Chapter 8
Petey POV
I can't believe it! I have to propose to Isa this Saturday! I don't have the courage yet :(
Well, I'll just sort this out at Friday.
No one's POV
Susan had make breakfast, and as usual, It was awesome. They all got ready and teleported, again.
So anyway they teleported to the C.U. world because why not and went to the classrooms to see the teachers. Serena and the others (except all the C.U. characters) gasped.
Krupp: This is truth, children deserves to suffer! Those annoying smiles and all!
L.P.: But- that's not fair! You're all grown-ups and can do whatever you want!
Kat: I agree with L.P.! This is just elementary school! they're like 5-12 years old!
Serena used her powers to levitate Mr. Krupp.
Serena: You're not gonna talk to us like that, Benjamin!
Krupp: Fine! just let me go!
Serena: Not yet, I'm checking your office AND drawers!
Krupp: WHAT?! NO!
Serena walked into Krupp's office and checked the drawers
Serena: Gasp! I knew it!
George: Knew what?
Serena showed the drawers filled with Captain Underpants comics, all in good conditions. There was even a sticky note at one book that says:
Read this one at breaktime
Harold: *Gasp* So, all this time Mr. Krupp had been snatching the books, just so he can read them?!
Serena: Yeah! And look, he has a bunch of Captain Underpants posters, a Captain Underpants journal, even!
She read the C.U. Journal
Monday (Before they got teleported)
Today I snatched a comic from George and Harold's hand, as usual, and read it. It was awesome like always! I hope some Captain Underpants merch will be available soon! I saw a new Captain Underpants saving the day yesterday, I love it. That is the kind of news I love! I'm seriously thinking of making the teachers nice, especially for George and Harold. All those pranks and stuff, I liked it! It was very funny! I feel so bad punishing those two kids! But, It's the law and I can't do anything about it. Yesterday I found I WAS Captain underpants, I'm so happy! When I said my most hated students are George and Harold, I was wrong, they were my FAVORITE STUDENTS! But everyone expects me to be mean... Whatever, I'm still waiting for a new awesome comic :D
George: I can't believe it! He loves us and our comics!
Serena walked back to the entrance to Mr. Krupp, still floating.
Serena: Got anything to say, Benny?
Krupp: Uh...
Harold: It's OK, Mr. Krupp! Everyone expects you to be evil, yes, but you can change!
Krupp: No way, It's impossible..
Petey: Look at me! Everyone expects me to be evil back then, too! But I changed! If I can change, so can you!
DogMan: Come on, one small change can change everything!
Krupp: Small? So if I be a bit nicer to the students, it can change of what the look in me?
Y/N: Of course! Just be a bit nicer, the students will feel a bit more safer around you, and the more times you become nice one by one, you can change! Do the same things to the teachers!
Greg: Y/N is right, that small change CAN change everything
Jon: I agree! One small decision, even!
Jon picked Garfield up.
Jon: Look, if I didn't make a small decision of adopting Garfield, I would've been lonely and sad, but I did! And look at me now!
Jon hugged Garfield (I'm sorry I love it when these two have wholesome moments)
Krupp: Your right
George: well make sure to change when we get back!
Then the news popped up
News Reporter: Hello, this is Ingrid Ashley reporting, as you know, today was trash day, but everything had gone too far and now there is a giant trash monster!
Harold: Oh no! Captain Underpants, you gotta fly all of us there!
C.U. Grabbed a bunch of kids and pets, George and Harold sat on top of C.U., but the others couldn't fit!
Serena: I have an Idea! I can fly and levitate people (Or Psychokinesis)
She levitated the ones who couldn't fit, and they all flew to where the monster was, which is the city, because duh!
CAN they win the fight?
CAN Mr. Krupp change?
AND CAN Petey propose to Isa in time?
Find out in the next chapter! (Not really because the last two is in the end of this book!)
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