Tragedy 32
For a month straight everyone was only watching the video of the man being tortured. Luniar made sure she broadcasted the pain of the man to everyone around the world. Izuru sat there watching as she broadcasted it.
Luniar had the video on repeat, she even made sure that the video was on repeat for it. Luniar suddenly had a text message on her phone, as she checked it she saw it was from Nagito.
Lucky boy:
Hiya Luniar! Me and the remnants decided to come and visit you! Don't worry about replying we are already on our way!
Luniar showed Izuru the message from Nagito, he looked at it and kept his eyes on the phone. "I see. . . So they will be coming soon." Izuru said to her.
"Apparently so, so if you have anything to do, best to go and do it now." Luniar said to Izuru.
"No. . I have nothing I need to do. What about you?" Izuru asked.
Luniar shook her head and they both stayed there. Izuru watching the iPad he had in his hands, watching the cameras around the world and everyone falling to despair. "it seems your despair have spread. And they haven't even started to killing school life yet. This is really entertaining to say the least." Izuru spoke up, eyes staying on the iPad.
"I did promise you I'd make sure your entertained Izuru. . . I'll keep that promise." Luniar said to him.
Izuru nodded his head at Luniar's words and that's when one of Luniar's subordinates came in. "My lady! The remnants are here!" They spoke to Lunair.
Luniar nodded her head as soon as she did her subordinate walked off and a few minutes later the remnants went in the room and looked at the two people. "Hajime! Luniar! Hello, thanks for having us!" They all said to Luniar and Izuru at the same time.
"They're so loud. . ." Izuru said quietly.
Luniar nodded her and watched as the remnants walked in and sat down with the two. Nagito, Nekomaru, Kazuichi and Gundham sitting on the floor, as the girls, Teruteru, Fuyuhiko and the imposter sat on the sofa's that was there.
"I have this for us all too." Fuyuhiko said while taking out the bottles of sake and placed them down on the table. "there is enough for everyone." He finished to explain to them all too.
"My beloved it's so good to see you again!!" Mikan said to Luniar with a blush on her face.
"Yes. . . Good to see you again as well Mikan." Luniar said to her.
"Hey Luniar did you know you have people outside surrounding the gates of the mansion?" Mahiru asked her.
Izuru and Luniar looked at her and they both got up and looked out the window, then they saw 60-100 people out there. Luniar and Izuru gave blank looks at the crowd. "That's a lot of people out there." She spoke up.
"They are all shouting if you can have their child for them." Kazuichi said and started to laugh. "Nekomaru had to carry me because I was laughing so much." He finished still laughing.
Luniar continued to look at the crowd with a blank look and sighed at them. "if you want me to get rid of them I will." Izuru said to Luniar his eyes still on the crowd too.
"My dark minions are at your disposal." Gundham chimed in getting his snake reading to attack as well.
"I'll get my men to run them over if you wish." Fuyuhiko said as well.
"No. . . Let them think they will be fine standing there. Once they get annoying or a nuisance then you all can do as you wish." Luniar said to them all.
They all nodded their head. Izuru and Luniar sitting back down and started to drink with the remnants. "My beloved you look paler than normal." Mikan chimed in after starring at Luniar for a long time.
"Is that so?" Luniar asked not looking at her and just took a drink of the sake.
Izuru glancing at Luniar as he did and simply looked away too the small cup he was holding as Fuyuhiko put them all out.
"Luniar! Have you seen my Monokumas? Your idea for the wings was perfect!" Kazuichi asked smiling some.
"Hm?" Lunair looked at Kazuichi after he said that and then shook her head. "No I have not been outside since I went to see you all that day." She said to them.
Izuru glancing at Luniar after she said that.
Annnnnnd done! Yay! Just too remind you all this will be completely different from the "extra episode: Ultra despair girls" because when I made Luniar's cause of despair I didn't see or read the extra episode. Some things might be similar but some most likely ain't!
Thanks again for reading.
Bye for now
To be continued!
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