He's What!? (H.O.R 13)
Mello my dudes! Sorry it took so long, I had lots of things to do, been traveling a lot. Hope you enjoy, I am sleep deprived becaufse if this so I'll probably make this chapter short.
Warning: Panick attacks
Michael's P.O.V
My parents and I are heading back home, the visit to Lola and Lolo (it's Filipino, the transition is Grandma and grandpa) was cool but I just want to see my Jeremy.
We arrived at my house and I just grabbed my stuff, walked upstairs, into my room and throw it on my bed before going back outside, 'I'll just unpack later' I thought to myself. "Mom, dad, I'm going to Jeremy's!" I yelled to my parents inside. "Did you unpack?!" my mom yelled back, "Of course" yes I lied but I did it to see the live of my life.
~Time skip brought to you by sleep deprived!~
I made it to the front of Jeremy's house, as I opened the door I expexcted to hear footsteps running from upstairs and Jeremy would be running downstairs to see me but no, I'm met with silence.
I walked around the house until I was in the dining room, where I spotted Mr. Heere sitting on one of the dining room chairs. He looked upset.
"Mr. Heere, what's wrong?" I asked him.
He looked up to me, obviously I could see he's been crying due to red eyes and tear stains. "Oh Michael.... it's Jeremy..." he said, with lots of voice cracks. "W-What happened!?" I asked, I began to panick. "He's missing again, h-he D-didn't come b-back since last n-night." he said. I felt myself having a panic attack, "D-did yiu call the police?" I asked him quietly. "T-they said t-their t-trying to look for him now" Mr Heere said. Yep, I was right, I am having a panic attack. I. Need. To be Alone.
I ran all the way home, upstairs and went in my room. My parents were calling him but I completely ignored them. My breathing was quick, tears are streaming down my face. Normally Jeremy would help me but he's not here..... This is my fault I knew I shouldn't have left!
I decided to call Christine, we've been good friends since after the squip incident. My phone kept ringing until she finally picked up.
"Hello! This is Christine our founding mother what can I help you?"
"C-Christine c-can you c-come over?"
"Oh my God Michael what happened!?"
"J-Just come o-over..." I said before hanging up, and waited.
Then my bedroom door burst open and Christine was there, she ran to me. "Michael what happened!?" she asked again, rubbing circles behind my back to calm me down. "J-Jeremy.. H-he's missing a-a-again and I-I don't k-know what t-to d-d-do anymore! T-this i-s all m-m-my fault, I-I S-shouldn't have l-left h-him!" I rambled on until Christine shushed me and gave me a hug. "Shhh, it's okay. It's not your fault ok? We'll find him somehow, the whole squip squad will help too." she said in a soothing way.
I hope well find him soon...
Whew thank God! Now I can rest again, it's morning now so good bye my dudes!
Stay tune for the next chapter!
Smile more!
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