Chapter 12
How, in the name of guacamole, did the last chapter got 41 comments?
Probably cause of the cursed pics
Eh, whatever. Enjoy the chapter =D
The next morning, they had breakfast, this time cooked by Y/N
LP: Hey Miss Serena?
Serena: Just call me Serena
LP: Yeah, um, I have a question.
Serena: Go on,
LP: Where do we go now?
Serena: What do you mean?
LP: I mean, we already got to everyone's universes, so what now? We got two days left.
Petey: I mean, he DOES have a point. Where do we go now?
Serena: Hold on wait a second.
She went into an empty room. Then started to teleport two people.
Guess what
It's her siblings.
Serena: Stfu (Shut the four up) Kenzo, I ran out of ideas. Also, you missed a lot. We got into actual cool adventures.
Kenzo: You do realize that you're 19 years old, yet still do these things?
Serena: Well some people never grow up.
Kenzo: Oh my- I'm literally 17 and I don't do these things anymore
Serena: Like I said, some people never grow up-
Kimmy: You know what? Let's just settle this later.
Y/N: Yo Serena, you in there? It's been 5 minutes and we still don't know where to go.
Serena: Yeah I'll figure it out later!
She got out with her siblings, then back to where everyone was.
Serena: Guys, this is Kimmy and Kenzo. They're my siblings.
Kenzo: Sup
Kimmy: Hello
Serena: They're gonna be joining us for a while.
Petey: That's still doesn't stop the question where we would go
Y/N: Let's go to OUR world
Serena: I- Y/N! It'll be boring! Our place isn't full of adventures and robots! The only thing fascinating are my powers right now!
Y/N: Just do it for the sake of they're boredom! We'll figure this out later
Serena: Fine.
LP: Yay! Let's go!
They teleported to the our universe, into Serena's bedroom.That is black dark with neon orange and blue lights. Her bedroom is like the ultimate laser-tag themed bedroom. Except there's no laser-guns.
Serena: Welcome to my little apartment! Right now we're in my stupid looking laser-tag themed room. There on my bunk bed shelf we can see my plushie collection, with CU, Greg, DogMan and Petey, Garfield and Odie, and three Theodd1sout plushies. And there's where I make my comics and drawings on my huge desk. Also there's my drawing supplies and paper-drawings drawer. Over here we can-
Rodrick: We don't need the full tour. Where's the fun part?
Serena: The what?
Y/N: He means the part where our world gets exciting and adventurous and stuff.
Serena: About that.. We uh-
Y/N: We're going to space.
Serena: I- IT COSTS $450.000 DOLLARS EACH! WE'RE 22 PEOPLE. THAT MEANS IT'S Hold on let me get my calculator... 450.000 × 22 =... Oh yeah. THAT MEANS IT'S $9.900.000!
Y/N: You're too broke for that?
Y/N: Don't you have the power of- anything? Even spawning infinite money?
Serena: NO- Wait I can.
She spawns credit card that is filled with $9.900.000. Then she pulled out her phone from her backpack. Beep bop beep, she was dialing a person.
Serena: Hello? Is this with the Space Councle?
Some Random Lady: Yup, can I help you miss?
Serena: Yeah, I would like 22 tickets to space please.
SRL: Awesome, that'll be $9.900.000 please
Serena: Do you guys use online payment?
SRL: Yes!
Serena: I'mma pay with that then.
She payed for the tickets.
SRL: Thank you very much, I'll send you the tickets right away.
Serena: Thanks
SRL: No problemo!
She stopped the call
Everyone: AWESOME
Kenzo: We're going to space? Like, for REAL?
Serena: Yup
Kenzo & Kimmy: YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!1!1!1!!1!1
Serena: Also Petey?
Petey: Yeah?
Serena: Do you remember about the "deal"?
Petey: Please, don't remind me about that.
Serena: Why? You scared?
Petey: No! I'm facing a different problem.
Serena: Why? You and her not getting along?
Petey: No not that. I just don't wanna talk about it.
Serena: Okay?
WILL Petey get over it?
CAN They manage to have a normal space adventure?
AND WHEN Will I actually answer these questions?
Find out in the next chapter!
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