Chapter 6: The Letter
Seether and her wolves dragged Bane and December off to the Sun Kingdom. She pulled Bane by the long hair on his head. His navy and white coat began to become brown with mud and dirt. Dirt and mud seeped into his wounds.
She walked to the door. The two guards did a small bow to her briefly then opened the large copper doors.
"Got the fugitive thief December and King Comet's son Bane," Seether gloated to the two guards. They looked at her in surprise.
"You got Prince Bane? What was he doing here!?" One of them asked in astonishment.
Seether shrugged. "Enough questions, King Solar needs to see this!"
The two guards nodded and she and her wolves walked through, they closed the doors. It seemed like a miracle, but Bane woke from unconsciousness. He was too confused and in pain to know what was going on. He threw up water onto the red and gold carpet of the castle.
Seether wrinkled her muzzle into a frown-snarl. "Ugh! You pig! Hard to see how you were ever a prince!" She snarled disgustedly.
Bane instinctively shook his fur out to clear out the mud, blood, and dirt, spraying it all over Seether and the wolves. They all snarled and barked out wolf curses.
Seether pulled a glob of mud from her chest-fur. "Disgusting. King Solar is gonna kill me for this," She hissed.
The group dragged him to the throne room. A orange wolf that looked similar to Seether was on a gold and copper throne. He had black eyes with yellow pupils. There was no queen in the throne next to him. He looked rather bored.
"Oh, hello Seether. What did you bring- look at you! You got blood, mud, and dirt all over my carpet!" The wolf snarled.
Seether bowed to him. "Greetings King Solar, we apologize for the mess, we caught trespassers on our- your territory," she corrected quickly.
King Solar slowly nodded. "Who are they? Can't tell with all that muck!" He asked.
"The fugitive thief December and Prince Bane," she answered.
"Prince Bane? What in the three kingdoms is he doing in my territory!?" King Solar hissed, glaring at Bane.
"He-" Seether was interrupted by the orange wolf.
"Let him speak for himself!" King Solar snapped.
Seether was clearly peeved but tried hard not to show it. "Of course sir,"
Bane lifted his head weakly. "Who are you? Where am I? December?" He mumbled, shakily standing.
December was still out cold.
"I will not answer your questions! Answer mine!" King Solar snapped, sounding impatient.
"I....I...." Bane stuttered.
"Yes?" The orange wolf hissed.
"I was kicked out of my Kingdom. My father thought that I murdered Prince Moon...." he murmured.
"Did you murder Prince Moon?" King Solar asked.
"N...No! Of course not! I would never murder my older brother!" Bane barked.
"Sounds to me like you did!" He sneered.
"No I-"
"Guards! Take these two down to the dungeon!"
Wolves surrounded Bane and December and the two were taken down a set of stairs beneath the floor of the throne room. They had chains and cuffs slapped roughly on their limbs and muzzles. They were thrown into small cubicles with barely any space to move around.
Bane heard a loud crunch as he was throne in and looked to see that his rump had crushed a wolf skull. He shuttered and looked through the bars at December who was in a prison next to him. Her injuries were very severe.
Seether and the other wolves taunted and jeered at the two for a bit before going back up the stairs and shutting the door.
Seether went upstairs to her room in the castle. The king had a nice room built for her. A bed made from the finest silk and a pillow stuffed with the finest wool from sheep. She had a writing desk with a black ink pot on it and a stack of scroll paper. There was a torch over it for lighting. This was the room that a princess would have.
She was not King Solar's daughter but she was his niece. He really liked her. He did not have a Queen by his side, rumors had it that he married a random wolf, had kids with her then killed her. There was not sufficient evidence for this but it did make sense. He had a daughter named Princess Autumn, a son named Prince Flame, and another son named Prince Copper.
Seether was friends with Princess Autumn, the two had a similar point of view and believed the same things.
She sat on the chair in front of the writing desk and dipped her claws into the ink and began to write. When she was finished her letter read:
Dear King Comet,
Your son was caught on Sun Kingdom Territory with three rogue rebel animals, Charlie the fugitive cat from the Twilight Kingdom, a server who rebelled against her owners. Silver, the wolf who ran away from the Moon Kingdom with her sister December.
You need to get control of your children. This is ridiculous! He came here claiming that he was falsely accused of the slaughter of Prince Moon! Can you believe that nonsense! You better come over here you fox-whiskered, ragged, shameless demon! And you better come with your entire fortune if you want to see your cowardly son again you sinful scum-bag!
-General Seether of the Sun Kingdom, letter delivered by Ludicrous of the Sun Kingdom.
Seether placed it in a wooden scroll holder and gave it to a gray male hawk with orange eyes, a yellow vest, and a white bandana.
"Ludicrous, I want you to deliver this letter to King Comet. Once you do, do not linger unless you want to become tonight's dinner for them," she instructed.
The bird nodded and grabbed the scroll case in his talons. "I will do my duty as a messenger-bird!" He vowed and flew through her open window into the twilight.
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