The Light & The Sacrifice
Camilo stared in shock. His mother? But Pepa was his mother? Also, she's the Casita? How does he know she isn't lying?
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" Camilo asked.
"You paint your nails black with dark green spots all over just to spite Alma."
"You really are the Casita . . . Wait but how are you my mom?"
"Since I'm dead, I became a spirit of the Casita & basically guarded with Alma's hubby ever since; why he loved Alma I'll never know." Luz scoffed.
"I see . . . Wait, so I'm adopted?"
"Both you & your sister were adopted by your aunts."
"And . . . You're dead . . ."
"Chin up kid, it's not your fault nor is it so bad, not saying you should join me any time soon but I'm ok. Besides, it was fun watching you & Mirabel grow up into the fine people you are today." Luz said with a smile.
Camilo lit up after that comment. Honestly, she was his mom. He didn't know if this was based off a gut feeling or just a sense of familiarity he had with her. He just felt like he could trust her, that & she did just save his life in a way. Though the questions still remains, who is his father?
"So, who's my dad?"
" . . . Bruno?"
"A-as in, 7 foot tall Bruno who controls rats, make bad things happen, sees your dreams, feast on screams, causes all bad stuff to happen while creeping under your bed & plays to make all your fears come true?" Camilo whispered shouted in fear.
" . . . Camilo, he's shorter than Mirabel who is shorter than you, therefore he's not even 6 feet."
". . . Really?"
"Really, he also doesn't control the rats, maybe help them out & talk to them, but not control the rats."
" . . . Making all bad things happen . . . ?"
"Some people just take his prophecy wrong & make it seem as if he's controls fate, he just tells us so we're prepared how to react to our own fate, and no he doesn't see dreams or feast on screams, he's too wholesome for that-"
"Ok, no creeping under the bed?"
"Making fears come true?"
" . . . I feel incredibly stupid now-"
"Just remember that your grandma thinks that Mirabel is broken."
" . . . What?"
"Yeah, while you were out with Luisa, Mirabel & Antonio noticed that Pedro & I as the Casita had cracks in the wall so they went to tell her but she snapped at them as she thought that Mirabel was filling Antonio's head with ' ' thoughtless lies ' '. Julieta tried to get her to calm down but Abulea basically said that the only thing broken was Mirabel."
" . . . That's it, I'm gonna put the fear in God in her." Camilo said with a clap in each word.
"Oh honey I already did that."
"I may or may not put cochroaches in her bed."
Camilo gasped before snickering. The woman grinned & hugged Camilo who hugged back. They than heard someone cleared their throat. They turned around to see a man looking at them with an raised eyebrow. Camilo immediately recognized him.
"Abuelo? You're apart of the Casita too?"
"Si. I understand that you 2 have a lot to catch on ish, but we need to warn the others about the Attacking Bandits & their plans." Pedro explained.
The duo nodded their heads. Now, they were on a race to save their familia. They knew that they had to be careful as their enemy was now around them. Not only that, Camilo knew that his other family member were probably not used to being powerless.
"We're almost there." Camilo said.
"Good, we mi-"
"Watcg out!" Luz said before shielding her son from an arrow.
Camilo widened his eyes in shock. "Mami!"
"Calm down, she's already dead."
"Oh yeah." Camilo said while sweatdropping.
"Well, well, well, what have we here? If it isn't my past victims."
"What does he mean by past victims?" Camilo asked.
"Long story short, he stabbed me-" Pedro started to say before being cut off.
"OK but he said victims with an s, so does that mean . . . "
"That's right shapeshifter, I poisoned your mother when she gave birth to you & your sister. "
______________________________________710 words. Sorry that I took so long with this chapter, anyway, stay safe!
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