Chapter 34
**Author's Note!**
1,000 reads oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys so much! You have no idea how happy this makes me, I found out and literally screamed! Anyway, you don't care so that's the psycho rant for now, enjoy!
May 17th, 2029- About Five Minutes after the last Chapter-
Victor's POV- 1st Person
From across the room, Yuuri shoots me a surprised glance- he never calls us, especially not at 1 am. I merely shrug in reply and return my attention to the call.
"Victor," Yurio's voice comes through the line, shaky and urgent,
"What is it?" I ask immediately, knowing from this one word that something's wrong.
"I- Beka's in the hospital," He breaks off and I can hear the distress in his voice,
"What?" I interrupt him, "Is he okay?"
I can hear him shake his head over the line, "I don't know, but I- I just put Sacha down and-" Even over the phone he sounds absolutely terrified, like he may break down in tears at any moment.
"I'll be there in two minutes," I tell him firmly, and I hear him draw in a shaky breath.
"Thank you," He whispers and hangs up.
I turn back to Yuuri, who, at this point, is watching with rapt attention. Currently, we're sitting in the living room, in the middle of a movie night while Maria is at her first sleepover, poised to pick her up if the need arises.
"What is it?" He asks me at once, obviously worried by my side of the conversation and the tone with which it was spoken.
"That was Yurio," I tell him, "Otabek's in the hospital," I stand and cross into the hall, grabbing my coat off the hook.
"Oh my god," He breathes, "Did he say what was wrong?"
"No," I respond, pulling on my jacket, "I don't think they told him, but he needs to go and I said I'd watch Sacha," Yuuri nods, standing and mimicking my previous actions.
"Of course," He says, grabbing the keys from the little holder by the door, "Let's go,"
We arrive in record time, the front door swinging open the second we knock and a pale-faced, terrified Yurio standing in its wake, moving aside to let us in.
"Um," He says distractedly, glancing over his shoulder at the staircase up to the second floor, "Sacha's asleep so she should be fine, but if she wakes up you ca-"
"I know," I interrupt and put a calming hand on his shoulder, "We've sat for Sacha a million times, it'll be fine," He hesitates for a moment then nods, walking toward the front door, "And Yurio-" I call out, stopping him, "Don't worry, I'm sure he's alright," He freezes, tears coming to his eyes, then nods again, and flies out into the night.
Yuri(o)'s POV- 1st Person
I hurry into the waiting room of Mariinsky Hospital, approaching the woman behind the information desk.
"Excuse me-" She looks up, "My name is Yuri Plisetsky, I'm here for my husband Otabek Altin- is he a patient here?"
The pure terror in my voice must be evident to her beyond myself as she smiles kindly and types a few things into her keyboard. "Yes," She says, clicking a few more buttons, "He's in room 225, come with me please,"
Another nurse takes her place behind the desk as she gets up, beckoning for me to follow. This I eagerly do and keep pace with her as we travel through numerous hallways, twists, and turns, until we finally stop abruptly outside a door inscribed with the numbers, '225.'
"In there," She says and I nod, only half listening, desperate to get to my husband.
Visions of bloody, mangled corpses dance in my head, severed limbs and agonized screams chasing each other through my mind's eye. Feeling my heart seize up in my chest, I rush through the door, the need to be with my husband and the fear that I cannot, driving everything else away.
Otabek sits up in bed, one leg bound in a white plaster cast and hanging elevated in some metal contraption while he speaks to the doctor.
I all but run to his side, "Beka!"
"Yura," He looks relieved and I take his hand in my own, squeezing it as tears prick in my eyes.
"What happened! Are you okay?!" I ask him fearfully, my eyes raking up and down his body for any injuries.
"The train your husband was on crashed," The doctor interrupts him before he can speak and I turn my attention to him, "He was very lucky. It's miraculous that he escaped with just a broken leg," I nod, waiting for him to elaborate. "And even that's not bad," he says, "A minor break, he'll be good as new in 12 weeks, and, other than that, apart from a few bumps and bruises, he's perfectly healthy," He says and smiles kindly at what I know must be the look of anxiety on my face.
"Thank god," I whisper, my head falling into my hands as I let myself sink into the chair beside my husband's bed. "Oh my god," I murmur and the tears I've been so carefully repressing well up in my eyes.
"Hey," Otabek squeezes my hand, "It's okay, everything's okay now,"
"I know," I say but my voice falls far short of the firm reassuring tone I was going for, "I'm fine, I'm sorry, I'm just being silly,"
"No, you're not, not at all," He says, and, though I'm not looking at him, the warmth in his voice is palpable, "What's wrong? Can I do something?" I just shake my head, trying to stem the sudden onslaught of tears,
"No, I'm fine,"
"Yuri," He tries to coax it out of me, "Please let me help, you're upset,"
"Of course I'm upset!" I cry, suddenly angry, and the doctor slips quietly out of the room, "I was terrified! Do you know what it's like when your husband doesn't come home? Can you imagine how I felt when I got a call from the hospital!"
"I know," He says quickly, very concerned for me now, "I'm sorry but my phone got broken in the crash and-"
"No!" I cry, "I sat there, for hours, with no word! No information! What if you died! What if you were lying dead in a ditch somewhere and I didn't know!" My voice breaks and more tears escape my eyes, streaming down my face and adding to the tracks along my pale cheeks. "I can't do it alone," I cry, my voice far quieter this time, "I can't do it without you! I can barely handle Sacha when you're gone, let alone-" I stop, unable to continue, and just cry, my face buried in my hands.
Otabek watches me, worry in his face, "Don't worry, I'm still here." He says, trying to reassure me. I nod but continue crying, unable to stop, "I promise, I'm not going anywhere," He continues, "You don't have to do anything alone," My head bobs up and down but, again, I find myself incapable of speech. "Come here," He says and pulls me gently to him, guiding me to a sitting position on the bed, "Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore,"
"How-" I manage to choke out, "How can I not be? Every day I'm so terrified something's going to happen to you, or to Sacha, or to, to-"
"To what?" He asks quietly, and, finally, I raise my face to his.
"To the baby," I whisper, the tears still wet on my cheeks but slowing now.
"The baby?" He asks me, surprise and joy marking his features. I nod,
"I'm pregnant," I feel myself smile slightly, "I found out yesterday but I wanted to wait until you got home to tell you,"
"Oh my god," He whispers, "Yuri, that's- I can't believe it, that's amazing!" A huge smile splits his face and he takes me in his arms, stroking my hair and holding me tenderly. "I love you," He says softly,
"I love you too," I whisper. He looks at me with such adoration in his face, then, he kisses me, and, for the first time all night, I don't feel afraid.
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