Untitled Part 10
They made it to the hospital and they helped Dewey and Della right away. When they took Dewey from Donald it felt horrible, Donald really wanted to be there with Him.
They waited about an hour in complete silence, Louie sat next to Donald and leaned over to Him for comfort. Donald Put His arm around Louie, He rubbed the top of Louie's head to comforted him.
Huey sat on the complete other side of the room, He hated himself for letting it go too far his hands where over his head and He didn't say a word, But He kept thinking to himself "You failed, Your the oldest it's your job to protect Him!"Huey tried To stay strong for Dewey but He couldn't He started to tear up. How could He let something happen to His brother?
Minima noticed how upset Huey and Louie were. She really wanted to comfort Them but she thought it might be better to leave them alone.
Scrooge thought otherwise, He sat down next to Huey and placed His hand on His shoulder "He's goin ta be alright lad"Scrooge said.
"You don't know that for sure"Huey said
"aye but I have a feeling"He said "Huey I..."Huey interrupted Scrooge and said
"I know what your going to say Uncle Scrooge I should never have let Him do this, Im the oldest I'm supposed to protect them and I failed"Huey looked down in defeat. He hated Himself so much for this.
"That's not what I was goin ta say lad"Scrooge said "You're not in charge of making sure yer brothers are safe, That's our job, I should know I had two younger sisters myself, but it is yer job to tell us when you do something crazy like this"Scrooge said
"I'm sorry Uncle Scrooge, I won't do it again"He said
"I'm sorry too lad,We shouldn't have kept Della from ye lads in ta first place"He said
Huey has never heard His Uncle apologize before for anything. He was always so defensive "I understand Uncle Scrooge and I'm not mad at you, I never was, I just didn't want the secrets to destroy our Family"He said He hugged Scrooge tight, Scrooge use to hate when the boys tried to hug him but he's gotten use to it after time. "I promise lad, Nothing is going to destroy this Family".
Louie fell asleep on Donald. He realized how late it wasn't getting so He looked over at Gladstone "Gladstone maybe you should take the boys and webby home"He said
"What?"Webby said "No I'm not leaving Him!"
"Please Uncle Donald we need to know he's ok"Huey said
"Ok"Donald agreed "But Webby call your grandmother and let her know your ok"He said
She nodded her head and started to call her
"You too Minima, call whoever is talking care of you so they don't worry"He said and she did so.
They continued to wait about another hour until.
"Dewey Ducks father?"The nurse called
"Here take him"Donald said to Gladstone and set Louie next to Him.
"You're the father?"The nurse asked
"Uncle actually"He said
"Are You His Legal guardian?"She asked writing this down.
"Yes"He answered "Is He ok?"Donald asked
"We're not sure,He has a basilar skull fracture right behind the ears, A broken arm, Black eye and a sprained ankle. we just need to run more tests and keep Him here for a few days."She explained
"Ok, can I see Him?"Donald asked
"You can but he's still asleep"She said
"Ok"Donald said
"And what about Della?"Scrooge asked
"Oh Della, woke up with a full recovery"She explained "Would you like to see her?"
"Aye"He said
Donald turned to Gladstone who was reading a magazine while Louie was sleeping on Him. "You got this?"He asked
Gladstone looks up and smiled "Yeah I got it, just make sure Dew-Drops ok"He said then winked.
Donald smiled then followed the nurse to His room.
Dewey was still very weak He had bandages on His wrist,leg and Head. He needed A ventilator to help him breathe so the body could rest.
Donald walked over to Him, He's never been so scared in His life, This was even worse then when Della left. Donald placed His hand on Dewey's head and whispered to Him. "You're gonna be ok dew"He said "Please be ok"
Dewey heard Donald and He slowly forced His eyes open, His vision was blurry and He was so tired but He really wanted to apologize to Donald "Uncl Donal-"He tried to get up but Donald pushed Him back down "I...I'm so sor-"
"Shh...Dewey we can talk about this later, get some rest"He said gently
Dewey almost did But if He didn't make it, He wanted to talk to Donald at least one more time, He wanted to say something simple that would show Donald how much He loves him, Dewey got enough strength to ask "Do you still Love m-"He dozed off and fell asleep again.
Donald remembered when Dewey would ask that, He's only done it a couple times when He was younger. Donald's eyes were full of tears, He slowly leaned in and kissed Dewey's forehead "To the moon and back"He said.
Della was in Her room sitting up on the side of the bed thinking about what to do next, when she heard a small knock on the door, She turned around and saw Scrooge.
"Uncle scrooge"She said with relief and hugged Him tight, He hugged Her right back with tears in His eyes. "Ye have no idea how great it is to hold ye in mah arms again lassie"He said.
"I'm so sorry I took the spear but I-"She started to explain
"Della you can explain later"He said "I understand"He said
"What do I do Uncle Scrooge?"She asked "Its been too long I don't know who I am now, The boys don't even need me anymore"She said
"That's not true lass, Dewey wouldn't have tried to find ye if He didn't think he needed ye"Scrooge explained
"I guess"She said
"Listen lass you have so much left to live for"Scrooge said "The boys are great, they're so much like ye, especially Dewey"He said
"Oh is he ok?"She asked
"He'll be just fine"He said "Yer More then welcome to stay with us at the mansion"Scrooge said
"I can't do that"She said
"And why not?"He asked
"I've already hurt them too much"She said "I don't want to hurt them again"She said
"Lass, get some rest"Scrooge said "We can talk more about it later"He said
"Well I called my aunt"Minima said "She said she'll pick me up in a hour or so".
"Do you live far from here?"Gladstone asked
"No, my aunts probably just busy"She said
"I'll tell you what, I'll take you home"He said
"Oh well you don't have to if you don't want to, I can wait"She said
"It's no trouble at all plus I want to make sure you get home ok, LP watch the kids ok?"He asked
"No problem mr Glaid"He said
"Yeah, Don't call me that"He said then rented a cab to take Minima home.
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