Evelyn sat numb by the drawer as her maid and nanny attended to her make-up. The former couldn't stop the tears from flowing while the latter just kept calm or rather hiding her pain. The air filled with unspoken tension.
She didn't want to think about the reason for this disarray. She felt betrayed by the one person she trusted with her everything. How could her father do this to her. Right After coming back from Veechad,since she was six. She has to marry the crown prince?
The bloody tyrant monster of a regent. The one who had exiled his very own brother at seven,then killed him when he had returned. He had also killed his father's concubines for the death of his younger sister, and when he was sent to the temple for cleansing, it was rumored that he had cut off the tongue and hand of the monks who counted and gave him the three hundred flogging. He even abandoned his bride for the crime of her father.
A shiver ran down her spin and she took a deep breath and thought of what would happen to her. It was literally no secret in the nation that the prince has been after her father since forever.
The whole cabinet shakes in his presence.She had heard of the countless times nobles made a fool of them selves. That is the favorite joke told by a lot of clowns.
And why wouldn't the nobles do that?, the cabinet is popularly known as ' the regent's humming pool' because of the countless times ministers and magistrates were killed there. And each time she thought about it, her anger increased. she wondered how someone could change so much.
Her nanny brushed the tears, Evelyn didn't know had been running down her cheeks. She looked at her nanny,even of warmest of her gaze couldn't get her to stop crying.
"Oh,my lady. I feel so sorry for you." The maid said between tears. Isla was a little broad shouldered with big eyes, and they had known each other since she was seven, when she was still a water girl. She was a year older than Evelyn.
Isla spoke again " how could lord Vantie do this to you". The nanny hit her head., but Isla didn't care,it was like she was being angry on Evelyn's behalf, and Evelyn was thankful for that.
"ouch, nanna!"she complained, taking a hand to massage her head.
Well that didn't stop her,she continued her argument."I'm saying the truth. It's the crown prince my lady is getting married to and his no prince charming. if only I could switch place with you so you can run away...".
Nanna didn't let her finish her statement. she pulled her by the ear almost taking it off. They both indulged in a struggle, leaving the pretty flower in her own misery.
On another occasion, she would have laughed or even threw some silly comments to make it more heated. but no! not today,or the day after it nor one after the day after.
She knew her father was cornered at every angle,or at least that was what Nanna told her. She wondered why her father was letting it go. Like he wasn't the most feared noble in all the three neighbouring kingdoms.
Suddenly an idea came to mind;her mistakes would not affect her father. As always she was considered the Minister's spoilt brat.why not use it to her advantage.
"There's something you can actually do for me".
Evelyn spoke her first sentence since this evening.
Both Nanna and Isla turned to face her wearing an amused look on their faces,immediately stopping the hustle. she did not need to talk for them to understand what she meant. Nanna shook her head vehemently, already refusing , as she came to sit beside her,indulging her in a hug all the while Patting her temple.
She started some minutes after "Evelyn, you know it's not possible. your father will not accept it..."
She also wasn't going to accept it either. This marriage was a loss for her. She turned to her side such that she was facing her nanny.
"Nanna"she said softly "he doesn't have to know, please",now desperately holding her hands" I can't marry him."
"You don't understand"
"No Nanna,Father didn't think this through. He'll get everything I have and no one would question his claim to the throne. What do you think would happen to my people."
she paused to calm herself down."Nanna please. I can't just sit and wait for my impending doom. If I escape then I'll live the humble, simple life I've always wanted. Nanna I beg you."
There was a long silence in the room except for the breathing of the three women and the burning of the candle. Isla had joined Evelyn in her plea, squeezing Nanna's hand and equally batting their wet eyes.
Nanna looked at Evelyn. she was just like her mother ; She had slightly different hazel eyes, that didn't give a slight idea what colour it really was. She was a tall figure, something most Sulani women lacked and also with a big heart.
Such a sweet heart.
The girl shouldn't be left to suffer such a fate,maybe it was karma the consequences of her father's deeds. she gave her a weak smile between tears. This girl was going to be the end of her and right now she didn't mind.
"Isla put on Evelyn's wedding cloth".
* * *
Linc balled his fist, as he remembered his lost love. He would never stop blaming himself for what had happened.
Why did lord Dogar have to be involved in corruption .And Phair? why didn't she stick with him,why did she have to jump from the cliff to avoid her father from receiving punishment. Why didn't she just trust him. It was all lord Vantie's fault.
He sighed releasing his balled fist. He turned to face his personal guard.
"I'm guessing all the nobles have gathered" Linc asked.
His personal guard nodded. It was moments like this that Linc was glad she made herself as invisible as possible. he turned to look at his wedding cloth. He wish he could burn the outfit to ashes just to make him feel better.
"When will Niel be arriving?"he asked Instead, tearing his eyes away from the hanger.
"Any moment from now. Will and Mike went to get him before the kingsmen do". She answered.
Karl had always pitied the prince prince.And now,getting married to a brother's beloved wasn't something fancy especially if the girl in question was a Vantie."You would be married before he even knows." She added.
There was silence.
Evelyn Vantie.
A grin appeared on Linc's face.he wondered what she looked like now after sixteen years. Their last encounter still vivid in his memory.
Maybe a little payback wouldn't hurt.
"I wonder what lord Vantie will do ,if I kept his precious flower waiting."Linc was already climbing out of the window, as he said those words.
Karl held his hand before he could slide down"No. you can't, your highness. the minister's are waiting even the king and queen."Karl spoke roughly, struggling to keep her hold on him.
Yet Linc slipped from her, landing hard on his bottom,he gave her a crooked smile.
"You forget I am the 'bloody tyrant monster'. He said as he got on his feet.
Linc didn't stop as Karl called his name. Only one thing was for certain. Lord Vantie wasn't going to win that easily.
*. *. *
Lord Vantie stood in front of his daughter's room not in a bit eager to see who was inside. Evelyn didn't know, but marrying that boy was the only way to ensure her safety in the future.
"Oh,my lord"Nanna startled him. "What brings you here."her voice sounded a little husky and he wondered why.
He said nothing but instead let his eyes wonder to where his daughter sat for a split second quickly turning to leave.
She looked just so pitiful, she looked different. something was missing .
He opened the door again, going straight to his daughter and uncovered her veil.
No, that can't be.
He stepped back turning to Nanna."Where is she?"he shook her slightly"why!why! what have you done."
Nanna removed her arm from his grip,her own anger chipping in"I couldn't let her get married"
"You don't understand..."The lord threw his hands in the air.
She snapped"I really don't care, and you should forget about me helping you in anyway."she finally stated, raising her chin as she challenged the lord.
He stood in bewilderment, abandoning the wedding would be their death, and suddenly today practical Nanna was being unreasonable. if there was any thing he knew, Nanna was never going to go back on her words.
God please let her be safe.
He stormed out of the room, shouting orders "Tagon! Muster our men we have to find young miss,and if she refuses to come". He dug his fingers in his chest by implication" tie her up and bring her home."
Tagon nodded and left to the quarters without a word.
"and bring me Saya"he commanded again after Tagon had left, he didn't want him knowing what he was going to do to his brother.
Today was going to be a long night.
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