Chapter 4
The battle was intense. By now, all the heros were captured. Serena tried to help, but Grampa locked her in a glass cage, where her powers could not work. Petey couldn't help either. He was tearing up from all of the harmful words his father told him. And there is no Isa to comfort him. It was up to the non heros to save the day. They all disscussed what they should do
Harold: Guys, what do we do???
George: Make a comic! It always works!
Harold: In OUR universe, George. Besides, we don't have any supplies!
Greg: We need to come up with something, and quick!
Rodrick squints his eyes at the robot, there was a warning label saying "Do not smash". He told everyone about it. Suddenly, Garfield and Melvin got an idea.
Melvin: What if we make the robot slip?
Jon: But, how?
Garfield: We need to find the nearest butter factory!
Krupp: But... Why?
Rowley: And How?
Melvin: You'll see...
Garfield told Odie to use his nose to find the nearest butter factory. They followed him. In 15 minutes or so, they were there. It was closed, but that didn't matter.
They grabbed one piece of butter, Melvin took out his inventions. The Thingthatmakesthingshuge 2000, and The Heat-o-meter 2000.
Melvin instructed Mr. Krupp and the boys to get a giant pot as soon as possible. The Heffley Family helped. It was there in about three minutes. Melvin put the butter inside. Then he aimed The Thingthatmakesthingshuge 2000 at the piece of butter, and boom, It was huge. He later then aimed The Heat-o-meter 2000 at the giant piece of butter, and in less than a minute, it was melted. They all waited for it to cool down, which took about five minutes. Then they all worked together to pour the melted butter onto the road, and get Grampa's attention.
Garfield: YEAH!!
Grampa turned around, he was FURIOUS. he came running, but he did not see the butter. He fell and the robot CRASHED. Captain Underpants and the others went to rescue Serena, and Isa went to comfort Petey. They were face to face with Grampa. But just as he was going to attack, the police captured him.
Chief: Hi guys, Thank you for capturing Grampa, I'm sorry I couldn't come. I see you made new friends
DogMan: Yup! They are all good heros!
Chief was suprised, so was Milly. DogMan explained everything. That seemed to calm them down
DogMan: We're gonna be absent for about a week, sorry I can't work Chief
Chief: Don't worry, I understand.
They all went to DogMan's house. Then Lil' Petey started to make a comic.
Serena: Woah! that is an impressive comic, L.P.!
L.P.: Thank you! Do you want me to teach you how to make a comic, Serena?
Serena: No need, I make comics too!
L.P.: Really?! Can I see some of your comics?
Serena showed all the comics she made on her sketchbook. It's black & white comics.
L.P.: Wow! You are a good drawer, miss Serena!
Serena: Thank you! It's my job, anyway.
L.P.: *Gasp* Making comics is your JOB?!
Serena: Yes! I'm a cartoonist! I also make comics online!
L.P. Proceeds to read the comics she made. It was really good. Her comics looked like it was made by an actual CARTOON ARTIST!
Serena: Do you know, that I also made comics as a kid?
She showed the comics she made as a 10 year old. It all looked like it was drawn by a grown up.
L.P.: You REALLY have talent, Serena!
Serena: Awww.. Thank you!
She hugged L.P.
Petey and Isa were talking. While the some explore the awsome dog house, some were watching the Isa-Petey conversation, while whispering " confess! confess! confess!". A few minutes later, DogMan made dinner. They all ate.
Serena: Your world is AWSOME!
Greg: Yeah! It's really cool, I love it!
Jon: Can't agree more!
They all talked for a few hours until Petey looked at the clock. It showed 8 PM. It was time to go back. He told them. And they went back, but this time Isa followed.
The rest of the night was normal, but tommorow was a new adventure waiting
Hey guys! I can't believe we made it to chapther 4 already! well, ya'll can read the next chapther now!
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