Pete to make a tantrum about why they woke him up so early but he didn't. Instead, he just pulled a chair and sat beside Akk. He even smiled at Akk.
By the time Pete sat, Akk had already finished his breakfast. He got up and walked back to his room, almost slamming the door shut for literally no reason.
After that, Akk felt bad for a moment for behaving like such an asshole but he felt like he couldn't control his anger because the guilt was only for a moment before he went back to misbehaving. He wasn't sure what he was angry over or why he was angry. Was he even mad at other people or at himself?
He didn't know and another thing he didn't like about himself was he didn't want to know. Probably because deep down, he already knew the answer to that question.
Time passed. Akk didn't know how the whole 4 hours passed before it was time for school, it just passed and he let it pass, without much happening.
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A/n: What do you think about me making Kao and Pete Akk's parents? Does it suit the characters?
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