1 : A Start
Just to remind y'all that the majority of the characters are highschoolers. 👁️👄👁️👌
June 10th.
It was a Monday night, the three cousins were able to share a dorm together in the boarding school they were thrown into, they never really understood why their parents put them there, they never really got the chance to question them even on holidays.
But that didn't really bother them that much, they know that they'll graduate soon and they will be able to get out of this hell hole together, just like they promised, but right now, dinner is what they needed.
Jane: Woah! Careful you two!
Kitty: Sorry Jane!
Anne: You watch it!
Jane was balancing with three plates and a bowl of food on hands, ever since she arrived here with her other two cousins, it felt like she was automatically the mum of the three, even though she's the second oldest out of the three of them, she could've asked her older brother, Thomas, for help, but they don't really talk much since middle school.
Anne: Kit! Catch the remote!
Jane: What? Annie don't throw it like that-
It was too late, Anne had already tossed the remote across the room towards Kitty, which was a miss, instead it headed out to the window, but Jane caught it just in time and lets out a sigh of relief before closing the window.
Kitty: Nice catch!
Jane: Girls, we can't just throw valuable stuff around like that! The school could make us pay!
She placed the remote back to where it belongs and turned to the other girls. Kitty just shrugged and smiled while Anne rolled her eyes with a smirk.
Anne: Whatever, what's for dinner??
Kitty: Please tell me you cooked my favourite!
Jane sighed, sometimes these two could get in her nerves.
Jane: Grab a plate and hop on the couch.
She said, as she sat on the couch with a little plate of beef wellington on her hand, the remote on the other.
It didn't take long for the other two to join her, Kitty sat sadly in the middle, Anne lazily leans on the other arm of the couch, already stuffing some food in her mouth.
Kitty: You didn't cook my favourite...
She whined.
Jane: Sorry Kit but the school doesn't really give alot of ingredients, not to mention let us out to buy some.
Anne: Don't be picky Kat, at least you have food on your plate unlike those weird kids on the streets.
Kitty dramatically sighs, unenthusiastically putting a spoon of food in her mouth.
Anne: Jane, put on the news I wanna make fun of that bald reporter again.
The blonde just hummed as she puts on the news channel, the TV lits up with those over detailed words plastered on the screen, then a man in a suit pops in with the usual bits of papers in their hands.
Anne: Pfft, his head could easily shine off a bullet if someone tries to kill him! Just look how clean his head is!
She laughed out.
Jane: Shut it Annie, the news looks important right now.
Kitty: Are you sure it's not about that US president again..?
Anne: That guy with the corn silk hair? Who's that again?
The girls laughed a little before silently looking back to the screen.
Reporter: Breaking news, the latest report that we have received this evening is about a massive virus outbreak.
Kitty: Whaaat?
Reporter: Since there hasn't been any reports about this virus, we assumed that this virus started here, in the UK.
Anne scoffed and just stared at the reporter as he continues on.
Reporter: As of now, the virus doesn't have a cure just yet, scientists are still trying to figure out what this virus is, the only thing that they have put out is—
Out of annoyance, she yanked the remote from Jane's hand turned the TV off, rolling her eyes as if she's heard of a lame joke.
Jane: Anne, what the hell??
Anne: Are you two really that naive to think that some silly little virus is out and about? Please, you've got to be joking.
She laughed.
Kitty: But.. what if this virus is really dangerous??
Anne: Katherine this whole virus thing is bullshit! They're just doing this to gain more attention for their failing show.
She said as she made her way to the open kitchen and plopped her empty plate in the sink.
Kitty: Oh, I hope you're right about that...
Jane: Well, we should get to bed early, we have classes tomorrow, here Kit let me get your plate.
Kit nodded and handed Jane her plate and got up to change in the bathroom, Anne stretched and already went to her bed, falling asleep eventually.
The bell rang, the teacher clapped her hands, signalling the students to pack up their belongings and head to their next class.
Kitty: Jane, have you studied for the Maths test that's coming up?
Jane: Yeah, but I can't really remember some things..
Kitty: Oh okay, how about you Anna?
The girl turned to another student just a chair from her, a girl with darker skin then turned to face her.
Anna: Nein.
That's Anna Cleves, she's one of the girls' closest friends, ever since she transferred there from Germany on the first year, they've talked and grew closer to eachother.
Anna: I got caught up about the news last night, it was too creepy.
Kitty: I know right? Although, Anne said it was all cowpoop.
Anna: Wow, I sure hope she's correct about that.
Jane: Yeah, come on now, we don't want to get in trouble are we?
The other two agreed and they left the classroom and made their way to their next, which is Maths. They pushed the door open, surprisingly, it has only a few kids inside, the Maths teacher probably had a bathroom break.
Other than that, one of those few kids were Anne, who was waving at them eagerly.
Kitty: Annie!
Jane: Hii.
Anne: Heyy!
Anna: What's up dumbass.
Anne: Watch your English, germ.
Jane: Where's Cath?
Anne: Oh, still getting harassed by her sad excuse of a "boyfriend".
She pointed to a group that had a fair distance from them, that group is what you call, a "low budgeted boy gang."
There sat Cath, Jane's brother, Thomas, another Thomas, Mannox, Francis and the worst of them all.. Henry. His arm wrapped around Cath, who was shifting uncomfortably.
Cath glanced at them and gave them a look that says,: “Ill be right there.”
That girls name is Catherine Aragon, she's basically like Anna, but she met the girls around the second year, she can kick your ass faster than you can say "Nein" but she tries to hide that, after all, she was taught how to be a lady back in her original home, Spain.
Anne: She should really dump his ass, she's too superior for him.
Anna: Yeah, if someone like him could get a girl then what am I?-
Jane: Quiet down you guys, don't be too hard on him.
Anne: Ayayayy, Jane don't even think he means well, are we really related?
Jane: Don't come for me, I just think there's good in everyone you know?
Anne just rolled her eyes, and sat back down to her seat as a wave of students came in, they obviously heard Henry whistling at the girls that pass by, but there was one of them that definitely made him and the boys howl.
Thomas: WOO! Nice junk, Parr!
Henry: Mind letting us have some of that??
Anne: HEY! you have hands, use it.
Henry: Aawe, don't think I've forgotten about you!
He winked.
Anne looked at him in disgust and growled at him before turning back, ignoring their weak remarks. Once she turned, the girl was approaching them.
Cathy: Hey, thanks.
Catherine Parr, they never really talked, only on group activities or whenever they have little chit chats here and there, but that's just it, she's known as the 'cute nerd' apparently.
Anne: You're welcome.
She smiled and waved before she went back to her seat, soon enough every student was now in the classroom, but the teacher hasn't arrived, there was awkward silence inside the classroom, students confused on why a teacher is late.
Kitty: This is nice..
Anna: Yeah, hey wanna study while the teachers out?
Kitty: Sure!
Just before Anna grabbed her notebook a student spoke up.
C. Pres: Hey! You can't do that.
Anne: We do what we want nosy-
C. Pres: Don't talk to me like that, I'm your class president! I'll go and check on the teacher, don't even think about pulling out that notebook-
Anna: Fine-
The student got out from her seat and gave the Vice Pres. a look before heading out the classroom.
The other students waited in silence before they heard a piercing scream coming from the hallway, they were all taken aback, they immediately heard hurried footsteps coming towards them.
Their hearts dropped when they saw the Maths teacher biting aggressively on the Class presidents neck, her arm was ripped out from her shoulder, her blood spilling everywhere as she screamed.
Nobody moved a finger, they were too frightened to even say anything, all they can do is watch in horror as their classmate was being eaten alive and screaming from the top of her lungs.
C. Pres: HELP ME!
With a quick swift the Math teacher ripped half of her neck right off, everyone's breath were now heavy, extremely heavy as her limp body fell to the ground.
[?]: What the fuck..
Someone whispered in fear as their dead class president's body began twitching, the twitching became even more aggressive, finally, some students got up from their seats and started backing away.
The dead student's body abruptly snapped their head to her classmates direction, everyone immediately screamed and ran to the other door, banging on it out of panic, while the others continued screaming, and then the math teacher jumped on another student, they screamed, this time the rest of the students rushed over to the other door, desperately twisting the knob.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Mannox and Henry pushing other students to the deformed monsters that got in their way, before she knew it, someone pushed her.
And then she blacked out.
~•E n d•~
Hii! 👋I'm leaving🚪👈
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