Jeremy Is Stupid In School
Reinterpretation of Brian Regan's Stupid In School
Jeremy: I don't know. I would have been a lot better off if I'd studied more when I was growing up, y'know? But you know where it all went wrong was the day they started the spelling bee! Because up until that day, I was an idiot, but nobody else knew! When the spelling bee day popped up...
Foxy: Alright, kids, up against the wall! It's time for public
Jeremy: Spell a word wrong-sit down in front of your friends. That's great for little egos.
Jeremy: Hey, look at me. I'm a moron!!! I wasn't even close!!! I was usin' numbers
and stuff!!!
Jeremy: That's why I admired that kid who spelled it wrong on purpose so he could sit
down. He knew he wasn't going to win, so why stand there for 3 hours? First round:
Fritz: Cat, K-A-T, I'm outta here.
Jeremy: Then as he passed you,
Fritz: Ha! I know there's two T's!
Jeremy: I remember my teacher asked me:
Chica: Jeremy, what's the 'i' before 'e' rule?
Jeremy: Um... i before e . . . ALWAYS!!!
Chica: What are you, an idiot, Jeremy?
Jeremy: Apparently!!!
Jeremy: So she explains it.
Chica: No, Jeremy, it's:
'i' before 'e' except after 'c'
and when sounding like 'a'
as in neighbor and weigh
and on weekends and holidays
and all throughout May
and you'll always be wrong
Jeremy: That's a hard rule. That's a rough rule. Plurals were hard, too.
Chica: Jeremy, how do you make a word a plural?
Jeremy: You put a 's'! Put a 's' at the end of it!
Chica: When?
Jeremy: . . . On weekends, and holidays, 'n' . . .
Chica: No, Jeremy. Let me show you.
Jeremy: So she asked this kid who knew everything.
Chica: Goldie, what's the plural for ox?
Goldie: Ox. Oxen. The farmer used his oxen!
Chica: Jeremy?
Jeremy: What?
Chica: Jeremy, what's the plural for box?
Jeremy: . . . Boxen! I bought two boxen of doughnuts!
Chica: No, Jeremy, no. Let's try another one. Goldie, what's the plural for goose?
Goldie: Geese! I saw a flock of geese!
Chica: Jeremy?
Jeremy: [Exasperated laughing] Wha-a-at?
Chica: What's the plural for moose?
Jeremy: . . . Moosen! I saw a flock of MOOSEN! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen! Out in the woods!!! in the wood-es!!! in the woodsen!!! The meese want the food in the woodesen!!! food is the eatenesen!!! the meese want the food in the woodesenes!!! food
in the woodesenes!!!
Chica: Jeremy. Jeremy! You're an imbecile.
Jeremy: Imbecilen!
Chica: What? Are you speaking German, Jeremy?
Jeremy: German... Germaine... Germaine... Jackson... Jackson 5... Tito!
Chica: Jeremy, what the hell are you talking about?
Jeremy . . . I don't know. I don't know, really.
Jeremy: I think the worst day was the day the science project was due. Waking up that
morning...that was fun, huh? Your head would pop off that pillow,
Jeremy: Oh, no! That's due today. I had nine months to work on it; I did nothing. I have a cardboard box... or boxen. And you'd show up; you're scared because you don't have anything good and you find out all the other kids their parents made theirs for 'em. I hated that, yanno? They're backing them in on flatbed trucks. One kid with a volcano. He didn't know how to zip up his own pants, but he built a volcano.
Jeremy: How'd you swing that?
Jeremy: I didn't know what to do for my project, so I brought in a paper cup filled with dirt, just hoping that she'd know I'm an idiot and just walk right on past
me just as long as I was holding something.
Chica: What do you have there, Jeremy?
Jeremy: It's a cup of dirt. Just put an 'F' on it there and let me go home!
Chica: Well, explain it.
Jeremy: Well, it's a cup with dirt in it!!! I call it 'Cup of Dirt.' You should move on now! Just go ahead and move on. Head on down the line there.
Jeremy: So she went to this one kid; there's a kid in my class who made the same solar system, like, 19 years in a row. A bunch of Styrofoam balls held together with coat-hangers.
Jeremy: Hey, you're breaking some new ground there, Copernicus.
Jeremy: He's going,
Bonnie: The big yellow one's the sun. The yellow one is the sun.
Chica: OK, alright, what are these other planets?
Bonnie: The big yellow one, is the sun!
Chica: Alright! Calm down!
Bonnie: Uh . . .
Chica: (shouts) ALRIGHT!!!
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