Refrigerator is Running to your house to beat the fucking dog so it can get a fair fight with Keanu Reeves, then defeats him then, chuck Norris appears saddened by the death of the new best man and disciple, going into a full fight strong enough to awake shaggy and in a instant appears before a beatened Keanu Reeves, chuck Norris, and refrigerater, prepared to fight who awoke him now the three have to fight a common enemy,
In a flash back you see chuck Norris revive Keanu Reeves, then heal him, talking to him and then turning to the refrigerator prepared to beat the shit out of itTo the present
chuck Norris and Keanu are fighting in perfect teamwork although shaggy is nearing his %25 mark saying "like man you guys have pushed me this far, last time I did it, I killed God Refrigerator appears, Keanu backs down to regrain his ""ki"" refrigerator and chuck Norris nods to each other and fight shaggy now at %40After sustaining a bulldozer of blows we switch to keanue who has stepped into the matrix, his beard turns green with code, his hair the same, chuck, shaggy, and refrigerator turn in surprise, as keanu appears behind shaggy, shaggy still suddenly falls coughing blood, in a rage shaggy finally hitting %70 a never hit power, starts tapping into his ultra instinct power,
Keanu and shaggy battle it out even, shaking the universe, chuck heals himself and refrigerator, back at full chuck goes, %100 and fights with Keanu, shaggy at %85 is hurting finally it happens, A blast hits Keanu and chuck sent flying only for refrigerator to catch them,Shaggy hit it, he hit %100, Keanu still with fear as he sees what a true God is like,all of a sudden a new friend appears, Matt Shaggy scoffs as he remembers Matt, the person that put him at %21, Matt, Keanu, chuck, and refrigerator stand together as for the last battle of time Agenst perfect shaggy, Keanu in the back putting support as chuck, and refrigerator in perfect sync attack shaggy, with Matt with a backup punch, with Keanu's matrix fading he goes in for his ultimate attack a SMG that is actually a rifle but also does a shit tone of damage to shaggy With his last attack, Keanu passes out now as shaggy stands there wounded, call for his pal scooby, Scooby appears eating Keanu, and turning human Chuck Norris In a fit of rage round house kicks scooby so hard he spits our Keanu, shaggy while disappointed blast scooby away killing him Chuck calmed down heals Keanu with the last of his power Then turns to shaggy, chuck says this next move with be deadly, step back, he kicks shaggy so hard it explodes himself along with shaggy Keanu, Matt and refrigerator, mourn his loss, then as a dramatic twist, shaggy appears behind refrigerator punching a hole through his metal body In the shock shaggy blasts Matt away and chock slams Keanu to the ground, Keanu goes full matrix with the battle of full power shaggy and matrix Keanu is so powerful it ruptures time and space, stopping it, in the battle Keanu hit shaggy so hard it broke shaggy's armShaggy pulling his last trump card, stands behind Matt with a arm around his neck, " you come closer, he gets it"Keanu remembering his training, from a old master DIO, he stops their time, to punch the ever living shit out of shaggy, their time restarts and shaggy fucking explode, The battle finally ended Matt and Keanu resting, years later, Matt and Keanu start a gay relationship, and have a child his name, goku
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