First Name:Maruto
Last Name:Hirmada
Former Last Name:Murasame
Hair Color:Black
Right Eye Color:Blue(it changes to silver when he unlocks his power but it switch back to blue when he deactivate his power.)
Left Eye Color:Silver after his eye wound was healed.
Nickname:Silver and Mark
Alias:Arkham Knight
Former Personality:Depressed, Broken,Suicidal,anti social,has a lot of issues,emotionless,and a lone wolf.
New Personality(to friend,loved ones,and people he respects):Kind,caring cocky,arrogant, rebellious and serious at times, respectful,mature and immature,Arrogant at times,a lone wolf,Serious when he needs to be,a big brother/father figure,jokester,and loving.
Personality(To enemies and people he hates):Hateful,disrespectful,noncaring,pissed of easily but tries to keep cool, really rude,really serious in fights.
Likes:Working alone,killing villans, saving others,being alone,proving people wrong,his daughterEri,his teacher All Might and more.
Dislikes:Union Academy(until they earn his forgiveness)his former family and Clan(until they earn his forgiveness),his ex's(until they earn his forgiveness),working with others, and more.
Normal and combat cloths
Combat Cloths
Arkham knight suit
Duel Pistol
Sniper rifle mode
Assault rifle mode
Shotgun mode
Grenade Launcher mode
Dual Swords
And more
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Reaction Time
Enhanced Senses
Master Marksman
Superior Swordsman
High Intelligence
Healing Factor
Future Vision
Master at Hand to Hand Combat
The Ansatsuken(Goukens Version trained by Ryu)
The Hadoken
The Shoryuken(Dragon Punch)
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku(Hurricane kick)
Joudab Sokutogeri(Mule Kick)
Minds Eye(Parry)
Shakeunetsu Hadoken
Shinku and Metsu versions
Ki abilities(Train by goku)
Ability to fly
Ki blasts
Ki blades
Senses Energy
Spirit Bomb
Big Bang Attack
Big Bang Kamehameha
Final Flash
Final Kamehameha
Gaster Baster
Soul Grab
Alternate Universe
Chakra(train by Kakashi)
Lighting blade
Water Dragon jutsu
Fireball jutsu
Shadow Clone jutsu
Kekkai Genkai
Ultimate Silvergan
Trace on
Unlimited Blade Works
Copy abilities
Bloodlust binding
Silver Eyed Warrior abilities
Erased Grimm
Max the Users abilities
Healing factor and Healing Magic
Power of Creation(Conjure Weapons,animals and,mythological creatures)
Ex ray vision
Silver Elemental magic(Fire,Ice,Water,Lighting,and more)
And More.
Silver Eyed Warrior Rage
Silver Eyed Warrior mode(Omen)
Mastered Silver Eyed Warrior mode
(Hyper Sonic:Both Silver Eyed Warrior modes are basically Ultra Instinct Omen and Mastered Ultra Instinct.)
Sacred Gear
Atomic Saber
(Hyper Sonic:The Gold is black)
Balance Breaker
Sacred Gear Spirit:Godzilla/Gojira
Title:King of the Kaiju(Monster)
Sacred Gear Abilities
Full Counter
Counter vanish
Revenge Counter
Atomic Slash
Atomic Lighting
Atomic Fire
Red Spiraling Slash
Balance Breaker abilities
Atomic Buster
Atomic Canon
Red Spiraling Ray
Atomic Storm
And More.
All of Maruto's Mentors:Raven Branwen,Stain,All Might,Ryu,Goku, Kakashi,Scorpion(Hanzo Hiashi),Sub Zero(Kuai Liang)Batman(Bruce Wayne),Superman(Clark Kent),Iron man(Tony Stark),Captain America(Steve Rogers)Captain Levi Ackerman.
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