Chapter Two
The Uncanny Ways Of John Meritt
Chapter 2
My fingers lightly brushed the touch-pad. I followed the small cursor with my eyes, smiling once It landed on the 'Submit' button. After three full nights of typing, I had finally finished this history essay that was eating my whole life up. School work could be such a pain sometimes.
"I see a rare Emily Kline in her natural habitat." A cheerful, familiar voice rang from behind my head. With a sly shake of the head, I turned my body around to face Bethany Haroldson, my longtime best friend since the second grade. "Where were you this morning?"
I watched her throw her empty backpack on the picnic table, as she swung her legs around the bench. Being her normal, food-obsessed self, she slid my tray of french fries over into her grip, slowly eating them up one by one.
I shrugged my shoulders, closing my laptop carefully. "I just overslept."
"Just overslept!?" She echoed, adding a large amount of obnoxious emphasis, "You've never been late since I've known you- not once."
"Why-"I lightly massaged my temples, "Why does everyone keep making it seem like a big deal?"
"Well for starters, you've always been that perfect student with perfect attendance." She flashed a sarcastic smile my way, only earning an eye-roll from me.
"Am I really that bad?" I asked, sighing sadly. It was never a goal for me to be known as that common 'Goody-Two-Shoes'. I just liked being on time, and stuck with it throughout the years.
She nodded slowly, cracking up before she could finish the second nod. "It's okay, Em. I wouldn't love you if you weren't."
I groaned, throwing my head down onto my arms. "Why is my life so boring?"
Bethany squeezed my arm, "I can't answer that- but i am sure that if you walked over to John Meritt right now, your life could change forever."
My head jolted up at the sound of his name. As Beth chuckled in the background, I searched the outdoor lunch are for the only person I have ever had a crush on- The, John Meritt.
John Meritt wasn't your average 'golden boy'. No, he was much more then that. Even though he may be the school's basketball captain, he doesn't live up to that known stereotype at all. To me, he's sweet, and definetly concerned about his future. His grades are almost as good as mine, which is a huge success for anyone here at Jeffreson, because I'm kind of a genius.
He's always had a ton of friends, being the social butterfly he's known to be. While most people classified the people here into groups, he saw them all as equal. There isn't one person he doesn't say 'Hi' to, when passing them in the halls.
John was about 6'1, owning a tall, fit body. Of course he was muscular, because the basketball team here doesn't expect anything else- which is odd for that sport. His eyes were a piercing, bright, baby blue, and his hair, a chocolate brown that always stayed neatly to the top of his head.
He was clearly a sight to soar eyes, but also with a heart that any sappy romantic like me, craved. That's a package you don't really get now-a-days.
I shook my head, "No, No- I could never. The day I talk to him, would be the day Jesus comes down from heaven."
Beth rolled her eyes, "Come on, Em. You can't keep putting him off like that!" She hopped to her feet, and I knew exactly what she was about to do.
"Beth-" I grabbed the sleeve of her leathered jacket, "Sit down- don't do this!"
"Hey, John?" She yelled, capturing his attention.... along with half of the people sitting around us. "Could you come over here for a second?"
John nodded with a smile, patting his best friend, Xander, on the back as he left him. I quickly avoided my gaze from him, to the grass beneath the picnic table- hoping he wouldn't notice me. This was already embarrassing enough.
"What's up, Beth?" He asked, as soon as he finished his little stroll over here.
"Oh, actually, I just forgot." She lied, "Emily? Emily, do you remember what I was going to say by any chance?"
I wanted to punch her- repeatedly. I did love her, but sometimes, she's just too much. I squeezed my fist together once, facing the fact that I'd have to make contact with him, or else that'd make this situation weirder then it already was.
"Uh, no." I forced a smile on my face, "I uh- I don't remember. Sorry."
My eyes flickered from the ground, to his beautiful, lively ones. I wanted to stare into his eyes all day, and just get lost in them- but no, I can't do that either because it's also weird.
The corners of his mouth twitched up for a moment, "Well, did it have anything to do with our Spanish homework?"
"Ah- The Spanish homework! John, you're a genius!" She cheered, clearly pretending that's what she meant. God, why couldn't she be a decent actor? Now he probably knows why he was really called over here.
"Yes, the Spanish homework." I quietly added, shaking my head while letting my eyes roam around the lunch area, "It's always the Spanish homework."
When my eyes met his again, he flashed a secretive wink in my direction. I immediately felt my cheeks turn a bright red. The only way to not make it noticeable, would be to cover my face with my sleeves- hence why, I began to rub my face.
"Um, okay Emily, I think your face is good." Bethany stepped in, removing my hands for me. "John, why don't you just help me out a bit later."
He nodded, "Sure thing."
John turned around, and headed back towards his buddies. As soon as his back was towards my face, I let out a long, exaggerated sigh. "Did I really just rub my face?"
Bethany moved to sit down next to me, beginning to pat my back with sympathy, and support. "You'll get there someday."
Great, because 'Someday' will surely help with my situation going on now.
The overwhelming scent of pasta sauce devoured me. I guess that's just the perks of working at an Italian restaurant in the middle of no-where. Frankly, I'm still surprised that Basioni's is even still open around here. Yes, it's good, but who comes to a southern town to eat Italian food they could easily get anywhere else?
I threw my bag down on the chair across from my dresser. My head quickly hit my pillow, causing me to let out a sly groan. Work was exausting, but it was the only way I could learn to deal with money myself. My family was what people considered 'rich', do to how well our farm does, but unlike most billionaire parents, my dad doesn't spoil me. He teaches me how to save, and spend my money properly. He also makes me experience what's it like to pay bills- phone bills.
Although it may be a terrible thing to deal with, I'm glad he's teaching me this early. If not, I'd go off to college without knowing how to pay my student bills. College and financial blindness is not a good combination.
I wanted to close my eyes, and drift off into a nice, peaceful sleep- but in order to do that, I needed a shower first. Last thing I want is to wake up tomorrow morning smelling like meatballs.
I pried myself out of bed, walking into my bathroom and turning the shower on. While I let the water heat up, I took off what was left of the makeup on my face- not that I wore much, because I really didn't.
My face looked the same after my makeup no longer lingered there. I stared at myself, thinking about why John Meritt didn't look at me the way I wanted him too. I was pretty, and I knew that- but I guess I wasn't pretty enough, because all I really got from him was a sly smile, or that surprising wink from earlier. Nothing more, and nothing else.
One by one, I stripped of my articles of clothing- but before I could make it under the warm, sizzling water, the phone downstairs rang. How inconvenient.
With a frustrated sigh, I grabbed my bath robe from the door, and tied it around my naked body. At a fast pace, my feet took me down the creaky stairs, directly to the old house phone that hung on our kitchen wall next to the fridge.
"Hello?" I answered, wondering who it could be- calling our house at what was probably, 11:00.
"This is the Acreton police squad, are you Mrs. Kline?" His deep voice responded. My body immediately began to shake. What happened? Why are they calling me? Is my family alright? I stood there, breathing heavily, not wanting to find out more. "Hello- Ma'am?"
"Uh- N-No, but this is her daughter." I stuttered, my heartbeat increasing.
"Ma'am, I need you to remain calm, but your father was in a very bad car accident where Fuller and Abraham road connect. He's in critical condition, but he is still breathing-"
"Where is he." I cut him off, tears forming in my eyes, "What hospital was he taken too?"
There was short pause, before he spoke again. "Alabama State."
I slammed the phone back into its carrier, and bolted back upstairs. I quickly shut the running water off, and put a pair of new clothes on my back. I grabbed my keys, and phone, running back downstairs, and outside towards my car.
As soon as I hopped inside Kingsley, I dialed my mothers phone. It rang twice before she picked up, only to hear the loud rumbles of my tires against the dirt road.
"Emily? Emily, is everything alright?" She asked, her voice in her normal sweet, frail tone.
"You have to get to Alabama State Hosiptal." I cried, "You have to get there fast."
"Why? What happened?"
"It's dad- He's been in a car accident."
The other side was quiet until I heard the sound of rubber sliding against the roadways. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
Hey Guys!
Yes, another one of my author notes lol. I'll try not to keep doing these, but I like to interact with my readers- If i have any lol. So, what did you think about this chapter? Here, you met Bethany (Who's Emily's best friend), John Meritt (The guy Emily's been in love with since forever), and a scarce amount of Mrs. Kline (Emily's mother). You've already met her dad in the first chapter, who's a great man, too. How does this make you feel? Comment your thoughts, and leave a small vote for me!
Thanks my little stars,
XoXo Starlet-
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