Glory×Deathbringer!!! Above is "Everything I Do I Do For You" by Bryan Adams
🎵Let's get down to business 🎵
🎵my OTP is in the second chapter 🎵
I'll stop now.
Welcome to Glorybringer Tuesday everyone! This was invented by SofiTheWriter , she's amazing, go read her Glorybringer fanfictions.
Well, one thing shippers battle about when reading about their OTPs is personality clashes. That is not a problem with Glorybringer! Glory is sassy and sarcastic, while DB is a nice smug-sarcastic mix. The way they go at each other, is just,
But one thing came up when I was fandom browsing another ship, I came across something that my Glorybringer fangirl brain couldn't quite comprehend:
There was a post on a fandom.
And it read ( not in this exact words) "stop shipping Deathbringer with Glory! He's twice her age, was sent to kill her and the DoD, and is very manupulitive!"
Good LORD have you read ANY of the novels?? Not to be harsh 'Fandom user' but Glorybringer's very Canon so I guess you are going to have to suck it up for the rest of books.
Ok, so Deathbringer is like seven years older then her. Like I said in my chapter Clayril, I don't think anyone really cares. Plus, these are dragons not scavengers (humans)!
Yeah, he was sent to kill a sertan DoD that his Boss told him to kill. He met Glory and started stalking her to protect her. He went against his boss's direct orders and started doing the complete opposite. Beat that.
He's manipulative because that's how he grew up. His mother/mentor taught him to be like that and it wedged itself into his personality. He never really used it against Glory either.
Let's go back to the time where they first met and Deathbringer was endlessly flirting with Glory, and Glory was thinking about him after that event as well. Flirting is different from manipulating you 'fandom user'. Look it up.
And DB really cares for Glory, if you think about it. He risked is life to save her from the volcano, assigned himself as her bodyguard, didnt let her do anything remotely dangerous and if I remember correctly from one of the books he gave dragons dirty looks if they got to close to his Queen. I might be wrong, I'm a tad bit rusty on my books since I don't own all the books to re-read.
Glory cares for DB too. In book 7 when Glory was back from the thingy-mabober tree to see the NightWing body, Deathbringer was going mad because he didn't go with her to see the scene of the crime. Glory said in a sOfTeR voice "you can't always be there" witch means she cares for his sanity.
I'd also like to point out that this is a confirmed canon ship, not only because Tui said it was but also because there is no ships to the contrary.
This chapter went through some magger editing when I found that post on a fandom, and I'm much more proud of this chapter. Go comment and tell me everything I've missing so I can put it in.
Gn everyone!
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