The Turtleneck
Flapjack and Carrie both headed to the back of the barrell to find some sort of...old-ish guy? Although Carrie wasn't completely sure...He kinda looked like Squidward....but with wooden legs.
"Hey Cap'n!!" Flapjack shouted happily, causing Carrie and K'nuckles to jump.
"Gah!" He suddenly got up and out of the barrell
"Boy, how many times do I gotta tell ya to not wake me up like that!" K'nuckles complained.
He then saw Carrie and gave Flapjack a curious look, put his hand [which Carrie noticed was also made of wood] close to his mouth and asked
"Who's the girl?"
Flapjack, no longer whispering replied, "This is my new friend Carrie!"
Then he turned to Carrie and said,
"Carrie, say hello to Captain K'nuckles! The greatest captain in the seven seas!'
Carrie was surprised and a little disappointed, K'nuckles didn't seem that great. He was sleeping in a barrell for crying out loud!
"Uh.....Hello." she said awkwardly
Before K'nuckles could reply, he noticed something beautiful about her...Her mug was full of candy!
K'nuckles put on a weird smile and said: "Why hello there Carrie! Say! Where'd you get that mug of candy?"
Not knowing how K'nuckles is around candy, said: " I got it from the Candy Barrell, I got it free since I'm new here."
K'nuckles have a look....
Suddenly he jumped at Carrie and said "Gimme that!"
But Carrie was too quick on her feet and swiped the mug away
"Sorry K'nuckles but this is mine." Carrie said firmly but politely
K'nuckles lunged at it again, Carrie became irritated.
"K'nuckles cut it out!" Carrie said grumpily as she swiped the mug away again
The next time that K'nuckles tried to snag it, Carrie growled and her face seemed to grow (look at the pic below)
K'nuckles and Flapjack looked at her in shock. K'nuckles then decided that it would be best if he didn't try to take it again...
Carrie's face went back to normal and she said, "Sorry, didn't mean to freak out..." as she rubbed her arm.
Carrie then took a caramel and a peppermint piece out of the mug and gave it to K'nuckles, and gave a gumball and a sour key to Flapjack, just because she felt bad.
Carrie took some candies out and ate some too, she had a creamy caramel and a piece of peppermint and an orange lollipop, which was her favorite!
Carrie had eaten at least a dozen pieces of candy before she felt full. She decided to save them for later.
As Carrie, Flapjack and K'nuckles were heading back towards Bubbie, all three heard "Hey! Ginger kid!" and turned to their left.
K'nuckles and Flapjack's faces looked nervous...It was the Sea Urchins! A group of poor misfit kids who had terrorized Flapjack, K'nuckles and Bubbie before...
Carrie noticed the Urchins and asked: ""
"Yeah you!" The "leader" of the Urchins walked up to Carrie as the rest followed.
"Hello!" Carrie said politely as she held the mug
The boy introduced himself and his "crew" to Carrie. His name was Ricky.
"Say, where'd ya get that candy?" He asked with some sort of British accent.
Carrie, oblivious to what they are really like, said that she got it from The Candy Barrell and got it for free.
The Urchins then all seemed to smile mischievously when she said "free".
Let's just say that if Flapjack and K'nuckles were sheep, they would have a baaaaaad feeling about this interaction with the Urchins.
(Excuse my horrible puns QuQ)
Ricky reached out his hand and asked, "Can I have some?" while snagging a bit on the mug.
Carrie knew something was up, so she yanked the mug away and said, "Sorry, I'm saving these for later..."
Ricky chuckled and said "Let me rephrase that...."
Suddenly with the snap of Ricky's fingers the Urchins grabbed Flapjack and K'nuckles and tied their arms up behind their backs and two others pushed and held Carrie down with the mug still in her arms.
Carrie wriggled to get out but the boys layed on top of her. Carrie was terrified.
Flapjack and K'nuckles were also trying to escape. Only Flapjack was successful. He ran as fast as he could away from the crowd to get some help.
Carrie's face went pale because Ricky pulled something out of his jacket. It was a very sharp stone that was carved like a knife!!!
Ricky then held it to her turtleneck and said "...Give me the candy!"
Carrie, shivering, handed Ricky the mug and screamed "OK OK TAKE IT! JUST PLEASE DON'T HURT ME (starts crying).
"Hey!" An angry voice said
The Urchins faces now went pale...
"I thought I told you to STOP MESSIN' WITH MY BABY!"
Carrie smiled for she knew who's voice it was...It was Bubbie's
Flapjack was riding on top of Bubbie and they were headed towards them.
Now the Urchins were the ones shivering. Bubbie slapped her fins on the dock and it seemed to shake.
Bubbie said in an angry whisper "I suggest y'all get out of here..." then screamed "BEFORE I BOOT YOUR BUTTS TO THE MOON!" and blew steam from her blow hole.
The Urchins turned and ran away!
Carrie ran to Bubbie and gave her a big hug (❤) also while crying tears of joy, relief and also fear.
"Thank you! THANK YOU!" Carrie hugged as well as she rubbed her head on Bubbie.
"Oh pumpkin, don't thank me. It was all Flapjack!" She smiled
When Flapjack got off of Bubbie's back, Carrie ran over and hugged him.
"Thank you Flapjack!" she said
They all sighed in relief
Suddenly....A boomerang...with knife like blade edges came flying right towards Bubbie! Carrie couldn't let Flapjack's mother figure get hurt...or worse....
"BUBBIE! LOOK OUT!" Flapjack and K'nuckles screamed in unison
Bubbie gasped and covered her face.
*Shing* *Rrrrrriiiipppp*
Then all was quiet for a few moments...
The boomerang was gone and Bubbie was okay!
Bubbie uncovered her face and Flapjack ran to hug her. Then they turned around to see Carrie just... standing there.
"Carrie honey? Are you okay?" Bubbie asked
Suddenly the three heard a little whimper coming from her...
"Carrie?" Flapjack asked worriedly
Carrie turned around...
Her face beared a traumatic expression. She had a puppy lip, tears were dripping from her eyes, her turtleneck was completely torn to shreads. Worst of all she hat cuts on her tummy. Some were bleeding a little bit.
Flapjack, Bubbie and even K'nuckles gasped.
"Waaaaaaaaah!" Carrie cried and ran to Bubbie.
She may be smart, but she was helpless! They all had her pinned and she couldn't reach her freeze balls to defend herself. Plus, after what Bubbie did for her, she wanted to return the favor.
"Oh it's ok muffin..." Bubbie said as she gently rubbed her back. "Let me see sweetie." Bubbie said
She showed her the cuts....and her nipples (accidentally)
"Gah! What are those pepperoni-lookin' things?!" K'nuckles said in horror
Bubbie shook her head and said to herself, "And that's why K'nuckles doesn't have a girlfriend."
"I heard that, whale!" K'nuckles said grumpily
Bubbie opened her mouth and said, "Come on in and let's get you fixed up"
Carrie stared down at her rag of a turtleneck
"What about my turtleneck?" Carrie said sadly
Bubbie thought for a moment and said "We'll find you a new outfit! Especially 'cause I can't sew."
Carrie nodded and hopped in the whales mouth. Flapjack watched and waited with... excitement?
Whoo! What a chapter! There's more to come! Stay tuned and see you guys later!❤
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