"They'll be back"
“Mom? Y-you s-still h-here?” A small soft voice rang out through the room. A little girl entering the room. Her usually bright yellow eyes now as dull are the dark room. A woman behind the young child. Her hair being light blue, Pink, and green,
“My child, Sister, its nice to see you…” The woman laying in the bed says softly. Her throat sore and her voice hoarse.
“Nat, dear sister, How are you doing?” The woman near the child asks.
“As good as I can be, Celestia.” The once wide awake ruler said as she lay on her death bed with a small smile. Not wanting to frighten her eldest child even more then she had been.
“Mom, When are you coming back home. We need you. Chara, Fluttershy and the babies need you.” The eldest daughter asked as tears rolled down her eyes. She remembered that just a few months ago her mother gave birth to a lovely human daughter just a few weeks before she turned 6 it was a wonderful birthday. Just a week before the whole thing started. Everything was fine till then. She had another sibling and they even managed to adopt one they found just two days before her birthday.
“Night, please…. I….. I dont know…… b-but do promise me… t-that you w-will take care of them. Make sure they stay alive?” The young girl’s mother asked.
“I-I will. I promise.” The girl says to her mother tears going down her face for the tenth time just that day. They found the soul shared. In the rumble. Her father’s body had burned to dust as well as her aunt and uncle leaving behind soul shareds. A few turned into seeds. The God and Goddess of the skys decided that they would come back.
“They’ll come back.” Nightlara whispers as she mindlessly walked behind the group. It was already the next day and they were going to welcome the monsters back after 12 years.
John had been 4 years old and emily was about 2 months younger then Nightlara, when it had happened. When everything fell apart.
“Do you think frisk will be there? Oh I hope she will. She missed a lot in the meeting! How do you think the monsters will adapt back? Do they need to adapt back? Do you think that any of Mom’s old monster friend are still around?” Moonlight kept asking everyone. She asked and asked before her name was yelled out and she was captured into a hug.
“FRISK! YAY! YOU MISSED SOO MUCH YESTERDAY!” Moonlight started before going on and on about the events of yesterday’s meeting.
“Hello there, My name is Gaurida. Its actually nice to meet you all.” Gaurdia says slightly bowing a bit towards the king and former Queen of monsters.
“ Nice to meet you all to. Say, can you help us a bit?” Asgore asked after bowing in return of Gaurdia.
“We actually came to help you anyway possible. We also have homes ready for all monsters and a bit extra already. Things kinda have changed a bit since you were in the underground.” Elisabeth said.
“Oh. why thank you.. Might I ask, does your parents know? Or did they just let you?” Toriel asked knowing that the eldest of the small group would have been 17 but wanted to make sure.
“Parents? We dont need their permission….” Gaurdia says before trailing off a bit and looking at Elisabeth then the one who had trailed behind them mindlessly. She just watched Frisk and moonlight and fluttershy talk.
“Really!? THAT SOUNDS SO COOL! Good to know our dodging training doesn’t go to waste!” Moonlight giggled out as frisk told a short tale of her journey in the underground.
“Lala? You ok?” Gaurdia asked. The yellowed eyed birthday girl before being elbowed in the side a bit.
“Really Gaurdia? That nickname?” Elisabeth asked.
“Really.” Gaurdia replied making Frisk and Moonlight giggle now having their attention on The pink and the light blue girls calling Nightlara by one of her nicknames.
“Whatever. Lara? You alright? You’r staring off into space aga-.... Night, Your LV……” Elisabeth said looking at Nightlara.
The yellow haired girl got what elisabeth said a nodded a bit now thinking of something else. Her LV rose and now went back down. This didn’t go unnoticed by toriel or sans.
“ Anyways. Lets get you all settled in.” Nightlara finally says before ushering them to follow as she lead them down to the empty road of houses, all still being in mint condition like they were just built a week ago. After a few hours house were given away all the monsters who were now moving boxes and helping other move boxes.
“Nightlara?” Frisk asked as she walked up to her sisters a bit
“Yes frisk?”
“Two things. First is, can you either get Gaurdia to make Flowey/ Asriel a soul or the other thing for him to get a soul and um… Well Toriel kinda wants to adopt me. A bit…. Maybe even-” Frisk didn't have to say anymore. Mainly because she was cut off a bit.
“I’ll get Gaurida to do it. Also, as long as she also takes in moonlight, then I dont care.” She said booping frisk’s nose.
“You two need to stick together and well You two can’t just live in the orphanage or with Me..” She continues to say trailing off at the end.
“You’re moving around a whole bunch and to places its not safe for us and at the orphanage we eventually have to help with the little kids everyday.” Frisk says smiling a bit.
“Exactly. Now how about you go along and help them. Tell Toriel that she can adopt you as long as she takes Moonlight. I’ll go find Gaurdia.” Nightlara says.
“Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!” Frisk says before dashing off. Before she completely disappeared. Nightlara heard frisk yell out
“ They’ll be back! Eventually!”
“They’ll be back.”
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