Chapter 1: The unexpected visitor
It's been a couple months, nobody talked about what happened to Louie, webby and Dewey didn't even ask about the photo Louie took. Mostly because they didn't know if He was really the one who took it, Louie didn't open the envelope either. Absolutely nothing has changed. Louie was sitting on his bed reading a comic book, He started to think about the note, should he open it? Should he tell his brothers? Should he burn it? Yeah that's what he wanted to do but He couldn't in fact Louie couldn't do anything about it. He had put the note and the photo in a secret stash under the tiles of the floor. If Huey and Dewey found it He doesn't know what he would say.
"HI LOUIE!"Webby jumped on him.
"WEBBY!"He jumped back "You scared me!"He said.
"Sorry"webby said "wanna play a game?"She asked.
"No"Louie said and continued reading his comic book.
"why not?"She asked sitting next to Him.
"Because last time we played a game you sprained Dewey's arm!"He snapped "He's still recovering!"He said.
"I thought he was a villain!"She said.
"You were playing checkers!"He said.
"Yeah I got nothing"She said She looked over his comic book "whatcha reading?"She asked.
"Would you please get lost?"He asked.
"Fine sorry"She said then started to walk away, then she stopped and looked back "Hey Louie is everything ok?"She asked.
"Sure, why?"He asked.
"I don't know, you haven't been acting like yourself that's all"She said.
"Sorry"that's all Louie could say.
"Do you want to talk about it?"She asked.
"Nope"Louie said.
"ok ok I promise if you play a game with me I won't hurt anyone please please please!"She begged.
"Desperation doesn't look good on you webigail"He said. He glanced over at webby who was giving Louie cute doe eyes, He was going to fight it, He didn't want to risk it, He didn't want to play a stupid game and he didn't want to- "ok fine"He said.
"Yay!"She said then grabbed Louie's arm, They went outside Dewey and Huey were already there setting up a net. Dewey was struggling because of his arm "Who's ready for tennis?"Webby asked.
"Dewey you can't play with your arm like that"Louie said.
"it's just a sprain its not that big of a deal"Dewey said "plus you try saying no to webby"He said.
"Ok Dewey can Be on my team because of his weak arm!"Webby said "Louie and Huey your a team so let's do this!"
Webby was very competitive, They've been playing for about two hours and of course webby has made every shot, She hit louie in the eye three times, his eye was looking pretty bad so they decided to take a break.
There was someone new at the gate pushing on the buzzer, Mrs beakley answered.
"Hello?"Said a mysterious young lady.
"Um yes who are you?"Mrs beakley asked.
"Is this where Louie duck lives?"She asked.
"Who's asking?"mrs beakley asked.
"tell Him Minima"She said.
"Are you his Girlfriend?"She asked.
"He wishes"She mumbled where mrs beakley couldn't hear "Um why do you care?"She asked.
"Hold on"Mrs beakley said and she unlocked the gate.
Minima walked inside and mrs beakley was acting very particular.
"Hold on I'll get him"She said.
While she went to get Louie minima stayed inside and looked around. The mansion was huge, beautiful diamonds, jewles and art on every wall It looked like a palace in her eyes.
"Louie a young lady is here to see you"Mrs beakley said.
"Oh really?"Huey asked Louie playfully.
"who is she?"Dewey asked
"Your girlfriend?"Webby added.
Louie rolled his eyes and they all went inside, He didn't expect to see minima.
"Louie!"Minima said.
"Who's this?"Dewey asked
"This is minima, minima this Is Huey,Dewey and-"
"HI IM WEBBY!"She yelled and she shook minimas hand.
"Um charmed I'm sure"She said "Louie I really need to talk to you about that favor you promised"She said
"What is she talking about?"Huey asked
"Minima we have a very nice closet let me show you"Louie said and grabbed minimas hand and pulled her into the game closet.
"What are you doing here?"Louie asked.
"What's the matter?"She asked "Aren't you happy to see me?"She said playfully
"No!..I mean yes...I mean...WHAT DO YOU WANT?"He asked.
Dewey,Huey and webby tried to listen in but it was hard to hear.
"You promised to help me find my dad and now Is your chance"She said.
"My word means nothing"He said.
"Come on all I'm asking is one teeny tiny favor"She asked.
"What is that exactly?"He asked.
"I was looking through my moms old stuff and found out that you have a relative that might help"She said.
"who?"He asked
"Your cousin Gladstone!"She said.
"He lives hours away there's no way we could find him"Louie said.
Dewey opened the closet "Lucky for you I overheard and I can fly a plane"He said.
"You can?"She said "And what's in it for you?"She asked
"You answer a few questions yourself"
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