Getting ready
Third person p.o.v:
The two young princesses was running through the crumbling building with their parents behind them. There was smoke and fire everywhere was the dark grey building and the buildings around it was crumbling and burning to the ground.
“GIRLS! RUN FASTER” they both heard their Mother yell out. Unknown to them that their father had fallen.
“Come on bella! Were almost there!” the eldest said to her little sister. They soon ran out of the crumblin, burning building of their castle. The shadow kingdom was burning to the ground around them.
“Mom? Dad?” She asked as she looked around. The Pink shadow princess looking back not paying any attention to the surroundings as she saw the castle fall down and the exit being blocked just after they had exited the castle.
“AHH!” The blue princess screamed as she was attacked. The eldest started to be pulled away by a guard that had spotted them just as the youngest was attacked.
“No! Bella!”
“Princess Elisabeth, We have to leave! Im sorry but shes gone.” the guard told the young pink shadow princess as he picked her up and ran away with what was left of the Shadow people that wasnt killed or crupted.
Shadow Population went from around 15,104,800 down to about 1,000.
Crupted Shadow population went from about 100, to about 14,073.900.
The shadow kingdom had fallen.
Elisabeth’s p.o.v:
I sighed as I watched Gaudria do her hair for the fifth time today. Nightlara was still in her room but she was ready for the meeting.
“Gaurdia, your hair is fine, now lets go to this boring meeting!” I hear Nightlara yell now out of her room for the first time in hours.
“Ok, Ok. is Adam, Hero and Teddy going to be there btw?” Guardian asks, finishing up and standing up.
“Ya. they are. Also Night! Your lv is going all over the place!” I yell out to nightlara. We don't know why but Nightlara’s LV can change in an instant and she wouldn't be doing anything. We don't even know when it started to happen either.
“Shiiiiiiooooot!” she yells out. I roll my eyes a bit and keep myself from laughing. John,Emily and moonlight had arrived about 30 minutes ago for the meeting today so we couldn't really swear. Emily hated it when we swear in front of her little innocent brother who was actually 18 and has been around swearing and has sworn before without her knowing and then Moonlight is 12 years old. So by nightlara’s standards, She and Frisk are 2 to 3 years away from being allowed to swear. But we still are used to not swearing in front of them.
Me and Gaurdia soon arrive downstairs and we head out the doors of the castle home. The place wasnt built like a normal castle. It still had the castle front, Planning room, Ballroom, which was the throne room, and a ‘Forbidden’ Hallway that no ‘commoner’ can go down. Those were all in the front and behind the grand staircase that had the thrones on it had a double door that lead to what looked like a mansion on the inside. The was a couple of towers too but it wasnt really that amazing. Somehow the glass windows had light behind them and it even changed with the day and night cycle. Although the glass window was just fancy and on the other side was The main room of the house part of this place. Up the grand staircase was another level of the castle which was actually the planning room that had a door to the second floor of the House part that was usually locked for the planning meeting that we only have like once a year or once there is an emergency.
“Finally. Took you all long enough.” Aria said looking at us.
“Sorry, but Princesses Guardian here had to fix her hair for the, what, Tenth time today?” I ask.
“Hey! One, If your going to call me princess, then do it right and call me Princess Gaurdia! Not Guardian! Second of all, It was the third time. I'm not THAT Perfectionism (literally had to google that TwT)!” Gaurdia said. We laughed a bit before heading to the meeting in the court house down the street a bit and a few turns away.
‘You know, I wonder how your doing bella. Probably the same as Starfire and all of our subjects. You know, the over 14 million shadows. Today’s Nightlara’s birthday. She is turning 18 this year….. Remember when we were at her 6th birthday party with our parents and Gaurdia and her parents were there too? I remember that Her and Daylara used to ask every year if we could stay the night for Daylara’s party tomorrow every year since we started to talk. I remember how you would love the Idea of another cake the next day and would barely sleep. I miss those days. I bet Nightlara does too.’ I think to myself as we walk. What happened back then? What led to these occurrences?
I don't think any of us know the answer to that.
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