Untitled Part 9
Louie and minima climbed the mountain to try to find the others. Minima came up with a plan herself to use rope to get up, unfortunately the rope was in the plane so they had to walk back down the mountain to grab it. then they had to climb the mountain again by the time they got to the top they were exhausted.
"Ok, next to find the hidden underground tunnels of selene"Minima said completely exhausted and panting "This way!" They sneaked past selenes guards and made there way to the tunnel.
"Well that's it"Webby said "Nobody knows we're here,Not Scrooge, Not Donald"She sighed "Not even granny, We've failed guys face it we should've stayed home".
Dewey thought about it for a moment, No matter what the cost, Dewey was going to set this right, there's no point in giving up at this point they got too far to quit. "No"Dewey said.
"What do mean no?"Huey asked
"Did Alexander Hamilton become a hero by giving up?"Dewey asked
"Alexander Hamilton died!"Huey said
"Well did Christopher Columbus discover America by giving up?"Dewey asked
"He found it on accident!"Huey said
"Ok...what about Juan Pounce de Lion?"Dewey asked "If he gave up he wouldn't have found the fountain of youth!"
"Dewey...you're an imbecile, but your hearts in the right place so I'm with you"Huey said
"Great, Webby?"Dewey asked
Webby thought about it then looked at Dewey and smiled "Always"She said
Della was in her room both confused and depressed. The name Donald sounded oddly familiar and the same time not, it was almost as if there was someone inside of her trying to escape. She thought harder and harder "Why can't I remember?"She asked herself. Then she heard a knock on her door.
"Come in!"Della shouted and it was Diana Her friend.
"Della?"Diana asked "Is everything ok?"She asked
"I don't know"She answered "That boy from earlier seemed really upset"She said
"Oh he's fine now"Diana said "He was probably just confused or just plain crazy"
"Yeah, How do I know Donald?"She asked "Who was he?"
"Oh...Um he was... you're secretary"She said
"That's funny because That kid was the one who mentioned him"She said
"oh I thought you said Ronald"She faked laughed
"Diana!"Della yelled "Tell me the truth!"
Diana paused for about a minute before finally "He's your son"She said
Della was mad, sad and felt completely betrayed "Why didn't you tell me?"She asked
"Because if you knew, you would've left forever and then I'd be alone again"She said "I don't want to lose my best friend"
"Friends don't keep secrets Diana, especially secrets that can get someone hurt!"She said
"Della im sorry I was just-"
"No!"Della yelled "You've betrayed our friendship!"
"I can restore your memory!"She said
"You took it?"She asked
"No, but I know how to find it come on!"She said as she grabbed Dellas hand and took her to the library.
Webby noticed that the floor was just dirt and the bars were very week so she's used a shovel that she had in her bag of course, And dug a tunnel underneath. Next she took out the guards using her karate skills and stole the keys to let Huey and Dewey out.
"Nice work webby!"Dewey said "Now we need to find Louie before He gets himself into more trouble"Dewey said.
"Yeah he's the rebellious one"Huey said sarcastically and they went back up to the side of the temple to try to find Louie and minima or Della. As Louie and minima where underground well under the temple that is.
"Dewey we need to call Donald"Webby said "He'd know what to do".
"I can't, I left my phone on the plane"He said
"Mine died"Huey explained
"Ok find Louie and minima then call your uncle!"Webby said
"You seem really tense webby, Are you ok?"Dewey asked
"Of course I am dummy!"She yelled which made the guards notice them.
"Run!"Huey shouted and they ran from the guards. They started to gain on them. There was a old trap door that lead to the underground tunnel Dewey fell inside, Huey and webby didn't notice what happened and continued running.
After they completely escaped they hid in a bush that was planted outside of the temple.
"Where's Dewey?"Huey asked
"Oh my gosh, they have Dewey!"Webby whispered loudly.
"Shh"Huey shushed webby and put his hand over her beak "We don't Know that for sure, follow me"He said as they crawled out of the bushes and went to find Him.
Diana took Della to the secret library of selene "I didn't want to do this Della because the writer of this book was Poe de spell"Diana explained "But maybe there's a spell to heal you"She said
"Diana I'm trusting you, Don't blow it!"Della said
Diana grabbed His old wand and Recited the memory spell she found, unfortunately the spell made Della fall asleep, according to the book it would take a while to remember completely but it didn't say how long. Diana started to worry when.
"Miss?"A guard interrupted "The prisoners have escaped!"He said
"Well find them!"She said
"We've tried Miss but we lost sight of them!"he said
"If you want something done, you do it yourself!"She said
Huey and webby went back to find any sign of Dewey when they found the open trapped door.
Dewey had rolled down the small hill of rocks and bolders that were inside in result some crushed his leg, Arm and head. He passed out instantly. He had bruises all over and his head was bleeding like crazy.
"DEWEY!"Webby yelled and she and Huey slowly and carefully climbed down to help Dewey.
Huey was so scared of losing Dewey His heart felt as if it stopped, it even felt like everything was blacked out for a while. He didn't waste time, He checked Dewey's pulse and heartbeat. "He's still breathing"He said
Webby's eyes were already bright red, She's never been so scared in her life, this all felt like a blur, she couldn't even talk.
Huey got up and looked around "I'm going to find help, Stay here and don't move!"He said.
Webby was on the floor continued to cry and grabbed Dewey and held him close "I'm so sorry Dewey"She said "I'm sorry I didn't trust you, I'm sorry I yelled at you and I'm so sorry for being so selfish"She said "Im sorry I didn't tell you the truth and most of all I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much I love you"She said "You're my best friend, your the whole world to me, I can't let you die, please stay with me"She said as she continued to cry.
Someone came up from behind her holding a sword and asked "Who are you and why have you come here?"
Webby turned Her head and saw Diana. She didn't answer because if she did Her mother would know who she was.
Diana asked again louder "Who are you and why have you come here?"
If webby told her the truth, maybe Diana would help Dewey but she wasn't sure if she should trust her.
"Answer me!"Diana yelled as he pointed the sword at her.
"Rufus Vanderquack!"Webby yelled
Diana became terrified she dropped her sword "What did you say?"She asked shaking
"Rufus was my father, I am webby vanderquack"She said
"You're alive?"She asked
Webby set Dewey down for just a moment, Her clothes were covered in Dewey's blood but she didn't care She stood us face to face with her mother and said "Yes I am"
Diana was shocked She took a good look at webby and smiled and she said "My beautiful baby girl, you look just like your father"She had tears in her eyes and hugged webby tight, webby hugged her but then pulled back "My friend is hurt"Webby said "Can you help?"She asked
"Of course dear!"Diana said then panicked "Hold on I'll be right back, Don't move!"She said then went to get the guards.
Launchpad, Gladstone,Scrooge and Donald Finally made it to selene
"Look there!"Scrooge said "That's where they landed the plane!"
launchpad crashed next to it and they all started looking around
launchpad noticed the damage on the plane and started to cry "My plane"He said sadly "Look at it"He said and he got on his hands and knees
Scrooge put his hand on launchpads shoulder "Launchpad I.."
"That's the most beautiful crash I've ever seen!"Launchpad said "I'm so proud of him!"
Scrooge hit launchpad on the head with his cane
"Hey guys?"Gladstone got their attention "selens that way"He said pointing upwards
They all flew up to selenes temple.
Huey walked to the cave when he finally caught up with minima and Louie.
"Minima, Louie thank goodness!"Huey said "Do you have your phone?"He asked
Louie handed his phone to Huey and he called Donald and explained everything, they then found they're way back to webby and Dewey and waited.
"Boys?"They heard Donald yell
"Over here uncle Donald!"Louie yelled back, Donald Scrooge Gladstone Diana and her guards made there way down to Dewey. Donald held him in his arms, He felt so week as if There wasn't much left of him "Oh Dewey"Donald said as he held him closer "Don't leave me"He said
"Mr duck, one more thing"Diana said "You're sister is inside".
"Della?"...Donald asked
Donald, Gladstone Scrooge, webby, Minima and the boys went inside the plane and launched carried Della inside.
As launchpad was helping Della, Diana talked to webby "Darling I'd love it if you'd stay here with me and you're grandmother, We can explain and you can learn anything you want about selene and live in the temple on the moon!"She said
webby wasn't sure, it was too much to take in at once "Can I take some time to think about it?"She asked "I need to make sure Dewey's ok"She said
"Of course here"She handed webby a horn "When you make up your mind blow this horn and I'll come to you she said.
"Are you coming?"She asked
"I can't leave this place webby."Diana said
Webby thanked her As They went to the ER to help Dewey and Della. Donald was too distracted by dewey to even care about Della. Dewey was still bleeding out of his head. Donald comforted him and put a clean, rag on his head to help with the bleeding, Dewey seemed to get weaker and weaker Donald was wondering weather or not they'll make it in time
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