The Holographic Universe
What if we are not really in a three dimensional universe? What if we are instead in a holographic universe? How would that be possible?
Well, it turns out that one can display three-dimensional objects in a two dimensional holograph composed of interference patterns. This is based on well-established optical principles.
So, what would our universe be in this case? There are two possibilities, or there are two ways to consider it:
Our universe is a four dimensional space that is represented by a there dimensional boundary.
Our universe is a four dimensional boundary of a five dimensional space.
In both cases the information contained is the same. This idea is radical because it suggests that our entire universe is a holographic projection on the event horizon of some massive black hole. In other words, our entire universe is a hologram. Much of this idea comes from the fact that most of what see as solid matter is empty space. An atom is a tiny point (nucleus) surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which are very, very tiny. In other words, most of matter doesn't take up much space. If you removed the electrons from your body, what's left would fit on the head of a pin. In other words you are a pinhead! Just kidding!
In a similar fashion a hologram is nothing more than a diffraction pattern that appears be solid. Now, combine this with the idea that matter and energy are interchangeable one could consider matter to be condensed energy. So, we are mostly empty space and energy.
From this it's easy to suggest that our universe is simply a hologram on either the outer edge of the universe or the event horizon of a giant black hole. In other words we're just an illusion. Well, it's actually a projection of the real us.
How in the devil would scientists prove this theory? They would construct a Holometer, a device that would detect cosmic jitter, the kind of blurry imagery one would expect when a hologram is viewed at the granular level. It's like a noise or jitter in spacetime. The way it would work is to measure the propagation of light in two different directions. It depends on the idea that streaming information that forms the hologram has a limit, which scientists believe is the Planck frequency of 10 to the 44 power bits per second. That would be the noise. An actual holometer is being constructed and hopefully will produce data soon.
This idea is just another result of string theory, but its origin is from the problem with Black hole entropy. It seems that the holographic principle solved the problem because it showed that the information contained in objects that fell into the black hole would be contained in surface fluctuations of the event horizon.
So, is it true? The answer is possibly, but otherwise it's just another weird quantum physics model of our universe.
Thanks for reading.
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