Chapter Three
The Uncanny Ways of John Meritt
Chapter 3
The rest of that night was a blur. Everything hit so hard at one moment. First, he was here, and now- now, he's there, wherever there might be. It all started with the flashing colors of both red, and blue...
I reached the hospital shortly after the paramedics did. There were so many ambulances, and police cars- all in the same very parking lot. Something told me that these were all from the same car accident, the one my father was involved in.
Not thinking about anyone but my father, I shoved past all who were in my way. By the time I reached the front desk of the emergency room, I was all out of breath.
"Warren-Kline." I cried, in between heavy pants. The woman typed something onto her computer, sighing as she turned back to me.
"I'm afraid he's in emergency surgery, right now. If you continue down the hall, the second door on your right is out waiting room. You'll be alerted as soon as he makes it out of the operating room."
I nodded, slowly turning to walk towards the waiting room. The small, inconsistent tears continued to fall from my face, as I hoped and prayed that he would be alright. I don't know what I'd do without my father.
He meant so much to me- more than anyone knew. I've always been attached to him, ever since birth. And I wasn't the only one, either. As far as i could remember, the whole town's been obsessed with him. He was the on person they all looked up too. Not the sheriff, not the mayor- but my father, Warren Kline.
I turned into the waiting room, running over to my mother who somehow, got here before me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly, patting my back as tears began to flow from both of our eyes. When we pulled away from each other, I noticed that we weren't the only ones here for my dad.
Half the town was sitting here, taking up the whole waiting room. From our neighbor, Mrs. Heartfelt, to Richard Harvey from across the school, to Cal Pence, and all the way to other families I recognized from around town. I didn't realize so many people knew about the accident, but it sure did feel good to have them here for support. It showed how much they cared.
My mother had saved the chair next to her for me to sit in. We linked arms, and sat down, continuing to latch on to each other for support. I looked around the room, and examined most of the townies from Acreton that sat before me.
Oddly, I spotted the Meritt's- Calvin, and Luciana. I didn't see John, though. It would be great to have him here, but then again, I didn't want him to see me in this state. My face felt like I had just been swimming- plus, I still smelt like meatballs.
Next to John's family, was his best friend, Xander Belmont, and his parents, William and Stacy. All three of them fidgeted with their articles of clothing- especially Xander- who had a large bruise on his neck, and scratch across his face, I may add.
I couldn't understand what they were so nervous about, because my father was the one in surgery right now. My father was the one who had physically been in the car accident. If anyone should be freaking out right now, It should be me and my mother. I don't know why, but them being like that bothered me. It almost felt suspicious- like they had something to do with the wreck.
The loud sound of doc martin boots hitting the hospital floors caused my head to sharply turn towards the door. There, appeared my best friend, who also looked like she could possibly loose her father.
She ran towards me, hugging both I, and my mother tightly. "I came as soon as I heard." She whispered, placing her butt in the seat next to mine. Her mother and father, Nancy and Clyde, came as well. They hugged us too, apologizing for what they've heard.
I didn't mind that Bethany was almost as upset as me. My dad was also a father to her. Whenever she came over, which was often, he would treat her as the second daughter he never had- along with my mother. Both of our family's were connected on a level that you don't see from many people these days. It was rare, and something my mom and I would always be thankful for.
Several hours passed, and all of us waited. We waited for results, for someone to tell us that he'd be fine, and recover well. All I wanted was to read 'He's okay' from the lips of one of the nurses here. That's all I could ever ask for.
Towards the end of the fifth hour of waiting, a doctor and his nurse came into the waiting room. My mother and I stood up, along with a few others. They slowly walked over to us, impassive expressions on their face. What bothered me most, was that I couldn't tell their emotions. Nothing gave away the outcome of what happened in that operating room.
"Are you Mrs. Kline?" The doctor asked, receiving a small, hesitant nod from my mother who grasped onto me tightly. The doctor sighed, shaking his head, sadly. My heart dropped, and my eyes began to water. "We did everything we could- but I'm afraid, his condition was too severe. Your husband is no longer with us."
Your husband is no longer with us.
Your husband is-
No longer with us.
Hey, readers!
A sad chapter, I know. Believe it or not, but even I got butterflies writing it! I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, AND I STILL GOT BUTTERFLIES. I'm not trying to be cocky, but I think that means I did a pretty good job capturing the moment.
The chapter's very short, because I wanted to capture the feeling- to leave you all in a certain state of mind. Continuing with another scene, would only ruin the excitement, and emotion. Hopefully, you'll wait for chapter four, and find out what happens next.
Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS!!! Those are very important to me.
Until next time my little stars,
XoXo Starlet-
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