2: Marks
Unedited for now 👋
Jane's eyes slowly opened, her heavy eyelids didn't help at all when she scanned the room, her vision was really blurry as well along with an aching pain on her upper arm, she must've landed on it.
Her body shakily pulled her up, hand on a desk to keep her balanced, and then that's where she took a moment to look around, when her eyes clear up she couldn't help but gasp at the sight.
The atmosphere is gloomy, extremely gloomy, even the outside, there was blood splattered on the floor, walls, and even on the ceiling, not to mention the foul smell surrounding her, desk and chair were flipped over to different directions in a messy way.
Jane: What happened..?
She whispered.
She winced at her arm, it's definitely broken from the fall, as she recalled, someone had pushed her and she landed between the desks, the virus, her classmates..
Jane shook her head from the thought of her classmates getting killed by those zombies or whatever they are, she has no idea what to do, should she get out of here? The girl turned to the doors, they don't even look like doors anymore.
Her feet guided her outside the classroom, it was an absolute mess, there was blood everywhere, Jane's body shook by itself, it felt like she was about to cry at any moment.
The girl's head whipped around to the noise, she internally begs that its not what she thinks it is as she slowly backs away.
The noise was followed by a disgusting groan, Jane quickly followed her instincts and grabbed a piece of lumber that was on the floor, preparing herself on what's to come.
Out of the corner, a thing stumbled out of it, Jane almost gagged at the figure, it's leg was twisted, it's body pulled apart mercilessly. It's white eyes stared back at Jane, who backed away.
Jane: D-Dont come a-any closer.
She blurted out.
It doesn't even have a brain to understand, what's the point? She thought.
It takes a step closer, it's bone cracking it every movement it makes. Jane doesn't even have to think when it began limping towards her, out of fear the blonde ran for her life, she doesn't know where she's running to, all she could hear was her heart beating loud and the bones from the disfigured creature coming from behind her.
The problem is, is that she couldn't even run that fast, she could barely even outrun anyone, not to mention a limping zombie.
It growled, that only scared Jane more than she already is, it's close, she could tell it's close, tears streamed down her cheeks as she started to slow down, out of breath.
This is it, it's her time to go, to make things even worse she tripped, and landed right on her already injured upper arm. She yelped is pain, she doesn't want to be here, all she wants to be with is with her friends and her cousins, not getting chased by some dead creature.
It's limping towards her ever so fast, and like a last-minute decision, she cared about her life again, Jane tried scramble to her feet but.. it was already there.
They were startled by the scream, they immediately know what to do which is to run away, but that scream was so familiar, no way it can't be her.
They sucked in air and grabbed a pole, along with the bag of food in their hand, they ran to where the scream came from, their eyes widen right as they peeked behind the wall.
It was his sister, Jane, with a creature on top of her, she was repeatedly hitting a zombie in the head with a lumber, but it looked like she can't take it any longer.
Now that he knew this, he gripped the pole and ran after the scene.
Thomas: Jane watch your head!!
Jane did what he told her without questioning, and watched as her brother smacked the zombie off her, it flew to the wall, he continued to beat it till it it was left bleeding, he turned to the other blonde who was sitting on the floor, flabbergasted.
Jane: Th-Thomas?!
Thomas: No time to talk, come on I'll take you to the base.
Jane: Base..?
He grabbed her and pulled her out of the hallway, the creature was still twitching, it won't take long till it could get back to its feet again.
The siblings ran through the bloody hallways and stairs, Jane was still confused to why her brother is here.
They stopped Infront of a door, Thomas let's go of Jane's hand and started banging on the door, seemingly impatient.
[?]: Seymour?
Thomas: Hurry up and open the door!
There was a few moments of little shuffling noises until the door swung opened, there stood a taller guy, Arthur Tudor, a less obnoxious version of Henry basically.
He stepped to the side and Thomas pulled Jane inside the room, the other guy shutted the door and pushed a desk Infront of it to keep it sealed.
Arthur: Who's that..?
Thomas: That's Jane, my sister.
Arthur: Oh, name's Arthur.
Jane waved at him, which was returned with a nod, the boys continued to talk while someone abruptly pulled and spinned Jane around, she met one of the most memorable eyes she's seen.
Anne: JANE. I thought- I thought you didn't make it! I'm so glad you're okay!
Jane: Annie?!
They hugged eachother tightly, it felt so great to see eachother even if it's just after a few hours, this was the moment Jane realized that there are other people in here.
Anna, Cath, Cathy, Henry, Mannox, Culpeper, Dereham, along with four more people are in here, Anne's siblings, Mary and George, and other two people she didn't know.
But there was someone else missing, she pulled away from Anne and looked at her in genuine concern.
Jane: Are you okay?
Anne: Of course not! I almost died!
Jane: Then.. where's Kitty?
Anne looked at her with a saddened expression, and then she shrugged.
Anne: We got separated at the classroom earlier, I have no idea where she is if I'm being honest..
Jane: Do you think she..
Anne: What?! No! I know she's somewhere in this building! Alive and not a zombie.
[?]: You think? She's obviously dead! Probably walking around looking for brains or something.
Anne turned her attention to another guy, Thomas Cromwell, with a sneer on his face as he picked up some bread.
Anne: Shut it you twit! She's alive, I know it.
Cromwell: Oh deary, don't get to heated up now, just face reality, it's impossible to survive with whatever those are out there.
Mary: Oh quiet down will you?
Cromwell scoffed and turned away, meanwhile, Mary made her way to the two cousins, she stared at Jane with clear suspicion on her face.
Jane: Hi Mary..?
Mary: So, when are you leaving?
Everyone in the room looked at them, confused about the question.
Jane: What?
Mary: We can't have another one to drain our recourses faster, so are you going to leave now or tomorrow?
Anne: Mary what the hell?
Mary: We have enough people in here, do you really think you want to have more difficulties?
Arthur: Woah now, this is all sudden, Mary what are you talking about?
Mary: I'm talking about throwing her out.
She pointed to the blonde female.
Mary: We can't risk it, what if she's a soon-to-be zombie?
George: She's right you know, she's been out there long enough to get at least a bite, what if all of the sudden she turns into one?
Cath: Are you two serious?
Henry: Yeah who would throw away such hot stuff?
He shot a flirty grin to Jane, who awkwardly grinned back, Thomas however, glared defensively at him.
Anna: Come on, we can't just throw her away like that, she looks fine.
Mary: Yeah, for now.
Arthur: How about we wait it out until something is off about her?
Mary: Why can't we just throw her out now?!
Anne: I hate how we're related.
Cathy: We don't even have enough evidence, calm down. You're being paranoid.
Mary rolled her eyes and mumbled something before returning to the desk she was sitting on. Thomas made Jane sit next to the other queens as Arthur stood in front of all of them.
Arthur: Okay so, since Thomas brought us some food from the teachers lounge, we gotta do our parts in this.
Culpeper: Awe man, are you going to assign dates on who's going to go out for food?
He mocked.
Arthur: Yes, since we're staying here for God knows how long, it's best if we make some progress or at least keep ourselves alive.
George: Soo, you're like, the leader here?
Arthur: Seems like I'm the oldest one here, so it should be understandable.
Henry: That's not fair!
Arthur: Shush bro, anyway, we may not know what just happened, and I know you're all scared, but we have to work together in order for this to work out, so yes, I am assigning.
The boys groaned, Arthur continued to pair people together, Fortunately, Anne was paired up with Henry, she mentally curses and looks away.
Arthur: Has anyone got that?
They silently agreed, they seemed to accept the fact that Arthur will be taking a lead, and then Anne raised her hand.
Anne: Is it okay if we try to find my cousin, Katherine?
Arthur pulled out a thoughtful face, and eventually nodded to the question.
Arthur: You can.. but remember that the main priority is food.
Anne just nodded, anything is good.
Arthur: Alright the best thing we could do is to rest, try to forget everything that's happened..
Afterwards, they began picking sleeping spots, Thomas treated Jane arm with some cloth, not much but at least it could help a little.
June 11th
11:32 pm
Jane shot up from her slumber, she could here scratching from the outside, she shivered, wondering what could be behind from there. She turned away from the door, facing the wall.
There was this unbearable itch on the side of her neck, hours pass by and now she just thinks she's hearing things, she couldn't sleep at all, her eyes darted everywhere, sweat trickled down her forehead.
She sat up and began clawing her neck, she could feel scars forming, but she felt something deeper than that.
Jane stopped and grazed her fingers on something that felt like holes on her neck. She looked at her hands, it was paler than before, out of panic she got up and went up to a small mirror.
Her breath hitched up when she saw what's on her neck.
“Bite marks..”
~•E n d•~
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