School Day (H.O.R part 3)
A/n: Deal with the title! I. Don't. Have. Any. Title. To. Call. This. Chapter.
Warning: (same warnings from last chapter)
Jeremy's P.O.V
I heard my alarm go off, it's 6:15 (A/n: This is literally how early I wake up to go to school, ugghhh), my usual time to wake up for school. I grumpily got out of bed to take a shower, brush my curly hazelnut hair, eat breakfast and brush my teeth.
"Bye dad! See you later!" I yelled, walking out the door.
"Bye son! Don't forget your lunch." dad said, walking towards be with my packed lunch. Obviously not wearing pants. "Daaaad, pants. I thought you were gonna wear pants from now on when I saw you wearing them when I was in the hospital?" I asked, I saw my dad's face turn red a little.
"That's because..I uh, see this wonderful lady there. So I didn't want to get embarrassed.." dad said, honestly I was surprised.
"And who is this lucky lady?"
"I just heard about her when I was in The hospital after the incident, saying how she worked really hard for the money for her and her son. I'm don't remember her name though, I think her names... Heidi??" he said "Well talk to her sometimes, anyways I got to go, bye!" I walked on the sidewalk and waved goodbye to my dad.
~Time skip brought to you by my tiredness 😴 ~
As I walked inside school I saw the squad and walked towards them, Michael was obviously listening to music not giving a fuck of what the others are talking about.
"Hey guys, whats going on?" I asked
"Hey Jeremy, morning. We were talking about how there's a new student coming in today." Jenna said, not taking her eyes off her phone. "Really? What's his/her name?" I asked. Before she could reply the bell rung, Michael and I rushed to our class, which was English class.
As we entered class... We saw Clint sitting down on the desk in the second row. He looked up and saw us, wide eyes and a smirk.
Michael's P.O.V
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!! This fucker is now in our school and is the same grade as us, uggghhhh. This sucks, oh God now I really need to keep a close eye on Jeremy to be able to protect him. "Clint! Oh my God your here!" Jeremy said, skipping to sit on the on the desk on the right side of Clint while I sat on th left side of Clint. "Yep, I am. I don't know hoe long I'll be here but at least I'm with you." he said, cocky ass bastard 😒.
"C-can I see your schedule?" Jeremy asked. Clint handed him his schedule.
"Hey we have the exact same classes!" I hear Jeremy say, I looked at his schedule and sure enough they do. Jeremy and I also do except last period, he has Art class while I have science. The teacher came in and we all sat down, for class was about to start.
~Tine skip borough to you by my one of my favorite OTP... DEERE! ~
The last few classes were horrible! Everytime we sit, Clint would always sit besides Jeremy! Ugh, I hate him but I made a promise to Jeremy that I'd get along with him. Right now is lunch. Jeremy and I sat on our table, ever since we told the squad we are dating, we wanted to sit with each other for a few weeks before sitting with the group again.
We both took out our lunches and started eating, when a shadow on the table. We looked back to see Clint, "Mind if I sit with you guys?" he asked. I was about to say no and to back off when Jeremy spoke. "We don't mind at all!" he smiled at him while Clint sat down next to him. I gave an annoyed look at Jeremy, Jeremy saw me and gave me a look saying Don't- give - me- that - shit- and - be - nice
We ate in silence, not knowing what to say since there was a stranger sitting with us.
Jeremy's P.O.V
The bell rung, signaling (idk how to spell) to go to our last period of the day. Micheal and I got up and was about to walk away when I noticed Clint was just standing and not moving a muscle. "Aren't you coming Clint?" I asked. He looked at me "I don't know out next class is, maybe you should help me so I can take you to class everyday" he said, holding out his hand for me to drag him to class. I felt me face heat up and took his hand, dragging him to our last class. Honestly, Clint is a nice good looking guy but Michael is way better than him, he's a big sweetheart while I see Clint more like a friend.
As we arrived we saw Jake and Rich chatting away, they were in my class also. They both stopped and look at me and Clint. "Who'th the new guy Jeremy?" Rich asked, suspicious. Before I can speak Clint spoke for me. "I'm Clint and I'm the new guy here in school, Jeremy was just showing me around." Rich and Jake looked at Clint skeptically before exchanging worried glances at each other. "Jeremy can we speak with you for a minute? Alone?" Jake asked. I just nod my head and not even a second both Rich and Jake dragged me to the corner of the room.
"What the hell is going on guys?" I asked. "Jeremy you need to thtay away from Clint!" Rich whispered yell at me while Jake nod in agreement. "What?!? Why?!?" I asked, getting annoyed that people are hating on Clint. "Jeremy, Rich and I know when a person is bad or good. Look, he's wearing all black and either an Emo or a goth." Jake said. I looked behind them to see Clint, he was just looking around the room seeing art works from kids in our class.
"Enough guys, look at him, does he look like a guy that would kill anyone!?!" I scolded at them. Both of them sighed, knowing it's hard to explain. "We'll just look after you Jeremy, for Michael since he is a jealous and over protective type of person." Jake said before both of them walked to their seats and I sat next to Clint. The lesson began but I kept thinking of what Jake and Rich said, dangerous? Haha, they must be joking, Clint is a nice guy, right?
Michael's P.O.V
I tapped my foot in the ground, waiting for the bell to ring. A few minutes later it rang and I jumped up and ran through the halls until I'm outside, waiting for Jeremy so I can see if Clint hurt him or some kinky shit he would do to my Jeremy. As I waited I put on my headphones and listened to some Marley. Everyone came out of school but still know sign of Jeremy, then I spotted him 5 minutes later.
I walked over to him "Hey babe, what took you so long?" I asked. "Well Clint left class first, and I waited in the hallways to see if he was there but still no sign of him, maybe he's out her-" I cut him off by grabbing his hand, walking out of the crowd, to the sidewalk and walked to go to Jeremy's house.
"Michael stop, aren't we waiting for Clint? I mean he is our friend after all right?" I asked but I didn't respond, I didn't consider Clint as a friend, I only think of him as a bitch. Jeremy kept squirming until he was out of my grip.
"Michael I know you two don't get along but at least try." Jeremy scolded at me. "Jeremy you don't understand, I don't have trust towards him. I have a feeling he's not what he seems, a feeling that in the inside he's something horrible. That he could take you away from me and I want you to stay mine and mine only." I say.
Jeremy let out a sigh, he walked towards me and gave me a hug." I don't see him as a bad person the way you see him, maybe someday I might find him a bad person too. But right now he seems fine to me. I love you so much, and like I said, nothing can't make me be away from you." he said, before giving me a passionate kiss. We stayed like that for some minutes before pulling away for air. I smiled at him and took his hand so we can head to his house but I would move a muscle." Where going to wait for Clint" he said, smirking. I gave a long exaggerated sigh before walking towards him and pick him up. He sqeaked in surprise. "Eek! Michael! Put me down!" he said, squirming while I started walking. He eventually gave up and smiled up at me.
We were nearing his house when we spotted and unfamiliar car, we didn't care, we thought one of Mr. Heer's friend came for a visit. I set Jeremy done on the front porch and we walked inside, only to find Mr. Heere and Clint sitting on the couch chatting away before looking at us.
Jeremy's P.O.V
"Clint! How did you know I lived here?" I asked surprise and creeped out at the same time. "I was driving my car home when I spotted Mr. Heere outside, he looked like you cause you both have hazelnut colored hair so I stopped and asked if he's you dad. He said he is so here I am." he said. "You live in this neighborhood? How far are you from my house?". Clint frowned and said that it was 10 houses away from the left side of my house, while Michael's house was 7 houses away from the right side of my house.
"That's OK, Michael and I can always come to your house and probably do some work or hang out. Isn't that right Michael?" I asked Micheal, he wasn't looking at us, he was pouting like a fucking 6 year old. "I said isn't that right Michael?" I said a little sternly. "Fine" he grumbled out.
Clint stood up, "Well I need to go, Jeremy can you hand me your phone for a second before I go?" Clint asked. I handed my phone to him and he typed something, he gave it back to me and I saw numbers "Call me sometimes" he said while winking at me before walking out the door. "Such a nice man isn't he?" dad said. "Yep, indeed" I said. Then Michael and I walked upstairs to my room, "I swear to God I'm tired of you hating Clint." I mumbled. He just shrugged and we cuddled on my bed, eventually he went home and I was about to go to sleep when I heard a buzz from my phone. I checked to see that Clint texted me
Clint: Hey Jeremy! Want to hang out with me tomorrow in the mall? Since it's Saturday.
I smiled at the thought, maybe we can bond more and get to know each other, so that we can build up a friendship.
Jeremy: Sure! Can Micheal come along?
Clint: I wanted to be just you and me. He seems like he doesn't want to be friends with me, but lets just let him calm down so he knows he can trust me. What do you say?
I didn't know what to say, Michael and I always go somewhere together in the mall but only if there not busy from home. Well... Clint is right, he should calm down and learn to trust him. Besides, Michael would be grumpy through out the whole day tomorrow. At least Clint and I could have some bonding moments. (Voltron vibe is taking over me)
Jeremy: Ok! What time?
Clint: 8:00 pm, sorry it's in the middle of the night. Meet me near McDonald's
Jeremy: Ok, see you then. Bye 👋
Clint: bye 👋
I shut my phone off and smiled, closing my eyes and let sleep take over.
Michael's P.O.V
I layed on my bed, furious. I saw that flirty bastard wink at Jeremy. I heard a buzz on my phone, it was a message.
Jeremy ♥️: Hi Michael! Want to hang out tomorrow?
Michael: Sure, time and place?
Jeremy ♥️: 8:00 near McDonald's
Micheal: Ok, I love you!
Jeremy ♥️: Lyt! Bye
I smiled, a date tomorrow. I put my phone back and fell asleep.
Sorry it took so long, school's been busy. Happy mothers day! Got to go, have no time to check for spelling mistakes
Stay tune for the next chapter!
Smile more!
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