Chapter 3:
That night after everyone was asleep they packed up for the adventure, their uncles had no idea any of this was going on and this seriously worried louie, "Hey guys are you sure this is a good idea considering what might happen?"Louie asked. This wasn't so uncommon for louie to be nervous about any sort of adventure, so his brothers weren't too concerned.
"What could happen?"Dewey asked.
"Well we could crash the airoplane,hit a tornado, get killed by a hurricane, Massive electrical shock from lightning and most likely die, Get food poisoning, Land in the water and drown, Freeze to death or worst of all get caught by Uncle Donald"Huey said.
"Ok we didn't need that much info huebert, I'm only relating to being grounded forever"Louie said "You know how often they talk about you know who".
"Never, that's the point they never talk about her"Dewey said, "And that why we have to do this, We can't go our whole lives without knowing".
"Yeah we can, we've lived this long without knowing"Louie said "Right hue?"
"Actually Louie I think Dewey's right, Lying and keeping secrets have been breaking this family"Huey explained "If we figure it out they won't have to keep it from us".
"Maybe they kept this secret for a reason,"Louie argued "And if we happen to die in the mist of it all then what?"
"Then they'll learn not to keep secrets!"Dewey said.
"Or trust their kids"Louie's mumbles.
"Look we can only do this if we work together"Dewey said "Are you with me?"
"I don't think so dew, not this time"Louie said.
"Then you can stay and explain to Uncle Donald why we left"Huey said.
Louie rolled his eyes and said "Fine I'm in".
"We better get some rest, We need a early start Tomorrow"Huey said.
"I hate getting up early"Louie complained "Why are we doing that again?"
"Because Uncle Scrooge gets up at like six AM"Dewey explained.
"Don't worry I set the alarm"Huey said then turned off the light "Goodnight guys".
"Night Huey, Night Louie"Dewey said then went to sleep.
"Night"Louie said, He laid down and stared a top the ceiling, He wanted to do the right thing, Not because he was a good kid but because he didn't want to know, Della left a long time ago and she would be disappointed if she knew what he'd become, He was absolutely nothing like her and nothing could change that. Even if he did change he'd still have that reputation.
That next day early morning at three AM, Minima waited outside the boys window, Huey,Dewey,Louie and webby finished packing,They didn't know how long the journey would take so they brought everything they needed including tools,Food and camping supplies . Louie even brought the envelope but still didn't explain it or open it, or even show it to his brothers.
Huey,Dewey and webby had no problems waking up early but Louie was a different story they had to wake him up and drag him out of bed. They packed up launchpads airplane and they all got inside.
"Dewey are you sure you can fly this thing?"Huey asked "especially in your condition".
"It's just a little sore arm it's nothing and I've flown an airplane before remember?"He asked acting so proud of himself.
"Crashing a plane and flying one are two different things."Huey explained.
"Well lucky for us launchpad taught me how to do both of those things!"Dewey said as he started to fly. Honestly they started to wonder if this was a bad idea, Dewey hasn't had that much experience flying.
"Ok where is the apple and where's the banana?"Dewey asked himself.
"Seriously?"Minima asked "we're all going to die!"She said but Dewey figured it out, Was he perfect? Heck no! But hey they're in the air and on their way to Gladstone gander.
"Ok so how do you know about the spear and how do you know about Your mom?"Webby asked minima.
"I found her old diary"Minima said as she brought it out "It doesn't give all the information we need but it does mention that Gladstone and Della were part of the crew to return the spear to Selene"Minima explained.
"Why did they have to return it?"Huey asked.
"It says that as soon as Scrooge and Donald took the spear It set off a mystical curse that would freeze duckburg for ten years!"She said "they had to return it within five days or it would freeze".
Dewey was happy to hear Della didn't betray Scrooge, He knew she'd do the right thing "So why so many people on one journey?"Dewey asked.
"Keep you're Eyes on the clouds dewferd!"Huey said.
"It says there was Della duck, Blinda harbor My mom,Gladstone gander, Diana Regina which is the daughter of seline, Poe de spell, and someone named Rufus "She said "isn't that spooky?"She asked.
"Not the word I'd use"Huey said "what else does it say?"He asked.
"Well there's a lot of random stuff about Gladstone and magica"She said.
"Magica and Poe de spell?"Webby asked "wait Gladstone?"She asked confused.
"Apparently Poe aka my dad deceived everyone so he could have the spear to himself, and magica attempt to Turn Gladstone into a crow he luckily slipped on something and it hit her brother instead"Minima said.
"That's not all, apparently magica Kidnapped Poes firstborn before she was even hatched aka my sister Lena and so she's hid me to keep me safe from him"She said.
"Wait a second You Are Magica De Spells Neice?"Huey asked
"And Lena is too?"Webby asked.
"Yup, I can't believe Louie didn't tell you"She's said, Then looked at Louie and he already fell asleep again.
They've been flying for three hours straight, Huey could tell Dewey was getting tired so they landed (or crashed) and took a break.
"Uncle Scrooge should be awake by now"Huey said.
"Granny is probably very disappointed in me"Webby said.
Dewey's put his hand on her shoulder "Don't worry webby it'll all work out I promise"he said.
She smiled at him brightly and soon everyone fell asleep for about thirty minutes. Soon they all woke up and noticed and so they started flying again. Dewey was wondering what Scrooge and Uncle Donald were doing and what they'll think when they find out.
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